Hello, everybody! This will be my first How To Train Your Dragon fanfic, which will also be a "watch the film" fanfic and it'll based on the unfinished story "The Boy Behind The Mask" by IAmTheBrovahkiin.

I hope you'll enjoy it.

Without further ado, here's the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own How To Train Your Dragon nor the story this "watch the story made film" this fanfic came from.

Ch.1: Dragons and Vikings

"Okay, let's do this. No turning back now," said Hiccup as he gave the grove he was in one last look. For the past few weeks this place was more his home than the house back at Berk. He stared at the spot where he draw Toothless; the lake where he crashed after his first flight; at the spot of dirt where he first bonded with the dragon. A small part of him wanted to stay here and not leave, but he knew it was best to leave Berk and not risk his best friend's life. "You ready, bud? No more Vikings, just you, me and that," he said pointing at the sky, filled with beautiful gleaming stars.

"Can we please just leave, Hiccup," asked Toothless, letting out a small laugh. He stretched his wings and got ready for a long flight.

"Okay, okay, let's get going," said Hiccup. Toothless crouched down when suddenly a giant wave of blinding white light came towards them. Hiccup held as tight as possible to his dragon and they shut their eyes as the light overtook them both.

Sometime later, in a theater…

Hiccup and Toothless opened their eyes and saw that they weren't on Berk anymore.

"Where are we," Hiccup asked himself quietly.

"I have no idea," said a voice and Hiccup immediately looked around.

"Who said that? Is anyone here," asked Hiccup as he got off of Toothless.

"There's no one else here except the two of us," said the voice and Hiccup looked at the Night Fury.

"Toothless, was that you," asked Hiccup and Toothless nodded.

"Who else? The reason you can understand me is because of our strong bond," explained Toothless.

"Well, at least now I'll know what you're thinking," said Hiccup as he chuckled.

"Yeah, and you've got to admit. Understanding me is pretty cool, right," said Toothless.

"You bet it is," answered Hiccup. "But how did we get here?"

"Don't ask me. I'm a Night Fury, not God," said Toothless.

"I brought you here," said another voice and there was a bright light. When it faded, a man in green jacket, black trousers and red shoes stood in front of them.

"Who are you," asked Hiccup as Toothless stood in front of his human protectively.

"I'll answer your question soon, but first, let's bring the rest of the visitors," said the man and suddenly the entire Hooligan tribe appeared. As quickly as they arrived, the murmuring began. The first question was "Where are we?" followed by "How did we get here?" and much more until Stoick interrupted them.


"Chill out, everyone. First of all, Welcome, Hooligans. My name is King and brought all here to watch a story of a human and his best friend, who bring peace between dragons and Vikings," said King and the tribe was interested who was this human and his best friend.

"Well, it's obviously the story is about me and my friend Tuffnut, who put an end to it, right," said Snotlout.

"Only in your dreams, Snotface," said King. "And before you ask, the story is not about a tough–looking Viking."

"Not tough–looking," asked Snotlout when he realized which Viking was 'tough–looking'. "Don't tell me the story is about Useless!"

"You're smarter than I thought," said King. "Yes the story is about Hiccup, who ISN'T useless. Now pick a seat so we can start watching, okay?"

"But why are there so many chairs," asked Fishlegs.

"You'll find out later. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have someone important to talk to," said King as he went up to Hiccup.

"So they're gonna see how Toothless and I became best friends. I don't know if can face them," said Hiccup in panic.

"That's why you can choose where to sit. You can sit with the Hooligans on the left line of seats, or with Toothless on the right line of chairs," said King.

"If I have to choose between them and Toothless, I'll pick Toothless every day of the week. But why are the seats divided," asked Hiccup.

"That's because there's an invisible electric wall between them and only I can put it down and only if you want me to," explained King. "That way none of the Hooligans will cause you harm."

"That's good to know. So Toothless will be with me all the time, right," said Hiccup.

"That's right."

"Very well, but what's with the other seats," asked Hiccup.

"You'll find out very soon, now get to your seat."

Hiccup made his way to his seat at the first row and the Vikings cheered for him.

"THERE'S OUR PRIDE," shouted a Viking.

"Hiccup, what are you doing over there? Come sit with us," said Stoick.

"Thanks, but I'm perfectly fine here," said Hiccup and petted Toothless, who laid his head in Hiccup's lap and the Vikings paled at the sight of the dragon.

"Hiccup, get away from there," shouted Stoick, but Hiccup ignored him.

"We're all dead. That's a Night Fury," exclaimed Gobber.

The Viking reached out for their weapons, only to find them missing.

"Where are our weapons? How are we supposed to kill a Night Fury without weapons," demanded Astrid and Huccup hugged Toothless tightly and whispered in his ear.

"That's okay, bud. They're not going to hurt you. I won't let them," said Hiccup and Toothless nuzzled him.

"I forgot one thing. I took your weapons and before we start, let's bring our 'special' guests," said King when suddenly dozens of dragons appeared behind Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup saw a lot of different species, from Monstrous Nightmares, Zipplebacks, Nadders, Grockles, Scouldrons and even a Skrill.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MY SON," shouted Stoick in rage.

"Do you see him frightened, 'cause I don't. Now, let's start before another 'intellectual being' decides to talk," said King.

Here's the first chapter. Now, I just wanted to tell you that the author of the original story, IAmTheBrovahkiin, allowed me to write a "watch the film" story of 'The Boy Behind The Mask'. Well, I'll see you all pretty soon. Have a nice day.