A.N. I'll apologize for the lateness for this chapter. Life has thrown a lot of balls at me, as of late. Resulting on me sitting on the draft for weeks before I sent it anywhere. I do hope the simplicity of this chapter doesn't offend. The more exciting stuff should happen in the next chapter.

Chapter 7 It isn't so Simple

If you took the time to ask Robin what he hated the most; the answer would be quick, with a light sprinkle of loathing. The Grimleal. He would be well within his right to think so. Never mind the lives they've used and thrown away. This revulsion of his ran deeper and was simply more personal.

The entirety of Robin's life was defined, solely, by his conflict with them. From his childhood life as a runaway with his mother, to direct war with Chrom and the rest of the shepherds. And of the course the pièce de résistance; the very reason to why they hunted him down so zealously. His so called destiny. The very reason he was conceived.

Even now, such dark thoughts would bring such anger and vitriol, that to those who cared to know him, would fail to truly understand the depths of his abyss. So at first glance, it would be a surprise to many, to find Robin so concerned with said apocalyptic dragon. But as a tactician, it is out of necessity that he must be open-minded to new information. Especially from someone who has first-hand knowledge.

So it was Naga; who came to him with a proposal about what to do with Grima after his defeat. Though he was ready to watch the source of all his life pain; disappear forever. He allowed Naga to say her piece. Knowing that he would hear Grima's complicated history. Knowing that the dragon he came to fear and detests all his life; is not the true wings of despair. He was even prepared to hear that Grima was some sort of anti-hero in his time. All of it; with the intention, that despite his personal suffering and the sufferings of those close to him. That Grima deserved some sort of decency, or worse.

Yet he wasn't prepared to what he listened too. Sure, the contents of the information were everything he expected. Yet it was the raw emotion, in which Naga told her story that took him by surprised. The absolute shame she held for herself; as she detailed all her actions and those of the other Divine dragons, towards Grima. This wasn't some nebulous regret of "could've done more". This was a clear acknowledgement of the lies and deceit she helped perpetuate for the sole purpose of stringing along a desperate, yet useful, individual. She gave herself absolutely no defense on her conduct, and would constantly remind Robin of the sheer arrogance of their own superiority that helped contribute their decisions towards the 'lesser dragon'. Even with the reasoned counsel of Bantu and Xane, who had first-hand experience of Grima, to quickly change tune, she arrogantly and heartlessly continued the charade that would have dire consequences to Robin and everyone he cared about, in the future.

So he listened; with his newly cleared mind, the proposal of not a goddess, but a humbled leader with a plan in mind.

So it is with great dismay that Robin is witnessing a return of old habits of Grima. This of course doesn't strike him as completely bad; in all likelihood, this seems to be a return to his true of form. Wildean wit and all. Nevertheless, this is exactly the kind of conduct that worries Robin, as this is the sort of behavior that eventually landed Grima in hot-water. Of course it was much more complicated then. Yet the worries persist.

Worst of all, as the most knowledgeable person of Grima; he is in the worst position to induce positive change. Though his words are often heard, they are less likely to be heeded in a way he intended. And worse of all, as the primary victim of his actions, Grima holds a certain level of pity and sorrow towards Robin, which creates a constant barrier between the two. The two certainly made strides into normalizing their relationship, yet their exchanges are more professional rather than anything that resembles a real connection. It's completely understandable he would feel this way, yet when the time comes when he needs a friend. He would find himself alone, completely cut-off from the rest of world with a shell of his own creation.

Yet, no matter how imposing, all it takes is that one person to break that outer shell. For Robin it was Chrom. Finding an analogous copy here is a tall order; if not impossible. Luckily for Robin, he's stubborn bird to finish whatever task that is given to him. So with plenty of perseverance, luck and arm-twisting; he should be able to nudge Grima on the right path.

And in Robins' own opinion, despite Grima's own words and actions, that night conversations are the most promising towards fulfilling Robin's mission.

So with only a few whispered reminders, he was able to get Grima to make a run to the merchant's convoy to replenish his depleted tea reserves. Silently hoping the bits of information he heard from last night's dinner would ring true, Robin remained silent and aloof to his striding host. Just as he was beginning to lose hope, he heard the familiar feminine voice of a young woman.

"Oh? Grima. What brings you here?" Micaiah asked cheerfully.

"The balls in your court now." Robin silently remarked.

Taking in the whole picture of his smiling, white haired cousin, Grima reciprocated the greetings.

"Greetings to you as well, Micaiah. I'm just going to shop some items at the Merchants convoy." He answered.

"You're by yourself today?" Noting the green-haired ninja's absence.

"Believe it or not, Sothe and I aren't joined by the hip." She lightheartedly retorted.

"Could've fooled me." Grima said in a way that made it difficult if he was serious or not. "I take it you're going to the Merchant's convoy as well?"

"Indeed I am. I did say something to that effect last night." She arched her left eyebrow, curiously.

"Did you now? I was too busy with last night's food." He playfully said not caring to look at her.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Micaiah ignored his last remark as she changed subjects. "Well if you're not busy, we should hurry to the Merchants convoy before they are sold out of whatever you need."

"You're probably right." He quickly agreed. "Though I'm not entirely partial on this 'we'."

"Excuse me?" She quickly turned to her companion. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's just you're usually with someone, usually Sothe." Grima explained. "I'll hate to steal Sothes's place."

"Trust me when I say this. I don't need another Sothe in my life." Scoffing at his suggestion.

"I was implying that I would be replacing him." Grima extrapolated. "Violently perhaps."

For his last comment, Grima was on the receiving end of an unexpected punch to his left arm. Courtesy of Micaiah.

"You're insufferable." She commented as she proceeded to walk on without him, though it was clearly in jest, just like her mild battering.

Quickly making up the distance from his unexpected assault, Grima lightly smirked at the light mage.

"You're in a good mood."

"Well I did bat an annoying fly." Micaiah shot back.

"You wound me." He said with an exaggerated flinch. "Seriously, you're in a good mood."

"Is that so perplexing?" She asked curiously.

"Not at all. You've been in high spirits for the past week." He explained.

"The past week had surprises, but mostly on the good side." She regarded to him.

"I assume the dinners we've had for the past week had something to do with it?" He asked, fully aware of her answer.

"Among other things." She crisply replied.

"That's sounds like one of my answers." Grima chuckled. "Oh, Sothe would openly weep if that were the case."

Micaiah openly smiled at his joke, dramatics aside, she couldn't help but agree that Sothe wouldn't take too kindly in mimicking Grima.

Examining the girl, Grima couldn't help but note cheerfulness.

"You're in a good mood." Repeating himself once again with a serious tone.

Micaiah quizzically returned his look.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing."

"Just an observation." He deflected.

This time; it was Micaiah who appraised Grima.

"If you say so." She simply said.

At that last comment, the two of them fell into an agreeable silence. It wasn't awkward nor did they feel it was necessary to continue their little chat. Just walking beside each other was enough to ward off any sort uncomfortable feelings.

And in no time at all, they finally reached the Merchants Convoy.

"Ah, Micaiah. Grima. A pleasure seeing you two." The jolly Muston happily greeted.

"Muston, how are you on this fine day?" Micaiah returned the greeting with equal exuberance.

"Same old, same old, lass." Muston bellowed. "Are you here for the usual?"

"Yes, just a restock of the pleasantries'."

"I'll be sure to send word to Aimee." After addressing Micaiah, the bear of a man turned to her new partner. "I see you didn't bring Sothe with you today."

"He's rather busy today." She plainly said.

To the untrained eye; Muston's disinterested grunt at the statement would mean just that, yet to Grima he noticed that there was a slight relief of tension that left Muston's shoulders. He couldn't help but pity the merchant and was likely; the reason for Micaiah's bodyguard's current absence.

"Boy." His musings thoroughly disturbed, Grima shifted his attention to the bear of man who called out. Specifically to him.

"Did you have any business today or you're just escortin the lovely lady here?"

Though Grima is much older than the man, he thought it would be in poor taste to correct the assumption.

"I for one don't think Micaiah needs my services to come down here." He shot back. "And yes, I do have some business here."

After giving out a hearty laugh, Muston went right down to business.

"So then; anything you currently fancy?"

"First off, did my order come in?"

"Your special order?" He thoughtfully said aloud. "Not today. We're getting close to the border, so come back in a couple of days."

Though this was not unexpected, he couldn't help feel a slight feeling of disappointment. Though he nodded his head in acceptance to this delay. He could go a couple of days without new tomes to read.

"I also would like to order some things, as well."

"More books?" Muston asked with a raised eyebrow. "Boy, you need a hobby."

Grima shook his head. "I don't just order paperback."

Ignoring his other words and Muston's look of disbelief, he continued.

"That tea you gifted me, I'm wondering if you have any more in stock."

"The Golden-lemon blend?" Muston pulled from his memory. "An exotic product on the pricey side of the spectrum."

"Yes, we should still have them in stock." He eventually confirmed.

"Fantastic. I'll take four cases." Ignoring the interested look from Micaiah.

"Alright." Muston committing the order to pen and paper. "I'll be sure to deliver your order to your quarters by tomorrow."

"And the cost?" He questioned as he rummaged his pockets for gold.

"It's on the house." Not bothering to look up from his scribbling.

"Excuse me?" Stopping his rummaging. With a surprised look on his face.

Looking up, Muston gave Grima a curious look.

"Is there a problem?"

"This would be the second time you gifted me something, Muston." Grima plainly said.

"And you're complaining about receiving said freebies?" Muston curiously retorted.

"That doesn't sound very grateful." Micaiah inserted, making a poor job in hiding her smugness.

"You stay out of this." He quickly warned his immediate superior before returning his attention back to the merchant." This goes beyond just simple generosity."

"As an important figure within the DLA; I have to keep in mind the optics of the situation." He explained.

"And this is the sort of situation that calls for such a thing?" Muston incredulously questioned.

"Indeed. If word gets out that I've been accepting gifts from the merchant's convoy; I run the risk of being accused of bias for any decision that may or may not benefit the Merchants convoy." Both Muston and Micaiah looked very alarmed at Grima's words. "Additionally, others might find it necessary to send their own gracious gifts as a means to level the playing field."

"You're not corrupt." Muston resolutely using the words he aptly avoided.

"Thank you. "Accepting the compliment." Though I hope you understand why accepting would give mixed messages."

Looking suddenly self-conscious, Muston looked to Grima. "And my earlier gift. Would that fall into this as well?"

"Let's put it like this; you're a sly merchant." Grima said with a devious smile. "You wanted your potential customer to try; first hand, one of your products. And when they inevitably get hooked. You hit them with a price."

"You saying that makes me not want to gift anything to you in future." Muston emptily retorted

"You are a sly merchant." Grima repeated.

Shaking his head, Muston watched Grima. "If you're that insistent; then I guess you'll have to pay."

Taking amusement at the situation, Muston took a second look at his notes and after making additional marks on the piece of paper, turned back to his customer.

"That'll be 50 pieces of gold, I even put in a discount for you."

Grima instantly frowned. "You're very stubborn with treating me this way."

"Consider this a reward for what ya doin for Ilyana." Muston casually waving of his concerns.

"You're aware?" He accusingly questioned, in a curious sort of way.

Muston chuckled at the question. "We were aware long before she came to us with the good news."

"It didn't take long for us to realize the reason for your snooping and questions; though the credit for putting two and two together belongs to Aimee." Muston answered the unexpressed question.

"And you're earlier gifts?" Grima asked this time.

"I fully admit, your curiosities with Ilyana did play a role in the decision of your gifts." Muston shrugged with the admission.

Grima gave the merchant an appraised look. "Would've been better if she told you after things were done." Grima's look suddenly grew worried.

"Hopefully she only told you." He mumbled to himself.

"You're confident that it's only an eventuality." Muston not catching or ignoring Grima's last words.

"Of course. I just need time."

"Then as one of her parents by proxy, consider this a thank you." Muston gratefully extended.

Seeing the dangers of denying him this, Grima shook his head. "Very well."

Reaching to his waist, he removed a pouch and threw it at the merchant. Judging by the sounds it made by landing on Muston's hand, it was full of coins. Payment for the agreed upon goods and services.

"I'll like the tea by the end of the day." With that last statement, Grima hastily left the merchants convoy.

Not wanting to be left behind, Micaiah bade her farewell as well, as she hurriedly made to catch up to the tactician.

Muston looked on as Micaiah quickly caught up to the retreating figure and judging by their postures, she was at him, giving him an earful for leaving so suddenly. Muston didn't mind. Everything went quite well; he made new sales and extended his thankfulness to Grima. Everyth . . .

Suddenly paying attention to what he was holding, Muston realized the pouch felt much heavier than 50 simple gold coins.

"I just don't understand your apprehensiveness." Micaiah said as she was led into Grima's tent. "I have my doubts Zihark would mind you asking about Ilyana. I also don't understand why Ilyana would tell Zihark at all."

Taking a seat on his favorite chair, Grima looks on, at Micaiah, with dumbfoundedness; though this is quickly changed to one of understanding.

"Well that is understandable; the two has kept it hidden quite well." He said to no one in particular.

Micaiah isn't stupid to what Grima has implied. But that doesn't mean she isn't naïve to this sort of topic. "Are you meaning to imply that the two of them have an illicit relationship."

"They wish." Grima laughed at Micaiah expense.

Though it would be best if he didn't go into detail how the two have been making late-night rendezvous.

Micaiah on the other hand, continued her unfocused ramblings.

"I can't believe those two are so close. Especially Zihark, isn't he engaged with Meg. Oh I can't bear how she would handle this."

"Micaiah. Please don't make it sound so scandalous then it really is." He sighed with worry. "You can't possibly believe that Zihark is actually engaged, do you?"

"He's not?"

Grima honestly face palmed at that.

"You're not very good with these subtleties, are you?"

Micaiah quickly took offense at the implication.

"I'm more than capable; I was simply busy with official business." She sputtered to defend herself.

Grima smiled widely at the unfortunate, and likely unintentional, excuse.

"And I truly appreciate your effort, Micaiah." He happily said.

To Micaiah's credit, it only took a good half-minute to realize why Grima had such a stupid, grin.

"I don't want to hear about relationships from you." She said in a low voice.

Deciding her cute pout was enough payment for the teasing, Grima gave his present company some room to breathe. "Since you're here, would you like something to drink?"

Seizing the opportunity, Micaiah graciously took the offer as a prelude to the formal change of topic.

"Were you really so concerned? About being viewed as bought?" She curiously asked.

"No one wants to be seen as corrupt." He lightheartedly teased. "Though, it is important to be mindful of political ramifications when in a position of power. Even when making an innocuous choice; outside of official capacities."

"Sounds like one of your convenient excuses." She appraised him.

Grima merely shrugged at her accusations. "I won't argue."

Micaiah took note of his words and wisely chose to drop it. "How is the charm going?"

"Practically done." He answered as he turned to his working desk where the completed charm was left. "All that is left is for the dew to fully settle into the wooden frame."

"Quite impressive." Micaiah praised. "It's fortuitous how quickly you've completed this task."

Grima merely smiled to Micaiah. Clearly catching what she was insinuating.

"Just shows how seriously you're taking this." She said with a slight sigh.

"And the craftsmanship." She exclaimed. "Even from where I'm sitting, I could feel the aura emanating from the charm."

Raising his eyebrows with her words, Grima turned to Micaiah with a calculating eye. "You can feel the aura?"

"Yes, it's quite relaxing, almost like an ocean breeze."

"Most mages aren't capable of detecting charms, especially ones I've made." Grima wondered aloud, worried he might actually be losing his touch.

"Though you are a light mage." He mulled to himself.

"Aren't I also a mage?" She rose in eyebrow.

"Contrary to common belief; light and the dark arts are much more intertwined, so it stands to reason that you can detect a simple charm." A smirk began to form on Grimas face. "And you are most certainly not most mages."

Micaiah huffed at Grimas antics, and chose to not dignify it with a response. Opting, instead to take a sip from her drink.

Though his reasoning is sound, Grima couldn't help but feel relieved that Micaiah didn't make a huff at him making another convenient excuse. If she was ignorant, too distracted with his comment, or chose to ignore it; he'll probably never know.

"You once said your charms were much more effective than those of seers." Micaiah suddenly questioned.

Eyeing her questionably. "I said something to that affect; yes."

"So you've met other fortune tellers?" She pressed on, ignoring his looks.

"I've met many self-proclaimed oracles." Wondering where she was heading with this line of questioning. "Almost none of them impressed me."

"So it would be accurate to say that you don't normally take their statements seriously?"

Taken aback by the presumptuous statement, Grima had half the mind to correct her, only did he realize that is an accurate assumption to make. Though he can't help but want to give an exception to the rule, due to recent events.

"It would be hard for me to take them seriously." He cautiously answered.

"Then why do you always refer to my word?" She quickly asked.

Though a silly question on its face, it does have merit with added context. Though a silly question, regardless.

"You're more than just some wise woman." He plainly said.

"I'm that impressive?" She quickly asked.

Is she trying to fish compliments? No. There is reason for the escalation of questions, and it's probably high time to get to the bottom of this.

"You sure are impressive." He dutifully answered the question. "Though I can't comprehend the reasoning for these series of questions?"

Micaiah visibly deflated at the question. It's clear she hedged a lot into this.

"I just wa-." She stopped then started again. "I just want to know why you trust me."

Grima couldn't exactly blame her for doubting him, considering to what he admitted a week ago. In fact, it's within her character to be so blunt; at least with the knowledge that privacy would be duly maintained.

"Even for everything that's happened, my reasoning is still the same from the day we've-"

"That's exactly it!" Micaiah rudely interrupted. "You've always deferred to me, long before Terin."

"You're smart, cunning and often times quite daring." She began. "You could've easily convinced everyone to nominate you as Vice-commander, yet you didn't, instead you followed me."

"I remember those words you told me, and they mean a great deal to me, even now. But now seeing you up close, I wonder why you would continue to follow me, or at all."

Grima was about to answer, but Micaiah quickly signaled him to continue listening.

"And this isn't about how deserving I feel, but I genuinely wonder how truthful you were to me then."

The accusation cut deep into Grima, not because of how untruthful it was, but how close it was to the truth.

"Everything I said then was and is the truth." He defended.

"The more I repeat the words in my head, the more I realize how convenient it sounds." She repeated those same words from a week ago.

He could only stare blankly at Micaiah, fully taken aback by the sudden development. Her truthful accusations. Had his lies finally caught up to him?

There may be a way to sidestep things, yet Grima is no fool. He knew, like any good tactician to make tactical retreats from untenable situations to regroup and tackle the problem with a fresh perspective.

Yet retreating now would only expose him so decisively; it would burn any and all bridges of good faith he's built. Nothing is worst for a schemer, other than being exposed as a compulsive liar.

"I anticipated this." Micaiah openly sighed in resignation when Grima kept his silence. "Don't worry Grima, I don't intend for you put on the rope yourself. Or anyone else to know for that matter."

"Excuse me?" He is honestly confused as her tone, was not at all in line with the severity of the accusation.

"Thinking about it now, it makes sense you have something to gain." She passively noted, ignoring Grima's confusion. "You're simply that calculating."

"Excuse me?" He dumbly repeated.

"But you're simply more complex than that." She laughed to herself with that description. "Maybe that's why I feel so at peace."

"Micaiah, please!" Grima yelled, finally gaining her attention. "I've indulged your incoherent ramblings; so please, make sense now."

Micaiah honestly looked embarrassed. "Sorry, I got ahead of myself."

"That's okay. Let's start from the beginning." Bringing order once again to the discussion. "You claim I'm not being entirely honest with my reasons to you?"

"You aren't." Micaiah firmly answered.

Deep breaths Grima.

"Okay. Let's assume that is the case here." Even with being called out, he has no intention of admitting this fact to her. "How can you be okay with that?"

"No matter how you present your . . . myriad of excuses and reasoning's; there's still kindness in them." She softly said.

"They're selfish." Grima suddenly finding himself as the devil's advocate against himself. Though he was certainly intrigued with her justification, he's also, honestly, upset with her naivety.

"There is kindness even in selfishness." She gently snapped back. "No matter how you rationalized it, the decisions you've made always led to a better end. I don't think that's selfish."

"I'm not a saint." He quickly dismissed her acclaims.

"Oh heavens no, if that were the case, Izuka would be a paragon of knowledge." The barb, earned her an offended glare from Grima.

"You're much more complicated than that." She amended, somewhat assuaging his wounded pride. "Even through your aloof and calculative facade, you're just a kind-hearted man who wants to do good to the people around you."

Even though he gave the usual standoffish impression; he had the mind to interrupt her, to either correct her false impressions, to stop the embarrassment he was feeling or a combination of the two. Yet he allowed her to continue, patiently sitting across her with a critical and somewhat amused look.

"So even if we started out on false-pretenses, our relationship now; I feel, is genuine."

"So that's why you're okay with it?" He finally asked.

"No." Grima was not expecting such a quick and blunt answer.

"I'm not so delusional to accept such behavior wholly." She sat up straight, losing almost all the reverie she had earlier. "If circumstances were any different, you and I would be bitter enemies."

Shocking her statement may be; she merely put into words a reality fully known to Grima. So as much as he celebrates the intelligence of his fellow partners; this only emphasizes the large question mark floating through his head. What is it, she's trying to gain?

"Yet we're not, and I intend to fully exploit that fact."

"Pardon?" Once again, confused with her choice of words.

"I'm not so accepting because; soon, there wouldn't be any point to accepting an old memory. Soon there will be a point where your misdirection's will be unnecessary and the two of us would look back at this silly moment and laugh."

"I guarantee it." She confidently declared.

The boldness of her words, truly gob smacked Grima from immediately replying to her. Yet, true to form, he knows exactly where he stands on this.

"To be clear." Grima finally finding the words. "You intend to reform, me?" His doubt bleeding very heavily onto his words.

"I wouldn't go so far, merely to make the whole exercise unnecessary." She casually amended.

Now sitting back onto the back of his chair, Grima can't help but note that she's being obtuse with her answers. Yet this is overshadowed by how forward she is being.

"You can't be serious." He massaged his head, as if fighting a headache.

"I am." She matter-of-factly answered, much to his exasperation.

"That wasn't a question." He quietly said to himself. "If you recall, I believe you said something similar a week ago."

"That's different."


"Last time, it was a concern between the Vice-commander and her Adjutant Strategos, this is personal, between you and me." She unhelpfully pointed out.

With that declaration Micaiah chose this time to make her exit.

"You'll leave, now?" Flustered by her sudden behavior, as Grima practically leapt out of his chair.

"I don't need your permission to stay or do anything." Not bothering to stop or look back at Grima. "I've said everything that needed to be said."

"Before you leave answer me this." Micaiah stopped at the cusp of the exit, yet still refusing to turn to look at him.

"You said you knew; you knew that I wasn't being forthwith." This will be only time he will admit his behavior. To Micaiah. "So why now? What changed for you to be so interested with me?"

Standing quietly, she didn't immediately answer, nor leave. Like she was purposely adding suspense to the situation.

Finally she looked straight to Grima with a look that to him, gave him pause. "Since you've been interested with me."

And then she was gone.

Leaving Grima flabbergasted.

It's been hours since his meeting with the white-haired Maiden, and by all accounts everything appears to be normal. Grima is, as usual, currently slaving away at a pile of documents. Dinner to, was uneventful, sharing a table with the usual company of the Maiden and her bodyguard. Nothing gave away the outright turmoil going through his mind.

So sick of the worry, Grima did what he did best to distract from himself. He buried himself in work. For three hours he worked diligently; yet occasionally the topic of annoyance would rear its golden eyes back to the forefront.

It would eventually die down, but now, it seems intent to stay. So here he is stuck, with a quill pen at hand, tapping intently as if the document at hand had anything difficult for him.

"Still upset about dinner?" Robin popped up for the first time.

"Among other things." He answered with a huff.

"Yeah the chicken was too dry for my liking." He answered sarcastically, much to Grima's annoyance. "But you have to give her credit; she kept her word."

"I'll give her credit that she's making it difficult at broaching the topic." He mockingly praised.

"You know, coming from you that means a lot."

Grima simply snorted at that, he didn't really disagree with that. Though saying it aloud is another thing entirely.

"But I understand your apprehension." Robin continued. "I didn't expect her to find out so quickly, let alone confront you so openly; as private meetings go."

"If it were anyone else, I would say they were aiming for something." Robin added.

"In a way; she is." Grima supplied.

"Hmm?" Robin hummed to himself. "That doesn't exactly sound like you're resigned to this."

"In a matter of speaking." He answered vaguely. "Though, it would be nice if I could give my piece. For my sanity of course."

"So you are accepting this?" He openly accused. "Thought you would brood on this for longer."

"Who do you think I am?"

Robin never got the chance to answer as Grima instantly noticed a familiar presence has taken its old perch outside his tent. He didn't expect the spy to return to its old routine so quickly. But that appraisal quickly changed; as he noted the figure quickly made a break towards the entrance of his quarters.

Just as Grima faced the entrance, he narrowed his eyes at the darkened figure standing in the middle of his domain. Without his permission; no less. The nerve.

"My employer agrees to the set terms." He announced suddenly.

"Oh, so quickly with a response?" Grima answered choosing to ignore the breach of decorum.

"My employer believed a prompt response would show the faith he views this new partnership would be." The spy answered monotonously.

"I was speaking to the speed you relayed and answered my proposal." The former shadow simply stood there, showing no emotion whatsoever. "Your employer must have been close. Maybe he's residing in one of the many manors in the countryside."

Again, his implications provoke no reactions.

"We're also nearing the border." A twitch at his right hand. Barely noticeable, but it was there. "Though I have my doubts it's the shared border with Begnion."

"Are you going anywhere with this?" He suddenly questioned. "Because I'm not paid to listen to your ramblings."

"If you have nothing else to share, then by all means." Grima showing the exit with a gesture of his hand." You were never invited in the first place."

That last statement had a much more dangerous tone to it. And with this obvious que, the spy quickly disappeared into the night. Grima also got the impression he left the camp proper.

"Letting him go so quickly?" Robin asked. "You could've provoked more information out of him."

"I completely agree." Giving the impression he was returning to the paperwork before him. "But his unannounced visit could've been noticed by others; if he were to stay longer."

"Who would care that someone would visit you this late-." Robin was about to question but quickly caught on to who he was referring to. "Would the Laguz say anything? They haven't before."

"With the exception of Volug; you're correct. The reason they didn't before is because it didn't involve them." Grima began to explain. "Rafiel and Nailah are guests, full stop; this war is none of their business, the coming and goings of the camp is none of their business, even potential spies are none of their business."

"But this clandestine meeting is?"

"It's because of my personal relationship with the two of them. If they get the impression that I'm being coerced, or worse; they could involve a mutual friend of ours."

"Micaiah." Robin simply answered.

"Then the real problems begin."

A/N Here we are once again at the end. As usual please review on your thoughts on the chapter. Helps a lot.