Kanto Chapter 1
Ash and Leaf go to the Professor Oak's lab this morning, since they are qualified to become Pokemon Trainers.
"Ash, Leaf, you are here, welcome." Professor Oak greets them.
"Yes, we are here for our journey." Ash says.
"Well, since you are early, we have to wait for Gary and Ritchie so that you can pick your starters." Professor Oak says.
Leaf asks, "But there are only 3 starters, and there are 4 of us. Which means there is only one person who doesn't have a starter."
Professor Oak looks at Ash and says, "Ash, since you are a Professor, I can assume that you don't need one starter since you already have 2 Pokemons, right?"
Ash replies, "Yes, I need Pokeballs for Pikachu and Sylveon. I have already got a pokedex from Professor Pine. What I need is your permission on this Pokedex."
Oak smiles at Ash and says, "No problem, Ash."
He gives Ash two pokeballs, then he presses them on both Pikachu and Sylveon.
Not long after, they are sent out.
"That was bad." Pikachu says.
"Totally, I don't want to go in again." Sylveon replies.
"If you guys don't want to stay in the pokeballs, you can stay outside. I respect your opinions." Ash smiles to them, which causes them to hug Ash.
Not long after, Gary and Ritchie come to the lab, Professor Oak starts to explain the rules to them. Next, they choose their starters. Gary choose Squirtle, Ritchie choose Charmander and Leaf choose Bulbasaur. They also get Kanto Pokedexes.
"Gramps, why is Ashy boy's pokedex different from ours?" Gary sees Ash's blue colored Pokedex and feels jealous.
"Because it is a national pokedex. Ash came from Sevestar, he got his dex from the Sevestar Professor." Professor Oak replies.
"No fair, I want one, too." Gary says.
"If you catch a lot of Pokemon, I will consider give you one." Professor says firmly.
After Leaf, Gary and Ritchie leave, Ash borrows the phone from the lab and tells the news to his mother.
"Ash, I am proud of you to become a trainer. You have to be careful, we don't know what danger will come to you."
"I will be careful, don't worry, Mom."
After talking for a while, Ash says goodbye to Professor Oak and hits the road towards his first gym.
While on the way, they sees a Spearow sleeping on the grass.
"Pikachu, Sylveon, how about we catch a Spearow?"They cheer in agreement.
"Okay, go Pokeball!" Ash tosses the red Pokeball on Spearow, but unfortunately, it goes open. The Spearow is angry at them, he tries to attack Pikachu since he is the first one he sees.
"Hey! Stop it!" Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt at the Spearow, which caused him to get more angry and called out other Spearows.
"Oh no! What should we do?" Sylveon askes.
"Let's run!" Ash says while he starts to run.
Ash and the other two Pokemon run until they are chased to a cliff. Pikachu tries to keep fighting, but the constant attacks finally weaken him, knocking him out. "Oh no! Pikachu!" Ash immediately grabs him in his arms."Sylveon, we have to jump into the water." She nods and they jumps in the river and go with the flow. They are fished out by a red haired girl.
"Hey, what are you doing in the river?" The red haired girl asks.
"I am sorry, but I have no time to explain since I was being chased." Ash replies.
Then he goes towards her bike and hops onto it.
"Hey, that is my bike!"
"Please lent me for now."
Ash takes Pikachu in the basket and rides off with Sylveon. The Spearows are still chasing them, To add matters worse, there is thunder storm approaching, causing Ash to fall off the bike and crashedsinto the floor.
"Ash! Pikachu!" Sylveon calls in worry.
Ash slowly gets up and said, "I guess I don't need to hold back."
Ash fired a Thunderbolt on the Spearows. He also changes his Pokemon form since no one is around. The Spearows finally notices who they are chasing and flies away quickly.
After Ash changes back, he sees a fried bike and Pikachu falls off the basket to the ground.
"Oh, no… I am sorry, Pikachu." Ash holds him and says, "Sylveon, we need to go to the Pokemon Center fast." She nods in agreement.
"But what about the broken bike?" Sylveon asks.
"Don't worry about it." Ash uses Psychic to make the bike back to normal.
"Let's put it here, she will find it if she wants to go to Viridian City." Ash places the bike near the tree and leaves.
Ash and Sylveon keep walking on the road after the rain stops. They see a red phoenix like Pokemon approaching him.
"Chosen one." The said phoenix bows towards him.
"Ho-Oh? Is that you?"
"Yes, father asked me to come find you, Pikachu and Sylveon. But it seems like you made some interesting progress." Ash frowns and says, "Can you not make fun of me?"
"I am sorry, but the reason I am here is to join you as your Pokemon." Ho-Oh says..
Ash is shocked that a legendary will come to him so soon. "But what about your duties?"
"I am aware of it. Each legendary like us can make copies of ourselves. I already made one and it helped me on my duties."
Ash smiles. "Welcome to the team, Ho-Oh." He took out a red colored Pokeball and capture it.
Ash then sends him out, Ash said, "Ho-Oh, I will train you and maybe use you on the league, is that okay for you?"
"You are the chosen one, it is up to you." Ho-Oh smiles at him. Ash thanks him and recalls him back.
They are in a rush since Pikachu is still unconscious, he goes past the Police Station and is stopped by an Officer Jenny.
"Stop right there, who are you and why are you in a hurry?"
Ash immediately takes out his International Member card and the Pokedex.
"Officer Jenny, I have no time to explain, I need to get Pikachu to the Pokemon Center. He is sick." Officer Jenny sees the member card and is shocked that the boy is her superior.
"I am sorry for not recognize you, sir. Let me take you a ride."
She takes Ash to the Pokemon center, where he can let Pikachu rest.
"Ash, you finally come." Ash is waiting in the center, he sees Leaf sitting on a nearby chair.
"Leaf, how are you?"
"Great. But you looked so terrible, what happened?"
"Chased by some Spearows, it wasn't fun at all." Ash says. "Have you contact your mom yet?"
"I did, she said that it took my father four days to get here, and she also told me those embarrassing words."
"I know what you mean, are you staying here for the night?"
"Yes, I am a little tired."
Ash then goes to the phone and talks to his mother.
"Hello Ash, I see you are in Viridian City."
"Yeah, how was others?"
"Well, Zossie went to Ultra Megalopolis for URS training, and Serena just went to Pokestar Studios."
"I see. Mom, is dad here?"
"He went to the league for preparing, so he isn't home."
"I see. Well, it is nice to see you again, mom."
"Me too."
Then he contacts Professor Oak.
"Ash my boy, how are you?"
"I had arrived at Viridian City. Pikachu and Sylveon were treating from Nurse Joy."
"I see. And one more important thing. WHERE DO YOU CATCH A HO-OH!"
"Professor! You are too loud."
"My bad, but nobody had seen it for a long time, how do you find it?"
"More like he come to me, but I need you to keep it a secret. I don't what it to be stolen by thieves like Team Rocket."
"I see. But I will like to hear more information about it."
"I will give it, remember I am a Professor, too."
"I know, looks like my pizza is here, see you."
Professor Oak calls off the phone. Ash goes to talk to Leaf.
A red haired girl finds Ash and said, "You!"
Ash turns and sees her, she said, "What is the meaning for stealing my bike?"
Ash says, "I said I have to borrow it, it is an emergency. And it is fine, too."
The girl sighs, "True. But you should have said earlier."
Leaf says, "Hey, aren't you one of the Cerulean gym leaders in Kanto? Misty I assume?"
Misty gulps and says, "Well, yes. So you two are taking gym challenges?"
Ash says, "Yes." Then Nurse Joy calls Ash to take his Pokemon. Ash quickly runs over to them, Pikachu and Sylveon hugs him.
"Thank goodness, I am glad you are fine."
Misty asks, "What is that Pokemon?"
Leaf replies "Oh, it is a Sylveon, one of the Eevee evolutions. It is fairy type."
Ash introduces Misty to his Pokemons, they thank her for lending the bike.
Suddenly, the roof is blasted open. "What is wrong?" Nurse Joy asks while everyone in the center is in horror.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double."
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all people within our nation."
"To denounce the evil with truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blast off with the speed of light."
"Surrender now, or prepare for a fight."
"Meowth, dat's right."
Leaf says, "Did they said Team Rocket?"
"I think so." Ash said.
Jessie asks them to hand over all the Pokemon in the Pokemon Center, of course Nurse Joy doesn't agree. Jessie and James sends out Ekans and Koffing to attack.
"Use Poison Sting!" "And you use Smog!"
Ash quickly runs forward and change Steel Type. He blocks the attack quickly.
"And who are you twerp?"
Ash said, "I am here to stop you. That is all you need to know." Pikachu and Sylveon go in front of Ash.
"Nurse Joy, I'll cover this, you go and take Pokemon to safety."
"Okay." Nurse Joy then leaves the counter and head back to the room.
Jessie laughs at the sight of Pikachu and Sylveon, "If you think a mere Pikachu and a cute Pokemon can stop us, you are wrong."
"Laugh all you can, you should know that my Pikachu has already defeated a lot of your members. Use Iron Tail! Sylveon, use Psyshock!"
They immediately defeat two Pokemons.
"What?" The trio is scared.
Misty says, "He is strong." Leaf smiles, "He has trained Pikachu and Sylveon before he became a trainer."
"Really?" Misty asks.
"Now, finished it up with a Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu charges forward and fires a bunch of electricity, causing the explosion and the trio fly in the sky.
"We are blasting off again!" They disappear from their sight and make a shiny glow.
Officer Jenny comes to the scene, she asks, "Is anyone hurt?"
Ash immediately explains the situation and gives a recording about what happened.
"Why is Officer Jenny talk to Ash like that?" Misty asks.
"Oh, he is a member of the International Police."
"What? And he is so young." Misty says.
"He was trained by Lance. So he could handle the situation easily."
After Officer Jenny left, Ash goes back to his room to get some sleep.
The next day, Ash sees that Leaf had already left. He sees Misty and greets him. Ash also has an idea, he asks, "Hey, Misty, how about we travel together?"
Misty is shocked that Ash will ask her to join him, but she smiles and replies, "Sure, the more the merrier. So where are you heading?"
"I am going to Pewtwer City."
Misty is scared, she says that she doesn't want to go past Viridian Forest. But Ash is determined to go, so Misty unwillingly agrees.
"Ash, are you sure you want her to join you?" Sylveon asks in a worry tone.
"Well, she is a gym leader, I will be facing her, so yeah."
Then they see a Caterpie. "Ahh….. A bug!" Misty starts to scream.
Ash sighs, "Misty, you are overreacting."
Ash then bends down and says, "Hello Caterpie. Do you want to join my team?"
Caterpie sees Ash and nods his head without second thoughts, Ash then captures him.
"Why do you catch him?" Misty says in a fear tone.
"Come on, Butterfree is beautiful. You can't be afraid of bugs forever. What if you find a Pokemon who is a water and bug type?"
That immediately shuts Misty up.
Ash takes Caterpie to her, she steps one foot back, Ash knows that Caterpie is sad, so he comforts him.
Ash then takes out his Pokemon, much to Misty's shock that he has a Ho-Oh.
"Where do you get a Ho-Oh?" Misty asked.
"Oh, he found me. Ho-Oh, can you train with Pikachu?"
Ash wants to train Caterpie, but a Pidgeotto comes and takes Caterpie away.
"Hey! That is my friend!" Sylveon quickly shoots a Moonblast and hit Pidgeotto. It lets go of Caterpie and starts to fall.
"Go! Pokeball!" Ash catch it in his Pokeball, not long after, Ash sends her out.
"Why do you capture my Caterpie?" Pidgeotto lowers her head in shame, "I am hungry… I am sorry…"
Ash sighs, "If you are hungry, just say so." He takes out a can of Pokemon food.
"Here, I made this specially for Flying Tyoes like you. Eat up."
Pidgeotto eats it and squeals happily at the delicious food.
"So Pidgeotto, do you want to travel with us?"
She nods her head, Ash then takes her to others, Pidgeotto is shocked that Ash has a Ho-Oh, Ho-Oh then decides to train Pidgeotto with the flying attacks.
After training, they hear a familiar motto.
"Oh, it is you again." Misty says when Team Rocket appears in front of them.
"What do you want?" Ash says in a bored tone.
"Hand over that Pikachu and Sylveon you got." Jessie says.
"If you want one, just find one and capture it."
Meowth says, "Dat Pikachu is rare, it is da perfect present for da boss."
Then they tosses out their Pokemon.
"Caterpie, I choose you."
After it is sent out, James asks in anger, "Are you underestimating us? You are using a Caterpie against us?"
Ash sighs that they sees Caterpie as weak, "Caterpie, use String Shot."
Caterpie spits the silk and all their 3 Pokemon can't move.
Jessie grits in anger, "You win this time, but we will be back!" Then they run off.
"They really are a bunch of idiots." Misty says
"Talk about it, I don't think they will give up." Ash replies.
Then Caterpie starts to glow, it grows bigger and becomes a Metapod.
"Metapod, you evolve!" Ash hugs him with Pikachu and Sylveon cheer.
Misty says, "Wow, Metapod looks cool."
"Does that mean you conquered your fear?"
Misty turns around and says, "No."
"Well, it is a shame. Let's keep going." Ash says when he walks off.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Misty yells when she runs towards him.
This is the First Chapter, I try to make it a story with Anime and Game combined. Maybe I will also write the first chapters of each arc at the same time, since I already wrote some ideas of the plot already.
Ash's current team:
Pikachu, Sylveon, Ho-Oh, Metapod, Pidgeotto.
Next Chapter is the Gym Battle, be sure to read and review.