Author's Notes

Hello everybody! This is the prologue of a long series I have cued up revolving around adventures of Nathan. The prologue below is the byproduct of many failed attempts at finding a beginning that I liked. This prologue's purpose is to test out how people view my writing and where I need to improve, so don't be afraid to criticise. I am also open to any suggestions if you have any. I hope you enjoy and if you don't, tell me why.

Discord Shit

I have three separate Discord servers I would like you guys to join. If you are interested in airsoft, than you're in luck. I have a Discord server in need of people who are interested in playing airsoft. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner of a veteran, we are here so you can connect with people with the same interests. The second server is one created by Umi, or TM45 now. The server is geared to authors of Pokémon fics and their fans. I would highly recommend joining. The final server I have for you today is one geared towards writers and their followers. Any form of writing is ok, and we are here to help people, myself included, improve their writing fans. It is also ok if you don't like writing. It is a place for fans of an author's work as well. If any of you are interested, contact me on Discord at Grimm Fascinations#7412 or PM me.

Warning this story will contain the following: Pokephilia, Gore, Violence, and Sex.

Prologue: Pain

"No!" I screamed, fear coursing through my veins. Standing before me was the walking and talking corpses of my family, who had passed away in a house fire two years ago. I was standing in front of the burnt ruins of the place I called my home. The landscape around my house had changed drastically. Before the fire, it had been a beautiful location surrounded by forests and grasslands. Now it had been reduced to a hellscape. All the trees that had surrounded my house where now charred and hollow shells of their former selves. The grass had been completely burned away, leaving behind coal black dirt.

"Why didn't you save us?" My youngest sister, who was six, asked. Her entire body was disfigured and charred. Pieces of flesh hung limply from her body.

"Yeah, why didn't you save us?" My second sister, who was ten, agreed. She was no worse for wear than my other sister. She was horribly burnt and was missing part of her arm. The sight of both my sisters burnt and disfigured made me want to throw up and cry. Could I have saved them?

"Because I-I-I just couldn't! Please, you have to believe me! I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

"Liar! Coward! Betrayer!" They hissed in unison. "When we need you most, you abandoned us. We thought we could be proud of you, but as it turns out, you are nothing but a disappointment. A failure." Those words stung, more so than I had expected. As I kid I thought I was a hero. That I could be brave when put into these kinds of situations and come out on top, but as revealed here, I'm a coward who couldn't be someone's hero even if their life depended on it.

"I tried, but what was I supposed to do? I was petrified with fear and injured!" I tried to plea once again. My mother, father, and two sisters all had their eyes on me. They shook their heads and began to fade. "Wait!" I screamed, running at them. I got within two feet of them before being pushed back to my original position. When I looked back at them, they were gone. We had once been a happy family. Not a care in the world. But that fire had changed it all. I was the only survivor. Everyone else had not been so lucky. The firemen who first arrived at the scene would tell me that they had died painlessly, but I knew better. I had heard their screams of pain and terror as I escaped through my window. That year was supposed to be a happy, fun, and memorable year as I took the next big step in life. All of it was soured in a moment.

My eyes shot open as I screamed. I began to calm down once I had realized that it was a nightmare. I was in my apartment's bedroom in my twin sized bed. It was a luxurious apartment gifted to me by my school after the fire. I hated it the fact that I was showered with gifts after the fire. I didn't deserve any of this. I tried giving it all away, but nobody would have it. They all said that I needed it more than them.

I glanced over at my alarm clock, which read 1:45 a.m. I sighed, this nightmare had been a reoccurring thing ever since the fire. Every night I found that it got worse, so I was never prepared for what I saw and what I heard. The few friends that I had left just kept telling me that I was suffering from survivor's guilt, but I should've gotten over it. Right?

I no longer felt in the mood to sleep so I got up and dressed and left. As I was walking to my destination, someone ran full force into me. "What the fuck." I groaned as I picked myself up. I looked up to see who ran into me and it was none other than my best friend John. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie with the name of his high school in it. He wore the hoodie with pride even since he was accepted in eighth grade.

"Sorry man, I heard you scream and thought you were in trouble" he replied sheepishly. John was my friend ever since middle school when we led a "rebellion" against the popular kids. Our campaign was rather successful and ever since that event, we have been inseparable.

"John I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

Judging by the look on his face he didn't believe me.

"You're such a shit liar. Just tell me what's up." He said, attempting to figure out my issue.

"John, get out of my way. I don't have time for this." I growled at him. He was surprised that I had taken an aggressive tone of voice with him. Trying to avoid more of his questions I pushed past him

"You don't have time for what? Where are you going?" He shouted from down the hallway. Realizing that I wasn't going to stop to converse with him, he decided to run after me.

After what seemed like an hour of running and dodging John, I finally reached my destination. The roof. The breeze outside was cool, signifying the end of summer and the beginning of fall. The sky was full of stars which surprised me. Usually, the sky wasn't as full of stars as it is now due to light pollution. It was the perfect night to end it all.

"Nathan," John said sternly. I froze at the use of my real name. After the fire, I used a false name that I made up. Few people today know my real name. "Don't do what I think you're going to do."

"Or what," I spat, "Are you going to have people shower me with gifts again, or are you going to take me to therapy again!" Two years of emotions and thoughts that were repressed finally coming out. "If you remember correctly therapy did nothing but make me worse!" John just stood there taking my verbal barrage directed at him and his solutions to my issues.

"Just stop and think Nathan! You're here for a reason!" John said, trying to appeal to my spiritual side.

"Do you think I care about fate! It screwed me over two years ago. Oh but I guess I should be grateful that fate decided to smile upon me that day!" I shouted, walking up to the edge of the roof.

"Don't do it. Please don't do it." John pleaded, but I wasn't listening. I closed my eyes and walked off the roof. It didn't even feel like I was falling. As I continued to descend, I thought more and more about what death would be like and how it would feel before it. The more I thought about the more I realized I just made a huge mistake. Soon I began panicking. Soon everything became distant. All my fears and pains felt so distant. In their place was a feeling of tranquility.

"Rest now my young guardian, for you have a long journey ahead of you." A voice boomed in my head. I then felt myself drift away and watched as everything faded to black.