Chapter 3: Same old..same old.

Disclaimer:I do not own the Potterverse it belongs to J.K Rowling nor the Marvelverse which belongs to whoever owns it that is not me.


Harry groaned as he landed on his back once again as Natasha straddled him pinning him on the floor,her green eyes shining with amusement. This was quite a common occurrence but Harry was not complaining.

Really who would,when a beautiful girl pinned you down and pressed her ass which was clad in tight black leathers. Harry of course ignored the fact that said girl had just been pounding the shot out of him a few minutes ago.

It wasn't like he was ashamed that a woman had just beaten him. No far from it,this was a very common occurance that he was now so used to it that he always woke up in the morning looking forward to his daily beating. A beating he had been getting for the last two months.

Two months. Harry had a hard time believing that they had indeed been two months. If he didn't know better he would have assumed that time moved faster here in this universe than in his old universe.

The two months had been realy productive to the young wizard. Everyday since he had arrived at the X mansion,he had been having a spar with Natasha. She was ruthless and Harry suspected that she used the training sessions to revenge for all the teasing she endures.

She had insisted that there was no way she was going to be a bodyguard to someone who can't even fight a four year old. Harry had not argued as he had also been interested in improving his mundane fighting. Despite having magic,Harry did not want to be entirely dependent on it as he knew that there would come a moment when he can't use magic.

He had therefore put his all in the training and Natasha had been more than willing to help. And by help,her plan had been to turn Harry into her punching bag and it had worked flawlessly.

She had kept pounding him for almost two weeks and all that time he had not been able to land even a punch. However that had been changing gradually and there spars had started taking longer with time. He had improved very fast and right now he was capable of beating her in a fair fight. Unfortunately he had not been able to beat her yet up to now.

Not that he was not capable of beating her,far from it. If it were some other person,he would beat them without breaking a sweat. But this was The Black Widow. She used all her charms to ensure that she beat him over and over. Harry being male,and a Potter to boot, he always got distracted and as usual ended up on the ground.

The fact that she always ended up straddling him and giving his crotch a rub with her ass also acted as encouragement for him to lose despite the fact that she did it to frustrate him.

Harry gave an involuntary moan when the redhead moved her ass again bringing him back to the present.

"Earth to Harry "Natasha said with a smirk and moved her hips again,green eyes twinkling with amusement.

"And to think that you fearlessly flirt with everyone yet just a simple rub turns you into this...oh the shame."Natasha shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Its not my fault that I haven't been laid in a year."Harry defended himself."..in fact you are even more to blame for this..you are meant to help me with anything according to "bald and ugly."

Natasha chuckled at Harry's description of Furry. She wondered if Harry could call him that to his face,but knowing Harry,it was possible that he could.

Harry had been a headache to the SHIELD Director every time he had gone to visit Furry and the SHIELD director had officially declared him to be worse than Stark.

"You will have to do better than that Potter."she replied

"Oh"Harry smiled mischievously at her and with a discrete flick of his wrisk Natasha gave a yelp of surprise as she found herself levitated from the ground and pinned on the wall behind where they were lying.

Before she could even get over her surprise,Harry was before her. He looked at her green eyes and ran his fingers along her face.

"You want me to do better uh."he spoke in a low voice,his eyes still locked on those of Natasha.

He ran a finger along her jaw and slowly came down to her neck. His finger was followed by his mouth and Natasha shuddered when he kissed her on a very sensitive spot on her neck.

"You like that don't you..you like being helpless before me uh.."

Natasha squirmed as Harry dipped his finger down towards her ample cleavage which had not been covered entirely in her teasing. Her face was flushed and Harry could see that she was having a hard time to breathe.

Harry looked at her squirming for for a few seconds, and then he burst out laughing unconsciously releasing the spell and Natasha landed on her ass with a thump.

"The infamous Black Widow can't stand a taste of her own medicine.."Harry continued laughing while pointedly ignoring the glare from the redhead.

Just when Natasha was standing up,probably to come and give him a sound beating,her communicator came to life.

"Agent Romanoff,you are needed at the Helicarrier ASAP."Harry heard the voice of Furry.

"Yes Sir. I will be there as soon as possible. What about ."

"Potter can take care of himself,just get here."Furry practically spat Harry's name and the comm went dead again.

"I have been called by Furry,it seems my services are needed somewhere they can be appreciated."Natasha informed Harry while giving him a hard look that promised pain and retribution before storming out.

Harry watched her ass as she walked out of the Danger Room and he could have sworn that there was an extra swaying of the hips by the redhead,and he was proved right when she looked back and gave him a wink before walking through the door.

Harry shook his head at the redhead and stood up and apparated directly to his bathroom. About a month ago,he had been forced to reveal to the residents of the Xmansion about his magic. It was not like they demanded him or anything but his conscious did not sit well with lying to the people who had been helping him.

For the time he had been here. Harry had come to get to know the people at the mansion. Charles Xavier reminded him a bit of Dumbledore with the way the teens respected him and his all knowing aura that surrounded him.

Logan was very rare as he spent most of his time in the danger room either training himself or the students and if not he would be out of the mansion.

Storm was closed off and the African woman had a tight lid on her emotions. And Harry could not fault her with her powers of controlling the weather. The woman was respected by the students and most most of them either saw her as an elder sister or a parent figure for the younger ones.

Jean was hard to place as her moods were on and off. Sometimes she can be giddy and very happy and sometimes she can aloof and closed off. Harry was not sure whether that was normal or not but it was none of his bussines. However,being redhead also made her Harry's second target of teasing and flirting. Which flirting it seemed she enjoyed as she never at any one-time stopped him?of course Scott did not agree.

And speaking of Scott,he was the leader of the teenage X-Men and from what Harry had observed,the young mutant harboured feelings for Jean though the redhead was dating another boy. Scott it seemed didn't know how to express his feelings to Jean so his attempts not only amused Harry but also annoyed the girl in question.

Rouge,the oldest of the girls was withdrawn and that could be because of her powers. She kept to herself most of the time and only spoke when necessary. It had been found out that Mystique was her mother as well as Kurt but when the two went to meet her,they had been ambushed the Brotherhood and it was only the timely intervention of the Scott,Jean and Kitty that they managed to escape. Harry had become friends with the girl as she had been very interested in magic.

Kitty Pryde was the most enthusiastic of them all. The sixteen year old was always happy and Harry had yet to see her angry at anything. She was very shy or she had been before Harry came. However,the girl was not shy anymore. She matched Harry's flirting and Harry was quite getting fond of her.

Kurt was another matter entirely. The young man was a Catholic and his loyalty to the religion was only matched by his love for pranks. He had attempted to prank Harry in the first month and Harry had replied in kind. His love to maintain his honour as a second generation Marauder had forced him to reveal his magic. He had unleashed hell on the young teleporter untill when the boy apologized before everyone and declared Harry a king in the art.

Harry had later given the Xmen a glimpse of what he was capable of which included shields, basic transfiguration,apparition,basic conjugaration and a few common spells not even later than the Hogwarts 5th year syllabus. All in all he had showed them just a third of what he was capable of but even with that,he was therefore powerful and in the category of Storm and Jean who were among the most powerful mutants at the mansion.

Harry's mutant power was still eluding them. They had done all kinds of tests but they just couldn't get it despite the X gene being very clear. Harry assumed that his magic being too prominent suppressing whatever mutant power he had but he was no expert in these matters and neither was Xavier as far as magic was concerned.

Charles had never encountered Harry's type of magic. It would seem that there were magic users in this universe but there magic was limited to certain elements and not as versatile as that of Harry. He had been told about a Sorcerer Supreme who dealt in Mystic arts and was responsible for defending earth from invasions concerning the mystic arts. There were other magic users but most of them used magic for malicious reasons like a certain Selene,the black queen of the Hellfire Club.

Harry wondered whether magic had been like that all the time or if something had happened to make it like that as he was sure,his type of magic was the magic in the purest of its form. Harry was very interested in meeting these other magic users,not only to campare notes vut also to see their magic first hand and see how it fares against his.

He was more interested in meeting this Selene and find out how she had gained immortality. He knew that becoming immortal had its costs and most if not all cases acquired immortality through dark magic. Voldy was a glaring example to that and he was not going to stay in this universe where there are horcruxes stuffed somewhere that were keeping this Black Queen alive.

However,that was to come later. He finished showering and put on some jeans and t-shirt as well as some boots. He had been dragged by Natasha to go for shopping the moment they had settled down. Therefore clothes weren't a problem anymore. Despite Natasha being all serious, she was still a woman and had subjected the poor wizard to torture worse than their training and he was now stocked as far as clothes was concerned.

Harry walked through the mansion which was quite quiet as the kids had gone for their lessons while Storm,Logan and the professor had gone to bring other mutants whose powers had activated recently. It seems that Magneto had been quite busy in his recruiting and Xavier wanted to reach these recently turned mutants before Magneto or his agents reached them. Harry was not overly interested in the brawl between the mutants but he knew that it was inevitable that he would be somehow be dragged into it.

However,he would cross that bridge when he reached it. Right now he needed to do some investing and hopefully get some answers which had been eluding him since he arrived in this universe. He was still having a hard time believing that he was the only wizard still alive. Hopefully, this little trip he was making would provide these answers,and with that thought Harry concentrated to one particular spot and disappareted to his destination with a small pop.


At the same time,a bird lifted from a tree in the woods surrounding the Xmansion that the young wizard had just left. The bird was a raven actually a woman called Raven,also known as Mystique. She had been trying to complete her earlier mission of acquiring Cerebro for her boss. She knew her boss's plans were to be finalized today and Cerebro could play an important role but time had caught up with her.

Despite all her efforts,she had not been able to get anything concerning Potter's powers. If she didn't know any better she would think that he wasn't a mutant but of course she knew better. However there was something very suspicious going on. She had tried to take on the bodies of different member of those brats but it was like they had been refused from speaking about Potter's powers.

She had once taken the form of Summers and tried to talk with Grey but the redhead had immideately stated that "it is complicated". What was most curious though was that even Grey had been surprised at her answer.

Mystique had tried it with two other kids and she got the same reaction of things being complicated followed by a confused look. It was very clear that either the telephat Xavier had done something to the minds of the kid,or Potter himself. Both stipulations rose many questions. What was worse was that Potter almost never left the mansion and the few time he left he was with that SHIELD woman.

She just hoped that she would get some answers after today. And with that final thought,she flew away as she braced her self for the beginning of a new life for the whole of mutant kind.


Harry landed perfectly on his feet as he appeared with a small pop. Despite the many times of practice,he could not apparate silently in long distances but he guessed it was atleast better than landing on his ass which used to happen before a certain simple ritual in the Grimiore of house Black.

He stood still for a few minutes to get his bearings and shake off the disorientation caused by long distance apparition. He was standing at Hogsmead,or where was supposed to be Hogsmead. He was standing exactly where the wards of Hogwarts were supposed to be. However,there was nothing like Hogsmead. There was a large expanse of land that seemed like was abandoned.

There were some things which looked like they were once houses but not anymore as they were surrounded by vines and bushes all around the place. All in all the place looked like those places which attracted archaeologists but curiously it looked like no one had been here for centuries.

Harry was quite disappointed,to be honest he had not expected much but this was most definitely not what he had expected. Though he himself could never admitt it but he really wasn't sure what he had expected.

He turned towards the direction and shook his head on disappointment. Hogwarts was almost completely non existent. It liked like what Harry assumed Hogwarts looked like in his home universe to the muggles. A few walls were still standing but most of the land had been invaded by bushes.

Harry also noted that the place covered by the ruins was smaller than he remembered and there didn't seem to be a sighn of the forbidden forest. He could see what was the Black lake but it was covered mostly by water plants and if he hadn't known that it was meant to be there he wouldn't have seen it.

He ran a hand through the mess that was his hair in frustration. Was it really too much to ask his life to ask for his life to be easy. He had hoped to settle at Hogwarts but now that idea was moot. He couldn't even feel any magic around the place. Wait what.

Harry extended his magical senses to the surrounding area. Surely these people did not build a magical school on any ground that had caught their fancy. At long last Harry found a small thrum of magic which was increasing very slowly. It was like it was feeding off his presence. Like it had been dormant but his presence brought it back and it was desperately getting any kind of magic to sustain itself.

Harry wished could get some answers,he wished someone could give him some answers but he couldn't think of anyone. It seems whatever happened here happened a very long time ago and it was lost to history, though how anything like that could happen and be lost to history,he had no idea. He really wished that Death had given him this information before sending him here. He wasn't even sure he could summon her or find a way...

"You called me master?"a melodious voice said from behind.

Harry whirled around very fast,too fast for a normal human,with a blasting curse at his hands,a he crouched into a dueling stance. It was only sheer will that he did not release the blasting curse.

"You..how..what..I could have killed you."he stammered. The absurdity of his statement was not lost lost in him.

The being infront of him tinkled with laughter at the stammering young man as well as his idea of killing HER.

"Oh don't worry about killing me..I can take care of myself fine."Death replied in amusement.

Harry looked at the Being's blue eyes and relaxed a bit. He pointedly ignored her curvecious figure that was not overly hidden from view by her almost see through silk dress.

"What are you doing here.."he asked her while looking at the ruins that was Hogwarts. Really you would think that after all the women he had been with,he would have become resistant to some of these things but no.

Death ignored his embarrassment but she Stoll had amusement in her voice when she answered.

"Well you summoned me and it seems like you need my help"

Harry rose an eyebrow at that. Je most definitely did not summon anyone but if he was not going to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

"What happened here?"he asked immideately.

Death was quiet for sometime while watching the ruins of Hogwarts before she answered.

"Its quite a long storry Harry."

Harry nodded as if he had expected as much and conjured a comfortable looking chair and sat down. He then looked expectantly as he waited for her to start her story but she was looking at him with a raised eyebrow,blue eyes twinkling in amusement.

"I didn't know you were that desperate to get me to sit in your lap."The immortal Being asked.

Harry looked at her strangely for a second before realization downed on him. He gave her a smile..

"What can I say,I am a functioning male after all."

He however conjured for her another chair facing the ruins of Hogwarts. They sat in silence for about a full minute as Harry assumed she was looking for the best way to tell the story.

"It happened about half a millennium ago."Death started in a monotone"the magical population in this universe was smaller than yours as I am sure you have observed from the size of Hogwarts and Hogsmead...


So,there was a squib who was disgruntled with how his family shunned him just because he did not have magic. From the moment he could understand what was going on,he had a hatred for magic that would have made Vernon Dursley jealous. He swore to do everything in his power to repay his family and all other magicals in kind.

This young man at the age of fifteen went to a group of researchers in what was the ruling government of their time and told them about magic. Of course they did not believe him at first,they needed evidence. The young man kidnapped his two year old sister and brought her to the officials. He instructed them on how they could get her to perform accidental magic which was not very hard seeing that she was very young. They locked the young girl in a cage with a very hungry lion which immediately came at her.

The young girl panicked and released so much accidental magic that it blew up the lion along with the girl herself. The officials were ecstatic at the results and ordered the young squib who by the way was called John Franklin to get for them another magical. This process continued with Franklin kidnapping more kids as the officials tried to find ways of putting this development in use.

At one time,they got a full grown wizard though relatively very weak who tried to fight them. This introduced them to other functions of magic and the officials decided to try to replicate in muggles. They tried to transfer blood from different wizards and witches though nothing was got. The test subjects always ended up blowing and more wizards and witches were kidnapped.

This went on for almost a year before the witches and wizards became aware of what was happening. They started defending themselves from the muggles who had now started attacking wizard establishments with the help of other squibs. This escalated into a full blown war. The muggles were ruthless and didn't care about how many magicals were killed so long as they got enough for their experiments.

The wizards and witches defended themselves as much as they could and when the experiments of the muggles failed to bring any results,they dicided to destroy all wizardkind. They hunted down each and every magical person as they deemed them to powerful. The magicals were no match for the overwhelming numbers of their enemies and they gradually became smaller in population untill when the last one of them was killed.

Hogwarts and Hogsmead were abandoned at the very beginning of the war and without any magic,they started succumbic to the wheels of time and after centuries they now looked like ruins even though they were not completely destroyed. There was also one single ley line running under Hogwarts which it was very weak and was not enough to keep Hogwarts and Hogsmead from crumbling.


Harry continued watching Hogwarts after death was done telling her story. He had shocked at what he had heard but he did not care...these were not his people and much as he wished they had not faced such a fate,he could nothing about it. He had long since learned that there are somethings which were out of his control and that he was not responsible for everyone in the world. He could not hold himself responsible for something he couldn't do or control.

"Why is it that no one knows what happened?"asked Harry. It did not make sense,no matter how long it had been,atleast it would have been recorded somewhere but there was absolutely nothing concerning this history.

Death shook her head."I have no idea. Something happened just as the last of the magicals was killed. The world changed at that moment and in a blink of the mortal eye nothing remained of this. The facilities the muggles were using in their research disappeared and all knowledgeable of the war was erased from each and everyone's mind who was currently on earth."

Harry frowned. This was getting curious and curiouser. He assumed this was how Ollivander felt like when confronted by a difficult customer.

"What about the mutants,how did they come to existence...?Harry asked after sometimes a he continued to process the information.

"They were the results of the experiments."

"Wait what..how is that possible,I thought you said they died"Harry asked,confusion evident on his face.

Death gave him a small smile and answered

"Not exactly. There were those where nothing happened. They got the magical blood but there was no effect on them. These were very few but when they had children,they passed on the magical blood to the next generation but the descendants,just like those before them had no magical core to be able to perform magic."Death paused a bit as she continued watching the ruins.

"This kept on going for a good number of generations up to the time when people having magical blood became many enough that it was possible to find a boy and a girl from different families but when both of them have magical blood. In the event where these two had a child,there was a half a chance that their offspring was a mutant."

Harry looked at death with a frown,something was missing. However before he could voice his thoughts,Death continued

"The child born of these two would have more magic in the blood compared to his parents but without a core,he could not be able to perform magic. However,that much of magic can not be dormant like the parents so it takes on the properties which the blood has an affinity to and it is these powers that manifest in the mutants."

Harry nodded,this made a lot more sense. Like the blue skinned shape shifter,he assumed that the blood of her parents had properties of a matamorphagus so she was in the wizard sense one albiet very powerful and telepaths had an affinity for Leglimecy which made their way much better than the one used by wizards. He also assumed that since this was the only thing the magic in their body concentrated on,it was stronger or more pronounced than what it would have been in a wizard. This therefore showed that he was capable of duplicating any mutant power with his magic though it would evidently be weaker compared to the mutant themselves however,given his power,he was sure he could as well make it stronger.

"Much as I am enjoying your charming company.."Death spoke drawing his attention as she was standing"I have other duties and I wouldn't want someone to think that you are trying to court me."

And with those words,she disappeared as fast as she had come leaving Harry confused at what she was implying. He watched the spot she had just vacated with furrowed eyebrows but then shrugged. She would tell him if it was very important or if she felt it concerned him. Right now he had other things on his mind,like where he was to build his home now that Hogwarts was out. And with that thought,he apparated to his next destination.


In New York, Natasha Romanoff was just leaving the headquarters of SHIELD on her motorcycle to look for one of the most feared men on earth with a hope of convincing him to join a team Fury was creating. It was just after mid day and was not in the best of moods. She hadn't been since morning after she left Harry at the Xmansion.

She twitched at the reminder of what had happened in the morning. She knew she had to revenge to the punk,no one messed the Black Widow and went away with it. Natasha was aware that at this point of time she was almost no match for Harry in a fair fight. The green eyed wizard-oh how she loved those eyes-had learnt so fast it was scary. The young man had come in er leaps and bounds,in a few weeks he had learn everything Natasha had to offer and she pitied whoever would be caught on the brat's bad side.

She had come to enjoy the training sessions as much as the brat and she woke up looking forward to them every morning. The fact that she enjoyed teasing him also help but this morning thing had backfired on her. She would get him back,even his magic won't be able to help him. Natasha was aware about how he downplayed the power of his magic,he had told her that he didn't know the limits to hit and she was the only one who had seen as much of his magic than anyone.

She remembered the feeling of when he had pinned her in the wall and she was entirely hopeless. The way he had nibbled on her neck and how much he had looks so dominating and powerful that at that time he would have done anything to her and she wouldn't have been able to stop him,not she would have tried...

Natasha shook her head and concentrated on the road. She had a job to do,she had to find a man who could easily turn into a green monster and step on her without even realising,she could see Harry laughing at her,his green eyes twinkling in amusement if she ended up having an accident because she was so busy thinking about him. She shook her head again..why did he have to come back to her thoughts again,she was the Black Widow for god's sake..


Oblivious to what was going on through the head of his bodyguard,Harry silently appeared in Wales,or more specifically on the outskirts of Bangor. The place was not very far from the centre of the City though the City was very much developed compared to what he remembered but that was not why he came here. He had come to see of what remained of his ancestral home.

What he saw surprised him. He had expected to find ruins like he had at Hogsmead or Hogwarts but instead what he found was..nothing. It was like Paverrell Manor has never existed in this universe. The place which was supposed to be grounds of his family Manor,which had later ended up being headquarters of The New Marauders was not in this dimension. Instead there was a plain strip of land covered with trees and a small lake at the center of the trees and a small stream which he assumed led to the sea. The place looked beautiful and funnilly enough had never been occupied. It was like no had ever found the place,as if there was something that prevented people from coming near this peace of land.

And now that he thought about it,he could feel the magic in the area. Unlike Hogwarts which was almost dead and was trying to feed off him,the magic in this place was alive,he could feel it moving in harmony as if interacting with his. A feeling he only felt while he was at his Manor back in his home universe. He concentrated his sense to the ground and he could feel two powerful magical ley lines intersecting at the very center of the land just like it had been back then. Paverrell Manor had been the only place with enough ambient magic to rival that at Hogwarts and this only came from the two ley lines that were under it.

Harry could feel the same here and he was contented that he had found where he was to build his home. He also knew that that was going to be very hard task. He wondered whether any magical creatures still existed here and looked at the forest around him. He would have to check that out later. He also needed to know whether there were any house elves here in this universe as they would be a great help but he guessed he would find out soon enough. But first,he needed to secure this place before he could do anything else. The place would soon become a magical nexus and if any house elves still existed,they would inevitably be drawn to him.

Pulling out a shrunken trunk,the size of match box from his Moleskin pouch,Harry set it on the ground and after it expanded,he opened one compartment which contained various types of stones and things which were used in Runes. However,these were very far from his mind,what he needed was a rectangular blood red stone called Dragonstone. Harry had no idea how such a stone existed and he never tried to find out as it was the only one that had existed in his home universe other than the one that had anchored the wards at Paverrell Manor.

As far as he was aware there were only three of these stones and belonged to the legendary Paverrell brothers. He had found this one in the Paverrell vault at Gringotts and he had carried it around in his pouch. The Dragonstone was the strongest wardstone. It was only a legend back in his universe as there had been no recognized Paverrell before. It was unique that only one with Paverrell blood could activate it and wards anchored to the Dragonstone were unbreakable,no matter what. That was the reason why not even Voldemort had been able to storm Paverrell Manor making it the safest place in Britain.

Harry closed the trunk and put it back in his pouch. He then physically carried the Dragonstone to the exact center of the grounds where the ley lines met. He dug a hole with his magic and placed the Dragonstone stone in it which fit. He cut his hand with a low powered cutting spell and let seven drops of blood drop on the red stone. The stone glowed red and it became brighter with each drop of blood and on the seventh drop he had to close his eyes as the light had become to bright and then it died down.

He watched using his mage sight as the glow on the stone started pulsing almost like a heart beat and his eyes widened when he realised that it was actually in sync with his own heart. He watched with awe as magic in the surrounding area rushed to the pulsing stone and then spread out again like blood from a heart. The scene was so beautiful that he was transfixed for almost five minutes before shook his head and reluctantly turned off his mage sight. He had a lot of work a head of him.


Two hours later,a very hungry Harry Potter appeared in his room at the X mansion with a small pop. Creating the wards and directing them to feed on the ley lines rather than the ambient magic around the place had been a gruesome task. He had been able to create the base wards needed like the muggle repelling wards,a shield ward,and most importantly a containment ward which contained the magic in that area feeding it to the plants and animals around.

This containment ward created a magical nexus and this was the one that could attract all kinds of Magical creatures to the area and hopefully some house elves. He had also put anti-apparition/teleportation ward and many other basic protection wards as there was nothing to protect yet,but the intention ward would keep away anyone with bad intentions. However now he was famished,and since he had done such marvellous work,he could reward himself with a very nice meal.

Harry made for the door but before he even could reach it,the mansion shook. He ran to the window and outside he saw Storm fighting Mystique and groaned. Really you would think that after all the hard work he had gone through,fate would atleast give him a break but noooooo...

He quickly apaarated to the outside where the battle was raging. Mystique was losing very badly and she was trying to get to a metallic er. ..something that had tentacles and was waiting patiently. He watched as Mystique made a run for the...thing but storm summoned a gust of wind that pulled the shape shifting mutant. Mystique did not resist and came back very fast and before storm could get airborne ,the shape shifter was on her and hit her with the back of a dagger on particular spot on her skull and the weather goddes slumped down unconscious.

Mystique didn't bother to confirm and immideately made a run for the...thing again. Harry decided to act and sent a stunner at her. With surprising agility she dodged it and in the same movement hurled the digger she had just hit Ororo with. The dagger came at Harry very fast that by the time he realised what was happening the dagger was right in front of him and it was only reflexes born of dodging spells for the most part of his life that he was able to dodge the dagger.

He stepped to the rightvery fast that it looked like he had just teleported. Mystique was quite surprised that he had dodged the knife and that moment of surprise was enough for Harry and sent her four stunners in quick succession. Mystique with surprising agility managed to dodge two of them but the other two hit their mark and she fell down in a heap. Harry stood up and walked slowly towards the unconscious form of Mystique.

After confirming that she was indeed unconscious,he bound her and tapped her with his fingers and she disappeared and appeared a second later in the danger room. He also walked to storm and after confirming that she was fine,he tapped her also and she disappeared,only to re appear in the hospital wing. He let out a sigh of relief. Now all that remained was for him to go to the kitchen and a have a nice meal.

Before he could apparate away,tentacles reached for him and pulled him towards another of the..things that had just appeared while he had been busy. Harry looked at the tentacles, he really wanted to eat something. But call him stupid if you want but he really wanted to know what these...things were about. He could easily apparate away if things were too bad. So he relaxed and the..uhm. .thing(he really needed to know what they were called or he would name them himself)closed itself and started going up.

Harry shrouded himself with the Invissibility cloak which was now part of him and waited to see what would happen on the other side. He just hoped he could find something to eat wherever he was being taken and that he was not about to be recruited in a cult or something of the sort.


On a very distant planet,one very far from earth,one which no human on earth had any idea of its existence and one ruled by a king so ruthless and powerful that his name is only spoken about in harsh whispers, said king sat on his throne. His plans for the little mad ball were progressing. He had found out that the prophecy referred to a...human on earth though he had no idea who it was.

Under normal circumstances,he would just ignore it,or simply destroy the stupid planet completely. But these we by no means normal circumstances,and he would need to handle this situation delicately. He knew about prophecies so much seeing that he was sitting on the throne due to a prophecy and he would be dammed if anything went wrong. Looking back at his viewing room,he allowed himself a small smile,soon,he will be free of that thing.


A/N: I need to say something about this chapter. This story is Harry centric and anything that happens will be either leading us to him or it will be something that concerns him.

Other than that,I've got nothing else to say,see in next chapter:OF GODS AND MAGIC.