Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments).

Moresome May — triad: Sirius/Hermione/Remus — (dialogue) "Wait. I'm confused. Are you in love with (person 1) or (person 2)?" / "Yes."

Going, Going, Gone! — (setting) 12 Grimmauld Place

Harry waved his hands in the air. "Wait," he interrupted. "I'm confused. Are you in love with Sirius or Remus?"

Hermione sighed and sat down in the armchair. They were at 12 Grimmauld Place where she lived with Sirius and Remus, and Harry had finally cornered her in the library after several days of trying and failing to ask her which of the two men she was romantically attracted to. And she couldn't lie; she was attracted to both of them.

There was just something about Remus that drew her in. Perhaps it was all the raw animal magnetism, or the fact that his eyes always darkened when she spotted him coming out of the shower with a towel around his waist, wet hair, and bare chest. He wasn't what one immediately thought about when someone said 'handsome,' with his scars and shagginess, but he cleaned up well and he looked handsome to her, so what did anyone else's opinion matter?

And Sirius…Sirius was a totally different story. He was pretty. Gorgeous, in fact. He often came home late on the weekends — or early, depending on how one looked at it — reeking of Muggle booze and sex. He sometimes brought what Hermione called 'floozies' back to Grimmauld, which she hated because, well, walls were thin and he somehow always "forgot" to put up Silencing charms.

But for all their flaws — Sirius's womanizing and Remus's habit of withdrawing even though Hermione already knew about his lycanthropy — she loved them. Both of them.

Harry was waiting patiently for an answer, but Hermione was far from done with her mental rationalization.

Triads weren't unusual in the Wizarding world — but they also weren't exactly everyday occurrences. She would most likely be accused of horrifying things, like using love potions or Dark spells to entice the men. She would probably be set upon by both Remus' and Sirius' fanclub; she'd seen what the crazed women did to those who messed with their plans.

But on the other hand, she knew that the men were attracted to her at least a little; she'd heard things (and even seen things, one time). She knew that they wouldn't let her reputation be trampled by jealous women (and men); she'd seen Sirius when he was mad and knew that anyone opposing her would immediately back off. No one wanted to go against Lord Black, for they knew they wouldn't win. They were both protective of her and wouldn't let anyone harm her.

But what of the Weasleys? What of Harry and Ron, her best friends? Would they approve? She decided she didn't care; they would come to terms with it...eventually. A chance at love wasn't something to be passed up.

Hermione sighed and said, "Yes."

word count: 462