Chapter Three: Morals

Ice cubes clink in the glass as he lifts it to his mouth taking a few chugs before slamming the cup back down. His crimson eyes glare at me, and he says his voice lowered compared to before where he was practically screaming "So like I was saying dumbass. Did you get in a fight with your boyfriend or something? You keep on ignoring me and its really pissing me off." I rub the sides of my Pepsi glass that was already beginning to sweat, and I lift my eyes to the blond sitting across from me in his booth.

He had brought me out to this nearby burger bar for our 'date' if you were to call it that, but I felt awkward. In the end, I am still technically Shoto's fiance, and I didn't want to develop feelings for another boy my age. Plus in a way, this was deceiving the boy across from me. I sigh before I reply honestly "Kinda. He's not my boyfriend but my fiance. We got into an argument." I see his lips purse and I can tell he is angry at his facial expression.

"Your fiance?!" He growls out straightening his back. He then hisses "You could have said that from the beginning! I wouldn't have wasted my damn money bringing you here." He then looks away, and he scratches his head and mutters "Well it might be worth it if he dumps you..." He returns his gaze towards me continuing "How old are you anyway?! You better not be some hag." He squints his eyes trying to decipher if I was older or possibly even younger than him.

I reply to him taking a sip of my soda "I'm 16."

He raises his eyebrows before he strums his fingers impatiently against the glossy wooden table."Huh?! You're way too young to have a fiance. You're my age, and I sure as hell don't have any fiancée, fuck, I don't even have a damn girlfriend yet. Are you lying to me?! Because if you are-!" He questions in confusion and about to go on a rant, so I stop him before he does.

"No. Believe me. I'm not lying. The marriage wasn't by my choice or his," I reply not wanting him to publicly exploit everything out to the public. "It was an arranged marriage involving our quirks..."

"Oh, it's one of those deals. Why don't you just run away from the jackass then?" he asks me resting his head into his hand acting like it was as simple as that.

"It's more complicated than that..." I mutter out, giving an exhausted sigh. My eyes then glance up to him before I ask trying to switch the conversation to him, rather than him focusing on me "And what about you? Where do you go to school...?" 'If he hasn't dropped out already or something. He's doesn't look like a straight A student but then again what do I know'. I think In my head crossing my legs under the table.

I see the corner of his lips curve up for a second, almost in a confident grin but he stops it before he replies to my earlier question, his voice cocky "I go to U.A." My eyes widen, and he cockily grins at me before asking, sounding even more full of himself "Are you surprised? I bet you are. I can tell by looking at your dumb face."

I then lean back in the booth and I say "Well I am surprised. It's just...I will also be attending U.A high school as a transfer student. What class or department do you attend?"

"Huh! NO way!" he screams pounding his fist into the table and leaning forward and getting up close and personal. Everyone in the restaurant turns and stares at us growing silent, and I blink in confusion at him. What was there to get so mad about?

"Um did I say something wrong?" I ask the boy across from me with uncertainty and confusion.

He then falls back into his seat with a 'plop' as he slouches down in his seat, stuffing his hands in his pocket. He curls his lip at me and hisses out knowing he was causing a scene "There's no way someone like you would be able to attend UA. Late even. I don't believe it one second. You're some fake aren't you!?" Slowly the people around us, get back to there meal, forgetting about the strange kid's outburst.

'Someone like me?' I think fidgeting in the booth. "Well, I got in on a Pro Heros recommendation, and I have been excused for being late. I suppose it is hard to explain...but the teacher knows of everything. The conditions I'm in and such." I reply and eventually, the waitress comes over setting down something spicy he ordered, I think hot wings, while I ordered just a burger with lettuce.

He stares at me not even fazed by his food or the waitress with funky hair who mutters shyly "Enjoy your meal."

He then leans forward, the leather squeaking in the booth and he grumbles "I will believe it when I see it..." He then picks up a hot wing and rips a chunk of meat off with his teeth, not caring of the mess, but somehow he reframes from getting anything around his lips or mouth, just his hands to which he uses to pick up the hot wing. He must have really liked spicy food, as he is not bothered by the hotness of all the spices they used.

I don't say anything more, and I mutter out "Thank you for the meal." to which he doesn't reply, and I begin to eat, trying not to think about Shoto and UA Monday. I should just focus on our date, even if it were purely meant for fun and nothing serious...or so I hope he doesn't think this will lead to anything serious because I still have an evil fiancé to go home to.


"SHOTO!" screams Endeavor from downstairs, as pencil scratches paper. The boy with the two-toned hair sighs deeply, his pen stopping abruptly on the tenth question, looming over the half-filled answer. He was only a quarter done with his paper when he begins to massage his temples with his fingers.

He would have ignored the yell coming from downstairs, but that was hard to do when he knows the result of ignoring that man that was his father. He would only come storming up the stairs and break down his door again just to tell him what he wanted. Then he wouldn't get another door for another month and a half as a punishment.

He drops the lead pencil on the sheet of paper. His chair rolls back as he stands up in his seemingly plain room. He walks towards the door, his eyes narrowed with hatred and annoyance. The boy could never do his homework peacefully, and he could only assume what his father was going to lecture him about.

He opens up his bedroom door and walks through the hallway and down the stairs. The floorboards creak, and when he finally reaches the bottom, he makes way into the living room, where Endeavor has his arms crossed across his chest, his flames around his face only growing bigger upon staring at the shorter boy.

"Where is your fiance?" he questions with irritation, not seeing her anywhere in the household, not even her bedroom.

Shoto's glare hardens before he replies without a care in the world "She left."

Endeavor growls before he grabs the front of the boy's shirt and lifts him off the ground causing ice to glaze over his hands. The redhead then growls out "Find her by the end of the night, or you will never be able to leave the house again! So I suggest you get your act together Shoto and start acting like a damn husband!"

He drops him and shoves him, though the two-toned boy is quick to balance on his feet as he stumbles back, the ice melting on Endeavor's hands almost instantly melting once his flames touch it. He shakes his hands of the liquid, and they glare at each other for a solid three minutes. Shoto is curling his lip, while Endeavor gives him a hard glare.

Finally, the boy clicks his tongue, having nothing to say to his earlier command, his tongue stopping of any insults because he understands the subtle threat in his father's words. The threat being he wasn't going to be allowed to see his mother. He wasn't going to let some stupid floozy take that from him. He stomps off towards the door, pulling on his shoes quickly before ripping down a sweatshirt from the coat rack.

"Fine. You want me acting like her husband then I will." he hisses bitterly not enjoying the thought.

Not long after that, he slams the door shut harshly, leaving Endeavor by himself in the living room, and Fuyumi at the top of the stairs hearing everything and seeing half of what occurred. She only sighs before she mutters walking off towards her bedroom again, "Poor Shoto…"


Once we have finished both our meals, he angrily goes through his wallet, slapping down a few bills on the table which the waitress quickly scurries to collect before he then asks "We should hit the arcade once I finish my drink. Are you down for that?"

Luckily we talked about nothing to serious, mostly about his time at UA so far, some stupid kid named Deku which he kept bringing up and saying that he wanted the bastard to die, and then someone he called the half and half bastard who was a little stuck up bitch. I had wondered if the half and half bastard that he spoke about was Shoto. Since the way he described him was exactly how his personality was at home and he did attend the same schools as Katsuki.

I wipe my mouth with a napkin before I reply "Yes, the arcade sounds fun...I have never been before but let me go to the bathroom first. I will be right back."

He clicks his tongue, 'tsking' at me before he then spats crushing his straw that was in between his fingers "Hurry up! I don't want to be waiting all damn day for you to get out of the stupid bathroom. The arcade closes soon."

I only nod, slipping out of the booth and walking towards the restrooms which were by the door, I push open the bathroom door with the woman's sign, before I let out a long and heavy sigh.

It was getting late. I watched the skies that were blue when we first arrived, slowly grow darker the more time I spent with the boy of who I shouldn't be hanging around. If I didn't get home soon, I wouldn't be able to get back in the house, but I do admit I was having a lot of fun, I didn't want to go back. A couple of times the boy made me laugh, even though what he was talking about was strangling some kid that smacks his gum too loudly in the cafeteria and that he just wants to blow him to pieces other days.

I then walk towards the sink, needing some time to myself. I grasp the porcelain, my fingers curling underneath it. As I stare at my reflection, I see long and wavy curls the color of midnight reaching just above my chest, I had my mother's hair. My skin is pasty white, while my eyes are light blue. When I look in the mirror, I get reminded of my heritage, the blue tattoos wrapping around me like invisible binds that only I can see. No else could see this...unless they also had them.

I trace over one lightly, as I stare into the mirror. They were beautiful, but yet so ugly to me. It only reminded me that I will always be different and never like anyone no matter how hard I tried. Even if my mother told me I never fit in with anyone, doesn't mean I wouldn't want to try to have a normal life.

I pull away from the mirror, taking a deep breath. I should go before that boy gets mad, he said not to take a long time in the bathroom. I walk towards the bathroom door, and when I open it, I see two different colored eyes looking back at me, narrowing and studying me.

I nearly scream from how close he was but he covers my mouth and hisses quietly shoving me back into the bathroom, and uncaringly he walks into the ladies restroom "Do you have any morals at all? Going out on dates….with one of my classmates no less, when you are to be married to me."

I also narrow my eyes at him smacking his hand off my mouth, and I hiss back "I thought you didn't want things to work out between us! So where did this come from? This husband and wife crap?!"

He seethes at my words before he grabs my cheeks, squeezing them together painfully and he says his voice low, his irritation growing by the minute "Listen...Whether you like it or not...Or I like it or not. We are going to be married. So If I have to act like some husband to you, you will act like a normal wife to me!"

He lets go of my cheeks, and I fall completely silent at his sudden outburst. He then snatches my wrist and says next pulling me towards the bathroom door "We are leaving. Forget about everything that has happened tonight."

He whips open the bathroom door, startling a confused girl who was about to enter and she stands back towards the wall to get out of his way. She stares at our backs as Shoto pulls me along and he quickly glares at the blonde boy at the table who was on his cell phone, tapping his finger impatiently on the screen.

I feel bad as I suddenly mutter beginning to ask "but what about…"

He opens the door to the restaurant, the bell chiming signaling our leave. He quickly pulls me outside along with him, his grip on my wrist painful as he just says hastily walking down the sidewalk "Forget about him. He will be fine."

I look back at the window of the restaurant seeing the boy turn to stare at the bathroom door and I can't help but feel like this was going to cause problems between him and me in the future. We were going to go to the same school after all. He probably will think I dusted him on purpose or something like that.

I want to sigh yet again, but I hold it in. I ask defeated "Are we going home?"

"Yes." He replies snotty his fingers wrapping around tighter around my wrist. "Any problems with that?" he asks his eyes turning to give me a hateful side glance.

"No…" I mutter out as a reply. I look at his back, thinking what had caused this drastic change in thought but I don't ask him. Instead, our walk home is completely silent, and not once did he let go of my wrist until we arrived home.

But little did Shoto realize. He was starting to be more like his father with every passing day, the very thing he feared above anything else. He was becoming more controlling, hateful, pushy, and mean all because of a marriage he was forced in to….and he was becoming just like the man his father is…

He was becoming a hateful man who held a silent grudge but against his parent and as a result he was becoming bitter towards his wife but these were things he didn't realize, if he did, he would have stopped himself sooner….

The blonde haired boy known as Katsuki angrily leaves the restaurant, hands stuffed in his pocket, as his face remains scrunched up in anger. He was dusted by that bitch… he kicks a trash can down startling a couple walking down the sidewalk as he yells "Goddammit!"

Trash scatters everywhere on the sidewalk, and a dent from his kick is forever engraved into the metal trash can. The couple runs away from him leaving the boy with steam pouring from his ears as he takes his frustrations out on the trash. He is kicking everything about acting like the delinquent boy he was. He then stops, his chest heaving up and down and he glares ahead.

'Just she wait…' he thinks to himself. 'Next time I see her, the dumb bitch is dead along with whoever her dumb fiance is.' He stomps off down the sidewalk, wanting nothing more to pick on someone in these very moments and just then he sees the perfect target.

He grins evilly as he sees the green haired boy with freckles walking home from the convenience store with a plastic bag in his hand. He then storms over screaming "Deku!'

This makes the green haired boy flinch and slowly turn around to face his aggressor stuttering "Y-yyess." Not really understanding the trouble he was in for.

The blonde haired boy grins madly as he walks closer to the obviously worried boy. 'He was going to make him regret even being born….' He thinks as he begins to crack his knuckles.

At the crack and the pop of Katsuki's knuckles, Izuki drops the plastic bag and begins to run and behind him screams Katsuki chasing behind him "Don't you dare run away from me you pussy!" this only making the green haired boy run faster trying to get to the safety of his home.

Then begins a very tiresome game of cat and mouse for the two young boys. This all reverting back to Shoto and I.

Authors Note: Wow, first of all, I would like to thank everyone for favoriting, following and especially reviewing. (I can't believe this story has over 100 follows!) Thank you all for your support and feedback with the fanfic! I hope to update the next chapter soon.