Chapter 5: Starlight Gets to Stay

At CHS, Sun and her friends, along with their new friends Starlight and Juniper are hanging out together. Some of the girls are doing each other's hair. Rarity braids Juniper's hair while Fluttershy braids Aria, and Twilight braid Sonata's hair. The girls giggle with smile on their faces.

"I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you," Starlight says.

Sun hear her bag vibrating and open it up to see the new journal Twilight supposed to give to her. Sun opens the journal and see Twilight has leave a message to them.

Sun says, "Maybe you don't have to leave yet,"

She then reads the message that says, "

Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!"

Everyone cheer to hear that Starlight will be staying a with them longer.

"Huh. Think you can focus on the positive?" Starlight asks with a grin.

"Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment, right?" Sun answers with a smile.

"Right!" Starlight replies.

Starlight nudges Sun in the arm. Sun nodges her back. Then Starlight does it to her again. The girls start laughing with smiles on their faces.

At the theater, later in the evening, Sun and the girls, along with their families are in the lobby waiting for the movie to start. They dressed in formal attire and are talking amoung themselves. Sun and the girls are with Juniper who is on break from work. Coloratura is also with them to sing for everyone after the premire

"And then I said 'Please darling, that isn't a hat. It's a natural disaster that landed on the top of your head'" Rarity says.

Some of the girls begin laughing to hear the gossip.

"That's so funny Rarity!" Pinkie says with a big smile.

"Yeah. I think that girl need to have better taste in hats," Adagio replies.

Applejack turns to Coloratura, and says, "It sure is nice that you could join us here."

"I agree. Plenty of people who were involved in the movie will be at the premire," Coloratura says.

"My uncle told me it's going to be a big party after words," Juniper says.

"A party! I love party!" Pinkie cheers.

"Bet you love setting party as much as being in one," Aria rearks.

"Still, I'm very excited. I never been to a movie premire before," Starlight says.

She thinks about it, and says, "In fact, I don't think I ever been to a movie before before I got to Ponyville."

"Sounds like your villige could use a theather," Sonata replies.

"Maybe so. I could write to the others at the village and see what they think," Starlight replies.

Then Starlight asks the girls, "So what's it like to be part of a movie."

"Well for starters, being in a movie makes ya'll feel like part of the action," Applejack says.

"Yeah. And being in a Daring Do Movie is awesome!" Rainbow squeals.

Juniper chuckles, and says, "Yeah. I remember Sun telling me that they had to stop a few times because of your over excitement for Daring Do."

"Can you blame me? Daring Do is awesome," Rainbow says.

"I remember Princess Twilight told me that A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are actially the same person. She travels around searching for treasue and artifacts, and saving the world from evil. Then writes books about her adventures," Sun explains.

"That's cool," Starlight says.

Then Juniper said, "I remember my uncle telling me that A.K Yearling is not an easy person to find. Hearing what you said makes me wonder if she lives a double life too."

"Could be, but I doubt Ahuizol would be a giant jackle like creatue," Twilight says.

"But Caballeron and his henchmen is a possibility," Sun says.

"And since we're talking about Daring Do. We'll be going to the DAring Do Concention that is being held in Canterlot next week," Rainbow says.

"Yeah. Our school's club is going there," Sun adds.

"Hey, my uncle and I are going to the convention too," Juniper replies.

"Really?" Twilight questions with a smile.

"Yeah. My uncle is making a guest apperance there. I'm going as Daring Do," Juniper answers.

"Rainbow is dressing up as her too," Sun says.

"I think everyone is going as her," Applejack remarks.

"Very funny," Rainbow says, looking annoyed.

Sun comes up with an idea, "You and I can hang out while we're there."

"I'm good with it. My uncle is going to be a little busy, but he'll get some free time too, Juniper says.

"I know. My dad and Aunt Chestnut are making a guest apperance there too. He's dressing up as Caballeron and my aunt is going as Daring Do while they're with us and at the panel," Falling Star says.

"And I just heard that A.K Yearling is going to be there too. She never goes to convention," Rainbow squeals.

"I can't wait till we get there," Sun says with a smile.

"I agree," Twilight says.

"Yeah. I'll bet it will be tons of fun," Falling Star says.

Then Rainbow says, "Yeah. It sure will."

The girls look ahead to see that the door is opening and everyone is entering inside.

"It time to get in," Sonata happily says.

"And I better get back to work," Juniper says.

Pinkie hugs Juniper, and says, "No way. You're going to see the movie with us."

"Huh?" Juniper questions.

"Well, we convinced your uncle, and he convinced the manager to give you the night off so you can have fun with your friends," Starlight says.

"It was Sun's idea and was able to fully convince him," Fluttershy says.

"She sure did," A familiar male's voice says.

The girls turn to see Canter Zoom coming towards them wearing a tuxedo.

The girls say, "Hi Canter Zoom."

"Um hi Uncle Canter. You said that, Sun convinced you to let me see the move with them," Juniper sheepishly replies.

"She did, and she also convinced me about something else," Canter says.

"What's that?" Juniper asks.

"Well, she explained to me about your trouble and the real reason why you wanted to play Daring Do. I'm not very happy about what you did, but from Sun told me that you learned your lesson," Canter says.

He then brings out a ring of keys, "So under my supervision along with security supervision I allowed you to work again with me at the lot."

Juniper is shocked to hear this. She then smiles anf gives her uncle a big hug.

"Oh thank you," Juniper says.

"I think is your friends you should be really thanking, but you still have to work at the theather for some of theā€¦ propert damage," Canter says.

"You're right," Juniper says.

She turns to Sun and the girls, "Thank you. You all are the best."

"It's no problem, and another thing," Rainbow says.

"What?" Juniper questions.

Aria comes over and gives Juniper a hard karatie chop to the head, making Juniper go, "Ow!"

"That's for trapping the girls in the mirror and turning Sun into a doll," Aria says with a smirk.

Juniper sheepishly giggles while rubbing her head, and says, "I guess I deserve that."

"Come on, we got a movie to see," Rainbow says.

"Yay!" Everyone cheer.

The girls watch the movie in the theather and are amazed to see how the movie has come out. There's action, adventure, and everything that happens in the movie is amazing. The girls think this is the best movie they have ever seen.