Chapter 1: The Mirror of Magic

At Canterlot City Mall many people are hanging with friends, shopping, eating, going to the movies, or any activities that are done at the shopping center. Walking down the halls of the mall is Juniper Montage, and is just walking around feeling a bit bored. Feeling like she has nothing to do. As Juniper walks down the halls, a few t.v screens turn on, and playing the music video Dance Magic that The Rainbooms, The Dazzlings, and The Shadowbolts are on.

Juniper becomes angry and tries to leave the scene, but another video appears.

"Those girls!" Juniper says in resentment.

Juniper looks around to see so many t.v videos are playing the song that The Rainbooms are on.

Juniper screams in anger, "Ahh!"

Then walks away in anger. The truth is, Juniper is still upset with The Rainbooms and The Dazzlings for foiling her plans and ends up getting her in trouble.

"First, they get me kicked off the Daring Do set. Now... Ooh!" Juniper says in resentment, but bumps into a billboard.

She turns around to see the poster for the Daring Do Movie, but looks on the side to see Sun and her friends are in it to.

Juniper angirly screams, "They're everywhere! I bet they'll be at the premiere tonight. I bet I'll be the lucky one ushering them to their seats."

Juniper hits the billboard, but it still standing. She then grabs it, and shakes it, then let it fall to the ground.

Just then, strange static appears, and a girl's voice says, sounding annoyed,"Yo Juniper, where are you?"

Juniper picks up the walkie talkie from her pocket to hear the girl says, "We need you back at the popcorn popper."

"What was that…Aria? Can't hear you!... Losing you!" Juniper says as she tries to fake losing the signal.

The voice reveals to be Aria sternly says, "Juniper, I know you're faking it so just get back as soon as possible before the boss does."

Juniper groans with annoyance, and says, "Fine."

She then puts the walkie talkie away, and mutters, "How does she have any friend with that attitude i'll never know."

Juniper walks to a sunglasses stand as she says to herself, "If she and her friends hadn't shown up, I would have played Daring Do! Tonight would have been about me."

"I would have been a star!" Juniper says as she puts on red, sparkling star shaped sunglasses.

The clerk in charge of the stand, looks at Juniper after pulling down his shades and shakes his head.

Juniper looks at herself in the mirror to see the glasses.

Juniper agrees, and takes off the glasses, "You're right. They are a bit much."

She then puts the glasses on the shelf, and tries on another pair. But while distracted, a stream of blue magic appear from the sky and travels inside the mall. Then it lands on the mirror Juniper has used before. The mirror transformed into a light pale blue like crystal, with two purple gems. One under the mirror, and one on the end of the handle.

Juniper picks it up and looks at her reflection. Suddenly the reflection changes on the mirror. Juniper yelps and drops the mirror to the ground.

Juniper look around, and asks herself in fright, "What was that?"

Juniper slowly touches the mirror with her finger, and strange blue sparks and flames come out of it. Juniper screams to see what the mirror has done.

Juniper picks up the mirror and hold it in front of her face. Just When, ripples appear and reveals a different reflection of Juniper. The mirror shows hair is down and stylish with a purple clip on it. She is wearing a elegant purple and black feather like dress, and has a three blue bells for a necklace. The reflection blows a kiss at Juniper.

Juniper gasps looking astonished at the reflection, "Incredible!"

Juniper has made her decision about the mirror, and put the money on the counter, "Keep the change."

"Something tells me this thing's worth it," Juniper says, taking the mirror with her. Unaware on what the magic the mirror truly poses.

At the food court of the mall, Sun and her friends are having lunch at the food court.. But Sun is not eating her lunch. Instead, she is writing a letter to Princess Twilight in her journal while the others are getting their lunch.

As Sun writes, she says in her thoughts, "

Dear Princess Twilight,

Tonight's the night of the big movie premiere. All my friends are really excited, and I should be, too. Except I can't seem to keep my mind on anything other than our new powers, and the rogue magic that's loose in this world, and how scary but exhilarating it all is. How does it work? How can we be prepared for it? When will it show up again? Well, you see the problem. With the weight of all Equestria on your shoulders, you must have some advice on how to…"

Sun stops writing to see that she has run out of room on the page. In fact, this is the last page in the journal. Now, she has no more space to write in her book.

Sun says, and says, "Oh man."

"What's the matter, Sun?" Pinkie asks, as she walks with her tray of food

"Oh, I just ran out of pages in my journal. That's all," sun answers.

Then she makes a sulk look on her face.

Rainbow walks by, and says, "Chillax, SunShim."

"Um, who's "SunShim"?" Fluttershy asks.

"That's Sun's new movie star name," Rainbow says, taking her seat.

After taking a sip of her drink, Rainbow says, "I just made it up!"

"For sweet apples' sake, we only have bit parts in this flick. We're not movie stars," Applejack says, looking annoyed.

"Yet, darling. Yet," Rarity says.

Then Adagio says, "I'm also willing to bet that SunShim, is for for Sunset Shimmer, right?"

"Yep. I used Sun's Equestrian Name," Rainbow answers.

"Neat," Sonata replies.

"There's more bothering you than just journal pages, isn't there, Sun?" Twilight asks, knowing there's something on her friend's mind.

"Um…" Sun says, worried to speak up.

"C'mon! Share your troubles. It might help soothe your stressed nerves," Pinkie happily says, leaning against then rubbing her cheeks on her face.

Sun rubs her cheek, and says, trying not to look nervous, "Uh, I don't wanna take any of the fun out of our big night…"

"I said spill it, SunShim!" Pinkie shouts, getting to Sunset's face.

"Okay, okay," Sun says, slowly pushing Pinkie away from her.

She then turns to her friends, and explains her troubles, "It's just that things have been calm around here, magic-wise."

"And that's bad how, precisely?" Rarity questions.

"It's not. It's just that instead of enjoying the fact that things are calm, I'm constantly thinking about things going wrong, even when they aren't," Sun explains, not feeling very calm about it.

"Ooh, like... like what things?" Fluttershy asks, starting to get worried.

"I don't know. I shouldn't even be thinking about any of this stuff right now. And neither should any of you," Sun answers.

Pinkie notices that Sun's book is vibrating and picks it up.

She happily says, "Look! Twilight's writing you back!"

She holds it up, as she happily says in a loud tone, "Hey, everybody, Sunset's getting an Equestritext!"

Sun reaches up, and tries to take it from Pinkie. Luckily Sun is able to take it back from Pinkie and sits down.

"What's it say?" Applejack asks.

Sun reads the message, and says, "It said that Twilight and her friends had to leave for some friendship problem, and won't be able to give me a new book for us to write to. But she said Starlight will be there waiting."

Hearing the message, the girls know it can only be one thing.

"Looks like you're going to Equestria for a quick visit," Rarity says.

"Yeah. I'll get the book and be back in time for the primire," Sun says, getting up from her chair, and begins to leave.

Before she leaves, she leads to Adagio and asks, "How is Aria getting along with Juniper at her job."

"Not so good. Her boss told me that those two are getting into each other's skin," Adagio answers.

"Sounds bad," Sun says.

"I know," Adagio replies.

At the movie theater, Juniper is at the popcorn stand looking at herself in her special mirror. She can see herself begin a famous movie star.

"It's like this mirror is the only one around here who gets me," Juniper says to herself looking at the mirror.

Just then an annoyed girl's voice, says, "Hey Juniper."

Juniper turns around to see Aria with a broom and dust pan.

She presents them to Juniper, and says, "Popcorn spill at the condiment counter,"

"Does this look like someone who cleans popcorn spills?" Juniper sternly asks, showing Aria the mirror.

However, Aria is annoyed or even frustrated with Juniper, "No. It looks like the girl who want to be a showboat. Now clean it up."

"Showboat?!" Juniper angrily exclaim.

"Yeah. A show boat. Now stop looking at the stupid mirror and take care of it. I'm supposed to be your fellow employee, not a babysitter," Aria says, with an annoyed look.

Juniper glares at Aria and just takes the broom and dust pan. Juniper continues to groan as she walks to the spilled popcorn, dragging the broom and dust pan.

Juniper reaches the spill, drops the two supplies, and upsetly says, "This is the worst."

Juniper has an idea, and says, "Hey, I know what will perk me up! A little Mirror Me time!"

Juniper takes out the mirror and it shows the reflection of her being a star. People are asking for her autograph, interviews, and others.

Juniper giggles with a smile, and says, "That's more like it!"

She sighs, and says, "I wish this popcorn would just clean itself up so I could just stare at you all day."

As Juniper hold the mirror up, the glass on the mirror swirls in colors. Then it zaps the popcorn, and sucks them into the mirror. Juniper is shocked to see what has happened.

Aria comes over to see the trash gone, "Wow, that was fast. Glad you decided to it."

"Uh thanks, "Juniper replies, still nervously on what her mirror has done.