Pilot 2

We love that quarntine forced us to have wayyy to much time on our hands.

Ward stands looking utterly confused. Coulson gets a sly smile.

"Sorry, that corner was really dark and I couldn't help myself."Coulson is smiling as Ward looks even more confused and gives a look to Hill.

"Seriously Coulson?" May groaned. Coulson was too proud to care.

"I think there's a bulb is out."

Cue another groan

Cut to outside, a bus pulls up to a curb and opens the doors. We see the man from earlier, the one with the son, walking down the street studying a newspaper. As he passes by the cellphone woman from earlier leans back and watches him pass. When he get a little past her she gets up from her seat and begins to follow him.

"Stalker!" Lincoln coughed out.

"I'm sorry who are you again? Are you an agent? Who do you work for?!" Talbot cried looking at Skye.

Coulson, Ward and Hill. An elevator opens and they walk out.

"Director Fury faked your death, to motivate the Avengers." Ward said.

"The death of a common ally is a particularly effective team builder." Hill responded.

"Umm why?" Fitz questioned.

"Seems like a dick move. If you ask me." Hunter called out.

"Good thing no one asked you." Fury growled.

"I'm sorry can I please ask why i'm here?" Mack yelled to the celling.

They stop in front of a sealed door and turn towards a wall. A female computer voice speaks. "Say "cheese"

We see the badges of Coulson, Hill and Ward flash on the screen and the door unlocks.

Coulson: Plus, it wasn't that much of a stretch. I stopped breathing for about 40 seconds.

"Eight! Eight seconds Coulson!"

The men hold each door open as Hill passes through, then they enter.

Hill: Eight. It gets longer every time you tell it.

Coulson: Yeah, well you get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini, you can tell it your way.

They have entered some sort of reception area.

Coulson: I was looking at the big white light and it felt like a lot longer than 8 seconds.

Coulson and Ward both get badges that they clip to their jackets. Once they do they all begin to walk again.

Ward: Do they know? The Avengers, that Fury played them?

Hill: They're not level 7.

"The two assasins have to be." Talbot snorted.

Coulson: I got out of the I.C.U., Fury stuck me in a grass shack in Tahiti. Rough gig. Mai tais, Travis McGee novels and a physical therapist whose command of English was…irrelevant.

They enter a room filled with computer and monitors.

Ward: But something put you back in the game.

Something beeps when they enter the room and a video is played on one of the screens. It's the footage the Cellphone Woman took of the Man jumping out of the building.

Ward: What's that?

Coulson: That's a superhero, Agent Ward.

"Not a superhero." Fury grumbled

Hill: An unregistered gifted. Identity unknown.

We hear a few more beeps and the woman who did the voiceover at the top of the episode is speaking again.

Woman: Your secret is out. For decades your organization…

Hey we heard that at the beginning." Deke cried

"Yes we know." They all sighed.

Her voice is drown out by other voices and different clips playing on the screens.

Coulson: Another little present from the Rising Tide.

Ward: How are they getting this stuff before us

Coulson: Same way they cracked our RSA implementation.

Skye grinned proudly which made Lincoln glance at her weirdly. Hunter who notice her grin tapped her on the shoulder and a subtle thumbs up. Earning him a glare from Bobbi.

Hill shoots him a look.

Coulson: They're good. So I need better.

Hill: Agent Coulson has requisitioned a mobile command unit, to which you are assigned.

Coulson: Rising Tide is trying to draw us out. I think it's time they succeeded.

Ward is nodding his head, thinking he understands where this is going. Coulson has walked around the desk and picked up a binder.

Ward: You want me to cross them off?

"WOW! That escalated quickly!" Hunter chuckled.

"Who the hell taught you shot then question kid?" lumly mumbled.

Raina turned to give Ward a approving once over.

Coulson looks shocked.

Coulson: Wow. No.

He looks over to Hill, she raises her eyebrows and looks down.

Coulson: I want to use them to get to him.

He nods toward the screen where the Man's picture is still visible.

Coulson: This man's world is about to get very weird. He's gonna need some help.

Ward looks at the screen then to Hill.

Ward: I'm sorry, I was trained from day one as a specialist. I go in alone, I get it done. Defusing a nuclear bomb – I'm your guy.

He looks to Coulson.

Ward: A welcoming committee? Not my speed.

"Is anything your speed? Aren't you supposed to be an agent? Like good at everything?" Fitz rambled

Ward shot him a glare causing Fitz to shrink back.

Coulson opens the binder.

Coulson: I know it's not what you want. Agent Hill did a very detailed assessment of your last three missions. Combat – top grades. Espionage – she gave you the highest marks since Romanoff.

"Woah!" Talbot muttered in surprise. "You ever get tired of Shield you can have a job with us."

"Or with me." Raina purred in Wards direction.

Hill and Ward share a look then his attention goes back to Coulson.

Coulson: Under "people skills" she drew a – I think it's a little poop.

"Excuse me?!" Both Ward and Hill cried for two different reasons

He turns the binder and holds it up a bit higher for Ward to see. His eyes draw down in confusion and he steps closer to look at the drawing.

Coulson: With knives sticking out of it.

Hill holds up one of her hands.

Hill: What?

"Philip I swear to God. I will drop kick you back to Tahiti."

Coulson: That's bad, right? And given your family history, I'm surprised it's not worse.

Coulson doesn't seem to notice that Ward's jaw clenches when he mentions Ward's family history. He closes the binder and holds it to his chest again.

Coulson: I think you're the guy for this. If I'm wrong, you go straight back to your bombs.

"Is it weird that I want you to be wrong so I can go back to my bombs and not deal with this?" The man in question grumbled

An older man walks into the room wearing a lab coat.

Older Man: Teams approved. Physicals are all fine.

He is holding some file folders which he gives to Hill.

Older Man: Fitz-Simmons is not cleared for combat. I'm told that won't be an issue. Agent Ward here, he's almost too fit.

"Excuse me what why would we want to go out in the field? When we could be in a perfectly save the lab?!" Fitz cried.

"YES! The request gets approved!" Simmons shouted at the same time.


Ward takes a step forward.

Ward: That's an issue. That should be an issue. Maybe I can't join the team. Because my –

"You're fighting this too hard. What's your deal?" May questioned suspiciously.

The more experienced agents agreed

His words are cut off by Hill.

Hill: God, you are dismissed.

Ward walks out of the room while Coulson smirks at her.

Hill: It was a porcupine, it was not a poop.

"Really Hill?"


"It's not Coulson's fault that he's a piece of-"

"May that's not nice!"

Shut up Coulson!"

"How does anything get done?" Mack wondered to himself.

"Is this that authorities do in the old times?" Deke whispered

Coulson looks confused and opens the binder again.

Hill: It just means that he –

This time Coulson cuts her off.

Coulson: No, I'm pretty sure.

"Coulson I swear-"

Hill is not amused.

Hill: And it's not just Ward, your whole roster is sketchy.

Coulson: Well, they're cleared.

Older Man: I would've been very happy not to clear you, Phil. I'd love for you to rest up some more.

Coulson: I've had plenty of that, thanks.

"Wait! Wait! I'm late but I thought i miss heard the first time. Are you saying he came back from the dead?" Mack suddenly cried.


"None of you-?"

"The guys got a point, why is no one questioning this."

Hill steps closer to him.

Hill: You sure?

Coulson: You should go sometime.

Hill: Where?

Coulson: Tahiti. It's a magical place.

"That's the second time you have said that. Exactly that." Lumly stated.

She gives him a soft laugh.

Hill: Three days in and I'd be begging for an assignment.

Coulson: Exactly.

He gives her a smile and walks out of the room as the Older Man steps closer to Hill.

Older Man: Tahiti. He really doesn't know, does he?


"I am. Confused." Hunter stated loudly.

"Excuse me? I can't know what?"

Hill looks down as if she's feeling guilt.

Hill: He can never know.

Hill walks away as the Older Man watches her go.

Open inside a diner. The superhero man from earlier is sitting in a booth drinking coffee and watching the news. The report has a runner at the bottom that says "who is the hooded hero". Thy are talking to the woman that he saved in the building.

Woman: Is there any way I can thank him? Are you sure, nobody saw him?

The Man gets a smile as he looks down at the paper on the table in front of him. We can hear the news reporter's voice from the TV.

Reporter: So, the identity of the hooded hero still remains unknown.

We see that he has been looking at the classified section of the newspaper. Some jobs are circled while others are crossed out. He looks up when he sees someone slide into the booth with him. It is the Cellphone Woman who has been following him. She looks around as he looks up at her.

Cellphone Woman: Just act natural.

Skye groaned in embarrassment.

Man: What?

Cellphone Woman: Just, pretend that we're talking.

His confusion only grows.

Man: We are.

"Skye, I will gladly teach you to be more subtle than that." Hunter stated. "Because that is just an embarrassment."

"Hunter you can't be subtle if your life depended on it!"

Cellphone Woman: Good, cause you never know who's listening.

She acting shifty and nervous this makes the man more confused.

Man: I don't even know who's talking.

She gives him a big smile.

Cellphone Woman: I'm Skye. And you're the hooded hero.

The Man looks away and down.

Skye: Please tell me that you're not staying with that name.

Man: Wait, what? I'm not – I'm a factory worker.

Skye has taken three packets of sugar out of the holder and sets them flat on the table. She scoffs at his assertion.

Skye: Sure, by day.

She is still giving him a big smile.

Skye: I saw you. You're a hero. Like, a for real superhero – which is – I'm not, a groupie, stalker type, but…

She begins to giggle with delight.

Skye folded herself over in a futile way to avoid what was going on onscreen. Mike was giving her an odd look both onscreen and in the audience.

"Not a stalker?" Lincoln asked amused

"I'm going with blonde on that." Hunter and trip laughed

Skye: Oh my God, that is so cool! Okay, okay, chill.

She takes a second to compose herself again.

Skye: Just don't, don't draw attention.

She takes a deep breath and sighs.

Skye: You're in danger.

Man: You got the wrong guy, lady.

Skye: No, you've got the wrong approach. The cute girl from the hospital is dying to thank you, and possibly "thank" you.

She places heavy inflection on the second "thank"

"She's got a point." Hunter directed to Mike.

Earning glares from most women.

"Morse control him."

Skye: And you're hiding. The clip of you rescuing her has had the most hits since that puppy with vertigo, and you can't even find a job.

The Man looks down at his crossed and circled classified ads and sighs. He sits back in his seat and looks at her.

Man: What do you mean about danger?

Skye: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Man: Shield what? I should carry a shield?

Mike winced

Skye: S.H.I.E.L.D. Government. Scary men in dark suits who come after guys like you. They knew about the Battle of New York before it even happened. And then cleaned it up before anyone could ask real questions – overnight. How long do you think it'll take for them to clean you up?

Man: And you want to know why I'm hiding.

Skye: What if you didn't hide? What if you got in front of this and let people know that you're a hero?

Man: I'm just a guy.

Skye: Why, a guy like that gets work, gets perks.

She starts playing with her sugar packets, moving them around.

Skye: I can help. I'm great with computers – like weirdly great. I mean, I could help you create a whole new identity or…

Her eyes get wide and she gasps in delight.

Skye: A mask.

"Not a groupie my ass." Ward mumbled

The man grabs his paper and prepares to leave the table.

Man: O-okay.

He gets up and Skye scrambles out of the booth to follow him.

Skye: Well, you could just – also we could just stick with the…

She quickly gets around him standing close by his side.

Skye: Hood. Listen, you cannot walk away from this. With great power comes…a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with. Now, my office is –

Man: You have an office?

She looks offended.

Skye: Yes, I have an office.

The look of offence drops from her face.

Skye: It's a mobile…office. It's a…van. I live in a van – by choice! But, it's always in the alley around the corner, free Wi-Fi and you can come by anytime.

"Actually thats not a bad hideout, quick get away, especially if your hacking SHIELD." Bobbi stated

Man: Thank you.

He gives her a slight bow then walks away. Skye gives him a big smile and waves cheerily to him.

Skye: They're coming for you.

"Girl thats just creepy."Trip snorted.

Fitzsimmons, Lincoln, and Hunter mummers agreements

He shoots her a look but continues out of the bar. She lifts something up and looks at it, it's Man's driver's license. We now can call him something other than man: Michael Peterson.


"Nice slight of hand."

"My ID!"

"Wow whats that?"

She leaves the bar too.

Cut to inside an office. We see three stacks of papers set up side by side. Someone is assembling them into some sort of memo then stapling them together. It's a Level 3 S.H.I.E.L.D. Technical Memorandum. The camera pans out then zooms in to show us a woman sitting at her desk assembling the memos. She stops her work when she hears Coulson's voice.

Coulson: Agent May.

May: No.

We see Coulson and he has a smile at her denial.

Coulson: So, you've been briefed.

He walks so that he is standing next to her cubical staring down at her.

May: I'm not going back in the field.

Coulson: Yeah, you got such a nice setup here. Ever thought about adding a moat?


Coulson snorted in amusement, which was rewarded by a icy glare from May

She shoots him a glare.

Coulson: I just need you to drive the bus, liaise ground transpo, some on-site supervision. This isn't a combat op.

While he was talking she looked away and continued stapling her paperwork.

May: Then you don't need me.

Coulson: I do.

He walks so that he is now in front of her instead of beside her.

Coulson: Cause we'll be running ourselves. Picking the ops, making the calls.

"I do not remember saying that."

"Neither do I."

"Wait you guys can do that?" Hunter gasped dodging a slap from Bobbi

This gets her attention and she is once again looking at him.

Coulson: No red tape.

A thought occurs to Coulson and he looks around for a second.

Coulson: This is where they actually make the red tape, isn't it? I always wondered.

"What are you doing? You were in Communication and Field you know this."

He's looking around after his joke and May finally cracks a smile.

Coulson: Melinda?

May: You're really just asking me to drive the bus?

Coulson: I'm not asking.

He starts to walk away but throws one last line over his shoulder to her.

Coulson: But it's a really nice bus.

"Wait, is bus a code word?" Deke and Lincoln asked at the same time.

"I'm assuming yes." Lumly stated.

"I'm taking bets right now, What do you think the Bus is? I'm saying a plane." Hunter whispers.

"Mobile base." Bobbi sighed.

If you want to know who is there from left to right is the order they are sitting in:

Fury, Cal, Raina, Enoch, Noah, Richerd Lumly,

Grant Ward, Maria Hill, Phillip Coulson, Melinda May,

Leopold Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Skye, Lincoln Campbell,

Trip, Mack, Deke Shaw, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Mike