I was listening to music and I thought of this little story. It is kind of like a Hannah Montana moment and I also paired it with the comments that I got when I wrote a one-shot that showed a glimpse of another side of Flora. I was listening to Ariana Grande so her music will be used and I thought that it would be interesting to have Flora be a pop star that was fun and a bit...sexual. So here is Secret Star.

*I don't own the rights to any of the music used or the Winx Club*

"Oh my stars!" Stella exclaimed as she sat in front of the computer in the middle of the Winx common room.

"What is it. Stel?" Musa asked as she looked over at her blonde friend from the couch.

The Winx were enjoying a lazy Sunday in their dorm room, something that they did not get to enjoy very often between classes, dates, and saving the world.

"I just won tickets to the Lily Rose concert!" Stella squealed.

"What? How?" Bloom asked jumping up from her seat at the small desk in the room.

"I entered a ticket giveaway on the Lily Rose website and I guess that I won...12 tickets! We can all go!" Stella was nearly shouting.

"Calm down, Stella. You have to be alive to go to the concert." Aisha chuckled.

"I can't help it! I am so excited! I love her music and I think that we will have an amazing time!" Stella jumped up from her seat.

In the corner of the room, Flora was watering her plants, trying to hide the smile that was slowly creeping up on her face, for she had a secret that no one outside of her family knew about. She was Lily Rose and the contest that Stella "won" was rigger to get the Winx and the boys to the concert. In fact, it would be her last concert because it would be then that she would reveal who she really was. Underneath the long silver wig and blue contacts was the Flora that her friends and the rest of the world knew.

"When is the concert?" Tecna asked, always on the practical side.

"This coming Saturday." Stella gasped, "Oh my, that is less than a week away and we have nothing to wear!"

"Stella, we aren't going to be the ones on stage." Bloom chuckled.

"And so what? Just because we are not going to be on stage doesn't mean that we shouldn't stand out."

"For once, I have to agree with Stella." Flora spoke up from the window sill, setting down her watering can. "Lily Rose is known to bring people on stage at her concerts and as the winners, there is a high chance that we could be brought up on stage. We should look fabulous."

"If Flora is finding this to be a good idea, then I guess that I am in." Musa shrugged her shoulders and the other Winx reluctantly agreed.

"Then it is settled. We will go shopping tomorrow after class." Bloom smiled, meeting the nods of the other Winx.

Soon, there was knock on the door. Bloom walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the Specialists.

"Sky, boys, what are you all doing here?" Bloom asked.

"We were getting bored and so we thought that we would stop by." Brandon answered.

"Is that my Shnuckums?!" Stella exclaimed before barging past Bloom and jumping into Brandon's arms.

"You all can come in." Bloom chuckled at her friend while opening the door for the boys to come into the room.

The boys walked in and walked up to their respective girlfriends, exchanging greetings and sweet words.

"We have the greatest news!" Musa announced as the group sat down in the middle of the common room.

"The world has been rid of evil and we can go on being normal young adults?" Riven sarcastically asked.

"1) When has being a young adult been normal? And 2) that is not the answer." Musa pursed her lips and squinted at Riven.

"Well, what is it?" Sky asked.

"Stella won tickets to the Lily Rose concert. Twelve in fact." Musa replied.

"What? How?" Sky asked, he and the boys all in shock.

"I entered a concert on her website and I guess that we won. The concert is this coming Saturday! I really hope you boys can make it!" Stella squealed as she was practically jumping up and down in Brandon's lap.

"Ow, Stel, you are going to break my knees." Brandon said as he did his best to hold Stella still.

"I don't see how nobody else is not jumping for joy." Stella stuck up her nose and folded her arms.

"We are excited and we wouldn't miss a concert with our favorite girls for the world." Sky smiled, "Right, guys."

"Right." the Specialists all replied.

"I'll go put on some of her music." Musa stood up and walked to her room and grabbed her music player before connecting it to the bluetooth speakers Tecna installed in the room, enhanced with Musa's magic.

The music began to play and the group began to move to the music.

"I have never listened to this Lily Rose chick but I can really vibe to this music. Especially if you are by my side." Riven smirked before planting a kiss on Musa's neck.

"I agree, she is really good. I wonder what or who the inspiration for her music is. A lot of the lyrics are suggestive in nature. She must be thinking about someone." Helia mused.

Flora looked at Helia and blushed, knowing that the songs were about him or their relationship. Helia had his art and poetry as his way of expressing his love for her and she had her own secret way of showing Helia that she loved him. However, the secret would be let out on Saturday.

"Nobody really knows. Lily Rose apparently keeps a low profile and has never been seen with a man or woman for that matter. She seems to be a private person." Aisha replied.

"Whoever he or she is, they must be really lucky." Nabu chimed in, letting out a soft chuckle.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Aisha raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I would feel lucky if I had someone singing about me. I think that anyone would." Nabu defensively held up his hands.

"I suppose you are right." Aisha sighed, knowing she lost that battle. She hated losing.

"Anyways, we are going shopping tomorrow for outfits for the concert. Flora made an excellent point that Lily Rose likes to bring people up on stage and as winners of the concert, chances are that we will be brought up so we must look concert ready. And this is a Lily Rose concert so we must look hot and stunning." Stella smiled.

"Nice." Brandon wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the mention of his sunshine looking hot and stunning.

"The same goes for you too. We can't be looking amazing and for you boys to look like you just rolled out of bed. Lily Rose will look amazing as always and we need to show her that we can too." Stella slapped Brandon on the arm.

"Fine." Brandon groaned. "Does this mean that we have to join you on this shopping excursion?" Brandon asked.

"No, just look good on Saturday." Stella smiled.

"Oh thank God."

Saturday afternoon had rolled around and the Winx common room was filled with the sound of five young women getting ready for the Lily Rose concert. But one was in the bathroom, sitting over a toilet.

Earlier that day, Flora found a spell that would induce vomiting without being sick. She needed to find a full-proof way for her to get out of going to the concert...as Flora that is.

"Flora, honey, are you alright?" Bloom asked as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"Bloom, I am really not feeling good. I think that it might have been something I ate or maybe I got some virus." Flora feigned her best sick voice.

"I heard that the flu has been going around. Are you sure that you can't make it to the concert?" Bloom asked.

"I am sure, especially after my third time vomiting today. You can give my ticket to Krystal." Flora said.

"No, we wouldn't want anyone else there. You are irreplaceable." Bloom replied through the door.

Hearing those words warmed Flora's heart, "I don't want Helia to feel like an eleventh wheel."

"I won't be." Flora snapped her head up at the sound of Helia's voice.

Flora stood up from the cold tiled floor and walked to the door, opening it to reveal Helia dressed in dark blue jeans and tight midnight blue shirt that seemed to matched his hair. Flora was getting more excited for her surprise at the concert with Helia looking that good.

"Do you not like the outfit?" Helia asked, rubbing the back of his neck, "Riven insisted that he dressed me."

"No, I...I am now really upset that I will not be with you at the concert." Flora said as she looked up and down at Helia.

"I can stay here with you." Helia suggested.

"Absolutely not. I will not allow it. You are going to that concert." Flora instructed that was a tone unlike Flora.

"Yes, ma'am." Helia chuckled.

"Now if you will excuse me, could you two leave so that I can get some rest and not get you two sick. This room is now under quarantine." Flora shooed Bloom and Helia out of the room to join the rest of the girls and now the guys in the common room. Bloom grabbed her dress on the way out, deciding that she would get dressed in Stella and Aisha's room.

"It is a shame that Flora can't come with us. She had such a great dress too." Stella sighed as she pulled up her tight, strapless yellow dress that came to her mid-thigh, Brandon looking on in a combination of lust and awe.

"Yes, because the dress is the main concern here." Musa rolled her eyes as she braided her hair into two long dutch braids. She wore a tight leather mini skirt, a red halter top, and black thigh high boots. Riven was having a hard time focusing on anything but the musical fairy.

Tecna was sitting on the couch next to Timmy wearing a tight purple strapless dress like Stella's but paired it with a white denim jacket and white heels.

Aisha was putting on her makeup, wearing black tight jeans and a tight dark green off the shoulder top. Her hair was up in a high and curly bun.

Bloom emerged wearing a tight dark blue dress with long sleeves and high neck but the back was cut out, stopping a few inches from exposing her back side. She wore gold strappy heels and her hair was curled and pinned up.

"Wow, you girls all look great." Sky smiled.

"Thank you, you boys clean up real nice." Bloom blushed.

"Shall we get going?" Brandon asked as he took Stella's hand.

"Let me tell Flora that we are leaving." Bloom said before walking over to her and Flora's room and opening the door a crack.

"Hey Flora, we are about to leave. Are you sure that you don't want one of us to stay with you?" Bloom asked as she popped her head into the room.

"And waste two tickets and get someone else sick? No way. You all have fun and don't worry about me. If I need anything, I will call." Flora responded from her bed.

"Alright, we will probably see you in the morning when you wake up." Bloom smiled before closing the door.

Flora lied still in her bed, waiting until the door to the dorm closed. She leapt to her feet and transformed before flying out of the window, heading to the concert.

"Ahhh! I can't believe that we are all in the front by the stage!" Stella squealed as she and the rest of the group followed behind one of the security guards as he led them to the front of the crowd.

The arena where the concert was being held was packed with thousands of fans. The stage was huge and there were two large screens that were going to be used to project the concert for those in the back of the arena.

"Good thing that we dressed up if we are going to be this close to Lily Rose." Tecna smiled as she adjusted her jacket.

Aisha let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Nabu asked.

"It's just that it was Flora's idea to dress up. I just hate being here without her." Aisha answered.

"Nobody could help that she got sick but we can always buy a recording of the show to give her after the concert." Brandon said.

"It won't be the same as actually being here though." Aisha shrugged.

"Hey," Bloom interjected, "Flora told us to have fun and she would hate it if we weren't enjoying ourselves."

"You're right!" Helia did his best to put on a confident smile but on the inside he was upset that Flora wasn't there. He felt awful that she was lying in a dark room feeling miserable.

The lights of the arena shut off and the crowd erupted in a loud cheer.

"It's starting!" Stella jumped up and down.

There was a single spotlight that shone on the stage and the sound of a piano playing. Smoke started to fill the stage and from below, a slender woman with silver hair emerged wearing a white dress was greeted with shouts of admiration.

The woman opened her eyes to reveal her striking blue eyes that contrasted with her tanned skin.

"She is flawless." Stella gasped.

"She's alright but nothing compares to you." Brandon wrapped his arms around Stella's waist as he stood behind her.

"How are we doing tonight!" Lily Rose shouted into the crowd as the beat of the song played behind her. The crowd, including the Winx and the Specialists erupted into cheers. "I am beyond thrilled to be here tonight and I hope you are all ready to have a crazy night!"

The beat of the previous song began to change until the sounds of a saxophone began to play and Lily Rose was soon joined by a group of background dancers. She waved her hands and her white dress changed into a short black dress with black thigh high boots on her feet. The crowd once again cheered.

Baby even though I hate ya

I wanna love ya

I want you you you

And even though I can't forgive ya

I really want to

I want you you you

Tell me, tell me baby

Why can't you leave me

'Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you you you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

I know you're never gonna wake up

I gotta give up

But it's you you you

I know I shouldn't ever call back

Or let you come back

But it's you you you

Every time you touch me

And say you love me

I get a little bit breathless

I shouldn't want it

But it's you you you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

"She is amazing!" Musa exclaimed as she danced along to the music.

"Yeah she is! I can't believe I never listened to her music." Riven smiled as he danced with Musa.

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

The song ended and the arena once again filled with cheers for the young star. The music turned into a slower beat and Lily placed her microphone on the stand.

"I can tell that you are all going to wear me out!" Lily exclaimed, "But I think that I can handle it.' Her laugh sweetly rang out through the arena. "I hope you don't mind if I slow it down a bit." The crowd cheered their approval.

"This is a newer song that I have been working on and I wrote it about someone very special to me. I hope that you all like it."

Oh yeah

Don't need permission

Made my decision to test my limits

'Cause it's my business

God as my witness

Start what I finished

Don't need no hold up

Taking control of this kind of moment

I'm locked and loaded

Completely focused my mind is open

All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God

Don't ya stop, boy

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

Lily Rose's eyes met Helia's in the front row and Helia's eyes widened. Those eyes seemed familiar but he could not tell where it was that he knew them from. She looked at him like she was trying to reach out to him, a look that Flora would give him before they, well, you know...

Nothing to prove and I'm bulletproof and

Know what I'm doing

The way we're movin' like introducing

Us to a new thing

I wanna savor, save it for later

The taste of flavor, 'cause I'm a taker

'Cause I'm a giver, it's only nature

I live for danger

All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God

Don't ya stop, boy

Oh yeah

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath, like that

You know how I'm feeling inside (somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout)

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath, like that

You know how I'm feeling inside (somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout)

Lily Rose took the microphone from the stand and began to saunter across the stage but Helia's eyes began to follow her. The way she moved reminded him so much of Flora and the way that she would walk when she was in the greenhouse, confident and with purpose. Lily Rose began to sway her hip as the sound of an electric guitar filled the air and she sang syllables that almost sounded like moans.

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath like that

You know how I'm feeling inside

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath like that

You know how I'm feeling inside (somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout)

somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

The song ended and Lily Rose smiled to the crowd before waving her hands and changing into silver leotard. The beat of the new song was faster and her backup dancers once again joined the stage.

I know what I came to do

And that ain't gonna change

So go ahead and talk your talk

'Cause I won't take the bait

I'm over here doing what I like

I'm over here working day and night

And if my real ain't real enough

I'm sorry for you bae

Let's find a light inside our universe now

Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down

Just come and get it let them say what they say

'Cause I'm about to put them all away

Lily Rose gave a small wink before joining her dancers as a man's voice echoed throughout the arena.

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

I can tell you're curious

It's written on your lips

Ain't no need to hold it back

Go head and talk your shit

I know you're hoping that I'll react

I know you're hoping I'm looking back

But if my real ain't real enough

Then I don't know what is

Let's find a light inside our universe now

Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down

Just come and get it let them say what they say

'Cause I'm about to put them all away

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

One, two, three

Come on girls

You know I like it

Come on now

Lily Rose stood still as she sang the last bridge. Once again directing her attention to the Winx and Specialists, Helia in particular.

Let's find a light inside our universe now

Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down

Just come and get it let them say what they say

'Cause I'm about to put them all away

Lily Rose gave Helia a small wink and smile, biting down on her tongue.

Focus on me

Focus on me (you know I like it when you focus on me)

Focus on me

Focus on me (focus on me!)

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

Focus on me (focus)

Focus on me (focus on me)

"Wow, I think you are going to have to explain to Lily Rose that you have a girlfriend." Brandon chuckled as the song finished and Lily Rose left the stage to catch her breath and prepare for the next set.

"I know but I have this feeling that I know her." Helia groaned.

"So does the rest of the world." Timmy chuckled.

"No no, not like that. Like we have met before." Helia shook his head.

"I think that you would have remembered meeting the most famous woman in the world." Riven rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know and that is why this is so frustrating. Maybe I am just overreacting and maybe just missing Flora that I am seeing her in Lily Rose." Helia rubbed his chin in thought.

"C'mon man, don't overthink this. Just relax and have some fun, okay?" Nabu flung his arm around Helia's shoulder.

"Oh oh oh, she's coming back." Stella slapped the boys' arms to get their attention back to the stage.

This time Lily Rose emerged from the back of the stage in the dark and was seated by a piano with a young man playing a steady beat. She wore a long pink strapless dress.

How soon do we forget, how we felt?

Dealing with emotions, that never left

Playing with the hand that we were dealt, in this game

Maybe I'm the sinner, and you're the saint

Gotta stop pretending, what we ain't

Why we pointing fingers, anyway?

When we're the same

Break up

Make up

Total waste of time

Can we please make up our minds

And stop acting like we're blind?

'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining

Stars fall, and the world goes blind, boy

You know, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you

'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made

But we hold on, hold on

There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase

But we hold on, hold on

The man at the piano began to rap over the music that he was playing and Lily Rose swayed to the rhythm.

I guess time's wasting, tick tocking, lip locking

How can we keep the feelings fresh, how do we zip lock it?

Wear your heart up on your sleeves so watch out for pickpockets

I guess to go the distance we might need to pit stop it

Hold up, I know love could be a beach with no shore

I done count to ten, lost my temper, and went back to four

I know sometimes it's hard to realize I'm the man that you need

I had a dream we branched out started a family tree

And I feel like that everything we do is overdue

You ask why I love your mom so much 'cause she's a older you

I wish that you were happy I guess that's the one thing I should be providing

Ain't no number twos, we both ones of ones and we the oddest

Couple only humans 'cept you, you a goddess

Only lying to you when I lie you down, just being honest

When you start as friends it's hard to say you're never going back

If I'm not the one then I'm the best mistake you ever had

Lily Rose brought the microphone back up to her mouth and began to sing once again as the man played on the piano.

Break up

Make up

Total waste of time

Can we please make up our minds?

And stop acting like we're blind

'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining

Stars fall, and the world goes blind boy

You know, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you

'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made

But we hold on, hold on

There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase

But we hold on, hold on

You're, you're, you're, you're

Mmm, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you

You're, you're, you're, you're

Mmm, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you

"Give it up for my good friend Roy here!" the crowd began to cheer as the young man stood up and took a small bow before giving Lily Rose a small parting kiss on the cheek, then walking towards backstage.

"I want to bring out another friend and I want you to grab onto someone that you love or someone you don't mind getting down with. And if that special someone doesn't exist or is not here, just imagine them here with you." Lily Rose announced to the crowd before a man with white hair came out. She waved her hand and she was now wearing a black lace bralette and a black lace skirt.

Tell me something, I need to know

Then take my breath and never let it go

If you just let me invade your space

I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain

And if in the moment I bite my lip

Baby, in that moment, you'll know this

Is something bigger than us and beyond bliss

Give me a reason to believe it

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Gotta love me harder)

Love me, love me, love me

Harder, harder, harder

The white haired man came behind Lily Rose and wrapped his arms around her waist as she swayed her hips. His hips moving with hers. He brought his microphone up to his lips as he began to sing.

I know your motives and you know mine

The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind

If you know about me and choose to stay

Then take this pleasure and take away the pain

And if in the moment you bite your lip

When I get you moaning you know it's real

Can you feel the pressure between your hips?

I'll make it feel like the first time

The Winx and Specialists began to sway to the beat as they held onto each other. If there was ever a moment that Helia felt like an extra wheel, it was now. He was missing Flora so much and the faces that Lily Rose was making did not make it easier because every twinge of ecstasy that she portrayed with the man singing behind her, just reminded him of the faces that Flora would make when they would, well...you know.

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Imma love you harder)

And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Love me harder)

Love me, love me, love me

Harder, harder, harder

Love me, love me, love me

Harder, harder, harder

So what do I do if I can't figure it out?

You got to try, try, try again

So what do I do if I can't figure it out?

I'm gonna leave, leave, again

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(I'll love you, love you, love you)

And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Love me, love me, baby)

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Love me harder)

And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

(Imma love you harder)

Love me, love me, love me

Harder, harder, harder

(Love me, love me, baby)

Love me, love me, love me

(Just a little bit harder, harder, a little bit)

Harder, harder, harder

The song ended and the crowd cheered for the two on stage.

"Thank you, Nex! Give it up for him!" Lily Rose gave him a small kiss on the cheek before he left the stage.

"Now this next song was written with a close friend of mine and her boyfriend. Many think of her as a spoiled princess but the only thing that she is greedy for is him. I hope she likes it." Lily Rose's outfit was now a tight gold short dress, mirroring the yellow one that Stella had on.


You know that I'm greedy for love

Boy, you give me feelings, never felt before

I'm making it obvious by knocking at your door

I know that I'm coming tonight

You know I'm coming tonight

Don't want to deny it anymore

Been in this state of mind

Been in this state of mind

Been in this state of mind, oh yeah

Baby, you got lucky cause you're rocking with the best

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so

I ain't talking money, I'm just physically obsessed

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so

I don't need a phone call

Got nothing to say

I'ma tell you when it's over

Got no games to play

You know that I'm coming tonight

I know I'm coming tonight

I just need to get this out the way, oh baby!

Been in this state of mind

Been in this state of mind

Been in this state of mind, oh yeah

Baby, you got lucky cause you're rocking with the best

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so

I ain't talking money, I'm just physically obsessed

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so

Greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy

I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy for love

Greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy

I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy, I'm greedy for love

Baby, you got lucky cause you're rocking with the best

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so

I ain't talking money, I'm just physically obsessed

And I'm greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love (You know I'm)

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love (Oh, don't you know I'm greedy?)

You know that I'm greedy for love (Oh, don't you know I'm greedy?)

'Cause I'm so greedy, ooh

You know that I'm greedy for love

You know that I'm greedy for love

'Cause I'm so

The crowd cheered. The concert went on and Lily Rose flawlessly pulled off every song and managed to capture the crowd with both her upbeat songs and her slow powerful ballads.

"Are we still all doing alright?" Lily Rose asked and the crowd cheered. "That's good but unfortunately I only have two more songs." the crowd let out a collective groan knowing that the concert would soon be ending. "Don't worry. I think that you are all going to like these last two songs."

Lily Rose looked over to the Winx and Specialists.

"I have a few guests here with me tonight. I want to invite up Stella Solaria and her friends, the Winx and the Specialists." Lily Rose announced to cheers in the crowd.

"Oh my stars, she said my name." Stella said in wide eyed disbelief.

"Come on up." Lily Rose waved her hand, gesturing the Winx and Specialists to the stage.

The Winx and the Specialists quickly made their way to the stage.

"I hope that you are all enjoying the show." Lily Rose said.

"We are but it is not the same without our friend Flora." Stella sighed.

"What happened?" Lily Rose asked.

"She came down with the flu or food poisoning so she had to miss the concert tonight." Bloom explained.

"Well, we will have to sing something special for her." Lily Rose smiled. Helia, having a closer look knew that there was something unshakably familiar about her but he grew increasingly more frustrated as he couldn't pinpoint what it was. But like Riven said, he would have remembered meeting the most popular star in the world.

"I want everyone to sing the chorus with me." Lily Rose instructed to the crowd as the music began to play. "Sing it for Flora."

I was a liar

I gave into the fire

I know I should've fought it

At least I'm being honest

Feel like a failure

'Cause I know that I failed you

I should've done you better

'Cause you don't want a liar (come on)

And I know, and I know, and I know

She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you

And I know, and I know, and I know

That you got everything

But I got nothing here without you

Lily Rose held out her microphone towards the crowd and wrapped her other arm around Stella's shoulder, drawing the similarities in the outfits closer together. Stella was shaking under Lily Rose's arm, doing her best to sing along with the chorus.

So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time

I promise after that, I'll let you go

Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart

All I really care is you wake up in my arms

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

Lily Rose brought the microphone back to her mouth before deciding to give the microphone to Musa, letting her sing the next verse.

I don't deserve it

I know I don't deserve it

But stay with me a minute

I swear I'll make it worth it

Can't you forgive me

At least just temporarily

I know that this is my fault

I should have been more careful (come on)

And I know, and I know, and I know

She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you

And I know, and I know, and I know

That you got everything

But I got nothing here without you baby

Lily Rose smiled at Musa before gently taking the microphone back and holding it out to the crowd while dancing with the Winx and Specialists as a group.

So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time

I promise after that, I'll let you go

Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart

All I really care is you wake up in my arms

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

I know I should've fought it

At least I'm being honest, hey

Now stay with me a minute

I swear I'll make it worth it, hey

'Cause I don't wanna be without you

So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time

I promise after that, I'll let you go

Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart

All I really care is you wake up in my arms

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home, yeah

One last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

The song ended and the crowd cheered harder than ever. Lily Rose looked over at Musa and motioned for her to bow, which Musa did in shock. She never thought that she would ever sing in front of a crowd this big and with Lily Rose, the biggest superstar in the world.

The Winx and Specialists began to walk off the stage before Lily Rose grabbed Helia by the arm and looked deep into his midnight eyes. "Stay." she quietly said, a tone between demanding and begging. Helia looked at the silver haired pop star up and down before slowly nodding.

"What is Helia doing?" Sky asked as the Winx and Specialists made it back to their spots.

"I don't know but I don't like the looks of where this is going." Brandon chuckled as Lily Rose waved her hand and she was in tight black shorts that looked more like spandex and a hot pink lace bralette.

"I asked Stella's handsome and very sexy friend to stay up here with me for my last song and I will also be joined by my lovely sister. This is a brand new song and we hope that you and you," Lily Rose turned towards Helia, "enjoy it."

A young woman came up on the stage dressed in a similar outfit except wearing a peach colored bralette on top. The young woman had her hair in pigtails whereas Lily Rose had her hair down.

"I hope you are ready." Lily Rose whispered deeply in Helia's ear, causing a shiver to go up his back.

I've been here all night

I've been here all day

And boy, got me walkin' side to side

I'm talkin' to ya

Lily Rose walked up to Helia and sat him in a chair as she and her backup dancers began a choreographed sequence that was sexual in nature to say the least. Helia did not know what to do as the pop star was dancing in front of him in such revealing clothing. He turned to his friends in the audience who tried their best to hide back their laughter.

See you standing over there with your body

Feeling like I wanna rock with your body

And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('Bout nothin')

I'm comin' at ya

'Cause I know you got a bad reputation

Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation

And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('Bout nothin')

These friends keep talkin' way too much

Say I should give you up

Can't hear them no, 'cause I

The music slowed during the chorus and Lily Rose once again stared into Helia's eyes. Helia thought about Flora and imagined that it was her singing and dancing for him.

I've been here all night

I've been here all day

And boy, got me walkin' side to side

I've been here all night

I've been here all day

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

The music sped up again and Lily Rose joined the rest of the dancers, once again performing a very suggestive choreography.

Been tryna hide it

Baby what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?

Makin' everybody think that we solo

Just as long as you know you got me (You got me)

And boy I got ya

'Cause tonight I'm making deals with the devil

And I know it's gonna get me in trouble

Just as long as you know you got me

These friends keep talkin' way too much

Say I should give you up

Can't hear them no, 'cause I

The music slowed once again and Lily Rose with her dancers began to slow their hip movements, moving them to the rhythm but this time towards the audience, giving Helia a front row seat to Lily Rose's behind in her tight black shorts. His mind kept repeating the mantra of thinking of Flora.

I've been here all night

I've been here all day

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

I've been here all night

(Been here all night, baby)

I've been here all day

(Been here all day, baby)

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

The young woman in the pigtails and peach bralette began to rap in a tone that did not seem possible to come from such a small body. And the words seemed grown up for her.

This the new style with the fresh type of flow

Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle

Come true yo, get you this type of blow

If you wanna menage I got a tricycle

All these bitches, flows is my mini-me

Body smoking, so they call me young Nicki chimney

Rappers in they feelings cause they feelin' me

Uh, I-I give zero fucks and I got zero chill in me

Kissing me, copped the blue box that say Tiffany

Curry with the shot, just tell 'em to call me Stephanie

Gun pop and I make my gum pop

I'm the queen of rap, young Lily Rose run pop

The beat slowed and Lily Rose walked towards Helia as she sang the bridge. When she reached him, she grabbed his hand and stood him up before placing her back against his chest and moving her hips against him. This made Helia nervous, what would his friends think? More importantly, how would Flora feel.

These friends keep talkin' way too much

Say I should give him up

Can't hear them no, 'cause I

Helia was about to push Lily Rose away before the beat dropped, Lily Rose reached up to head and tore away her silver hair to reveal a cascading flow of familiar caramel locks. Lily Rose turned around and revealed a pair of green eyes. Helia, as well as the Winx and Specialists gasped as it was revealed that Lily Rose was really just Flora in disguise. After the shock wore off Helia grabbed Flora's waist and began to dance with her as she finished singing the song.

I've been here all night

I've been here all day

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

I've been here all night

(Been here all night baby)

I've been here all day

(Been here all day baby)

Boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

Helia brought his lips down to Flora's, leaving the now revealed Miele to finished off the song as Flora and Helia shared a deep kiss in front of a packed arena.

This the new style with the fresh type of flow

Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle

Come true yo, get you this type of blow

If you wanna menage I got a tricycle

The crowd cheered as the Winx and the rest of the Specialists stormed the stage.

"Flora! We had no idea that was you! That was amazing! To think, I have been best friends with Lily Rose for years now and I didn't even know it!" Stella shouted over the crowd.

"Damn, Flora. That was quite some show! Never thought you would have that in you. Especially those moves." Aisha smiled.

"I guess we found out who the Muse of Lily Rose is. You are one lucky guy, Helia." Nabu nudged Helia who still had his hands around Flora's waist.

"And by the lyrics of the songs, you must be one lucky girl." Musa winked towards Flora, causing her to blush. "Flora, you can't blush anymore now that we know that Helia causes you to walk funny after, well...you know."

The crowd cheered and cheered as the Winx and Specialists stood on the stage. However, instead of cheering the name Lily Rose, they were all chanting Flora.

Flora smiled and looked up at Helia before meeting her lips to his for a soft and loving kiss.

"Well," Brandon shrugged, "so much for being sick."