All of this is completely out of character. There's no way any of them would speak to McGonagall like this. But I saw a Pinterest thing and it got this in my head so I wrote it anyway.
My point is, don't take it too Siriusly.


Disclaimer – I do not own Harry Potter

"Oh, with how all four of you were constantly ignoring curfew?" Minerva asks Sirius sarcastically, Remus looks sheepish while Sirius beams in pride. He opens his mouth to respond when Hermione gasps.

"You liar!" She states, looking at McGonagall, for all the world appearing to be shattering from the inside, "Of all the things…I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU!" With that Hermione stands and walks out of the room, still looking horrified.

"You brought that on yourself Professor," Ron says, drawing everyone's attention to the laughing boy, "Harry, would you mind?" Everyone turns to the smirking child.

"I'm disgusted. Four students out of bed, in one night! I've never heard of such a thing!" Harry says in a perfect imitation of McGonagall.

"Probably say that for everything though, don't you? Find students snogging in a closet?" He points to Harry.

"Never heard of such a thing!"

"Finds students ditching class?"

"Never heard of such a thing!"

"Finding students ditching class to snog in a closet?"

"Disgusted is what I am. I've never heard of such a thing!"

"Yeah, never heard of such a thing. Not since you were in school and doing it all yourself is more like it," Ron comments before walking out of the room, "'Mione? Are you all right?" Ron calls up the stairs.


"I think she's a bit scandalised, Professor," Harry tells McGonagall in an innocent voice, he stands, "Rather disappointed," He begins walking towards the door, "So am I," He adds, "In fact, I'm disgusted," He tells her, "Lying to your students?" He asks, then he smirks, "I've never heard of such a thing!" Then he too leaves the room. Silence falls over the flabbergasted table until Tonks notices the look being shared by Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.

"Reminding you of his Father again?"

"Oh no Tonks," Sirius tells her.

"Neither of his parents would have had the balls to do that," Remus admits.

"He's not his parent's son," Sirius adds.

"He's just Harry."

"And Just Harry is bloody brilliant."