Adrien was a little ashamed to admit he hadn't heard the singing before. When he started paying attention, he found that the girl on the other side of the wall sang often. Sometimes it was soft and melodic, and other times she was boisterous. She'd sing her lungs out and put her soul into every word. He loved the sound of her cheerful singing, but when it was late at night and she became dulcet, her voice gently touched his heart. Some days he found himself pressing his ear to the wall when her singing was particularly soft, and it didn't take him long to feel guilty about eavesdropping.

It was just that once he noticed it, he started unconsciously listening for her voice. He started wanting to hear it all the time. In the dead of night when sleep did not desire him and the girl was still awake, she somehow became his sanctuary. It was silly, but sometimes he pretended that she was singing him to sleep. He would pull the covers close to his face and imagine she was hovering over him and urging him to sleep.

One night, Adrien asked Plagg if angels existed. Plagg said that if they did, their voices would be much prettier. Adrien rolled his eyes at the grouchy kwami. He didn't care about the occasional crack in her voice or the attempts of singing notes higher than what she was capable of. He loved her voice and that's all that mattered to him. So maybe she wasn't an angel. That was okay with him. It just meant that if he ever wanted to meet her, she'd be there.

He tried not to purposely listen when she wasn't singing, which wasn't too hard since he could only hear her when he was close to the wall. That night, however, while he was trying to fall asleep, he heard her talking on the phone. She didn't say anything particularly exciting. It wasn't like in books and TV shows when a character overheard another character speak in their darkest moments; nothing like that. It was small talk and light banter, a lot of giggling and the occasional snort.

Then the conversation took a nostalgic turn. She talked of high school and how she missed everyone, how even though she loved the college she was going to, she wouldn't get much time for her friends once the semester started. She continued to talk about the things she remembered from school. She reminisced on the time she was confessed to by a boy in her class and how flustered it made her. She admitted to being a bit regretful of not giving him a chance, but she was glad he was happy with his current girlfriend, and she only wished for that same happiness with a special someone.

That was the first time he properly heard her voice. The reminiscing made him envious, but even more than that, it made him curious about the girl. She spoke with so much fervor and passion, so much excitement that he couldn't help but feel excited with her. He smiled when he heard her laugh and covered his mouth when he nearly laughed with her. He was only hearing one half of the conversation, but it wasn't the conversation itself he was interested in. It was the voice. The squealing, giggling, singing voice that made his apartment a little less lonely.

Hearing her speak and listening to her stories made him want to meet her. She sounded sweet and tender, like the kind of person who wouldn't judge him based on magazine covers and gossip articles. Someone who would look past his fame and get to know the person beneath the glamour. Perhaps that was hopeful thinking, but his mother always taught him that having hope was never a bad thing.

That's when Adrien remembered that even though he was still technically famous, all of that was behind him. He was a normal college student with an underpaying job and cheap apartment. He was just like everyone else, so if they met, she had no choice but to see the person rather than the image. That's all there was, and it made him a little too happy.

Plagg quietly huffed beside him, keeping his voice low enough to not be heard by her. "I don't see what's so interesting. It's just a girl talking on the phone. I could understand eavesdropping if it were something more scandalous, but this is boring."

"I'm not trying to eavesdrop." he defended weakly.

Plagg snickered. "Your guilty expression says otherwise."

Adrien decided to ignore him and rolled over, facing the wall. He couldn't hear her voice anymore and figured she either went to the other side of the room or fell asleep. He hoped it was the latter. It was late, and she had a terrible habit of sleeping in (if her yelling, "I'm late!" nearly every morning was anything to go by). He found it a little endearing, if he was being honest.

Letting a smile slip on his face, Adrien placed his hand on the wall. "Goodnight, Singing Girl. Sweet dreams."

For the first time in a while, Adrien didn't have to be up until 9 AM, but humans were creatures of habit and the many years of waking up at the crack of dawn was still ingrained in his mind. So when he opened his eyes that morning and glanced at the time, he had two hours to spare. At first he tried to go back to sleep, but he was wide awake and nothing was going to change that.

After taking a shower, Adrien decided to treat himself to some breakfast at a small place nearby. He had seen it when he first moved in and thought about going there several times, but the money or the time was never right. He had a little bit of both this time, so he was gonna take the chance while he had it.

He slipped on some clothes and made sure he had extra cheese in his bag. With Plagg satisfied, he was on his way, but before he made it towards the stairs, he found himself staring at the door to his neighbor's apartment. The girl who, unbeknownst to her, sang him to sleep nearly every night.

He wondered what would happen if he knocked on that door. What would she look like? What would she say? What would he say? 'Hi, I'm your creepy neighbor who listens to you sing. Wanna have breakfast with me?"

He laughed to himself. He felt like he was a young teenager again swooning over Ladybug, always wondering who she was and what she would look like without the mask. Granted, he still didn't know, but his obsessive crush had calmed down after many years. He accepted the fact that he might never know.

As he started to walk, he imagined the day he would build up the courage to knock her apartment door and introduce himself. In a normal way. He hoped the day would come. He hoped his fears wouldn't get the best of him and he'd take the opportunity before it passed him by. They'd meet someday, and when they did, he was sure that it was going to be the most magical day ever.

Just as he was about to pass her door, it came swinging open and the person inside went rushing out. She stopped herself before hitting him, but the momentum pushed her forward and hurled her towards the ground. Luckily, she was just within reach and Adrien caught her before any harm was done.

"Ugh I'm so clumsy," she groaned to herself, and the moment the words left her lips, Adrien was struck with the familiar sound of her voice. Then he realized just where she had come from -who she was- and his mouth went dry.

Their eyes met and Adrien swore that Plagg had no idea what he was talking about. Angels had to be real, because he was holding one in his arms.