A/N: So my computer has been completely FUCKED for ages now, just FYI. As in, it takes 30 minutes to Load the LOCKSCREEN, then another 5 minutes checking my password, and then it says it can't log me into my account (which is where a majority of my character/story/plot notes are after my Flash-drive got a virus), THEN it deletes everything I Save if I let the screen time out/sleep. It then says that I have to download Windows 10, but as soon as I click Download or Accept, it says that it can't download because it's already downloaded, and then it tells me I have to download Windows 10 AGAIN and-!



So, yeah, I haven't really been able to work on anything really. I've been reading a lot on my phone because it's shitty but at least I have some internet on it fml.

So, I decided, hey, reviews have been pretty stagnant lately, I'm kinda in that "I wanna write but don't wanna work on anything I currently have but really SHOULDN'T start a new fic" kinda mood, so I decided to take one of my underappreciated fics from AO3 and post it here to see what you guys think, and also get into the Pokemon Mood again, you know?

So, here you go, this is my very own original take on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series!

I love this series because its from the Pokemon's point of view and adds a new level to the idea of these wonderful creatures... Also, its like a Pokemon Naruto fusion because the Guilds always made me think of the Hidden Villages, which is what made this fic happen!

So, Important Notes!

1. Main Character will not be telling anyone that she was once Human. She does not want her memories back, does not want to GO back, and does not want her past to follow her HERE.

2. The is NO DIMENSIONAL SCREAM! Seriously, that thing was pretty damn annoying to me tbh, I have no regrets.

3. All the Pokemon have actual names, not just their species names, because, just like in the "Real World" of the other Pokemon games, there will be multiple Pokemon of the same Type. These names are randomly picked out of my baby name book, or are alliterations based on the Pokemon's species. EXAMPLE: The Eeveelutions have taken the place of the Kecleon Market, and each of them has a name that starts with the same letter as their type. Eevees and Espeons are E's, Leafeons are L's, Sylveons are S's, so on and so forth.

4. EVOLUTION IS A THING. There are no Time Gears, and Experience Matters!

5. There are three main Guilds and 1 Neutral Guild. These are all on their own Island and act like Hidden Villages. They have Mission Levels, Guild Member Levels, and Mentoring Tracts and such, and Teams are more than just 2 Pokemon for lower leveled members.

I'm trying to world build here HARD, guys, so feel free to ask anything you want and, baring real Spoilers, I will be happy to answer!

You can also suggest Pokemon you'd like to see, challenges/missions, or prizes. Only Canon Pokemon, though, guys. No neon-rainbow-super-uber-rare Shiny Pikachu that shoots FIRE or something, okay? And no other humans-turned-pokemon or humans at all.

Story Notes and Answers will be at the bottom of the chapters from now on, okay? Thank you!

Original Summary:

She couldn't remember much from Before. Just... Little things. Scary things. Hospital corridors and pain and fear and run, run, Run, RUN AND-

Then, there was a flash of light and, and she was Falling...

When she came to, the memories of Before were... Shrouded. Misty. There but Not There at the same time, but, that was okay, because she didn't WANT to remember. Still, she kept three things close to her heart.

One: She had been Human, in the Before, but she wasn't now.

Two: She had been fifteen Before, but Age doesn't mean anything when they used Level's to count Maturity here.

And Three: Her name? Was Abby.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:

Explorers of the World!


Thunderstorm Tidings

Thunder roared through the dark night sky, lightning dancing erratic, blindingly bright flashes against stone-gray clouds while rain fell like pebbles, hard and cold and fast.

(She remembered running, running from... Someone... And fear, so much fear, fear and pain and movemovemove, she had to keep moving, had to get away, they, they? They were going to get her!)

The air cracked with another wave of sound, thunder so loud it shook the ground and air.

(Then, then there was, was a flash of light... And... And she was falling...)

Another thunderous crash, an even brighter flash of lightning.

A shape fell from the clouds, a shadow just a shade darker than the black night. Near invisible in the downpour and darkness, it plunged from the sky and into the sea.

(The world was... So very dark and... and cold... There, there was muffled sound, like thunder, and distant, murky flashes of light.)

Lightning flashed as another shape dove in after the first one.

(There was darkness... Her chest hurt, felt too heavy and full but she couldn't breathe... There, there was something there! There, in the darkness... There was... a... shape...)

Darkness swallowed the world after one last flash of violently bright lightning.

(She knew no more)

… … … … … …

She woke with a start, fevered and panting and everything around her looking... Strange. She couldn't move beyond a hoarse, weak cough, panting for breath and bleary-eyed. Someone was there, then, easing her back into the... The nest? The nest of, of tattered blankets and straw. The person... No, no, if she squinted, she could make out that it wasn't a human helping her, but a Pokemon, a large frog-like Pokemon covered in dark and pale blues with bright red eyes... A, a Seismitoad? That's, that's what it was called, right?

...Ugh, she felt sick.

The Pokemon put something up to her mouth, a bowl or cup of something cool and faintly minty, and she gulped it down eagerly, slowed only by the hold the large Pokemon had on the container.

When the cup was empty, it helped her lay down comfortably, covering her up with a piece of quilt and she felt small next to it. Small and cared for in a way she'd never felt before...

She slipped into darkness with a sigh, and knew no more.

… … … … … ...

She faded in an out of consciousness for what seemed like days. The Seismitoad returned often, along with what she vaguely knew were it's pre-evolutions, Palpitoad and Tympole. And it was during these vague, fuzzy points of awareness that she realized something wasn't right.

Like the fact that everything was so much bigger now. She knew, vaguely and in that sense that 'everyone knows this' way, that she had never been a very tall child. But this was different. The Seismitoad, for example, could pick her up and move her around with ease, as if she was a basket-ball instead of a fifteen-year-old. And, and the Tympole and Palpitoad were both bigger than they should have been as well!

And then there were the colors.

Everything was bright, but not the cold, cold brightness of hospital rooms or corridors, no, it was warm. The room was made of strange, warped brown wood, and, and sunlight filtered through the cracks sometimes, gold and warm and bright. She hadn't been out in the sun in... In...

...She couldn't remember... She couldn't remember much of any details, anymore, but that was okay, because, because she didn't want to right now. So, so that was fine.

She was fine...

...Anyways. The sizes and colors weren't the only thing weird, the feeling in the air was different. It wasn't stale or cold or filled with grim determination or dread or grief or death anymore. There was a sound, like, like waves, like an ocean, and, and the air was fresh and a little salty and wet but good.

She picked this all up between long stretches of darkness, but it was enough for her to know she was somewhere far, far different than the place before.

And it made falling into the darkness, into sleep, feel so much better than ever before.

And so, she curled up in her nest, fever raging, and slept peacefully in her little, warm room.

… … … … … …

She woke slowly, for once not feeling muddled and achy. Golden light, so warm and gentle, filled her room with glowing shafts. Breathing in that fresh, salty air, she sighed it back out slowly and carefully, oh-so-carefully, lifted her head to peer around herself.

Now that her head wasn't fuzzy and unfocused she could see for herself that the strange, warped wood made up all four walls and the floor, but that the roof was made of dead, gray-brown... Grass? Not, not grass grass, but, but something like it? She couldn't remember the right word for it, only had vague memories of before that were... Not gone, exactly, but not there either. It was, it was like she had them all in a bowl, and she could see them, but something was covering them now, like a veil or cloth, something that made it so she could still feel them, still knew they were in the bowl, but couldn't see them anymore...?

She didn't know if she was even making sense in her own head, anymore. Did she ever make sense to begin with?

Still, she knew that everything was different.

And, staring down at herself, at the bright blue fur and black back half and strange, gold-colored star on the end of a tail, she knew this, at least, wasn't just in her head. Because, in the before? The before that hurt and scared her and confused her all the same?

She had definitely been human. Not, not this, not a Shinx. And, and that was bad!

...Wasn't it?

Before she could decide if it was bad, part of the wall across from her was pulled away, exposing what seemed like a doorway, and there was the Seismitoad that had been taking care of her for however long she'd been there, holding a bowl of gently steaming food. The-other?-Pokemon paused, blinking bright red eyes at her in surprise, before offering a soft, warm smile.

"Ah, I see you're awake, little one," the Seismitoad, a female by herby her voice (Pokemon could talk? Was, was that normal? Did they do that before?), said as she walked across the room and crouched easily next to the girl's-Shinx's?-nest. "I am glad. I was beginning to worry that your fever would prove too strong for the tonic to take."

"...Tonic?" she asked tentatively; the Seismitoad nodded calmly.

"A mix of herbs and berries that fight the toxins in your system and the burning fever," she explained to the confused girl/Shinx. "It has been nine days and nights since I pulled you from the sea, and it has been a fierce battle between you and the illness that took you." Her gaze went sharp and stern and the, the Shinx, winced instinctively. "What were you thinking, going about in such a storm, and you so young and with no elder to Anchor you from getting Lightning Drunk?!" The Shinx cringed into the nest, distantly wondering at the distinctly odd feeling of her ears pinning back.

"I, I don't know?" she offered uncertainly. "I don't, I don't remember anything? I..." She trailed off, forehead wrinkling in confusion. "I remember... Running from, from someone? They were going to... do something, something that, that hurt? And then I was in the air," she murmured, reaching up (with a paw?) and rubbing her head uncertainly, startled to find it wrapped in the strange grass-plant that made up the roof, only this one brown-green and faintly damp when she pulled it off in confusion, and smelling strangely sweet.

"I see," Seismitoad murmured, stern expression softening and becoming something more compassionate. "This happens, at times, when a fever rises too high for too long," she informed the Shinx gently. "But the mind is like a Donphan, it forgets nothing in total. You will remember, mayhaps tomorrow, mayhaps a year from tomorrow, but it will come back to you, child," she reassured, before leaning forward and offering the bowl. "Come now, eat, rest. Stay as long as you wish and I and my children will help get you onto your paws," she urged kindly; the Shinx nodded, still uncertain, but offered a smile as she leaned forward to carefully sip at the hot, savory broth-like liquid (was it supposed to be blue?).

"Thank you, ma'am," she murmured; the Seismitoad smiled at her.

"My name is Sagara, little one," she offered gently. "You, perhaps, remember my children? They have been very curious about you, and I know they have been in here more often then I have given them permission to be," she murmured, clearly amused; the Shinx paused to swallow her mouthful, forehead wrinkling in careful thought once more.

"The, um, the Palpitoad and the Tympole, right?" she offered uncertainly; Sagara nodded with a warm smile.

"Yes, my silly little Eggs," she sighed. "The Palpitoad is my eldest, and only, daughter. Her name is Morie. My son, the Tympole, is Mano. They are the brightest joy in my life," she crooned happily, beaming brightly, and the Shinx could only offer a hesitant smile.

"They seemed nice, from what I remember," she offered softly before continuing to eat; Sagara bobbed her head.

"I raised them to always be kind with my patients," she stated calmly, pulling the now empty bowl away. "It is not often I am needed to care long-term for any who come to my door, but even the sweetest-tempered of Pokemon can become raging Gyarados while sick," she said wisely, smiling. "I am very glad you are awake, little one, but now I wish for you to rest as much as possible, to regain your strength, understood?" The Shinx hesitated, blinking a few times, before nodding her head uncertainly.

"Yes, Sagara," she agreed softly; the Seismitoad nodded.

"Do you remember your name?" She asked gently; the Shinx stilled, once more falling into deep thought, eyes closing as she struggled to remember.

Her name, what was her name? Her name, her name, her name, her name, her name was-

"Abby," she whispered, opening her eyes to meet Sagara's once again. "My name is Abby."

End Chapter

Story Notes: I struggled with this chapter, to be honest, because I wanted the Main Character, Abby, to come off as confused/uncertain but also with a little bit of knowledge that would help her beyond her name and that she was Human. Writing an Amnesiac is actually a little difficult, because there are points when I feel that it can be taken TOO far, such as someone being an amnesiac and yet still knowing how to dance or NOT knowing how to do daily-life things such as getting dressed. An Amnesiac is not an Idiot. Certain motions are so ingrained in our behavior, due to the way we're raised, that it is literally something we don't consciously think about and/or remember doing. And, just because you lack memories to a certain extent, does not mean you forget how to form LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS.

So, yeah, I struggled a bit trying to find a good middle-ground of too-much-knowledge/too-little-knowledge. I hope that I managed to do so, and would appreciate some feedback on how I did, thank you!

Character Notes: "Abby" is the name I always pick for the main character in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. (I'm almost always an Eevee and 99% of the time my partner is Shinx (named Keegan or Ryan or Leo depending on mood) but this last time I chose a Phanpy named Finn and omfg they have the dopiest walk and throw their cute little trumpets around and are a freaking TANK in the game I kid you not).

Sagara (Hindi for Ocean) is pretty much the local Hedgewitch, in that she uses Herbal Concoctions to help her fellow Pokemon, believes in spirit guides and the stars telling the future/past, and that Karma is a Serious Thing. Her home is made of Driftwood. Her Palpitoad daughter Morie (originally Moree, which is Australian for Water) loves her mother and brother, but wants nothing more than to live the big life, with lots of shiny things surrounding her and lots of money and prestige. The Tympole Son, Mano (Hawaiian for Shark), is your typical boy in that he's always off on an 'adventure' and poking his nose where it doesn't belong and bothering people about what they're doing (this tends to get him lost and/or in a lot of trouble most days).

When Making Suggestions For This Fic:

You CAN Suggest: Pokemon Characters, Clients, Missions, Treasure, Prizes, Town Names (Please!), Store Names/Items To Sell/Trade, Bounties/Criminals, and Food Mix Ideas (Using Canon PMD/PKM Foods! No Human Foods!)

You CANNOT Suggest: Legendaries, Crossbreeds, Other Human Characters, OP Characters, OP Moves/Attacks/Powers, Non-Canon Powers/Moves, Magic Things, Shinies (One or 2 will be accepted, but not every single one), Albinos, Melanistic, Mutations, Deaths, and no Original Pokemon/Coloring/Anything Not Related To Canon in SOME sense!

Seriously, I once had someone request I put their OC in my Interferes Series, and it was a human-esque Scyther that was black with red blades and eyes and "Hair" who somehow knew all the Legendaries, could beat all the Legendaries, and knew super awesome home-made moves that have nothing at all to do with anything.


There comes a point where the terms Suspension of Disbelief turns into Gary Stu/Mary Sue Denial.

Anyways, suggest what you like if you want! I may not accept them all or they just might not show up until later, but Idea's are still welcome, and so is commentary/criticism! Thanks for reading~!

And now to further entice you to review~!

HINT/SPOILER - The Town they're Closest to is NOT the Guild Town