A man walked through a park unhurriedly; the Moon was illuminating him, accusing, as if it wanted everyone to fix their gazes on that wretch. By the look in his eyes, he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and his countenance indicated that they weren't at all pleasant; he seemed upset. With a low growl he changed his path, moving towards a bench; definitely he was in no rush to arrive wherever he was going.

"Why the hell did I bring Atsushi-kun? I knew he was going to steal my spotlight," he wailed quietly, but suddently his anger grew. "That god... Why did I have to listen to him?! What was I thinking of?! And it all started because my useless brothers don't know ho to behave at a mixer. Ah, damn it! Damn brothers! And damn Mixer God! Great, now I sound like Chibita, that's all I needed!"

He stayed in that same place for a while, crestfallen, holding his head and taking deep breaths in order to calm himself down. When he had got to it he checked the park's clock; it was past midnight. He sighed heavily and stood to resume his way, still wandering in his thoughts.

Soon after, he got to his home. All lights were off and silence filled the hall; everybody must have been already sleeping. The young man shivered, it was even more dark than outside and none of his brothers was there to accompany, he had to use "that".

With a quick motion of his fingers he successfully lighted up the place a little. He didn't waste so many years learning how to use it for nothing: performing the technique with master-like ability, he got to turn up his phone's flashlightbefore it was too late.

He sighed a bit relieved and with trembling steps he headed to the room he shared with his five brothers. As he expected, they had occupied his usual spot between the two eldest. He revised his posibilities: sleeping beside his noisy and unsteady brother Jyushimatsu or beside his gloomy brother Ichimatsu... No one of them was a good option!

Finally, his tiredness won; so, not wanting to think any more, he took a blanket and laid down on the couch next to the futon. Even if it was unconfortble, at least he was safe from the unconscious actions of his brothers. Moreover, that day he didn't feel like sleeping with them either, not after having indirectly spoilt his mixer.

He was literally in the clouds, which had a pinkish shade, like floating cotton candies. He didn't know were he was nor where he was going to, but he didn't care at all; That place conveyed a peaceful feeling to him that neutralized any concern he could have. Suddenly, a bright figure emerged from the sea of solid clouds before him.

"Wow, this dream is so... Well, nevermind. Can you tell me what was that?"

He was the Mixer God, and he looked upset despite his soft voice, but Todomatsu wouldn't let his appearition to disturb him in his... dream?

"I don't know what are you talking about," he said simply and went to continue his walk.

"You cannot damn a god, that is a blasphemy, yet I can let it be if you take it back right now.

"Why should I do it? Because of your advice I became 'Nothingo, the king of nowhere.' " As usual, he pretended being innocent to get away from the consequences that his wrongdoings could have.

"What are you saying, lad? After receiving help from a god, you blame him because things didn't come out how you thought." In spite of trying to keep his posture relaxed and his voice calm, a few veins were marking his temples.

"That's it, you were the one that told me to choose and that deep down I already knew who I wanted to take. Couldn't you have been clearer?"

"Enough! You have got on my nerves, impertinent lad. Now you will see the other side of the mixer."


"The god's glasses started to glow, each part in its respective color. Todomatsu was blinded by the light it gave off and soon he felt as it was burning him, yet a few seconds later that sensation went away and he could open his eyes. He gazed at the god and then at himself.

"What have you done to me?" he said in shook as he saw his body had changed, as well as his voice.

"This is your punishment for—"

"How great! Being a girl can have so many advantages," Todomatsu shouted as he hopped and striked a cute pose with a smile, which surprised the god.

"Do not try to confuse me, young man, you will stay like that until someone kiss you."

"I'm serious about it," he replied firmly, however, then he got pensative. "Althought... I have five brothers, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing now. Besides, a kiss? Don't you think it's a bit cliche?"

"Then you will stay a woman until you fix your errors or until I feel like it, whatever happens first," the god sentenced before giving a tap on the floor with his scepter, which turned gaseous the clouds under Todomatsu's foot.

The man in woman's body let out a high-pitched squeal as the fall started; nevertheless, when he saw it was endless, all his fear faded away and it turned into a scream of excitement.

He wake up in his bedroom. Weird enough, his brothers weren't there and they hadn't waken him up, not even to mess with him; the futon was already tidied up too. When he sat up he felt his body numb.

"Ouch! I shouldn't have slept on the couch," he complained while lazily stretching.

Then, he got up and opened the curtains: the brightness confirmed that it was late morning. Without wasting time, he headed downstairs; he could hear some mumbling going on in the room where they used to eat, but he was way too absent-minded to understand what they were saying.

"Who is that beautiful lady?"


"Yes, probably Totty brought her from his mixer."

"But what for? And where is he, anyway?"

"Isn't it obvious...?"

The almost whispered words of the forth brother froze the room and everything became silent for an instant.

"What are you saying, buraza? Are you implying that our little Totty has got to finally open for us the glorious entrance to—?"

"Good morning. You could have woken me up, couldn't you?" the youngest interrupted while entering in the room rubbing his eyes.

"Eh... We're sorry, we didn't want to disturb you," Choromatsu apologized a bit embarrassed.

Todomatsu eyed him as if he had grown another head or something like that; even though, after all the strange things that had happened to them, that shouldn't surprise him that much.

"Since when you care about disturbing me?" he asked with irony, provoking a great confusion in his brothers. "And stop looking at me like that!"

They were perplexed, with their gazes fixed on him, and weren't saying a word. Something in their eyes made him have a bad feeling: what if...?

"Karamatsu-niisan, can I borrow your mirror for a moment?"

"Eh… Y-yes."

His brother's look was even more beweirdened than before and everyone else had turned to glance at the blue-hooded in suspicion. Todomatsu didn't even notice it, because, as he had barely received the mirror and placed it in front of his face, he got paralyzed from what he saw: his hair was a little above his shoulders, his irises were even bigger than they used to be and his factions had became much softer, feminine.

"No… No, it can't be…"

He was really scared, so much that he had a lump settled in his throat instead of wanting to scream as he would do normally. Turning into a woman in a dream was one thing; but, in reality, it was so much different.

Quickly, he looked away and let the mirror fall, which Karamatsu got to catch miraculously, yet one of Ichimatsu's cats "casually" steped by and made it slip from his hands. Todomatsu was trembling, it seemed like he would run away at any moment and, preventing this, Osomatsu approached him.

"Hey, girl."

"She" lifted her gaze to meet his eyes with the hope that whatever her older brother would say would help her to calm down. Her lips curled in a shy smile with that expectation.

"What size are you? Your breasts look so sm—" A smack from the third brother shut him.

"How can you say that to her?!" he scolded him and then went to spoke to her with a kind smile and a sweatdrop on his forehead. "Excuse him, he doesn't know how to treat women."

"It's not like any of you do," Todomatsu replied trying to deal with the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling, "but that doesn't matter right now. Do you really don't know who I am?"

"A friend of Totty, aren't you?" Choromatsu answered, treating to remember if they had met her somewhere before. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Todomatsu… I'm Todomatsu…"

He didn't understand how it came that he couldn't acknowledge him, they had the same face! Even if his was a bit distint because of his change, they shouldn't had any problem recognizing a face so similar to the one the saw everyday since their birth, either it was in the mirror or in their other brothers. He hadn't noticed that his saddness had lowered his voice too much and nobody could have heard him.

"You should not be shy, a beauty girl like you can only have a name that complements her great beauty," Karamatsu complimented using his dramatic voice, causing that immediately an unknown blunt object "magically" flew to his head. "Hey! Who was that?!"

The second brother's question fell into the void while the rest waited for an answer from the girl, who, after recovering from the painful one-liner, was about to repeat it, yet Jyushimatsu spoke first.

"She said she's Todomatsu!"

"What...?! Todomatsu?!" The others chorused.

There was a long pause until Osomatsu commenced laughing and soon after the rest imited him. Todomatsu brought a hand to his face and then shook his head, guessing that it was asking too much for them to took it seriously. Jyushimatsu started running around the room making funny faces to show how crazy was that while shouting:

"Totty! She's Totty! Totty is a girl! A girl!"

"Listen up! As weird as it can seem it's true! I'm Todomatsu!" he claimed exasperated.

"That's the fun thing: as you behave like a girl too much, you became one," Osomatsu talked back laughing non-stop.

"Don't go there, Osomatsu-niisan. It surely should be very..." Choromatsu began to say placing a hand on the aforementioned's shoulder, but he wasn't able to contain his laughter and the last word came out faltering, "un... com... fort... table."

"It isn't funny!"

"Actually, it's so funny," Ichimatsu replied.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. His eyes blacked out and he turned away from his brothers; however, before he could step out, Karamatsu grasped his arm.

"Where are you going, Totty?"

"Leave me alone," he spoke coldly and freed himself from his grap in order to run away to lock himself in the bathroom.


Jyushimatsu treated to follow him, yet Ichimatsu made him sit down next to him while shaking his head in disapproval before placing his feline accomplice on the yellow-clad's lap. The fifth brother looked to the rest of his brothers searching for another opinion, which he didn't find, and then he started to happily pet the cat, forgetting completely about the issue. Karamatsu stood still wordlessly and then observed the one-sided argument between Choromatsu and Osomatsu.

"You did it one more time! He is mad at us again!"

"Bah... He'll get over it. Besides, you laughed too!"

"That's because you infected me with laughter!"

"I'm off to the roof," Karamatsu announced, without receiving anyting more than a motion from Osomatsu indicating that he had heard him.

The second brother left the room and started to walk upstairs, yet he had to stop when he heard some sobs coming from the bathroom. He would like to comfort him, but he knew that in that case he should give him his space; at least until he assimilated the situation. Since that day it all could change so much or keep being the same; what to-do depended on them.

Author's note:


This is my first fanfic in this fandom, I hope this isn't that bad even though I suck at comedy XD Anyway, I would like to know how do you think it will continue. Just curious :3 Would you like a chapter that shows how each one treat Totty now that he is a girl or rather to see it along the story?


Translator's note:

Well, that's the first chapter. Please, if you see any mistake, tell me so I can correct it. I'm also the author and, although I hadn't finished writing the story, this question is already answered. They say the wanted to see it along the story.

Disclaimer: Osomatsu-kun/san and its characters and songs are propiety of Fujio Akatsuka and Studio Pierrot.