A/N: Hello all, welcome to my first fanfic in a long time. I'll try to upload this once a week which shouldn't be too hard yet as I have several chapters already finished. Please take a moment to review the story so I can work to improve. On a side note I am American so forgive me for a lack of English terms and slang. I also do my best to make this focus on the books as opposed to the movies as some events are different however I may add some movie moments (such as Hermione punching Draco) as I enjoy them. This story is essentially cannon up to Chapter 34 of OOTP after that is where things will change. The rating is for future chapters and also just to CMOA in case the story takes a life of its own. As always all recognized characters, locations, etc are property of J.K. Rowling. (I could only be so lucky to own these characters.) Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is there I hope you enjoy my take on the last two and a half books (roughly).

"Now give me the prophecy Potter, or we'll start using wands" Lucius Malfoy insisted. Harry knew he had to buy more time for the D.A to be in position so he resorted to what he knew would work: insult Voldemort. "You know he's a half-blood to right? Mom was a witch sure but dear old daddy was a good ol muggle." Lies Malfoy uttered but it was too late as upon Harry's cue the other five members of the D.A shot reducter curses at the shelves. In the ensuing panic they tried to flea however one of them grabbed onto Harry only to be hit with a stunner from Hermione. The distraction though caused Hermione to be unable to escape a falling shelf as she was pinned under it. Harry and Ron rushed to help her as Harry ordered the remaining D.A. To defend them from the coming onslaught of Death Eaters.

A dozen or so followers of Voldemort had regained their senses and realized this was their moment while the children were occupied. Under Malfoy's leadership they advanced on the kids who were doing their best to block every incoming hex, jinx, and curse. Suddenly the obvious pops of apparition filled the room as members of the Order had arrived as back up. Among them were the pink haired witch Tonks, Marauders Moony and Padfoot, the imposing Kingsley Shacklebolt and cantankerous Mad-Eye Moody. Slowly the combined efforts of the Order drove the Death Eaters back forcing them to flee. Sirius ran up to where Harry, Ron, and Hermione who by now was free of the shelf but unconscious. Sirius ordered Harry and Ron to get her back to the Atrium where they could floo St. Mungos to have a professional come get her as none of them wanted to risk apparating or flooing with her. Sirius conjured up a stretcher and helped Harry and Ron get her on it and together they carried the stretcher with Sirius providing protection from any wayward Death Eaters. Sirius knew only one person was needed for this but he also wanted his godson away from the battle and knew he wouldn't leave Ron or Hermione. He was also thankful that neither boy thought of this in their worry for their friend.

The group was just entering the atrium when they heard a voice that was unmistakable. "Itty bitty mudblood gone and gotten hurt? Well now we cant let her leave like that." Exclaimed Bellatrix Lestrange who was soon joined by Lucius Malfoy. Sirius knew he could take either one the pompous pure-blood or his deranged cousin but even he'd admit some doubt over dueling both. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw his godson and his best friend pull their wands and back Sirius up. "Leave her to me, you boys worry about the peroxide git." As if that was the starting gun each group started firing curse after curse knowing that this was no time for fancy spellwork. Sirius was almost right about his ability against his cousin as soon he almost had her before a bone breaker caught him in the side and he fell in pain. Harry who was the only one remaining against Malfoy as Ron had been incapacitated at some point dropped Lucius with a stunner and was about to check on his godfather when another pop was heard and Harry was down on the ground in pain clutching his forehead, no his scar. Sirius looked up to see Voldemort standing there with Bellatrix.

Sirius knew neither he nor Harry was fit to battle Voldemort and Bellatrix but he couldn't lay there without a fight so he was prepared to give them every chance to escape, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. He knew from the sounds of battle throughout the Ministry that the other members of the Order were engaged with the remaining Death Eaters so he knew it was all up to him. "Stay away from my godson" he muttered to the Death Eaters. Before either could cast a curse however, a brilliant bright flame erupted and there stood Albus Dumbledore. "I'm surprised you showed up here tonight Tom. Surely you know that the Minister himself is on his way" Albus expressed. "By that time I'll be gone and you shall be dead" replied Riddle. At that moment a duel that might rival Dumbledore and Grindelwald began. Sirius and Harry couldn't stand there and watch however as at that moment Bellatrix took her chance and fired curses at godfather and godson. With two duels going on and Hermione still unconscious Ron knew he had to get back into the fight. He slowly stood and engaged with Lestrange alongside his best friend as Sirius's injuries incapacitated him. Voldemort having grown tired of this exclaimed to Dumbledore that it was time to end the fight as he sent a fire serpent flying at Harry, Ron, and Sirius who didn't notice as they were focusing on Bellatrix. Dumbledore vanished the serpent in time to see Voldemort disapparate. Bellatrix knew she must follow as she could not fight Dumbledore herself and started to leave before once again being engaged by Harry and Dumbledore. She knew she wouldn't last long so she sent a reducter at the ceiling as a distraction when she saw her cousin, the blood-traitor, and the mudblood all with their backs turned as Harry and Dumbledore diverted the broken ceiling from them. She knew this was her chance to get some measure of revenge. She went to aim he wand when aurors started to file in momentarily distracted she still managed to send a killing curse the the trio before being disarmed. Harry who heard the curse turned in horror just in time to see the jet of green light slam into the back of one of the trio. He ran up to the prone form not believing what he saw. "It must be a different curse. Please don't be dead." But harry knew it was pointless and he stood there holding the dead body of Ron Weasley as his killer was taken into custody.