Hey folks! I'm back!

Levy carried the unconscious Lucian into town and boarded the train. Oddly enough, nobody was staring at her as if something was wrong. It was like it had happened before, recently. She shrugged it off. Perhaps these people had loads of drunkards around. Did it really matter though? She thought not. The train set off, and Levy desperately wished it could go faster. She was being unnerved by the lack of staring.


Wendy paced up and down by Nashi's side. She had been told by Mira not to heal her friend, but it was hard to follow the instruction. She was injured, and Wendy was a healer. It was almost second nature. Moving her would do more harm than good as well. At least there was the fire lily. She could make a healing potion, and use it on Nashi later! Her guildmates had better hurry up with that stretcher though, Nashi's breathing had become strained. Even the fire lily potion couldn't do much against crushed lungs...


Cana drove like a woman possessed towards Magnolia. It was draining her magical energy, she knew, but Grace had been stabbed through the chest. She needed to get her to Porylusica, and fast. There were a lot of organs in the chest after all. The kraken hadn't hit the heart, but everything else... It was too early to tell- for Cana at least. Hopefully it only looked painful. Could Grace actually feel pain while in her coma-like state? Nope. No thinking about these things! Not now! She saw a road sign pointing to Magnolia. 3 miles. Only 3 miles left. Cana upped the gas. Porylusica had better be in, Grace was getting worse...


It was 11 pm and Elyan still wasn't waking up. Jellal was wondering if he should give him juust a little bit more of the antidote potion when there was a knock on his door. A portly woman entered with a tray full of food.

"Hello dearie. I couldn't help but notice you haven't eaten anything since you came in wth that redhead over there. Are they alright? I brought enough for both of you, plus some hangover meds. Goodness knows, he looks wasted. You should take better care of your friends you know," she left the food on the table.

Jellal became even more down than before but began picking at the food on the tray. There was a massive assortment of food on the tray, from roast beef to carrots to... Strawberry cake! Strawberry cake was, and pretty much always had been, the way to Erza. No wait, Elyan. Oh what did it matter? They were the same person! Right, anyway, Jellal picked up the cake and wafted it in front of Elyan's nose. Almost immediately said nose began twitching. Elyan woke up quickly, and without questioning where he was, chomped down the cake.

When he had finished, he seemed to realise where he was and said, "Jellal?" in a questioning manner.


"Can we leave?"

"Of course. Just let me prepare the room. Here, take this. Your clothes are in your bag."

Jellal then set about making the room look 'presentable'. Of course, this meant making it look like a man in greif after his partner had died. There were a lot of used tissues. He then grabbed the still-warm food and placed it in a bag. After Erza came back in, (she was finally back to being Erza) he ruffled the bed sheets to look like he had dragged a body off of it. He also left a note and payment. The two then sneaked out of a window and went to the station, intent on getting back to Magnolia as soon as possible.

Hey folks! I know it's been ages since I updated, but I've had little to no creative-ness lately, and the -ness I've had has been put into my art and a SI fic I've been writing with my best friend.

Sorry... Pleasedon'tkillme! (hides round a conveniently placed corner)

Reviews, faves and follows always appreciated!