Come with me now
The first Sunday before starting school was ruined by Leia, who forced him to sell her stupid cookies again. Lemy could deal with that, but what made it difficult was trying to being alert and escape from the little blonde's moves, besides take care of her from all those possible pedophiles she fooled to make them buy her cookies.
Man, half of the guys who open the door fall on Leia's web, and even so they think they have the right to call my family a nest of perverts? And if that don't surprise you… take a sit dude, because Leia has used me to do the same with a bunch of women. Man that's fucking scary; the last one invited me to eat the cookies and… asked me to give her my milk... she did it while winking and caressing my cheek.
Of course Leia stopped her in time but… man; it's fucked up to think that if you give an adult, male or female the opportunity, they would molest a child… fucking pedophiles.
Fortunately, that's over. And even when stating the LEMY TIME at two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon isn't cool, at least I have the rest of the day for me, and just me.
Dude, you've seen how long this week has been; between dealing with Christina at school, deal with the cold war at home without casualties, take care of Lizy and trying not to end up in bed with one of my sisters… It looks like one helluva life.
I haven't even played guitar with Lina at the train station. Maybe that trip to Lollapalooza it's just a dream after all…
But you know, play guitar isn't the only way to get some cash. C'mon dude, it's time for some treasure hunt.
Remember that place I told you about? The Royal Woods dump? Well, tie your laces because we're going on a trip.
Just gimme a minute to take off these stupid clothes that make mature women want to eat me raw. And of course, I need to go to the kitchen for something…
Lemy Loud is walking with his hands on his pockets while going through the little forests that separated the hoods of the city; he may hate all those stupid people who lived there, but Royal Woods itself was a very nice place, with perfect balance between urban landscapes and natural forests.
He enjoyed losing himself between the pines of the big and small forests that gave name to the city. He just walked and walked, listening to music using his headphones while thinking, and after some time he would eventually arrive to IHOP on Roosevelt St. or the city dump. In fact, that's how he found the dump the first time; a huge wasteland hidden behind a pair of hills on five hectares of pine trees.
Surrounded by a fence with barbed wire in the top, the inside wasn't something pleasant to see; mountains and mountains of thrash and waste was something you wouldn't like to sink into… unless you were Aunt Lana.
Fortunately, the part where we're going is full of machines such as microwaves, TV's and broken auto parts.
Come on dude, I'm tough but I ain't getting myself into rotten food, old thrash and medical waste; I fucking hate needles…
The boy goes around the fence, dragging his fingers and making noise. As he kept walking, a loud, potent bark could be heard from the deepest part of those waste mountains. Lemy smiles and at the same time he takes his hand to his pocket, grabbing the object he brought especially for this occasion.
Then, a big Pit Bull comes running as the hanging skin on its body shakes, showing its muscular body tensing with every step it takes. As the dog barked, its sharp canines are shown and slobber was dripping from its mouth.
Lemy extended his arms, waiting for the right moment… and then the dog jumps to land just on the boy, taking him down with a heavy thud. The big dog starts licking Lemy desperately, bathing him with ounces of slobber. Lemy tries to take it off from him but his efforts are in vain. The dog was stronger and had him dominated.
"Get off! Come on stupid dog, get off me! Oh!" Lemy laughed while trying to cover his face. "Knock it off, Junco!"
But the friendly dog didn't listen and kept licking and scratching him.
Lemy then reaches in his pocket a delicious glassed donut, waving it in the air and throwing it away. Junco immediately stopped the assault, and following the course where it flew the dog ran after it. After that, Lemy gets up, cursing but laughing under his breath; even when he was disgusted by the fluids dripping from his face, it still made him laugh.
That stupid animal loves him and he can't deny he likes junco too, even when it was a dog with the brain of a rabbit.
Lemy finished cleaning all the dirt on his clothes, and then he admires all the mountains of old cars and rusty steel that surrounds him. The piles are so big Lemy feels like entering to a labyrinth each time he gets into the trash looking for something of value. That's one of the places he feels his own.
Here I feel in my element, man. I know it's weird to say that of a dump full of old, twisted metal that might kill you with tetanus at any moment, but I really feel comfy in here. Maybe is because, just like all those old, abandoned things here, he and his family were left behind and hidden from everyone. The Louds were the dirty secret of Royal Woods; the trash that has to be hidden from the few tourists who come to town attracted by the forests and rivers all around. But you know what? Fuck them all. Fuck their puritanism. If they want to treat them like shit, good for them, because things are not what people say. Just like a lot of things thrown here were treasures ignored by their old, faded appearance, Lemy's family was a jewel buried under the dirt of sin and filthiness of incest.
You know? My home has a few rough diamonds. There you have Liby; she might be shy as a scared mouse, but she's as clever and sharp as Sherlock Holmes. Did you know she uses her time to resolve some small crimes on internet? Some people from this filthy town hire her to discover frauds, infidelities and that shit. Those hypocrites think that we're not good enough to be their friends, or even to share a seat in the bus. And all the teens that make fun of me and my sisters go crazy when mom plays in the bars downtown. And when there was a lead problem in the water, guess who they called to fix it… Yup, Aunt Lisa. And many of them hired Aunt Luan's services for the parties of their children and…
Like I said, fucking hypocrites. Well, I didn't come to my special place to curse the people of this God's forsaken city. We're here to relax, kill time and find treasures. That's the schedule for today.
Let's get started; first we need to find a new pile of junk, or an old one recently moved by the bulldozer. It's always good to give a second look at these things…
Lemy keeps walking around the piles of rusty steel and abandoned electronics. Junco jogs around him like some kind of tamed animal; the adoration it has toward Lemy reminds him to Lizy. It is unbelievable that he, the pathetic Lemy Loud, it's so important for somebody. Lizy loves him; for the little girl he's a hero, her brother, her protector and a leader, his play partner… and for that dumb dog he was something like a benevolent god full of delicious food. And both Lizy and junco would follow him to the end of the world. That's a heavy weight on his shoulders, not the dog, but Lizy… he puts a lot of effort in being a good example for her, in being worthy of all that love and admiration she has toward him. And he always thought he was failing; it was both a curse and a bless
In fact, Lizy was one of the reasons not to fall into incest.
I want her to have at least one good example. I hope she doesn't grows up thinking is normal to fall in love with your own brother. I hope she grows up seeing far beyond our house and not the path her mother chose.
I'll tell you something but you must promise you won't tell anyone, ok?
If she asks me for… "that", I would give it to her. I could not stand seeing her cry or even being sad, that's why I must teach her what her mom and dad are doing is… a bad thing.
Because if that little girl begs me for it… I would give in.
Yes, dude, Lizy's my favorite. Go on and sue me.
Two hours later, the boy took his shirt off and with his naked torso he was carrying heavy pieces of junk and old electronics from one pile to other looking for something to sell on amazon; he was decided to get money for the Lollapalooza.
He took a quick break, whipping the sweat out of the forehead with his wrists. With a smile on his face he admires an old motorcycle covered in rust and dust. If the engine isn't too damaged he can take some pieces, clean them, oil them and sell them on the internet.
The headlight seems to be in pretty good shape; if it works, any workshop owner might pay good cash for the original light of a Harley.
As time passes, the boy notices he's thirsty, and protecting his eyes from the light he gazes at the sky to see the sun setting behind the hills where the wasteland lies. It might be five o'clock or something. Then he feels something wet on his hand, it was junco, which after calling him with a lick, it looked at the boy with its tongue out.
"You're thirsty too, buddy?" Lemy says while patting the dog's head and the dog happily return the gesture by licking his hand a little more. They both walk to one of the corners where a water faucet was waiting for them… and also Big Bertha.
When Aunt Lana was a cute little girl like Lizy she had a mechanic plunger with that name, but one day it… passed away or something like that. I don't know much, I only know this story because Aunt Lana told me how much she cried the day it "died". That's crazy, I know.
Thank God Aunt Lana dedicated her life to animals or right now she would be a garbage collector or a sewer diver or something just as gross.
However, I "borrowed" that name. Don't tell her.
But that name's perfect… perfect for… this thing here.
The boy and the dog arrived at the south corner of the dump where a big, old 1961 Volkswagen transporter was lying on concrete blocks. It was old as time itself and the paint was so weathered he couldn't tell which color it was.
It was one of his few happy places; he cleaned and fixed the inside of the vehicle to be his new burrow, a smoking place and a hideout for porn magazines. Big Bertha was great; it would be the place where Lemy and his friends could spend the day smoking, talking shit about girls, watching porn… of course, if Lemy had friends.
Whatever, who need them.
The boy threw his shirt aside, opened the faucet and using his hands he drank the water as fast as he could. When the boy finally calmed his thirst, he put his head under the torrent and washed off the dirt of his face and hair.
Junco was also there, trying to drink the water falling from the boy's hair.
"This is life…" Lemy said while stretching. The boy feels an evil pleasure as he sees the water running down his hot, bare chest and back. After shaking his head like a dog to get rid of the excess of water, he watches as the sun is setting at the horizon. It was getting late, and even when he wanted to take that Harley out of that pile of junk, he felt tired.
Fuck it dude, I'll do it next time. I want to lie in the shadows, and why not? Get a joint. Big Bertha wasn't just a hideout for playboy magazines; it also has a secret compartment where I hide my emergency weed.
With determination, he opens the backdoor of the van and…
Lupa was lying in the floor. In one hand she had a Hustler magazine; her cheeks blushed as her mouth formed a vampire grin. But this time it wasn't her sexy, lewd lips what catches his attention, it was Lupa's bottom part…
As the girl was still using one of her big, black hoodies with an upside cross in it, her milky legs are exposed; her skirt is right in front of Lemy. And even when she was using a sexy pair of striped underwear that matched the designs of her socks, her hand was under her thong, caressing her most private part, her secret, her flower… her fucking cunt.
The white haired girl looked up, spotting her brother at the time that she freezes, totally exposed as she continues masturbating. The scent of her juices reaches Lemy's nostrils. How can it smell so good?... God… that must be how heat smell for dogs.
Lupa can also smell the musky scent of Lemy's sweat. His torso was naked, adorned by sweat drops that shone with the light of the dying noon sun, and thanks to Lynn he can now show a few muscles where there only was skin and bone.
They both remain silent, just looking at each other for some moments that seemed to be like years. Lemy was stunned to find his sister there, in his place… but then he remembers he was the one that showed her the place, even his weed hideout… in the time where they still talked, when they kissed like a hundred times a day.
Lupa seems to be stunned as well, but her sight didn't leave his brother's exposed skin. He looks completely different from the last time they bathed together two years ago. The girl licks her lips without notice, and accidentally bites herself with her sharp fangs.
Lupa then opens her pale legs, lewdly exposing her core. Lemy swallows hard, or at least he would because even when he just drank some water his throat was really dry.
The girl tosses the magazine aside, and with her free hand she removes her panties, showing her damp secret.
Get out of here now! Come on you fool get out!
But his body wasn't responding, or at least the most part; his pants suddenly felt too tight, which didn't pass unnoticed by Lupa who looked astonished at the shape forming on her brother's pants, and then, a vicious smile formed on her lips.
"Come with me now." She orders and begs at the same time; her golden eyes shining with lust and her voice trembling with desire.
And Lemy does…
Come with me now.