Ino tapped her pink-headed friend on the shoulder, the other girls right behind her. "So, you guys finally did it? You've gotta tell us what he looks like under there."

Sakura sighed dreamily, a mischievous sparkle in her sea green eyes. "He's so cute!"

A multitude of giggles answered her. Ino dragged her up from her seat; she'd finished her ramen anyway, and as long as Kakashi was going to pretend she wasn't there, it was time for some girl talk. Tenten and Temari peeked over Sakura's shoulder to get a glimpse of the mysterious man, still seated even though he'd finished eating quite some time ago.

Hinata tried to ask a question, but Ino's brash tone overrode her. "So he's got a baby-face?"

More giggles. Kakashi turned to glare at them, both eyes narrowed, but turned back to his contemplation of the ramen-infused wooden counter.

Sakura rolled her eyes, but grinned. "No, he's cute, Ino, not chubby-cheeked."

Kakashi stood abruptly, unable to take the poor attempt Naruto was making at stifling his sniggers any longer. The blond at the end of the counter lost it, braying as Kakashi huffed, the fabric of his mask moving a little. The older man stood facing the group of girls who had fallen silent, still bearing wide grins on their faces.

"I'm NOT cute."

They all fell on each other laughing, heads thrown back, holding their sides for support. Sakura managed to find her voice. "He pouts, too!"

This sparked another round of intense giggling, at which the silver-haired man grew incensed.

"I'm the Copy Ninja, feared across the five great nations. The man of a thousand jutsu. I am not cute!"

Naruto was cackling madly, having fallen off his stool behind Kakashi. He'd never heard his old sensei sound so petulant! This was the best.

With a fierce look to his eyes, Kakashi snarled. "Fine!" he growled, his gloved hand reaching up and swiftly tearing down the mask. The five girls instantly grew silent, jaws hanging open. As did five people further up the street. Ayame sighed lovingly, her eyes glazed.

Before Naruto could get up off the ground and get around the man, Kakashi had already put the mask back up. The Copy Nin smirked to himself as he detected the scent of feminine arousal in the air. Sakura jerked as Ino elbowed her, never taking their eyes from Kakashi's now-covered face.

"You lucky bitch."