Review Responding Time!

GolddenKikachu5413- Odd, for a minute there I though 17 of them would make it into Action. Although, this also fits well. Can't wait!

Me- Thanks!

MichaelFang9- So, I was somewhat right. But hey. Sammy is in it. I like Sammy. Sam is cool too. So is Brick. Cameron i also like.

What do I think will happen next season?

A reason why Amy belittles Sammy. Dawn possibly gets together with someone. I also want to see someone who didn't make it into the cast list, be brought into the game, like Ella. I also want to see Dave get with someone.

Me- Cool, we'll see...

Crow38- Why do I have a feeling that Dakota will just call her Daddy and get her into TDA?

Me- I don't know. :)

Gabox15- Pretty interesting cast, 7 from each generation. All of the characters I predicted qualified which is great. And because I can't stop making these, here are a few more predictions:
-Staci will be first boot.
-Topher will be Aftermath host.
-Dakota will force her way into the show, and depending on how she acts, her relationship with Sam may or may not be strained.

Me- Interesting

ThorBringstheThunder- All I'm saying is that there are a LOT of S players. 57 percent to be exact. Should be good though. I'm expecting a Brick-Dawn finale; though Sky, Cameron, and Lightning are also good options, they're all canon winners. And I don't think you'll have another hero-villain finale. Keep it up!

Me- I know, I tried seeing if I could put in someone whose name didn't start with S, but I couldn't bear to change the cast list.

AnonReviewer- Even though I would've used different contestant rankings and season 2 cast along with including "Camp Castaways", this is hands down one of the best Total Drama fic's I've read and congrats for officially completing it! Very realistic take overall on what things would've been like with them in place of the original 22. Bravo on keeping people in character as well.

As disappointed as I am that Jasmine, Max, Mike, Zoey, and Dakota didn't make the cut, I am glad that Brick and Sam (a couple of my personal TDROTI favorites) got in and I hope those two at least reach the merge next season. Speaking of Sam, that scene where he forgot his swimsuit before getting in the hot tub to make out with Dakota gave me a good laugh, and the fact that she didn't mind tells me we could've gone into M-rated Samkota territory if the focus wasn't shifted elsewhere :P. It either way was funny how Shasmine and Zoke were distributed by his nudity.

As for Zoke, it's nice to know they did officially become a couple in this fic even if Anne Maria tried to talk Mike into leaving Zoey. Ms. Hairspray should know by now that Vito isn't his main persona. I give you props for writing Mike and all his personalities quite well (except of course for Mal because he didn't appear). They were fun to read here.

Super excited for the sequel fic! Personally hoping Staci and/or the twins Amy and Samey get axed early for reasons I gave in my comments for the previous chapter. Quite glad the delusional Rodney didn't qualify, and he's even more idiotic than I thought it he actually believed Samey would accept his marriage proposal. She probably wouldn't be nearly as harsh when rejecting him as her sister was, though.

Me- Thanks! Yeah I think put this fanfic as rated "T" so I realized I couldn't go much farther with that scene...:)

Yeah I'm actually planning on which season for Mal to debut as of now.

We'll see.

" Last season on Total Drama Island! Jasmine and Scott battled it out for 100,000 dollars! In the end Scott, the guy who smells like moldy cheddar, ended up winning the cheddar! But then he gave it all up for the chance to win 1 MILLION DOLLARS. With the million smackaroos stuffed into a briefcase our twenty seven campers set off for the RACE for the CASE!. Until the case was eaten by a shark!, I love me some irony... Now the fourteen that were closest to winning were given another chance to win another million dollars. Actually it's the same money, hehe. They've been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges" Chris said

"A clip then showed the pictures of the fourteen castmates"

" 42 Days, Fourteen castmates. One HECK of a lot of cash" Chris said

"Welcome to TOTAL DRAMA ACTION!" Chris said

" theme song plays"

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine

"The camera goes through different locations of the film lot"

" It then shows below the pool, Cameron is drowning and is eaten up by a shark"

" You guys are on my mind, you asked me what I wanted to be, now I think the answer is plain to see"

" Sam tries to dodge incoming seagulls but is eventually hit and falls into the pool"

" I wanna be... FAMOUS"

"The camera then turns to Scott and Amy who laugh at his pain and then proceed to make out"

" I wanna live close to the sun"

" The camera then turns to the beach, The sharks and Dawn are sitting on the lounge chairs. Dawn waves to the camera"

"Well pack your bags because I already won"

" Lightning is shown flexing in the confessional, someone off screen accidentally punches him in the face. Lightning gets out of the confessional and chases after that person"

" Everything to prove nothing in my way"

" It then turns to Sky and Sugar are both on separate pedestals holding dueling sticks. Sugar overpowers Sky and she falls off her pedestal"

" I'll get there on day... Because I wanna be famous!"

" Sky then falls into a pot, Chef shrugs and hands the pot to Dave. Sky glares at Dave, while Dave whistles innocently"

" The camera then shows the editing room, Staci is inside and presses a shiny button"

" Na, Na, Na, Nanana, Na na na"

" An explosion goes off right where a bear was standing, The bear angrily chases after Shawn who was nearby"

" I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous..."

" Brick helps Sammy out of the lamo-sine as reporters take pictures"

" I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous"

" The camera then shows the Gilded Chris Ceremony, Chris nearly vomits as Chef comes walking out in a hot pink dress"

" It then cuts back to the Aftermath Studio, As the two aftermath hosts who will not be named just yet sit in the middle couch. All the contestants who are competing sit on the left couch and the contestants who are not competing sit on the right"

~ Film Lot: Parking Lot~

A bus stops at an abandoned dirty film lot.

Brick is the first one to step out of the bus

" Brick Macarthur has arrived!" Brick said

Sugar then pushed Brick out of the way

" I was supposed to be the first one to step out of the bus! That's what stars do!" Sugar said

" Yeah because being reality stars on a mediocre reality shows makes us famous" Dave explained sarcastically as he departed from the bus

Everyone else left the bus with their luggage, then the bus drove away

"Where's Chris?!, Lightning wants to hurry up and win his million!" Lightning declared

" You think maybe we arrived at the wrong place?" Sky asked

"That broken down bus only had one stop" Dave said

" If Chris isn't gonna be here on time!, Maybe I'll just leave!" Amy said

" You'd really give up on a million big ones? Think of all the foreign cars you could buy" Sammy said

" Well... I guess I can stay for a little bit" Amy said

" Isn't the money the only reason we put up with Chris?" Dave asked

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement

Chris arrived in a white golf cart with a large passenger cart attached to it

" It's about time.." Scott said

" Hop on everyone, we don't have all day. This thing is rented by the hour" Chris said

Everyone except for Sam hops onto the golf cart

" Chris I think your forgetting someone" Sammy said

" Ugh... Hey game junkie! Get your butt in the golf cart!" Chris ordered

" Lemme just finish this level first!" Sam asked while playing on his DS

" I'll go get that couch potato!" Lightning said

Lightning hopped out of the passenger cart and picked up Sam with one hand

" Sha-bam!" Lightning said

Lightning then ran back and threw Sam into the passenger cart and then got in himself

" Ow... you could've been a little more gentle dude" Sam said

" Lightning doesn't do gentle!" Lightning said

Chris then drove into the film lot

"Welcome to the set of TOTAL DRAMA ACTION! This season will be shot in an abandoned film lot" Chris said

" Oh my gosh! Are we going to be in a movie?!" Staci asked excitedly

Chris then adjusted his rear view mirror

" No it means your going to be on TV, and don't interrupt me... EVER" Chris said

~ Cowboy Movie Set~

" You'll be spending the next six weeks here, competing against each other in challenges and for rewards. All for the chance to win some... MONSTER CASH!" Chris said

" Like last season, one team will win and the other will watch one of their own walk the Walk of Shame and head onto the lamo-sine" Chris said

Chris then pressed a red button that rolled up his windows

~ Walk of Shame~

The golf cart passes by the lamo-sine whose environmentally unsafe gas makes the contestants cough and gag

" You really couldn't of picked a safer ride?" Dave asked

Chris then rolled down his windows

" No" Chris said

"But instead of airing your dirty secrets in an even dirtier outhouse. We sprung for a nice makeup confessional" Chris said as he drove by it


" A whole trailer dedicated to makeup?!"

" I'm loving this season already"

An intern tried handing Amy a brand of lipstick

Amy then smacked it away

" I don't use that brand.."


~ Craft Services Tent~

" Here is the craft services tent where you will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner by our very own Chef Hatchet!" Chris said

Chef then on cue runs out of the craft services tent chasing after a raccoon

~ Gilded Chris Award Ceremony~

" If you manage to survive Chef, you'll have to make it through the Gilded Chris Award Ceremony!" Chris said

" Where all but one loser will receive a gilded Chris award" Chris said


" Were getting awards now?"

" About time!, I've been doing paegenting for sixteen years now and haven't won an award yet!"

" But now is my time to shine!"


~ Sci Fi Movie Set~

" Whoa... now this is cool" Sam said

" After I tell you this story, you might wanna take back those words Sam" Chris said

Sam gulped in response

"A few months ago this film lot was home to a high budget monster movie until the star experienced some... difficulties" Chris said

" Did she like have a mental breakdown? I've heard stories about that like on the internet and stuff. One-" Staci said before interrupted

" I'M telling the story here, Staci. But no the star wasn't a her... it was a HUGE mechanical monster!" Chris said

The camera then cut to pictures of movie set buildings with huge bite marks on them

" What like happened to it?" Staci asked

The contestants then heard a loud roar

" Don't be wimps, he's clearly yanking our chains" Scott said

The monster's tail is shown knocking down a tower.

Chris stops the golf cart as the tower lands right in front of them

" This season's challenges will be based on movie genres! Today's genre... the monster movie!" Chris said

" For your first challenge, you must make it from here to the cast trailers while our state of the art monster prevents your every move!" Chris said

" Just so everybody can have some screentime, everyone whose not competing will at least make one cameo this season" Chris said

" So we've asked our good buddy Max to play the part of the monster" Chris said

~ Editing Room~

Max is in a rubber suit that controls the monster with camera monitors around him so he can see what's happening

" Doing this almost makes me glad I wasn't selected for this abominable season.." Max said

" BUT NOW IT IS TIME TO-" Max said before interrupted

"Lemme guess, EVIL?" Chef asked

" Yes... how did you know?" Max asked curiously

~ Sci Fi Movie Set~

" And Action!" Chris said

Nobody moves...

"That means go" Chris said

The contestants stumble to get out of the golf cart

" Out of my way!" Shawn said as he shoved Staci out of his way

" SHABAM!" Lightning said as he karate chopped Shawn

" Please move" Dawn said as she hit Lightning's pressure point

Soon everyone was out of the golf cart and running for their lives

" This is going to be a long season..." Chris said

~ Beach Movie Set~

Everyone ran and screamed as they ran away from the monster

" H-Hey guys... wait up..." Sam said out of breath


" Look I was fine at Playa De Losers!"

" I got to hang with my sweet gal Dakota, got to play all the video games I wanted and didn't have to do any crazy challenges"

" Plus Dakota's rich so I don't even need to worry about money!"

" The point I'm trying to make is... there's no reason for me to be here"

" I don't make friends that easily and I suck at challenges. I'm probably going to be another early out again..." Sam said with a sigh


Sam stops running and allows the monster to take him

~ Bouncy House~

The monster drops Sam into a bouncy house

" Heh... well at least I get to play my video games" Sam said

Sam pulls out his DS and continue playing the level he left off

~ City Movie Set~

Sky, Dave, and Shawn run together

" Welp it's official.. this season sucks" Dave said

" Cheer up Dave it's not that bad" Sky said

" Yeah no explosions, burning buildings or bears! This challenge is a cake walk!" Shawn said

A building explodes the building next to it catches fire and burns down. A bear living in the building roars and chases after the three

"AAAAHH!" Sky/ Dave/ Shawn screamed

~ Editing Room~

Max is pressing all the buttons

" Yes cower in the true form of EVIL.. BWAHAHA!" Max said

Chef pulled Max aside

"Stop pressing all the dang buttons! Your gonna break the controller!" Chef ordered

" Y-Yes sir..." Max said

~ City Movie Set~

Scott, Amy, and Sammy run together

" Ugh can someone explain how I ended up with my pathetic sister?!" Amy asked

" For the last time, you two followed ME..." Sammy said

" Y-Your right, I'm just gonna go ahead and leave" Scott said before running away

Amy and Sammy turn around

"Scott, you listen to me not her!" Amy said

" He's not your pet..." Sammy said

" Oh so now you think you know everything about relationships?!" Amy asked

" Never said that" Sammy said

"Well-" Amy said before interrupted

The monster taps Amy's shoulder and the two turn around to see the monster

~ Beach Movie Set~

The monster drops Amy and Sammy in the bouncy house

" Great! Now we lost the challenge!" Amy said

" Hey could you both turn it down? Trying to play a video game here..." Sam said


" Why is everyone not listening to me?!"

" Did they forget since Jasmine, Jo and Zoey are gone, I'm the highest ranking girl back from Island"

" Well except for Scarlett but no one really cares about her!"


~ City Movie Set~

Scott and Brick run together

"So you just left your girlfriend to get captured by the monster?! That's against the code!" Brick stated

" Yeah but I'm still in the game so who cares... speaking of which" Scott said

Scott turned around and ran off once again

"Scott where are you going?! I'm not done lecturing you!" Brick said

The monster then picked up Brick

" Well I guess I am done lecturing you..." Brick said

The monster extended it's other hand and picked up Scott

"Dangit!" Scott said

~ Beach Movie Set~

The monster drops Scott and Brick into the bouncy house

When Scott lands he's met with an angry glare from Amy

" Aw come on, you would've done the same thing..." Scott said

Amy shrugged and kissed Scott on the cheek

"True..." Amy said


" I fail to understand Scott and Amy's relationship"

" But the polite thing to do is mind my own business!"


~ City Movie Set~

Scarlett is being chased by the monster

Staci then pops out from a bush

"Yah you tell her, we don't like her!" Staci said

The monster grabs Staci

" Imbecile" Scarlett said

The monster then grabbed Scarlett

~ Beach Movie Set~

The monster drops Staci and Scarlett into the bouncy house

~ City Movie Set~

Sky, Dave, and Shawn are still running from the bear

"Quick! Let's hide in there!" Shawn said pointing to a building

Shawn, Sky, and Dave ran into a building

But it led them nowhere since it was fake

" What the...Is everything in here fake?" Dave asked

The monster then picked up Sky, Dave, and Shawn

~ Beach Movie Set~

The monster dropped Sky, Dave, and Shawn into the bouncy house

~ City Movie Set~

The final four contestants remaining which is Sugar, Dawn, Cameron and Lightning run together to make it to the trailers

" I don't know how the others got caught, for a first challenge this sure is sha-" Lightning said before interrupted

" Don't Lightning... You might jinx us" Dawn said

" Jinx?, Lightning ain't worried about no jinx! The jinx needs to worry about the Lightning!" Lightning said

" Hey you keep talking about Lightning but I don't see any" Sugar said

" No gurl my name is LIGHTNING" Lightning said

" Oh..." Sugar said


" I didn't know we could name ourselves after weather conditions!"

" I could've had people calling me tsunami"

The intern off screen gave Sugar a weird look

"What?, it's a funny word to say"


The monster then appeared in front of the four

" Uh oh..." Cameron said

The monster then snatched up Dawn, Cameron, and Sugar

Lightning was the final contestant to remain

~ Editing Room~

" What are ya doing?! You could've grabbed all four of those brats!" Chef said

" I know but that's not how EVIL rolls... I'm saving him for last because the stronger they are the harder they fall!" Max said

" Sure..." Chef said

~ City Movie Set~

The monster then returned to the city only to find Lightning isn't there

The monster facepalms and continues to search for the jock

~Bouncy House: 6:00 am~

An alarm goes off

Everyone wakes up

They then turn their attention to Lightning who has just arrived

" Lightning what took you so long? With your speed you should've been here in thirty minutes!" Cameron siad

" Yeah, Lightning isn't good with directions so he got lost.. But it's all cool, I'm here to collect my prize!" Lightning said

" So it took you ten hours to figure out how to get here?" Dave asked

"That's just sad.." Shawn said

Lightning used his necklace to poke a hole in the bouncy house

" Why didn't anyone think of doing that last night?" Scott asked

~ Trailers~

All the contestants arrive at the trailer

The monster stomps one of the trailers and walks away

Chris Mclean walks out the other trailer

" Am I ever glad I chose to wait in that trailer. Looks like you all made it, so that was just a warm up challenge. Good news is your next challenge is a reward!" Chris said

The fourteen contestants cheered

" It will be the boys against the girls. With the winner getting first pick of the trailer, where you'll be living for the next forty two days!" Chris said

" You will have your choice of Trailer A and Trailer... Yeesh." Chris said

" Off to the craft services tent!" Chris said


" I got guts... guts filled with possum and raccoon but it still counts"

" Seeing how the rest of the girls except for Staci are built like twigs"

" I'm gonna have to bring home the bacon!"

"Mhmm... Bacon"



"I guess I'll try for this challenge..."

" I didn't get banned from Barney's Buffet for nothing!"


~ Craft Services Tent~

The contestants enter the craft services tent to find a whole buffet waiting for them

" YAHOO! COME TO MAMA!" Sugar yelled

"No wait!" Chris said

It was already too late, Sugar started gorging on the food. She ate and ate until there was nothing left

Chris then walked over to where Sugar was sitting

"Sugar the woman of many appetites, how was it?" Chris asked

" Good! Though the turkey could've used more spices..." Sugar said

" Luckily we didn't add any spices because the food was fake!" Chris said


" Yep just food made from foam core, silicon, and wax" Chris said

The camera then turns to Chef holding a can of wax

" It wasn't a speed eating contest, it was a contest to find the key" Chris said

" Key?..." Sugar said

Sugar then burped out the key

"You mean this thingie?" Sugar asked

" And with that Sugar wins!" Chris said


" Look I eat dirt so I know I'm not one to talk but..."

"The girl ate foam core and wax!"

Scott then snickered

" How stupid could you be?"



" I gotta have Sugar teach me how to do that"

" If I can eat foam core and wax, I can add that to the food supplies I'm saving for when the Zombie Apocalypse comes"



" If my calculations are correct, Sugar's stomach should be clogged for a LONG time..."



" She ate foam core and wax!"

" How does she not need her stomach amputated!"


~ Craft Services Tent~

Chef tried giving Sugar a drink for her bad stomach but she rejected it

" No need, my mama said I got the stomach of a horse!" Sugar said

Her stomach rumbled

" On second thought.." Sugar said

Sugar took the drink and chugged it down

" Good now we can head on to Sugar picking the trailers!" Chris said

The girls cheered for Sugar while the guys groaned

~ Trailers~

" Let's see... I choose... The squashed one!" Sugar said

The guys cheered while the girls groaned

" Please explain your idiotic reasoning for choosing the squashed one" Scarlett said

" It has more character" Sugar said

Scarlett facepalmed

The monster then squashed the other trailer

~ Editing Room~

" BWAHAHAA!" Max laughed

"Alright kid you had your fun.. NOW GET OUTTA HERE!" Chef yelled

Max quickly took off the rubber suit and ran away

~ Trailers~

Chef is rebuilding the trailers

" Okay everyone, get a good night's sleep because you've got a seriously early wake up call at 6:00 am!" Chris said while on his golf cart

~ Boys Trailer~

" I call top..." Dave said said with a yawn

" I'll take bottom" Cameron said

"Mine" Scott/ Lightning said while pointing to two beds

" Hey Sam, I want to know if your willing to bunk with me for the remainder of the competition" Brick said

" Sure dude..." Sam said

" Sweet! I get two beds!" Shawn said


" I plan on building a decoy Shawn tonight"

"So just in case zombies attack they'll go for the dummy!"


" Shawn what are you doing?" Dave asked

" Building a decoy so the zombies won't get me.." Shawn said

" Ugh... forty two days and still counting" Dave said

~ Girls Trailer~

" I need to sleep to the east side so my head will be closer to the ocean!" Amy said

" That's is quite idiotic. We currently reside in Toronto we are nowhere near the ocean" Scarlett said

" Well no one asked you! Your lucky I don't have my yeti whistle on me!" Amy said

" There's no such thing as yeti whistle..." Scarlett said with a growl

" Come on girls were better than this..." Staci said

"Shut up Staci!" Scarlett/ Amy said

" Do not worry friends!" Dawn said

Dawn brought out her garbage bag

" Ooh is there a dead squirrel inside there? I always have room for dessert.." Sugar said

Dawn then took out seven branches

" No this is my bag I used to put trash in from last season. We can draw these branches to see who sleeps with who" Dawn said

" So like shortest gets top and longest gets bottom?" Sammy asked

" Exactly! And the poor unfortunate soul will either have to sleep with Scarlett or Amy.." Dawn said

"Hey!" Amy said

The girls then draw sticks

" I got top!" Staci said

"I have bottom!" Sugar said

Sugar and Staci claim a bunk

" I got top, Sammy?" Sky asked

" I got bottom!" Sammy said

Sammy and Sky claim a bunk

" I got top, like it should always be!" Amy said

" Great... I get bottom" Scarlett said sarcastically

Scarlett and Amy claim a bunk

Dawn then puts her stuff in two beds

" What?... How did you end up with two beds?!" Amy asked

" She clearly took advantage of the situation... well played Dawn" Scarlett said

"Thank if you excuse me I must do my daily meditation" Dawn said

~ Trailers~

Chris stands outside the trailers with a smile on his face

"Shh... their sleeping" Chris said

Chris then took out his megaphone

" THIS IS YOUR 5:00 AM WAKE UP CALLL!" Chris yelled through his megaphone

Several groans could be heard

" I'm kidding you can sleep... for now" Chris said

Chris then blasted the megaphone

A loud fart can be heard from the girls side of the cabin

" That's a wrap for day one! How will Sugar fare with a stomach filled sawdust? What will tomorrow hold for Scott and Amy? Who knows how much drama is ensured for our cast? See you next time for another thrilling episode of... TOTAL DRAMA ACTION!" Chris said

That was Chapter One for Total Drama What If? Action... Whether if your just reading or continuing on from Total Drama What If? Island make sure to leave a review and slap some favorites on here

Authors Note: That was episode one! Hope you all enjoyed. I decided to change the day I'll be uploading from Wednesday to Sunday. If I don't upload Sunday it's probably due to me being busy that day. And I'll try to upload the next day

Another Authors Note: Another thing I wanted to address real quick... After thinking about it, I decided to abandon the whole TD-Canon winners can't win here thing. Which doesn't mean a TD-Canon winner is 100% guaranteed to win this season. It's just so mostly everyone has a fair shot at winning. But this rule will be applying to What If? Cannon Winners. So don't expect Scott or Jasmine in another finale any time soon.


Boys: Brick, Cameron, Dave, Lightning, Sam, Scott, Shawn

Girls: Amy, Dawn, Sammy, Scarlett, Sky, Sugar, Staci