Life with father

Chapter one


Black Doom awoken from a horrific nightmare of his future destruction for the third time in a row since he made that deal with the aged human scientist. He growled to himself as he exited his chambers aboard his home that was a comet, travelling through space. It was still in orbit of the planet Earth and would leave its orbit in approximately four hours.

"The same damn dream, that little pet of Gerald's will be the end of me if I don't do something soon but what?" Black doom thought as he wondered the hallways of the Black Comet, giving off an uncomfortable vibe.

Aboard the ARK, Gerald was in a highly excited mood as Project Shadow was almost ready to be awakened. The scientists were rushing around the lab, finishing off what they hoped was the last round of tests before Project Shadow was to be awakened. All reports on the creature that slumbered were finished, up to date and the health signs were looking great, excellent even.

"It won't be long now Shadow…my son." Gerald softly whispered to the creature suspended in a status chamber, floating in a green'ish substance and giving off a calm expression as it slept.

Project Shadow or Shadow was a black hedgehog with blood red streaks going down his legs and arms. His quills were in an up pointed fashion at the ends, they too had the same blood red streaks going along all of them. He had a white patch of fur on his chest and a tanned muzzle. He didn't have any type of clothing since he was basically in an artificial womb but had white gloves with black and red cuffs, 4 golden rings for his wrists & ankles and hover skates, with jet nozzles on the soles, that had the same colouration as his gloves and cuffs. They were in the lab ready to be put on him for when he was awake.

Back on the Black Comet, Black Doom was becoming concerned for his future. His hybrid son striking the killer blow to him played throughout his mind like a broken record stuck on a loop. His offspring around him felt his distress and them themselves became uneasy of their so called hedgehog brother.

"There has to be a way to prevent this from happening…he will be awakened soon and those humans will turn him against his own flesh and blood, his own family, his own father, unless I take him and he wakes up here…hmmm." Black Doom said to himself in utter rage as he floated about his home in thought.

"That actually might work…I'll send a few of my strongest solders to attack the ARK and cause a panic, then I'll go and take Shadow while he is still asleep. I'll awaken him up here aboard the Black Comet and when we are far away from those disgusting humans. I will awaking him and raise him myself." Black Doom concluded in a deep tone as he thought the plan through.

Black Doom then called upon his strongest of offspring and telepathically explained his plan to them. They bowed and left to get ready for the attack as Black Doom smirked at this easy victory.

An hour later, the ARK was on red alert as the Black Arms soldiers raided every nook and cranny of the metal space station, causing panic and destruction where ever they went. Blowing up expensive equipment with their advance weapons and causing miner injuries to the scientists from the explosions. It was clear the humans were no match to the aliens, they may of had the numbers but they were scientists not soldiers, so they all ran in panic to a safe place.

It didn't matter where the humans ran to there were Black Arms soldiers everywhere, shooting at anything they felt like destroying. Although they weren't there to kill, only cause a huge panic, some of the soldiers couldn't help but to shoot at the scientists and render them immobile but still breathing of course, none of the Black Arms dared to disobey their leader/father Black Doom.

Black Doom's plan seems to be working, the workers were way too distracted in trying to get out of the firing line, they completely left Project Shadow unattended. Black Doom chaos controlled to Shadow's status pod and narrowed his eyes in hatred for his hybrid son. Doom suppressed a hateful growl as he looked at the black and red hedgehog in the status tube and thought how vulnerable he actually was, asleep in that manmade tube but shook all thoughts of killing the hybrid away.

"I must try to remember he hasn't done anything to me and I'm here to prevent him from doing any harm to me, my children and home." Black Doom thought as he got to work in carefully removing Shadow's status pod without waking him up.

Success was on Black Dooms side as he removed the pod with a still sleeping Shadow in, away from where it rested and into the middle of the room. Doom then telepathically called a retreat to the Black Comet since they would be too far out of range to chaos control back in less than 20 minutes. As all but one of Black Dooms soldiers teleported back to their home, Black Doom faced a little problem. Both him and the Black Oak, after the soldier that stayed entered and picked up Shadow's clothing and rings a moment or two ago, were glaring at the rooms entrance. The problem was staring at him and his loyal offspring in shock and surprise.

"W-what are you doing? Leave Shadow alone." Gerald asked in shock and slight fear.

"I'm taking him and raising him aboard the Black Comet so you humans won't turn him against us...Good bye Gerald it was nice doing business with you." Black Doom explained with an evil chuckle then chaos controlled away to his home with both of his offspring, leaving a distorted Professor behind in his own despair.

"NO!" Gerald shouted and started to charge towards Black Doom but it was too late Black Doom and Shadow was long gone.

Aboard the Black Comet the atmosphere was buzzing with victory as Earth and the ARK were slowly beaming out of sight, becoming nothing but a speck in the distance. Black Doom had put the status pod with a sleeping Shadow inside in a research lab looking room where they develop their weapons and other destructive fire arms. When the pod was in place and secure Black Doom smirked in satisfaction but it was soon replaced with annoyance as he looked at Shadow's innocent form and peaceful features.

"To think this weak creature will be the end of me...We will be far away from those humans soon then we shall see where your loyalties lay...hybrid."Black Doom whispered then thought, "Maybe with the right training and up brining you may be a great asset to our family...maybe."

(Well there you have it the first chapter. The chapters after will be slightly longer than this one, since this one was merely an opening chapter to the story. I'm aiming for at least 2000+ words for the oncoming chaps and not sure how long the story will be, it all depends on what my brain comes up with but I do know that Shadow will return to earth in fifty years time, the question is will he obey or disobey?…Hope you enjoy the story please let me know if you like it, all comments are welcome and yes I know I'm next to hopeless with correct spelling, grammar and whatnot, I do try thought. Thanks for reading and I'll post the next chap soon enough, if it picks up and you are interested in it so please review, fav and follow so I know...)