
Location: Atlas military headquaters.

Year: 117PGW (Post Great War)

Military operations:

Date: January 6th

Time: 07:59AM

A peaceful silence lingered in the air, only the sound of light snoring filling the unlit medium sized room with basic furniture. The two occupants slept peacefully, the female snored lightly, the pair of K9 ears on her head twitching occasionally. The other occupant shifted in his sleep, his mop of long blond hair sprawled around his head, wrapping around his neck and face, his right arm dangled off the bed.

It was peaceful…Undisturbed silence.

And then the time turned to 8AM.






''I'm up!'' Jaune grunts, slamming his fist into the alarm clock electing a pained grunt from the man, even the damn clocks here were made from metal. Groggily sitting himself up Jaune stretched his back and arms out, moaning feeling the stiffness in his body dissipate he took a look around his quarters.

''Shut up, pig...'' A female voice moaned brining Jaune's gaze to his brown haired female room mate who was tiredly glaring at him with her violet eyes from her bed, the pair of dog ears on her head were pulled down over her hair, showing her displeasure with being woken up. He just shrugged the glare off and prioritized getting himself into his uniform, he had work to do and unlike his room mate he'd get him trouble if he was late.

Picking out his uniform Jaune started his daily routen, shower, brush teeth, brush hair and put on his uniform, all within fifteen minutes. Putting the finishing touches to his uniform Jaune's head snaps up hearing a banging on the bathroom door telling him his time was up.

''All yours.'' Jaune says passively, opening the door up to be greeted with the annoyed face of his room mate.

''Hurry up and leave, then I'll have a room all to myself.'' The girl says, pushing past Jaune causing him to huff at her attitude. To say his team mate was a stuck up bitch would be an understatement…Not that he wasn't used to it of course, it was always like this with her, grumpy bitch in the morning that kissed her CO's ass every time she could and would try to annoy him at night.

''Sure thing, kiss-ass.'' Jaune calls back as the door shuts behind him. Hearing the voice of his room mate shouting at him Jaune made his leave, plopping his cap on his head as he walked out of the room, glancing down at his wrist watch Jaune frowned seeing he was going to be late to the meet up. Today he was to leave with Penny for Vale, they would be leaving at nine but he had to meet up with the General by half past and it was currently twenty past eight. Glancing back at his room Jaune grunted knowing she'd intentionally taken longer to knock on the door to get him in trouble.

Then again it was his fault for trusting her.

With a sigh Jaune started walking through the base, making his way to the General's office, nodding occasionally to the other male soldiers who passed by. Picking up his pace Jaune finally reached the elevator to the General's office. Moving his hand to call the elevator down, Jaune pauses hearing the elevator ding and the door open.

''Gunnery Sergeant.'' Jessica Ironwood says flatly, glaring. at the man she was meant to be in a meeting with a minute ago but didn't show. ''You were late.''

''Apologizes ma'am.'' Jaune mummers, pulling himself into a sharp salute feeling the General's glare burning into his head. ''It won't happen again.''

''It better not. Now walk with me.'' Jessica says, walking past Jaune prompting him to spin around and follow a step behind the General.

''Although I wished to speak to you more in depth during out meeting, I won't be able to do that now.'' Jessica starts, glancing back at Jaune flatly, he chuckled nervously feeling the general's eyes boring into his own. An unsettling feeling to say the least… ''So i'll sum it up.''

With that Jessica suddenly spins on her heels, grabbing two hand fulls of Jaune's uniform in the process and pushes him through the door to there side putting them inside a janitors closet, alone.

''G-gen-'' Jaune attempts to speak but only lets out a less than manly 'eep!' in the end when the Jessica's eyes looked into his own with the fury of a thousand burning suns. She suddenly pulled him down to face height before opening her mouth to speak.

''You. Will. Not. Lay. A. Hand. On. My. Niece. Understood?'' Jessica grinds out, pulling there face's closer with each word spoke, leaving only a few inches between them, in most situations Jaune probably wouldn't have minded being this close to the General and in a closet no less, but feeling the cold barrel of his commanding officer's gun's barrel placed against his crotch sort of killed that mood before it could come forth.

''O...of course ma'am.'' Jaune stutters out, feeling beads of sweat rolling off him like money did a Schnee.

''Good.'' Jessica says pleasantly, placing her pistol back into it's holster and letting Jaune go allowing him to stand up straight with a little wobble from his legs shacking.

''That's all, good luck out there Gunnery, you'll need it.'' Jessica says, walking out of the closet leaving Jaune alone, he waited one, two and then three seconds before crumbling to his knee, the adrenaline in his system washing out leaving him a mess on the floor.

'I almost lost little Jaune there...'

Standing himself up with some effort Jaune walks out of the closet, taking a shaky glance down at his wrist watch Jaune nodded calmly seeing that it was thirty five minutes past. A silent second passed before Jaune broke into a sprint to the air-docks that were located on the other side of the huge base. Being late for a 'meeting' with the General was bad enough, being late and missing his departure flight to Beacon? The General would be fucking furious with him. Even if it was her fault...

'Hold on little Jaune! You won't die on me yet!'

Stumbling into the air-dock with the grace of a headless chicken, Jaune catches himself and comes to a stop. Setting his eyes on the Atlas bullhead Jaune straightens out his uniform before marching towards the docked airship. On his approach Jaune could make out several figure and a large familiar pod being pushed into the airship by two unfortunate soldiers that he recognised to be Penny's guards.

''Gunnery Sergeant! You're late!'' Melissa shrills, glaring daggers at the approaching man.

''And you're two minutes late for take off, not that I mind though.'' Jaune shoots back, looking at the two soldiers finally get the pod onto the ship before they comically collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion. He huffed in amusement before dismissing the two men. ''Now then, anything else I need to know about the suit before I go?''

''Some minor adjustments, we fixed the speed of the predicted movement, everything should be on this tablet. Keep it safe and contact us with it if something's wrong with the suit.'' Glen says, handing over a generic looking military tablet to Jaune. Opening it up Jaune hummed, a display of the S.E.A.L suit popping up, showing it's current condition and energy reserves, even minor details like the suits temperature was displayed.

''I'll keep that in mind.'' Jaune finally says, looking back ahead only to blink seeing a certain ginger haired girl instead of Glen.

''Good morning Penny.'' Jaune greets, smiling at the girl.

''Salutations! It is indeed a good morning, Jaune!'' Penny says, a chirpy tone in her voice as he green eyes gleamed in the light. Jaune chuckled at the girl, he could tell she was excited.

He would be to, going to Beacon was a dream of his when he was younger. Was.

''Let's get going then, we're late as is.'' Jaune says, offering an arm for the girl to take. He quirked a brow when Penny only looked at his arm in confusion, unaware of what to do.

''Like this.'' Jaune instructs, grabbing Penny's arm and gently looping it through his own. ''Like that.''

Penny looked at there arms with a raised brow, trying to understand why there would be a need to lock arms in such a way just to go into an airship.

''It's not anything mandatory, just a thing on my part, my dad always told me to be a gentleman.'' Jaune chuckles before leading them off, looking back at Glen, Melissa and Bell, Jaune's grin was smacked off his face seeing the inquisitive gaze of Jessica's meet his eyes. A fire was in her eyes so intense that Jaune swore if looks could kill he'd be six feet under.

''Let's hurry up, I don't want you to miss the first day.'' Jaune says nerviously, quickening their pace onto the bullhead allowing the doors to be closed, separating him and his commander with a steel wall that would probably do nothing if she decided to attack him, but it did offer him a little security in the fact that Jessica wasn't trying to kill him with a stare anymore.

''Aunt Jessica didn't look happy, is she sad that I will be leaving?'' Penny asks as she unhooks her arm from Jaune's, looking at him with a worried look on her face.

''Of course she'll be sad, you're her family after all.'' Jaune replies automatically and immediately kicks himself mentally seeing Penny's face fall, her gaze dropping to the floor.

''But.'' Jaune adds on, brining Penny's attention back to him. ''I'm sure she's proud, proud that you'll be experiencing the world properly and becoming a huntress.''

''Yes! Of course she is! Aunt Jessica is always proud of me when I make developments.'' Penny chirps, throwing a victorious fist out in triumph, unaware of Jaune letting out a relieved sigh at the save.

''So, how long's this flight going to take?'' Jaune mummers aloud, gaining the attention of the pilot.

''My guess is about eight hours, nine if we need to make some stops.'' The pilot calls back, Jaune sighed tiredly and dropped onto his seat, putting a hand into his pocket and freezing.

''No...'' Jaune mutters, suddenly patting his uniform down, looking for something of critical importance, a look of dread slowly coming to his face as the seconds passed.

''Is something wrong, Jaune?'' Penny asks, tilting her head in confusion, the look of dread on Jaune's face something she'd never seen before.

''I...I forgot my tablets…'' Jaune mummers out, slouching over in defeat. Feeling the bullhead lifting off Jaune's stomach did a flip causing his skin to turn a sickly green much to Penny's confusion.

'Eight hours of torture here we come...'


''Er...Gunnery Sergeant, do you want me to land so we can get you something…?'' The pilot asks hesitantly, glancing back at Jaune who only let out a groan in response, his head bowed down and looking at the floor.

''Friend Jaune, are you sure you are okay? You keep making distressed noises, especially when we make sudden movements.'' Penny asks, a look of confusion still on her face, unaware of what Jaune was suffering from.

''There's a public air-dock nearby...we can land there.'' The pilot says, looking back ahead and steering the bullhead towards the large airlock in the distance, surrounded by ships ranging from large trading cruisers the size of large buildings to small personal bullheads owned by rich families. Within five minutes the pilot skilfully landed the bullhead in the spot reserved for Atlas military airships.

''I'm surprised we aren't alone.'' The pilot comments, looking at the larger, more ornate, airship on there right, a large Schnee logo painted on each side of the airships, by the entrance two security guards stood, both graduated Atlas specialists if there gear was to go by.

''Ah-ha! Land at last!'' Jaune calls out, his previous sick state gone as he leaps to his feet with a vigour reserved only for a small child given the last slice of pizza over his siblings.

''How perplexing.'' Penny comments, watching Jaune walk out of the airship with a swagger in his step.

''You coming Penny?''

''Yes friend!''

Stepping out of the airship after Jaune, Penny paused and gasped, her eyes wide in awe as a large trade ship moved overhead, glowing her and Jaune's hair around a little in the process.

''Cool right?'' Jaune asks, all he got in response was series of nods from the girl, she was far to focused on all the wonders of the airships to respond with words.

''Come on, I need to get something for my airsickness.'' Jaune says prompting Penny to move to his side and hook her arm with his own, Jaune raised a brow but just shook his head and continued, not wanting to pull the girl out of her fascination as she admired the airships as they passed by, her green eyes sparkling each time she spotted a new type fly by.

They walked mostly in silence, only speaking when Penny asked about a type of airship she liked the look of, he explained that it was a Schnee dust company trade cruiser, large but elegant in design, more curvy and 'designer' when compared to Atlas' combat cruisers. It sacrificed it's combat power for speed and looks.

Finally reaching the inside of the air-dock Jaune looks around the interior of the large building filled with countless faces and stores before his eyes fell on a Schnee dust company general store. Leading the two of them to the store Jaune comes to a stop outside.

''Wait here. I'll be out in a minute.'' Jaune says, seeing Penny nod Jaune walks into the store leaving the girl alone outside.

It didn't take long for trouble to start brewing when something collided with Penny's back causing her to stumble while the person who'd walked into her screamed and fell on the floor. Turning to the person, Penny's brows raise in worry seeing the silver haired girl glaring at her.

''Are you okay?'' Penny asks, offering a hand to the girl to take.

''Of course not! You should watch where you're going!'' The silver haired girl shouts, standing up on her own having swat away Penny's helping hand, the smaller silver haired girl clears her thought as she brushes her hair out of her eyes before fixing a glare on Penny.

''But you walked into me?'' Penny asks in confusion, cupping her chin in thought, unaware that she was causing the silver haired girl to become more annoyed at her.

''Do you have any idea who I am?'' The silver haired girl demands getting Penny's attention.

She smiled sweetly, a smile so sweet it caused the silver haired girl to falter for a moment.

''I do not.''

Just a moment.

''Gah- I mean! How do you not know who I am!'' The girl shouts, making a swift recovery from her shock.

''Ah-ha, Don't bother with her kid, she's just gonna screech at you until you show respect.'' A new voice chimes in, a tad but slurry in nature. Not the flirtatious type of slur. The drunk kind. Both girls turned to face the owner of the voice to see a woman with long black haired tied into a thin braid that spanned the length of her back, red eyes were slightly glossed over from drunkenness and she was dressed in what Penny would describe as a grey and black pirates outfit with a tattered red cape and a single leather bracer on her right arm that spanned her lower arm and stopped at her wrist.

''Excuse you?! And who do you think you are you drunk?!'' The silver haired girl demands angrily, looking up unwavering at the black haired and red eyed huntress drunk huntress.

''I'm Qrow, nice to meet you kiddo!'' Qrow introduces, moving past the silver head girl, completely ignoring her, and up to Penny, a drunk smirk on her face. ''What brings a girl like you to this shit hole?''

''Shit hole? I am unaware of what that word means, miss.'' Penny replies, her brows quirked in confusion as Qrow just lets out a laugh before grabbing a flask attached to her hip and taking a drink of it's contents with a satisfied sigh.

''You're defiantly not here alone. Who's here with you? A boy-friend huh?'' Qrow asks suggestively, she blinked in surprise when Penny nodded, a pleasant smile on her face, not at all embarrassed by the huntress.

''Huh, little brats odd...'' Qrow mutters loud enough for only her to hear.

''Alright Penny i'm...'' Jaune starts, putting something into his pocket before looking up causing him to pause seeing a Schnee and a familiar red eyed drinking buddy near Penny.

Sadly before he could do anything, a hand wrapped around him and pulled him into a one armed hug, curtest of Qrow. ''Well if it ain't my favourite drinkin' buddy, how you been lady-killer?''

''I demand to know what you've said to Penny this instant.'' Jaune says flatly, causing Qrow to huff out a laugh giving him a whiff of the alcohol in her breath. ''I also order you to stay away from the cinnamon bun before you corrupt her.''

At that Qrow went into full blown laughter while the Schnee ground her teeth at being ignored.

''You there! I demand to know your-'' The Schnee starts. Stopping when Jaune speaks over her.

''Gunnery Sergeant, Jaune Arc. Infantry division. Ma'am.'' Jaune says kindly to the Schnee causing her to sputter, not expecting Jaune to comply so quickly.

''Ooooh! Hit em' with the kindness!'' Qrow calls out drunkenly from the side lines, hooking an arm around Penny as she cheered.

''I'm surprised a Schnee is here of all places, most of you rarely mingle with commoners like us.'' Jaune comments, walking up yo the young Schnne causing her to gulp and take a step back. ''What brings you here?''

''I-I'm here because I want to be of course! I'm a Schnee after all!'' The Schnee stutters out, flushing red at the sudden attention.

''Oh really? what's your name?'' Jaune asks curiously. Feeling doubtful the girl was who she said she was.

''Whitley Schnee, youngest daughter of Willow Schnee.'' Clearing her throat before speaking Whitley introduces herself proudly, with the arrogance only a Schnee could speak with.

''Oh, you're the one Winter mentioned one time...'' Jaune mummers, suddenly very disinterested in Whitley causing a look of anger to come to the girls face. Her anger only increasing as Qrow jeered in the background.

''Excuse you! I demand respect you dog! I am not only a Schnee but also a lady!'' Whitley demands angrily, stomping a foot in a show of her outrage at Jaune's pure dismissiveness of her.

''Look, I don't care if you're a lady, kid. What matters to me is your character, not what's between your legs.'' Jaune says with a sigh, repeating what he'd said to Weiss years ago. ''So I'd suggest thawing out like your sister did or you'll end up single your old life and living with cats as company.''

''HA! Got EM!''

''Let's go Penny, we have a flight to catch.'' Jaune says, turning around and grabbing Penny and escorting her away, prying the drunken huntress' grip off her.

''Well it was nice seein' ya! Next time we see each other I'll buy the drinks!'' Qrow calls out as Jaune leaves.

''You better, you dropped a few hunred Lien tab on me last time.'' Jaune calls back, waving before they turned a corner leaving Qrow and Whitley to there own devices.

''Such interesting people.'' Penny comments aloud, her face scrunched up in thought as they walked back to the airship.

''Yep. Schnee's generally are odd, they're so discontented from everyone else they sort of see none rich families as alien to them. Doesn't help that They're the second most powerful family in Atlas, just below the royal family itself when it comes to sway in the council.'' Jaune says before moving onto Qrow. ''And Qrow...she's a drunken mess most of the time, so just pretend she doesn't exist since you probably wont see her much.

'Hopefully anyway.'

''How does someone pretend someone else doesn't exist?'' Penny asks, a look of horror coming to her face. ''It seems to evil!''

''It's a figure of saying, Penny...'' Jaune replies flatly.

''Oh...'' Penny blinked at the response.

''You're really gonna be a piece of work kid, you sure you ain't missing somethin' in there?'' Qrow suddenly says, popping in between Jaune and Penny before hooking her arms around them and pulling them closer.

''Qrow, no.''

''Qrow, yes.''

''I am confused.''

Suddenly Qrow pointed at their airship causing the pilot to gulp seeing the large weapon attached to Qrow's back, he laughed nervously before booking it into the bullhead to ready the engines for take off.

''Say, you wouldn't happen to be headin' to Vale would you?'' Qrow asks, turning to Jaune and giving him nice view of her cleavage in the process.

''We are, what's it matter to you?'' Jaune asks, keeping his eyes trained on Qrows, ignoring his mind telling him to take a peak. All the while he suppressed the colour from coming to his face.

''I happen to need a lift, being a teacher and all for signal I need to get there by tomarrow.'' Qrow beings. ''And you happen to be the only one headin' there right now.''

He wanted to say no, he was on a mission to escort a VIP to Beacon, Jessica would defiantly chew him out if she heard he'd given someone without authorization a lift. But there was one problem…

''An Arc never goes back on there word, right?'' Qrow says, taking the words out of Jaune's head and slapping him with them.

''Why did I promise you that...'' Jaune moans, slouching over as the memories of their drinking night a few weeks ago flashed in his mind, more specifically the part where he said 'I own you one, on my family name'. Admittedly he was drunk but that hadn't stopped his dad marrying his mother.

A promise made by an Arc was a hell of a thing.

''Fine, you can tag along. Just don't cause any problems or I'll kick you out mid flight.'' Admitting defeat, Jaune caves in, signing in defeat while Qrow give him some heavy handed pats on the back for his 'kindness'.

''Why are we allowing her with us? Is our mission not classified?'' Penny asks, watching Qrow walk into the bullhead, hitting her head in the process earning a chuckle from Jaune.

''Lets just keep it between us Penny.'' Jaune sighs out, looking at the girl with a tired smile.

''I'll do my best!'' Penny says energetically, walking into the bullhead with a skip in her step.

''Ugh, this is going to be a long journey...'' Jaune whispers, running his hand down his face before popping a tablet into his mouth and getting on board, accepting his fate as Qrow began to talk to Penny in an overly loud fashion.

Hearing the bullhead door closing behind him Jaune sighed, making a mental note to grab headphones on there next stop.

''Let's get going! we don't have all day!'' Jaune says, giving the pilot's door a punch prompting the bullhead to lift off. Taking a seat opposite Qrow, Jaune closes his eyes, planning on getting some sleep.

''Let me tell you about the time Jaune and me were out drinking. He ain't the prince charming he makes himself out to be I'll tell you that much.'' Qrow whispers, sadly a little to loud as Jaune's eyes snap open and focus on the woman about to spill.

''Oh no you don't!'' Jaune says, pointing an accusing finger at Qrow in a comically manner.

Evil laughter filled the bullhead as it flew into the distance.


''And that, kid, his why I call Jaune 'lady-killer'.'' Qrow laughs out, holding jaune in a submission hold as she explained into detail of how Jaune tried flirting with girls.

''SILENCE!'' Jaune demands only to be ignored.

''Oh-ho you should have seen him trying to make moves on me.'' Qrow chuckles out, tightening her grip on Jaune as he tried to break out.

''The hell would I try and make moves on you ya hag?!'' Jaune demands, unaware of said 'old hags' eyes flashing dangerously.

''Old hag?! I look younger than you!'' Qrow shouts, tightening her grip again causing Jaune to gag, all the while Penny watched on, giggling as she witnessed the two wrestle on the ground while throwing insults at one another along with fists.

The two suddenly stopped just as there fists were about to hit there faces, the sound of the pilot speaking up filling the room.

''We're entering Lake Matsu.''

It all that needed to be said for the two to stand up, nod to one another and grab there weapons. In Qrow's case her custom huntress sword/scythe while Jaune took an Atlas long rifle from the bullheads weapon rack.

''Get us out of here as soon as possible, preferably without running into grimm.'' Jaune calls to the pilot who nods, opening the bullhead's door up allowing the passengers to see the floating island as they passed, only Penny gasped in awe at the floating islands while the other two shared an uneasy look between one another being aware of the dangers of the area.

''That thing has ranged capabilties right?'' Jaune asks, glancing at Qrow's weapon.

''Yup.'' Qrow replies, popping the 'p', Jaune rolled his eyes before looking out once again, seeking for any grimm.

''Kid, you got any ranged combat capailties?'' Qrow asks, looking back at Penny who nods. ''Then get up here.''

''I sense the two of you are more tense, your bodies muscles are contracting in anticipation for combat. Is there hostile nearby?'' Penny asks, Jaune and Qrow shared a surprised look at Penny's attention to detail.

''She's observant...'' Qrow says flatly, suddenly feeling more self-conscious when Penny looked at her.

''Kind of, this part of Anima is known for ships vanishing because of grimm attacks.'' Jaune says causing Penny's eyes to widen.

''What are grimm again?'' Penny asks, putting a finger on her lips in thought. Jaune and Qrow could only face fault at the innocence behind the question.

''How sheltered is that kid?!'' Qrow asks, grabbing a fist full of Jaune uniform.

''I don't know! I was as shocked as you when I heard it the first time!'' Jaune replies, holding his hands up innocently as Qrow levelled a glare at him.

''Is that a grimm?'' Penny asks, pointing between the two bringing their gaze to the approaching swarm of lancers.

''Yeah those are grimm, now like I was saying...'' Jaune starts, looking back to Qrow before pausing, taking a look back at the approaching grimm the threat suddenly registers in Jaune's mind. ''Hostiles on our ass! Prepare evasive maneuvers!''

''Here you dropped this.'' Qrow says, kicking the rifle from the ground and into the air allowing Jaune to catch it.

''Thanks.'' Jaune thanks before getting on a knee and taking aim at the approaching grimm.'

''Six armoured ones taking up the vanguard, the other ten are flying behind them. No signs of a queen.'' Jaune informs as he lines up a shot.

''They need to get closer before I can shoot this thing, I only put an iron sight on it.'' Qrow comments, her mecha-shift weapon shifting to expose two barrels attached to the handle.

''How close?'' Jaune asks.

''About fifteen meters.'' Qrow replies sheepishly, scratching her cheek when Jaune looked at her dryly.

''My combat effective range is thirty meters.'' Penny chimes in causing Jaune's dry look to intensify. Realization that he was the only one able to take on the lancers dawning on him.

''Leave it to a man to do the annoying work.'' Jaune sighs out before finally focusing on a lancer that had flown out of formation. Pulling the trigger a satisfied smirk made it's way to Jaune's face as the round hit the grimm head on, the dissociated grimm flew off to the side before colliding with one of the smaller islands.

''My niece shoots better.'' Qrow comments.

''I'm sure she does...'' Jaune replies dismissively, not rising to the bait and instead focusing on the slowly approaching grimm, waiting for one to fuck up.


''Two down.'' Jaune comments, The grimm he'd hit not having armour plating in it's head allowing the bullet to go straight threw killing it.

''Contacts are one-hundred meters!'' The pilot shouts back.

''At this rate they'll be on us before we can fight back.'' Jaune says, biting the inside of his cheek as he tried to come up with something.

Fifty meters, that's all the lancer's needed before they'd start using there stingers to grab onto the ship and start hitting it with there detachable claws, all they needed was a good hit on the engines and they'd be dead weight for the grimm to pull apart.

''Any plans hotshot? Those grimm and getting close.'' Qrow asks, glancing down at Jaune.

''Not in the slightest.'' Jaune admits causing Qrow to roll her eyes.

''What you're about to see? Don't mention it to anyone or I'll kill you.'' Qrow says, Jaune raised a brow as Qrow walked to the edge of the extended door before bending her knees and spring boarding out causing his eyes to widen.

They then proceeded to widen further as Qrow suddenly rolled mid-air and transformed into a small black crow.

''What the fuck?'' Jaune says in confusion, lowering his rifle as Qrow turns back to normal above one of the armoured lancer's and jamps her sword into the grimm's joint that connected it's body and head before firing the shotgun attatchment of her weapon.

''A fascinating Semblance! I didn't know transformation semblances existed.'' Penny comments in awe, watching Qrow professionally kill the grimm one by one without the slightest problem, jumping from one to another and decapitating them with ease.

''That's because they don't.'' Jaune mummers to himself, watching Qrow transform back into a crow and land safely on one of the islands.

''Wait up! We got a man overboard, turn it back around.'' Jaune calls back prompting the pilot to do as he's told and turn the airship around to pick up the red eyed huntress.

''You don't look happy Jaune, is something wrong?'' Penny asks, noticing the frown on Jaune's face.

''No, it's just I want to know something about Qrow's 'semblance'.'' Jaune lies, giving Penny a forced smile to help pass the lie.

''Yes, I am also curious, I was unaware that transformation semblances existed, how perplexing...'' Penny mummers curiously, falling for the bluff.

Spotting the huntress in question leaning against a rock, Jaune directs the pilot to the island where they land allowing Jaune to step out of the bullhead. Marching over to Qrow, Jaune grabs onto the huntresses cape and starts dragging her away, calling back to Penny that he needed to speak with Qrow in private about something.

''What the hell was that?'' Jaune demands, finally out of sight of Penny.

''What was what? It was my semblance obviously.'' Qrow lies, a disinterested look on her face.

''Oh really? I remember someone drunkenly telling me her semblance was bad luck, not transforming into a bird.'' Jaune rebuttals, an annoyed sigh escaped Qrow's lips. ''By the way I choked because of that semblance!''

''The hells it mean to you if I can transform into a bird or not?'' Qrow asks, taking out her flash and taking a mouth full of it's contents. Ignoring the outburst directed at her over her actual semblance.

''Oh I don't know, the fact that someone just magically transformed into a crow infront of my eyes despite having a semblance that's based around bad luck.'' Jaune sarcastically remarks causing Qrow to scoff. ''Everything is wrong with it!''

''Especially when I've seen that shit before!'' Qrow's eyes sharpened hearing Jaune's outburst, she immediately moved forwards and grabbed onto his uniform and pulled him closer, looking into his blue eyes with a glare.

''What did she look like?'' Qrow demands, ignoring Jaune's attempts to get her to let him go.

''Some chick with black hair and red eyes like you, she uses a katana though and wore a grimm mask.'' Jaune explains, giving up on trying to break out of the drunk huntresses grip.

''Hmh, where did you last see her?'' Qrow presses, pulling Jaune slightly closer in the process.

''A-Atlas, I managed to catch a glimpse of her when she took of after raiding an Atlas supply catche.'' Jaune mentally kicked himself for the stutter but steeled his features.

''Well that was useless...'' Qrow mummers, pushing Jaune away, he stumbled a few steps before righting himself. ''If you're wondering that was my 'dear' sister who I want to run through with my sword.''

''Wait so there's two of yo- No back to the point!'' Jaune mummer turns to a shout when he realized Qrow was trying to change the subject. The shape shifting huntress just sighed in response.

''Look, the fact that I can transform into a birds none of your business okay? It's a personal matter that doesn't involve you.'' Qrow finally says, sighing when Jaune's sceptical gaze only intensified on her. ''Look, I have nothing to do with my sister anymore, we've parted ways on bad terms a long time ago.''

''Fine. I'll let it be, but I will be asking the headmaster a few questions about your connections with your criminal sister.'' Qrow only rolled her eyes before walking back to the bullhead, not at all concerned by Jaune's 'threat'.

'I really hate woman...'

He wanted to press more, demand answers from Qrow on her relation to her sister and her activities but he couldn't, not without risking getting on her bad side and getting a nice sword in his gut. As much as he hated to say it he knew his limit when it came to what he could do in situations like this. And this was the limit when it came to Qrow.

''Friend Jaune, are you coming?'' Penny calls out, she waved at him when he popped his head around the rock, he nodded before jogging back to the bullhead. Being sure to avoid eye contact with Qrow when he got on board.

''What were you talking about?'' Penny asks curiously, plopping down into her seat by Qrow's side. Glancing at Qrow, Jaune paused, debating whether to tell Penny about what had happened, after a few seconds of internal debating Jaune finally spoke.

''It was nothing Penny.''

Sighing to himself, Jaune could only hope that Olivia would have some answers for him…


''Did she meet the target?'' Jessica asks, sitting alone in her personal quarter's, her gaze leveled at an opened scroll perched up against the wall on her bed stand.

''She has, Qrow sent me the confirmation message about two hours ago.'' A female voice answers back. The voice of none other than the headmistress of Beacon. Olivia

''Good, although I trust Gunnery Sergeant Arc to take care of Penny, I can't trust him to keep her safe in a transport vessel moving over Lake Matsu.'' Jessica says with a sigh, glancing at the grey haired woman displayed on the scroll. ''To much grimm activity for one man to handle alone, especially when there are Lancer's suddenly nesting there now.''

''Hopefully they get here soon, an incident involving one of Salem's agents has occurred in Vacuo, I want Qrow to investigate it as soon as possible.'' Olivia speaks again, an undertone of uncertainty layering her voice, but it was overshadowed by the extra layer of annoyance in her tone.

Jessica grunted, knowing that Olivia was annoyed at her for suddenly demanding Qrow meet her 'VIP' that was heading to Beacon and act as additional protection, Qrow was already on her way to Vacuo when she was called back and was not very pleased at having to fly back to Beacon, something. In the end she'd been forced to pay Qrow for the work.

Her metal limb's fist clenched in anger, the smug look on Qrow's face when she took the case of Lien from her still fresh in her mind.

''Ah, I've just gotten confirmation that they've cleared Lake Matsu.'' The female says, snapping Jessica out of her thoughts in time to hear Olivia add on a worried ''Oh dear...'' after.

''What is it, Olivia?'' Jessica asks, feeling a pit growing in her gullet. It was never good when Olivia sounded worried.

''It seems the Gunner Seargent seen Qrow transform...'' Olivia replies. A silence filled the air between the two heads of the huntress academies. The tention could be felt between the two despite being continents away from one another.

After what felt like hours, Jessica finally spoke.

''This is bad...''

Well, here's another chapter of The Gunnery Sergeant and the Penny…

I decided to continue it since people seem to like it, plus it's pretty fun to write, gives me a good brake from witting my other story.

If you happen to be wondering why I used /\-/\ instead of line breaks this time, it's because Line breaks look ugly to use more than a few times in a story they sort of get annoying to see after a while, so I decided to try out something less obvious and ugly to look at. Hopefully it's an upgrade...

So yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time.