Power Rangers Endgame


10,000 years ago...

Explosions shook the battlefield as three figures ran for their lives, desperately seeking shelter from the devastation raining down upon them. They desperately dodged and weaved between the blasts that relentlessly fell from the skies above, dirt and debris flying in all directions as they dived and jumped to avoid certain death. A number of small, dart-like metallic ships flew overheard, the source of the deadly explosions that threatened to destroy the three men unless they could find shelter and quickly. They were obviously warriors, dressed for battle covered head to toe with segmented armour covered with white robes trimmed with gold. Their once clean, white uniforms were now ripped and tattered though, stained a deep red in places with blood and dirt. They wore white helmets that completely covered their faces and nondescript save for a dark visor and mouth plate.

Reassessing their location briefly, the lead warrior pointed towards a grove of trees not to far from their position and the three quickly changed direction. As they approached, one of the ships broke formation with the others and swooped down towards them opening fire. As the bolts of energy hurtled towards them, two of the figures dived to to one side to avoid the deadly bombardment but the third wasn't so lucky. The energy engulfed him and he screamed before vaporising completely, leaving no trace of the man that had been standing their only seconds before.

"Adran!" one of the warriors shouted before being pulled up with a jerk by his colleague.

"He's gone but we're still alive. We need to get out of here, now."


"No," the lead warrior spat before softening his voice. "I'm sorry but this is war. You know what's at stake if we fall now."

The younger warrior considered his words and nodded once before steadying himself, breaking out into a run once again. They quickly reached the trees and hit the ground, safe for now hidden beneath the canopy. As they lay there, they could hear the ships flying above them but the laser fire seemed to have ceased.

"Are we safe?" the younger warrior asked.

"For now but I doubt it will last," the leader answered. "The ground troops will have been dispatched to our location and will flush us out before long."

The younger warrior sighed with a frustration and anguish that had been bottled p within him ever since the battle had begun. "Then what can we do now?"

The older warrior spun round and grabbed the shoulders of his comrade, "What we must Zerec. Our world, the very galaxy is at stake. We must stop her now if we are ever to know peace again."

"But how brother? How can the two of us stop all of this."

"I have a plan," the warrior answered. "I was entrusted with a gift by an old friend. If we can get to my lab then we may still have a chance.

"You lab is on the outskirts of the capital, that's ten miles from here. We'll never make it."

A rustling of leaves startled the two and they heard a warbling coming from the direction of the battlefield. The leader looked in the direction of the sound and spotted something on the path leading out of the clearing, an unseen smile forming on his helmeted face.

"I think I have an idea."

A few moments later, a number of figures burst into the grove. They hurried through the trees searching for any sign of the warriors that had hidden there only moments before. They were monstrous to behold, grey cracked skin covered with a thin metallic silver suit. Their faces looked only half formed with a jagged hole for a mouth and dark soulless eyes.

They warbled to each other as they spread out until they spotted the fallen body of one of the warriors lying in a small clearing ahead. They rushed towards it, noticing too late the jumble of sticks, leaves and grass that lay on the path before them. As the first soldier stepped onto it, the ground gave way revealing a large pit that had been concealed. He tumbled into it, followed by a number of the others who couldn't prevent their momentum from hurtling them after him. Only one managed to stop himself in time.

Before he could do anything to help his fellow soldiers though, the leader fell silently from the trees above. As he fell, he pulled an ornate metal tube from his robes which quickly unfolded to form a metal, rune covered staff. Catching it by surprise, he slammed it down on the enemy soldiers back, causing it to follow its fell soldiers into the pit.

Zerec jumped up from where he had lay and joined his brother at the mouth of the pit.

"I can't believe they fell for that?"

"Well, they may be fierceum fighters but they're hardly the smartest of creatures. We should be thankful for that small mercy."

"Now what?"

"Now we take their ship and get out of here."

An hour later and a sleek, metallic ship headed towards a huge mountain. As it approached, a small landing pad shimmered into existence. The ship touched down upon it before both it and the pad both vanished.

Zerec emerged from the ship with a sigh of relief. He observed a number of robots materialising from openings in the wall, hurrying to surround the small craft.

"Stand down," a strong voice boomed. The robots instantly recognised the voice and vanished back into the recesses. Zerec's brother emerged from the small vessel and headed down the ramp.

After a moment Zerec frowned, "Where is everyone?" he asked confused.

"On the battlefield no doubt. I dispatched them before the last battle as a distraction.

"A distraction for what?"Zerec asked uncertainly.

Quickly, we don't have the time to discuss this. It will only be a matter of time before they track the ship to our location."

"Why wont you answer me brother?" Zerec asked desperately.

Ignoring him, the older warrior headed towards the main facility. Seeing no other choice, Zerec turned to follow and headed towards the docking ports exit.

The two warriors quickly headed through a maze of corridors until they reached a dead end. Zerec watched, confused, as his brother took off his right glove and pressed a hand to a panel on the wall. A small light scanned his palm then, with an affirmative beep, a door shimmed into being. The two headed through it to find themselves in a small lab. There was a large panel set into the floor in the centre with a small table sat upon it. The table was bare save for an ornate wooden box in the centre. Around the outside of the room were a number of computer terminals and machinery.

"What is this place?" Zerec asked amazed. "You've never mentioned its existence before?"

"Lets just call it plan B," the older warrior answered pressing a few of the controls on a nearby panel. He indicated towards the table, "Quickly, grab that box and bring it to me."

Zerec nodded and walked up the steps onto the platform. Approaching the table, hegazed down at the box. It was plain except of an intricate lightning bolt carved into the surface. Slowly, he reached down and instead of picking it up, he lifted the lid. A golden light spilled out and Zerec gasped. Inside, set upon a red velvet pillow were six golden coins. Each one glowing with a strange, powerful, multicoloured energy.

"Wait, are these..."

"Yes," his brothers voice answered from across the room.

Zerec stared at the coins in awe before a concerned look clouded his features. "But their faces are clear? The last time I saw these, they had designs on them didn't they?"

"They did. But these are not the same coins. Those coins are in safe hands elsewhere. These are the Primal coins, powerful but wild and undefined, at least for now."

"Where did you get them?" Zerec asked in astonishment. "These aren't mentioned in the ancient records."

"They were a secret kept hidden, handed down within our order for a time of desperation. I had hoped things wouldnt come to this but she has become too powerful and if I fail these may be our last hope."

Zerec frowned, shutting the lid. "You mean we."

Suddenly a powerful whining filled the room and the platform below his feet sprung into life. A clear blue dome formed around him, trapping him inside with the box.

"What is this brother?" Zerec shouted.

"I'm sorry," the older warrior replied appearing before the dome. He slowly discarded his helmet revealing a sad smile. "It's the only way. I know what she is planning and where she is heading and I must stop her now. If I fail, you will be this galaxies only hope. You must hide and protect the coins in case they are ever needed."

"But I can help you," Zerac said desperately, banging his hands against the energy barrier.

"I know," his brother answered solemnly. "But it would be the death of you and I can't allow that. If all goes well we will see each other once again one day but for now this is goodbye my brother."

Resigned to his fate, Zerec watched as his brother pressed a button on the console next to him and the energy that surrounded him began to build. He stumbled back to the table and grabbed for the box, holding it protectively against his chest.

"I understand and I forgive you," he whispered. "Good luck my brother and may the power protect you."

The power built until the blue dome filled with energy. The older warrior shielded his eyes from the white hot brilliance until suddenly it faded. He looked from behind his arms to see that the platform had returned to its underpowered state, the table, box and his brother gone.

A robot stepped out from the shadows and approached its master.

"Where did you send him Zordon?" it asked

"To safety and for now that's all that matters. If all goes well I will return him but for now we have work to do. Is the ship ready?"

"It's powered up and the power coins are safely aboard as you requested. Where are we going?"

"To Earth, Alpha. It's time to end this war once and for all."

To Be Continued...

Authors note

This is the beginning of a series I'm writing that is basically a retelling of the Power Rangers series post "Power Rangers In Space". I came up with the idea a while ago and have been thinking about it on and off ever since. As far as this story is concerned, everything from MMPR-In Space is cannon but all the series that came after In Space didn't. I may be a bit liberal with some of the aspects to fit my story better but will try not to step on the continuity too much.

This prologue is just a small vignette that I wrote to give a bit of background to and help explain where my series comes from. It's a bit rough as I wrote it quite quickly, I wasn't actually planning on writing it at all! It just came to me as I was planning my first episode. I'm expecting to tell this story over a number of series which will all be very interconnected with each other with new powers, characters, villains as well as some old faces popping up here and there. I hope you enjoy it and please review and let me know what you think of it, what I'm doing right/wrong etc.

Update 28/04/2018 – I published this over a year ago and then sadly life stuff got in the way. I've decided to revamp it and re-upload it in an effort to get the story back on track after having a rethink. Hopefully this time I have a better idea of where the story is headed will continue it. I will publish the episodes as and when they are ready (The first episode is nearly complete!) and hope you enjoy it :)