Hi! I've been having a lot of ideas for this Hetalia fic swimming in my head for the past few days, and here are just some things to expect from this story:

1) It will be a long fic and I will try to update as frequently as I can!

2) It deals with some strong subjects such as drug intake, forced sexual encounters and mentions of mental illnesses. I don't know why, but I just like writing about stuff like that

3) EVENTUAL FrUk! *Spinning red warning lights* EVENTUAL FrUk! If that is your thing, I'll see you in future chapters!

I just like to warn my readers about triggers, so I will be making authors notes whenever I feel the need to warn you about something. Happy reading! : )

4) Oh yeah, human names used and slightly alternate universeness!

I also do not own Hetalia or the picture used for this story!

The whole meeting was a blur. Arthur Kirkland sighed with frustration as he glanced towards the clock. Still forty – five minutes to go, dammit. His boss, Alfred Jones, wasn't making the day any easier. "Oh, and some of you might have to work the weekend." He announced. The Englishman rolled his eyes at this. Fuck. No. Arthur was a good worker, he did what he was supposed to, but he was far from being a kiss ass. No one came between him and his short-lived moments of freedom. Alfred was just going to have to find someone else. He he. Take that, ya stupid git!

Of course, the Brit's free time was not spent doing anything important, but he could give a flying mint bunny. "I-I'll gladly work the weekend, sir." 'Fucking Matthew Williams.' Thought the man with a chuckle. No matter how many times he tried to lick the big man's boots – quite literally – he was never going to get noticed or respected. No matter how much he tried. Nevertheless, the American businessman agreed to Matthew's offer. "Perfect! All right. We got Matthew coming in Saturday and Sunday from 7am – 7pm. I still need two more people. Come on, it won't be that bad!"

"Wang! As my personal assistant, I need you to come in, anyways." The Chinese man nodded in defeat. "Yes, Sir." Alfred continued to ponder over choosing his next victim as he rubbed his chin in deep thought. "Let's see, let's see. Ah! Ravis! You will come in because I said so. Now, everyone is dismissed and use the last half hour to the best of your abilities." After the meeting, Arthur sulked his way back to his personal desk. Receiving in – coming calls during the last thirty – minutes of work was the absolute worst. Even though he did not want to get in trouble with the boss, he tried to finish them as quickly as he could.

With all said and done, Arthur Kirkland only received two calls before the end of his shift, and they all went pretty smoothly. He put on his most polite tone that he could muster, given everything that had been going on with his life lately. He was late for rent, had no food in the fridge for the night, and he was seriously craving his next fix. Of heroin, that is. His last dose was during lunch hour, which was almost five hours ago, now, and the English man was beginning to feel the jitters.

Everyone else just assumed that Arthur was a nervous wreck, and he preferred to keep it that way. Although, maybe today wasn't so bad and it deserved more than Arthur gave it credit for. Or, he spoke too soon because his most beloved friend, said in the most sarcastic way possible decided to pay him an end – of – the – day visit. "Ah, good evening, mon Cher." Greeted Francis Bonnefoy with his signature smirk. "Clocking out early, are we?" "It's five – o – clock, you frog. I have every right to go home."

The man with the long, gorgeous blond curls snickered at his nemesis' remark. "Please. We all know the real reason why you like to take off so early." Arthur paused, and felt like a deer caught in headlights. Maybe Francis truly did know how the young Englishman liked to spend his time. If he did, this could ruin him. Then again, Mr. Kirkland did have severe anxiety accompanied with OCD and depression, so perhaps he was just overthinking the situation. "You're going home because you didn't get invited to go for drinks like the rest of us. And, you're going home because you have no friends and no one likes you."

Even though the comments did hurt, Arthur would never reveal that to Francis. Instead, he came up with a comeback of his own. "So, it sounds like even though no one likes me, you sure do spend an awful lot of time thinking about me. You follow me around before and after lunch break, when I clock in, and when I clock out. It sounds like someone's got a crush on me." The Frenchman chuckled. "Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself. By the by, Alfred would like to have a word with you before you take off ever so quickly."

With a gulp, that Francis very much heard, Arthur placed his car keys back into his coat pocket and made his way down to the bosses' office. Francis gladly stepped to the side to allow a now slightly shaken up Arthur Kirkland to pass by. Alfred never wanted to see him after work. Something was going on. Maybe Francis had framed him for something. If he did, it was all over for him. He knocked on Alfred's door. "Ah, come in, Arthur!" He invited with a rather cheerful greeting.

Okay, maybe he wasn't in trouble, but he was still worried. "Have a seat!" Offered his slightly eccentric boss as he tossed a wheeled chair into Arthur's direction. With a clearing of his throat, Arthur nodded and took his boss up on his offer. Now, with a more serious expression, Alfred cleared his own throat and got right down to business. "Arthur. You're skinny as fuck. You're paler than a ghost, and I can clearly see that you've been through a lot these past few months. Please, tell me what is going on. You're not in trouble, I promise."

Caught off guard, Arthur bit the bottom of his lip, sunk lower in his chair and fidgeted with his fingers. "N-nothing, Sir. I'll be fine in a few days. I've just come down with a cold, is all." He said with a sheepish grin and a nervous chuckle. Alfred raised an eyebrow. Clearly Arthur was not acting suspicious at all, and his English friend was never particularly good at lying, which was also why he trusted the man a lot with more difficult tasks and dreadful deadlines. For the time being, he gave up and nodded his head. "Okay. But Arthur… I do worry. So do the others. So, if you ever need anything, you can even call me after work hours. Okay?" Arthur nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Alfred, but I think I will be going now. See you tomorrow and take care."