A/N: I had said that I was going to scrap this, but I decided to put it up because sometimes I just get in a morbid mood and I grow tired of having to create something new, only to get tired of it and try to delete it later on. So this is the dark and morbid story of the romance between Daisuke and Yamato. It starts off as a Kensuke, but it doesn't stay that way. The story is titled Nihilistic because that's what I think Daisuke would be if his crest broke and he turned gothic and disturbed (and I can't help but love Gothic and Disturbed Daisuke), and for once I want to make a story where Dais is the disturbed one and Yamato is the more innocent, though morbidly interested in the slightly-psychopathic boy. So, uh, yeah, I think that's how this happened. Review when you're done?

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Daisuke, Yamato, or Ken. Sora's name is mentioned once...I don't own her, either.

Daisuke showed up to school that day at his usual time: About two hours late. He walked into the building, glancing around for teachers, his ears turning sensitive and his eyes darting around. He didn't see anyone around, so he snuck down the math hall to his classroom. He didn't knock before entering, pulling the door open and looking at his math teacher.

His teacher paused in the middle of a sentence and looked over at him, not too surprised. She had long since gotten used to him coming in this late. She lowered her head to look at him over the top rim of her thick glasses.

"Mr. Motomiya, you showed up today," she said, sounding slightly impressed.

He looked away from her, looking around the classroom at the people sitting in the desks. The back-row junkies smirked at him, the preps rolled their eyes, and the kiss-asses gave him looks of disgust. The other students were all either asleep or daydreaming. He walked towards his seat in the back row, in the left corner of the classroom. The junkie who had been sitting there got up quickly, grabbing his books. He stood there for a while, looking dumbfounded, and then Daisuke looked up at him, eyes narrowed slightly, and he got out of the way. Daisuke slipped by him and slid into his desk, slouching down and gripping the edges of the desk. He stared hard at the teacher, stone-faced. She turned away from him and continued on her lecture.

Daisuke automatically slapped his gray notebook onto the desk and pulled a sharpened pencil out of the large pocket along the leg of his baggy jeans. He opened it up to a fresh page and began to doodle. His teacher gave him disapproving looks every once in a while, and each time she did, a new curse word appeared circling around the drawing of a stick figure that resembled his teacher, with a line going around her neck and up towards the top of the paper. Once, a curious nerdy girl with huge glasses turned in her seat to glance at his paper. She read one of the phrases circling the drawing and gasped. He glanced up at her sharply and she turned around, her cheeks stained pink.

His teacher looked towards them and shook her head. She began walking towards him. Daisuke calmly turned the page to a drawing of a dead dog. He figured it was nicer-looking than the drawing of her he'd been working on. She slapped her hand down onto the page to make sure he wouldn't turn it at the last second and peered down at it. Her mouth formed a small "o" shape and she looked up at him in half-fear and half-disgust. She pointed to the door.

"Out," she whispered, almost venomously.

"Why? I haven't done anything to you," he said calmly.

"Get out!" she yelled.

He got up, grabbed his notebook and his pencil, and began pushing past her. At the last second, he turned toward her, pencil raised in a fist and screaming something unintelligible. She shrieked and brought her hands up in defense as he stopped the pencil in between her eyes, suspended in the air, not more than an inch away from the bridge of her nose. She trembled where she stood, her eyes opened wide, and Daisuke felt a small bit of pleasure at her fear. He brought the pencil back down, grinning at her, and simply walked out of the classroom, whistling.

He headed straight towards the exit door, figuring he couldn't go back there ever again. He'd just have to change classes...unless she kicked him out before he could. He walked towards the band hall, which was probably empty at this time of day. He always went there to escape school when he needed to, which was extremely often.

The band hall was located separate from the school, and was a more-or-less small building, with around eight different practice rooms to hide in. And, of course, there always was the bathroom. He walked in and began whistling again to the tune of a Stabbing Westward song. He walked straight towards the trumpet practice room, where he enjoyed hiding the most, because it had a corner next to a large bookcase sort of thing, where he enjoyed squeezing himself in between and sleeping the day away. He was just about to enter the room when he heard voices from the main practice room. He stopped in his tracks. Someone was in the band hall? At this time?

Curiosity getting the better of him, he snuck towards the main practice room, peering through the crack that the slightly-open door provided. There were four guys in the room, two leaning against a wall, one sitting on the floor, and the fourth sitting on a chair, a guitar on his lap. The one with the guitar was strumming it and singing to himself. The other three were discussing something heatedly.

Daisuke felt odd eavesdropping, so he turned to sneak away from the room, figuring he could go somewhere else and come back to the band hall later. Then, he realized he recognized the voice of the boy singing.

"I am all you need to know, I am everywhere you go...no one can save you now, when it all comes around," the boy was singing softly. Daisuke recognized the song, though he didn't remember who sang it or what it was called. He felt oddly lured to the music and snuck back to the door, hanging around a while longer just to hear that voice sing. He tried to remember how he knew it.

"Yamato," one of the boys said, turning to the singer, "we're trying to discuss something here. Could you shut up a while?"

The singing stopped and the boy with the guitar turned to look at the one who had just spoken to him, annoyed. Daisuke saw a side view of the face of the singer-boy. Recognition hit him.

That's Yamato Ishida, he thought. The lead singer from the Teenage Wolves.

He had been to some of the gigs that the Teenage Wolves had played at. Daisuke enjoyed going to the gigs of the local bands when he had nothing else to do on weekend nights. He even had little notes on each band he saw written in one of his notebooks. He vaguely remembered writing about how much he loved the way Yamato's voice sounded when he really got into the music.

Just then, the door was yanked open and Daisuke almost fell forward into the room. He looked up, a look of shame crossing his face for just a second before returning to its usual unemotional look. A boy with black hair and green eyes raised his eyebrow at Daisuke, his hand still on the doorknob.

"Yes?" the boy asked. The other three in the room turned to look at them.

Daisuke shoved his hands into his pockets. "I heard singing. I thought I'd listen in a while."

The black-haired boy grinned and tossed a glance back over his shoulder. "That would be Yamato's singing...it's hard to get him to shut up once he gets going, you know?"

Daisuke leant against the doorway. He looked over the faces of the boys in the room, taking small mental notes at each thing he observed. When he got to Yamato, he couldn't help but stare. Yamato was freaking beautiful. He looked like a girl. Yamato raised an eyebrow when he saw he was being checked out.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," Yamato said dryly, used to the attention his good looks drew to him.

"You got a picture of you?" Daisuke asked, bringing his eyes back up to Yamato's. "I'd like one."

Yamato looked faintly amused, but then rolled his eyes and stared at the nearby wall. "Ask anyone in the school...they probably have a few extras on them."

"Everyone likes you?" Daisuke asked.

Yamato glanced at him. "What, you didn't know?"

"I don't come to school much," Daisuke said shortly, kicking the floor with the front part of his shoe. "And anyways, I can see why they'd want pictures of you."

Yamato couldn't help but roll his eyes at the too-often-heard comment. He was too used to flattery. He knew he was good-looking, but it still annoyed him the way some of his peers were prone to gawking at him as he passed them in the hallways.

"Cut the compliments," Yamato said a little harshly. "It's the last thing I want to hear right now, okay? I don't want to hear about my 'hot bod' anymore. I'm more than just a sexy body, you know."

His three friends rolled their eyes and laughed a little at Yamato's last comment.

Daisuke got a slight look of confusion and hurt in his eyes. He tilted his head slightly to one side.

"I was talking about your soul," he said.

Yamato stopped staring at the wall to give him a weird look. "What?"

"You've got a beautiful soul, Yamato. I can tell by the way your face looks when you sing. Your soul is very sad, but also very beautiful. I wanted a picture of you singing."

Yamato stared at him, his mouth slightly open. His friends looked confused, and then looked at each other and laughed, thinking this guy was nuts. What was this crazy fruitcake still doing here, talking to their friend?

"What do you mean?" Yamato asked softly, not realizing his voice was barely audible.

"Look, we were in the middle of something before you interrupted," one of the other boys told Daisuke, feeling annoyed that he was still there.

Daisuke didn't look at him. He didn't even show any sign of having heard him. His eyes bored holes into Yamato's eyes.

"Hey, psycho boy," the boy said again, snapping his fingers in Daisuke's face. "It's time for you to leave."

Daisuke immediately reached out and grabbed the snapping fingers, bony fingers clenching down on the thicker ones they held tight. The boy let out a small yelp and tried to pull his hand away. Daisuke held on, his fist shaking slightly with the force he was using to crush the other boy's fingers. He turned his gaze from Yamato to the boy, his eyes flickering in anger.

"Don't snap your fingers in my face like that," Daisuke told him, his voice low and seemingly calm.

"Yeah, okay, whatever, just let me go!" the boy yelped.

Daisuke held on a second longer, glaring death into the eyes of the panicked boy, and then slowly let him go. The boy yanked his hand back, rubbing his fingers gently and making a small, pathetic moaning sound. Yamato looked from his friend's hand to Daisuke's eyes, his own deep blue eyes shocked.

Daisuke turned to stare at Yamato, his eyes softening slightly, but still angry. Yamato nearly cringed at the anger hidden behind those amber-colored eyes. Daisuke wordlessly turned and walked out of the band hall, his hands shoved in his pockets once again.

They heard a door slam shut, and they all remained quiet a while. Then, the black-haired boy stepped forward to ask his friend if he was alright, inspecting his hand. Yamato was still staring at the door. He broke himself out of his trance and strummed his guitar again, looking up at his friends.

"Who was that?" he asked hesitantly.

"That was Motomiya," the black-haired boy said, his voice containing a hint of resentment.

"Motomiya?" Yamato asked.

"Daisuke Motomiya," the other boy said. "You know, the troublemaker kid that has been giving the teachers and administrators hell all year? He was that kid that set fire to the math exams in the boy's bathroom last week."

Yamato's eyes lit up briefly, a small smile appearing on his face. He remembered then when his classmates had all been talking about that bathroom incident the day after it happened. He had thought that whoever had had the guts to do something like that had his respect. He'd always thought, since then, that he'd like to get to know the person behind it, and behind all of the other multiple acts of rebellion that the boy had executed over the school year. He was surprised the kid hadn't been expelled yet.

"He hasn't been expelled yet?" Yamato asked, voicing his last thought.

"Nope, but I heard from my physics teacher that the principal was going to do something like that the next time he screwed up again."

Yamato bit a corner of his lip and his eyes moved to look at the doorway where the spiky-haired redhead had been standing minutes before. He couldn't help but let a smile cross his face.

"Sora was right," Yamato said thoughtfully. His friends looked at him questioningly. "She said that the kid that was doing all that stuff may have been doomed to fail his classes or get kicked out, but he was pretty damned hot."

His friends all gave him warning looks and started to look worried.

"Don't tell me you're going to try to get to know him," one of them said, sounding as if he dreaded hearing the answer.

Yamato only gave him a mischievous smile.

And so was the first official meeting of Daisuke Motomiya and Yamato Ishida.