Once everyone was aboard the ship, Blake carried Ruby to the medical bay as Yang ran toward the bridge with Weiss in tow. The cat faunus had both the humans disarm their weapons before they could board the ship. Although the worst thing that happened was trying to calm down Velvet who became immediately frightened when Yang and Weiss had entered the bridge.

"Wh-wha-" The bunny faunus stammered before Blake entered the bridge.

"They're friends... for the moment at least." The ebony-haired girl answered as she sat down at one of the side consoles, "Velvet, do you have any ideas on how to escape this station?"

"I-I'm not sure, we can move within the station however when we leave through the docks- we'll be blasted by the surrounding ships."

"Damn, there has to be a way to escape."

The brunette shook her head, "This ship may be new but I highly doubt that I can get past the blockade."

"What if we cause a distraction?" Yang suggested, entering the conversation.

Both faunus turned towards the blonde bounty hunter in confusion, Blake was the one who spoke up, "With what? We don't really have the means to make a large enough distraction for us to escape through the station's only exit."

"I was just saying, I mean you guys are the ones who did wreck a Grimm ship. Can't you do something?" The bounty hunter brought up.

"That was because of Ruby's-" Blake stopped herself as she recalled something, while Yang and Weiss were still gaping from what she said, Blake turned towards her terminal and brought up the docking bay's interface.

"Wait, did you just say Ruby?" both Weiss and Yang asked in confusion, however the cat faunus paid them no mind as she scrolled through the registered ships.

"Velvet, which bay was our old ship located in?"

"Bay Eighteen, but why do you want to know?"

"Please tell me that you didn't update the autopilot functions before you sold the ship."

"Of course not! It's not like I had any time for that anyway."

"That's great," Blake said before she began to type something on her console.

"Now what are you doing?" Weiss asked, completely confused by their conversation.

"Can either of you pilot a ship?" the cat faunus questioned.

"I can, but could you explain to me why?" Yang said.

"I will but first things first," the faunus turned towards the white-haired girl, "Can you do something about those Schnee ships orbiting the station? Less ships surrounding the exit the better."

"I'll see what I can do... although I'm not sure if I can get them to move." Weiss replied quietly.

"Even driving one ship away would be appreciated."

Weiss nodded hesitantly while Yang was bouncing in her seat, waiting for the faunus to tell her the plan.

"What's the plan, leader woman?"

Blake said nothing as she brought up the ship schematics for the blonde to see, Yang let out a whistle as her face broke into a smile.

"You know, I beginning to see a beautiful friendship between us right now."

A man stood in the bridge of a Goliath Class cruiser tapping his foot against the floor, watching the port along with four additional cruisers. It has been two hours since they received the report from the forces from within, and it took them minutes to organize the surrounding fleet.

"Sir, we have just received a report from the Schnee fleet. It appears that they are need to assist with a technical issue with the Spectre."

"Hmph, let them go. It's not like they would make a difference anyway."

"But sir, what if they get through the blockade?"

"Hah! Do you think that they'll get away? If they had a fleet maybe, but it's only a small group. At most they would have three ships."

"What if they jump to FTL?"

"From inside the station? Impossible. The scanners would pick up on their energy signature and even then they would be left defenseless for our fighters to swoop in and tear them to shreds."

"If you say so sir."

"I know so. Get back to your station."

"Yes sir."

The captain turned away from the man as he stared back at the port, wondering if they would show up before the inner Grimm forces catches them inside the station. A couple minutes passed by before the scanners began to bleep.

"Sir! We have an energy signature heading right for us!"

"Good, have the fleet enter the Crane formation. Have the guns warm up and calibrated properly! I will not tolerate miss fires here people!"

The entire bridge buzzed with action as people scrambled around the consoles, the captain felt the room rumbled for a moment before someone yelled out, "Weapons are green!"

The captain had a smirk on his face as he looked for the approaching ship, waiting to see it turn into a fireball of debris.

"The ship has left the port!"

"Men! Aim accordingly, if one of you damage the station I will personally punish you!"

"Aye sir!"

"Ship is two thousand meters away, guns corrected for distance and charged."


The ship rumbled as a volley of guns fired at once, along with the other ships at the approaching ship. The lasers exploded on contact, creating a huge cloud that blanketed the front of the port.

"Any signatures?"

The captain asked as he turned to face his crew.

"Scanning... wait, detecting two signatures in the cloud sir!"


When he turned around, he was greeted with a bright light that shown through the cloud.

"What in the name of-"

An object flew out of the smoke, an old battered ship flying at top speeds while a cable was connected to the back of the ship. A moment after a sleek black ship followed afterwards, with the cable extending from the front of the ship. Both ships were flying straight towards the blockade, and quickly closing the distance between them.

"O-open fire!"


Yang shouted as she piloted the ship in front of them, purposely getting hit with the incoming fire. The guns unfurled from the older craft and began returning fire at the warships ahead.

"Come on, a little closer."

Blake kept her eyes on the distance, slowly counting off the meters while her hand ghosted over the controls.

"Blake? How much longer?"

"Almost there, Velvet..."

The room shook as an explosion impacted the hull, causing all four girls to shake in their seats.

"Just release the ship!"

Weiss cried as she held onto her seat.

"Almost there!"

Another explosion shook the ship, this time shredding off a bit of plating. The ship in front wasn't as fortunate as one of the engines blew off into an inferno and one of the machine guns was torn to pieces.

"One thousand and thirty seven meters, the side ships are about to hit us!"

Velvet shouted as she steered away from another cannon shot. The older vessel took another hit, sending plating off from the hull and almost crashing into their ship.


Blake slammed her hand against her console, and in an instant the cable connecting to the older ship separated.

"Alright! Sending them the goodbye package!"

Yang said as she ignited the thrusters on the remote controlled ship. The craft flew even faster without the extra luggage towards the blockade, closing the distance between them to roughly six hundred meters while Velvet steered away from the ship. All the cannons focused on the incoming ship, desperately trying to capsize the vessel before it could ram into one of their ships.

The ship's engine flashed for a moment as lighting sparked off of it, the only warning it gave before the ship exploded internally. The explosion was immense, even as it was several hundred meters away, the radius damaged the surrounding ships and the shockwave shook every Goliath cruiser.

It was a moment, and yet in that split amount of time it gave them what they needed. An opening.

Velvet flew underneath one of the cruisers while riding close to the explosion radius, the ship unfurled its weapons and locked themselves facing upwards. Blake and Yang both held the triggers on their consoles, feeling the vibrations of the PDCs firing against the metal hull of the Grimm cruiser. They tore a sizable chunk as the guns emptied themselves, fully disabling the engines of the cruiser as they flew away.

"We're in the open!"

Yang shouted.

"Engines are green, FTL is fully charged!"

Weiss stated as she turned towards Blake.

"Velvet, hit it!"

"Aye ma'am!"

The ship lurched before the engines flared, and in an instant the ship blinked into the darkness of space.

Surprise... ~SRFW