It was a sunny day as Harry Potter stood at King Cross station wondering how he would get to platform 9 3/4 to board the train to Hogwarts. A few hours ago his world turned upside down as he found he was a wizard and was invited to attend Hogwarts.

Hagrid had left him after reaching Kings Cross on some important business. As Harry scanned the area he overheard a group talking about muggles which he now knew was non magic folk.

"Daphne dear hurry up or youll be late, the barrier is this way to 9 3/4" a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes said followed by three beautiful blond women who must be his family. He watched the family with envy as he never had a family of his own.

"Coming father, we wouldnt be late if Tori had woken up earlier" grumbled Daphne. "Now Daphne, be nice, in a few years Astoria will be joining you at Hogwarts" said Daphne Mother Isabel. Astoria just stuck her tongue out while holding her teddy bear in on arm and her mothers hand in another.

The family passed through the barrier and Harry then followed, to this surprise he did not hit the wall.

On the other side stood the Hogwarts Express, engines ready to go.

Daphne said goodbye to her parents and Astoria and boarded the train.

Harry followed the example, he went through all the corridors and at the end of the train found a empty compartment.

He wanted to be alone right now, soaking all this in was alot.

After about 10 minutes the corridor opened and Harry was met with two girls standing there.

One had brown hair and green eyes like his but a shade darker, the other was Daphne he recognized from the plaform. Daphne had blonde hair and blue eyes and was very attractive.

"Sorry, do you mind if we sit here, everywhere else is full. said the Brown haired girl

"Im Tracey Davis by the way and this is my friend Daphne Greengrass. said Tracey

"Sure, go ahead. said Harry as he got up and helped the girls with their Trunks.

After they sat down, Tracey asked "What was your name?"

"Im, Harry, Harry Potter" said Harry

Both girls eyes went wide and as they stared.

"You are the Harry Potter" Tracey stammered first.

"I guess so" said Harry feeling uncomfortable

Daphne eyes narrowed as he looked him over, Harry felt really uneasy.

"Well I heard alot of about you, everyone heard a rumor you would be on the today" said Tracey

As tracey was about the continue, the door opened again

"Greengrass there you are, I was looking all over for you" said a blonde boy surrounded by two big boys

Daphne eyes narrowed as she gave malfoy a icy stare.

Malfoy flinched but continued "Daphne, dont understand why your sitting with these, he looked at tracey halfbloods and he then looked at Harry. "Who are you?"

Harry watched the whole situation feeling more uneasy. "Im Harry"

"Potter, your here as well, well best not to associate with the wrong sort potter he glanced at Tracy "I can help you there"

"I think I can pick my friends myself Malfoy" replied Harry not moving

Draco got angry

"Fine, come with me Daphne, we have much to discuss as you are to be my future wife" Draco moved toward Daphne.

Daphne quickly took out her wand and pointed it at Dracos face who backed away.

"This isnt over, youll regret this" Malfoy said and left

"Finally I thought he would never leave" said Tracey

rewriting this story will see how it goes