The Avengers and the Hunting Spider

Part One

Chapter- 1

Children were curious, it was simply human nature for them. Now Peter Parker was already an unusual little boy. Even at the age of young six he far bypassed his classmates with his intelligence. But with that intellect came the ranvious hunger of curiousity.

His mother and father were both scientists so it was not much surprise they received a son who would easily become far smarter than either of the pair. He enjoyed (and understood) the science books his parents casually left around their small loft. It wasn't as big as Flash Thompson's, but it was home for the small boy.

"Good night, Petey," a soft feminine voice, his mother, called from across the hall as she heard her only child walk back to his own room after using the restroom. "Night momma," he replied back with a large smile on his face. His father probably wouldn't be back until later that night so he wouldn't wait up to tell him good night. His dad would understand. So he crawled under the blankets, resting his dirty, slightly broken glasses on top of the books stacked on his nightstand. He had told his parents he'd tripped. He did fall but not of his own clumsiness, he was pushed. By Flash, who had been teasing the small child yet again.

After a little while of restlessly tossing and turning in his bed, Peter finally gave up on trying to sleep. The child sat up, tossing the smothering blankets away and silently got out of bed. He could at least go see if his father was back home yet. So the child walked, jumping over the noisier of the floorboards to try and stay quiet. His parents didn't sleep nearly as often as they should have, even Peter, the six year old knew that, and he didn't want to disturb them with his restlessness.

He peeped his head into his parents ajar door. His mother was gently snoring but his father wasn't there. Probably still in his lab, Peter thought as he walked towards the lab doors where his father and mother spent a majority of their time. They were workaholics and were plenty easy to predict to the small child.

The door was already open like the bedroom door so he walked in. He loved the labs. Everything was shiny and always sparkling when the light hit it. "Hey dad, you in here?" His small voice bounced back at him making his small. To his relief his father answered back. "Yep, back here, Pete. What are you doin' up?"

"Can't sleep," he replied as he made his way to his father. When he couldn't sleep he'd come to the labs often because usually one or both parents were up. As he made his way, something caught the six year old's attention.

It was a jar, there were hundreds in the lab but this was different. It was quite unlike any other he'd seen before. It had the body of a black widow but entirely different coloration.

The two colors colors were beautiful reds and blues that never mixed but touched anyways. He watched it, hypnotized by the spider's intricate web movements as it spun it's design. He didn't notice the fact it had no lid or the loose spider suspended above his hand by the shelf. Until it was too late that was.

With a yelp Peter jumped, flinging his hand to dislodge the cause of pain. Then there was a crash and his father, a disheveled looking man with far too many grey hairs for his age appeared. He was suddenly crouching right in front of Peter to be eye level with his small child.

"Are you okay? Did anything touch you?" Richard asked anxiously as he examined his son's face for anything out of the ordinary.

Peter shook his head, the curly brown mop falling into his eyes as he unconsciously tugged the cotton pj sleeve down over the swelling bite on his wrist. "I'm fine dad, they just, uh, scared me a bit."

"Good," the man sighed in relief, tension finally dissipating from the man's shoulders. "We'll talk about the lab rules tomorrow night. But for now you should get to bed, Pete. You have an exciting day tomorrow. School and then Ben and May are coming over." His dad waved him off and Peter gave a smile at the thought of seeing his aunt and uncle. Ignoring the fact he'd have to get a talk he instead just happily skipped off.

He didn't notice his father's frown as he stared at the nearly empty jar that had contained the radioactive spiders. The man shook it off quickly, they had less than twenty-four hours to get this done and to keep Peter and the rest of their family safe.

The man resumed his earlier activity of shoving every research paper he saw and stuffed in into the oversized bag. He dragged them to the furnance in the lab and began feeding the papers to the flames. A shredder was too risky in this situation. He'd destroy his experiments afterwards to make sure nothing was salvagable.

The paper fed flame light shone and highlighted every feature on Richard's face. From the beads of sweat lining his forehead from being this close to the roaring flame, to the emotional fire in the man's eyes as his watched his life's work crumble to ash. He regretted nothing if it kept his family safe.


In the morning, Peter's mother knocked on the child's door. He heard his mother say to start getting ready for school. Peter yawned and scratched his wrist, not even thinking about the gesture. His eyes widened and he glanced down, shocked. His pale wrist was entirely healed, not even a simply blemish or scar marred the smooth skin where the area had been swelling and had a burning pain hours prior.

The incident last night was quickly and nearly entirely forgotten. Except for his later lab talk he'd be getting. He finally finished shrugging on a t-shirt when his mother called that his breakfast was getting cold. He smiled and rushed to go find something to eat, he was ravinous.

The spider from last night however had only one thing on its mind as it crawled through the air vents and out the attic window. Survival. And it did all this before Peter finished his oatmeal and went to go wait for the bus. The peaceful tranquillity blanketing the house wouldn't last long, because in less than twenty-four hours, when all of the family was home, the entire house would be burnt down to a crisp. Only four bodies would ever actually be found and they were; the residential scientists, Mary and Richard Parker, and Richard's brother and wife. It was thought he was closer to the source flame and simply burned into ashes. In reality, he survived.

Their son, Peter Benjamin Parker, wouldn't ever be the same again.


A silent shadow jumped across the building's flat rooftops. He could swing, but it was too noticeable. He was to not be discovered or there would be consequences...

He landed on the Oscorp building's roof. His destination for this particular heist. Using his powers he scaled the side skillfully and silently.

He look down to watch as an armed guard walked below him, never once looking up. It amused him how few people actually looked up. He activated his laser gloves- not his own power. It simply came with the suit- and traced a circle big enough for him to crawl through.

When the gloves had finally cut through the glass he gave it a push and it fell through. In an instant he used his webs, to suspend the glass and crawled through. He flipped midair and landed in a crouch silently. He was on the third story of the building. Labs were on the third to the fifth floors, or so the blueprints said.

He brought out the scrap piece of paper with his instructions on it, he didn't need to of course. He'd had it memorized soon after receiving it. He found it an extremely useful idea. But it never hurt to double check.

First step; Get in. Done.

Second; Receive the case in the radioactive containment ward, in room 293.

He darted through the halls, his feet so quick they hardly did more than skim the floor. His hands darting out to web and never once miss the video cameras. Then the high tech goggles in his mask alerted him to the security up ahead. A sensitive laser grid crisscrossed the empty hall. He wondered if he should deactivate it or have a little fun. He took a step backwards then broke into a run. He somersaulted over the first then dunked into a squat to avoid three different beams. He used various tricks until he reached the other side with a flourish.

He took a deep breath and looked around for the biohazard sign. Found it. He walked down the hallway and into the room, not paying any attention to the multiple signs warning people to wear full bodied suits and to not handle anything in the rooms without proper protection. He didn't care though, what the suit didn't protect from he could handle.

Inside, on a pure white desk was a leather briefcase, that was probably lined with lead, with the words 'Do Not Open' in bolded letters. He picked up the case and prepared to leave.


He left the room, silently sprinting down the halls while webbing every security camera. He rounded a corner and nearly ran- thanks Spider-sense- straight into a young woman about his age. She had emeralds for eyes and golden hair. She was wearing a blue tank and jean shorts. In one hand she had a flashlight- which she was shining at his masked face- in her other hand was some files- which she hid behind her. He nearly gasped, thankfully he didn't. The girl seemed just as surprised as he was.

Then her eyes hardened despite her surprise and she frowned. "Who are you?" She demanded on a steely tone.

He didn't have time for this. He was already discovered, he didn't need to make his coming punishment worse by talking. Technically he was supposed to kill anyone who saw him...

Yes, kill her. Kill her...

He raised his hand, preparing deliver the fatal blow then stopped. He gripped his head to shake off his hesitancy. Why was he having such a hard time doing this? He was the Hunting Spider. He's killed hundreds- though none of that could be proven- why is he hesitating now?

Instead he simply pointed his web shooters and webbed her mouth shut then stuck her to the wall. His webs dissolved in an hour, and by then he'd be long gone. He could already feel his danger sense telling him this wasn't going to end well. For him. The cameras were already covered and as long as he never said otherwise they'd assume he'd killed her. He continued his path and slipped out of the building, shooting his web onto a surrounding building and swinging away with one hand.

Step three; Get out. Check.


He arrived at the drop point with two minutes to spare. It was on a random roof in Queens. There standing partly conceled in the shadows cloaked man with- wait, were those tentacles coming from his back? The man was easy to read, easier than most of their other clients. He was obviously impatient and looked to be in a hurry. He landed in front of the man, keeping his head down and placed thethe case on the ground in front of him.

The man shot forwards, clutching the case almost protectively and started muttering about something. He only caught a few words "Vemon", "Space", and "Power" were the ones that stood out the most. But it was none of his business.

The man handed him a black case. It was heavy, more than likely either money or something else they wanted... Now, to head back to Hydra.

Step Four; Exchange the items. Check.

He jumped off the roof, dread filling his already empty stomach. His mind filled with the horrors that awaited him for disobeying. Allowing himself to be seen and then not eliminating the person who saw him... Why though? What's so special about her?

He wanted to run away, to leave forever. But he couldn't, they'd track him somehow. It wasn't like he could escape, he couldn't even leave without their knowledge. He was their project, and they weren't going to let him leave.

He swung for a while then landed on the ground in a familiar, empty alleyway he hid his 'inconspicuous civilian' clothes. He took off his mask and gloves, put the regular clothes on over them and walked into the crowded streets of a city that never slept.

He took a deep breath of the city air. He looked our among the people. He watched, jealously, as he wished he could be among them. The one's who crossed the streets with nothing in mind besides getting from point 'A' to 'B'.

Paying the dangerous stranger no attention as they went about their lives. A newspaper blew loosely in the city air. Curious, he skillfully picked the paper out of the air with his free hand. On the front page was a picture of the Avengers. How they saved the city... Again. With a scoff he threw the paper back to the wind behind him and walked off.

He remembered a time when he was young and he worshipped everything Captain America... He even had a Captain America lunchbox. He remembered feeling safe before... And how no one ever came to save him.

He remembered his past, everything. They couldn't take it away so he still had it. He didn't know if having memories made it better or worse.

But it felt like that Peter was gone now. Gone with the experiments and pain as the cruel organization slowly tried to work their way to ruling the world. They often used Peter like a weapon. Which he was in a way. He could do things no one else could. They'd tried to recreate what he was- his mutation- but it never worked. They all died from the venom, slowly and painfully. It was deadly for anyone but him.

He landed on the roof where a sleek black helicopter sat. It wasn't very big, just enough for him and the pilot to sit comfortably. He hopped in, the entire journey spent in silence.


Gwen felt the webbing start to weaken. She yanked with her wrist and pulled it away from the wall. She ripped of the gag and pulled out her phone to call the police.

"Yes, hello... My name is Gwen Stacy... There's been a break-in at Oscorp... No I'm outside and saw him enter."


Word: 2,500

This Spider-man is Tom Holland.

Civil War never happened (there were no winners in that movie).