We're Both Broken

C1: The Incident

Standard Disclaimer: I don't own any of the recognizable characters

A/N: Another Twilight fic that has been sitting on my pc for at least a year, but I only found the inspiration to continue it recently. Timelines will be a bit jumbled in this. James is already dead before Bella gets her 'accident' in Port Angeles and Bella is a lot more observant in this story, having known about vampires soon after arriving in Forks.

Bella's POV

Fucking Edward! How does he dare try and tell me what I can and cannot do. I survived 17 years before Edward Fucking Cullen, and I will damn sure survive a hell of a lot more years without him. Hell, I survived a psychopathic vampire attack on my life for fuck's sake. I think I just need to break up with him. I now see I was only fascinated with what he was, and not with him.

The only thing that works in his favor is that he has two kind brothers who I do adore, and two sisters who never seem to want to miss an opportunity to go shopping with me.

The streets of Port Angeles were nearly deserted and for once I felt a bit bad for ditching Angela at the dress shop, since she was both my ride and now that I thought about it, it wasn't a good idea to walk alone in this neighborhood at this time of night.

There were a few frat boys drinking beer in the streets that seemed to notice me. "Hey baby, want to have a good time?" One of them shouted.

I ignored them and turned into an alley, hoping they would lose interest, but of course I wasn't that lucky and they soon followed me into the alley.

They soon surrounded me and pushed me against the wall. "What's wrong babe, don't you want to have a good time with us?"

Their breath stank of alcohol and I only saw one way out. I kneed one of them in the balls and ran like my life depended on it, which it kind of did. I didn't want to become a statistic in a rape chart, and as soon as I made it out of the alley I looked around for someone that could help me.

There was no one nearby, not even a store where I could go to, and soon enough they caught up to me. "You little bitch! We were willing to go easy on you, but now we are just going to fuck you up in ways you never imagined were possible, and afterwards we will just leave you here to die." The biggest one spat at me.

I didn't even have a chance to react before they pushed me to the ground and pushed my top up, two of them groping my breasts roughly, while another pulled my pants and underwear down.

I tried to kick them off, but the one that had pulled my pants down held my legs in place, making it impossible for me to move.

I couldn't contain my tears anymore, but before I could scream they ripped my panties off and stuffed them in my mouth to muffle my screams.

I really thought this was it, I was going to die here in Port Angeles, all alone and raped.

In the distance I saw two headlights rapidly coming closer, hoping against hope it would be my salvation.

The three men seemed to notice as well and sprung up, leaving me alone for now, and I took the opportunity to roll away and curl up against the nearest wall.

To my surprise Rosalie sprung from the car and was growling fiercely at the three men, her eyes pitch black. "You three have made a very big mistake. I will give you one chance to walk away before I rip your heads from your neck."

"You've got spunk, girl, I like that in a woman." One of them slurred drunkenly.

She growled and punched him in the stomach, the guy flying at least ten feet backwards.

This seemed to wake the other two up a bit, because they ran towards their friend and then ran away, clearly choosing life over the alternative at this point.

Rosalie then ran over to me and kneeled next to me. "Oh my god Bella, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner, come let's get you into the car." She said softly as she pulled my top back down and did up my pants for me.

I looked at her with what I was sure were empty eyes and I couldn't answer her, just hiding my face into her neck as she picked me up and carried me to her car.

I clung to her as she drove back to Forks, not wanting to be alone after this. "Could we go to your house, Rose. I don't want to be alone with Charlie right now." I said in a whisper.

She smiled and nodded at me. "Of course Bella, Alice will give him a call as soon as we get there. If it's okay with you, you can even stay in mine or in Alice's room, I understand you don't want to be close to Edward at this moment."

"I don't want to be close to Edward ever again, it was my being lost in thoughts about his trying to control and chain me that got me to that part of town in the first place. I just want him to leave me alone." I said as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay sweetie. You don't ever have to have to worry about him anymore. Alice and I will make sure he will leave you alone, and otherwise we'll just send Emmett after him." She said trying to lighten the mood.

It served its purpose, because I managed a slight smile. "I'm sure that won't scare him off, but thank you for trying to cheer me up."

"I know how it feels to be in your situation Bella, and before you ask, no, I will not tell you just yet. Just because I'm sure you would never have a restful night again if I told you now. I will tell you someday, when you feel a bit better, and I know it will take a very long time, but Alice and I will be beside you every single step of the way." She said kindly.

I had to smile at that, the first genuine of the evening. "I'll be okay eventually, especially when my two best friends are beside me."

She smiled at that. "Of course we will be, that's what best friends are for. We'll also arrange for one of us to be transferred into your Biology class so you don't have to work together with Edward anymore."

"Thank you Rose. That means so much to me, you've always been there for me, as well as Alice, and after tonight I don't know if I can ever thank you." I said as I slowly sunk into unconsciousness.

Rosalie's POV

The second Alice called me that Bella was in trouble, I didn't know how fast I had to get to Port Angeles. I pled with Bella not to go alone with Angela, but she managed to convince the both of us that she would be fine.

Now that my mate was safe and asleep in my car, I couldn't help but growl at that thought of those guys touching her and the thought of Edward and his superior bullshit. He knows she is my mate, and still he tried to steal her away from me, no matter how many visions from Alice he is told that Bella will eventually accept me as her mate.

Now I know that she won't be ready to accept me as her mate, but I took the first steps when I became her friend, and I accepted that, taking all I could have from her at that moment. I'm not known for my patience, or my compassion to others for that matter, with me being the Ice Queen and all, but for her I would wait a hundred years if she would accept me as her mate in the end.

I knew I had to tell her the truth about me and Emmett when Kate would get here in a couple of days, but somehow I think she already knows, she is far smarter than Edward gives her credit for.

I could hear her muttering ever so softly in her sleep, and the words sounded too familiar to me, remembering many nights that I sat up curled up in a corner saying the same, before I got my revenge of course. I also knew it was going to take time, but her luck, if you could call it that, was that they didn't get the chance to go through with it. She would be okay, I knew she would, and once she was, I hope she would be open to something more.

One thing I wouldn't do was to try and dictate her life the way my idiot brother had done, and was still doing. I really hoped he wasn't stupid enough to try anything when we got home, but I knew that was wishful thinking.

"I will make sure no one will ever hurt you again Bella. I promise you that." I said softly.

I didn't know if she heard me or if she was still sound asleep and felt the emotion behind my words, but she smiled at me and grabbed my hand, gently caressing it with her thumb.

I couldn't help but smile at her and focused my attention on the road, since we were nearly at the house, and I just knew hell would break loose when we got there.

When we pulled up a few minutes later, I gently woke her. "We're here Bella, and I just want you to know that Edward is already kicking up a storm, just stay close to me, I'll protect you."

She yawned and nodded. "You know I never mind being close to you Rose, but there are a few things I want to say to your brother, it is high time he knew exactly how I feel."

I had to smile at that. "Look at you growing a backbone all of a sudden. You just say what you want to him, the others and I will protect you if he tries to do anything to you."

She smiled and gave me a hug once we were out of the car. "He won't do anything to me, not if he wants to live."

We made our way to the house where I could hear Edward's growls, which only made me roll my eyes.

"What's wrong Rose?" She asked softly.

I smiled at her. "Edward, he is already growling and saying that I should take my filthy hands off you."

She laughed at that. "That figures, and that is exactly what is wrong with him, thinking that he has a claim on me."

I had to smile at that and led her into the house, where the entire family was waiting for us.

"Bella, my love, are you alright?" Edward asked in fake concern.

Bella quirked an eyebrow at that. "Oh, now you fucking care. Let me just tell you that if you really cared about me you would have come instead of Rose, but no, all you want to do is control my life and chain me to your side, but no more. I want you to leave me the hell alone from now on. I don't love you and I don't think I ever have."

"You little bitch, it's because of me that you are still alive. If I hadn't been there you would have been crushed between that van and that piece of junk you call a truck." Edward said, making everyone gasp.

"Let me tell you that I would have survived that Edward. Would I have broken something? Probably. Would it have hurt? Most definitely, but I managed to survive 17 years before your sparkling ass came into my life, and I will survive a hell of a lot more without you."

He glared at her. "We'll see about that, you little bitch." He said as he stalked closer.

Immediately my instincts came to the front, pushing Bella behind me and crouching into a defensive stance, while he was restrained by Emmett and Jasper, but to my surprise only Alice and Esme stood next to me.

"Carlisle, help me! They are trying to kill me." Edward shouted desperately.

Carlisle had a dark look on his face. "No, you will leave this house right now and never return. You are no son of mine if you see it fit to threaten my daughter." He said as he grabbed Edward by the throat and proceeded to throw him out.

Edward looked back at us in disbelief and took off into the woods. "You just wait, I'll tell the Volturi of what happened here. They'll come and slay all of you."

Bella smiled at that. "Thank you for protecting me. It really means a lot to me." She said softly.

Everyone smiled and gave her a gentle hug, Bella only tensing a bit when Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle hugged her, which didn't surprised me, given what she had been through today.

"We would do the same each and every time Bella. You are a part of this family, I'm just sorry for everything he did to you." Carlisle said softly.

She smiled at that. "It's okay, you just wanted to keep the family together, but if it's okay with you all, I would like to go to bed. I've been through enough drama today."

Everyone nodded and I couldn't hide my smile as she took my hand and almost drug me upstairs. "Sorry for borrowing your wife Brother Bear, but I need her close tonight."

Emmett smiled and nodded. "It's no problem Bella Bear. I can live without her for one night." He said with a wink mostly to me.

I smiled at him and followed her upstairs and into my room, which surprised me again, since I couldn't remember telling her where my room was.

Bella's POV

The moment we entered Rose's room I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, throwing myself into Rose's arms and sobbing my eyes out.

She held me tightly and moved us to the bed, whispering soothing words into my ear.

I managed to keep it together when I told Edward where to stick it, and I knew I couldn't show weakness when he threatened me, but now that I was safe in Rose's arms I let it all go.

"It'll be okay Bella, and it won't be today or tomorrow, but eventually it will be okay again. Alice, Esme and I will be here for you every step of the way."

I managed a faint smile. "I know, and I know that it will take time, but I know I will be okay with you next to me. I know that is what a mate does." I said softly.

I could feel Rose tense at that. "How long have you known?" She asked softly.

"Since the first time we went shopping together and I caught you staring when I came out of that changing room. You couldn't stop staring at me, no matter how much Alice tried to get your attention." I said with a slight smirk.

She smiled and pulled me a bit closer. "I'm actually not surprised you found that out by yourself, you are too observant sometimes. But yes, it's true. I am your mate, and as you might have guessed, Emmett and I are not married. I would rather die than to kiss another man again."

I smiled at her and relaxed in her arms. "I know that has something to do with your past, and I know you won't tell me what happened to you yet, but I will ask who it is Emmett is mated to, because sometimes he just gets this faraway look in his eyes, like he is thinking about something or someone."

"He is mated to one of our cousins in Denali, they are just separated because Kate wanted to spend some time with her sisters and he is okay with her having her own life. He still misses her of course, but that is normal for vampires when their mate is not there."

I smiled at that. "I figured as much, but does that mean we won't be able to live without each other as well?"

Rose smiled at that. "You will probably not feel not much difference while you are still human. Usually only vampires feel the pull, and its intensity will decrease after a few decades. We can move this forward at any pace you are comfortable with and if you just want me to be your friend for now, that is all I will take. I don't want you to feel in any way obligated to be with me just because you are my mate. I won't lie to you, I want nothing more than to be close to you, but I want to prove to you that I am worthy of your love."

I could only smile at her. "You're right Rose. I'm nowhere near ready for another relationship, but if you are willing to give me time, I know that I can love you someday. But I do have a couple of terms."

"I would do anything for you Bella. You know that, and I knew you were bound to have some terms after Edward." She said with a smile.

I smiled at her. "Thank you for that Rose. First and foremost, to the outside, so anyone at school we will still appear as friends, I don't want to be the subject of the rumor mill just yet, but when we are alone or with your family, I am your girlfriend, as crazy as that may sound after a few hours of breaking up with Edward. Secondly, I want you to stay with me at night for the foreseeable future. I know you want to, and Edward might try something when he thinks I'm vulnerable, so this way we both win. And lastly, I want us to help each other through what has happened, both today and in the past."

She smiled and pulled me into her lap. "I can agree to those terms, all three of them. It has been eighty years since it happened and not once have I talked to anyone about what happened, as for your other two terms, it was kind of what I was going to propose as well. I don't trust Edward that he will let this go that easily. But may I ask you for something as well?"

I nodded at her, figuring she should have the opportunity to set some limits as well. "Of course you can Rose, it's only fair."

"I have two conditions. First I want to take you out on a date, so we can spend some quality time together and get to know each other. and secondly, I do want Charlie and your mother to know about what happened with Edward, that way it won't be as suspicious when and if we want to tell him about us, if we ever get to that point, that is."

"I can live with that, and you don't need to worry Rose, one day we will tell them about us, just not yet given everything that happened with Edward, and chances are that Charlie will find out soon anyway, he is just as observant as I am. But if it's all the same to you, I'd like to get some rest. Today really did a number on me." I said softly.

She smiled and positioned herself under the covers, so I could snuggle into her arms, which I did without hesitation. I knew she would keep me safe from her idiot brother, and from my nightmares, which were sure to plague me after today. "Sleep my Bella, I'll be here when you wake up tomorrow." She said softly.

I only smiled and got comfortable against her as I fell asleep to a soft purring, which I knew I had to tell her when I woke up again.

Rosalie's POV

When Bella fell asleep, I couldn't help the purr that escaped me, she felt so amazing against me and I would do anything to keep this feeling for as long as possible.

I knew we had to take Edward's threat seriously, since he would always be the whiny little kid which I am sure he had always been when he didn't get his way.

"I'll keep you safe from him my love. he will never hurt you again." I said as I wrapped my arm tighter around her waist.

She snuggled in closer to me as she slept, somehow even now feeling my distress and trying to calm me.

I knew now that Edward was going to get the Volturi, something had to be done about Bella's mortality, because even if she was my mate, the Volturi would not let something like this slide. I had to turn her, and soon too. But to do that when today's experience was still so fresh in her memory could be dangerous, since she could very well throw up a wall that even I couldn't pull down if she was turned too soon. I had to plan this, and time it right, and hope that the Volturi wouldn't just take Edward's word for granted.

"Rose, thoughts too loud, please try and calm down a bit." She muttered in her sleep as she also wrapped an arm around me.

"Yes, my bossy human." I said with a smile as I did exactly what she said.

From downstairs I could hear Emmett laugh about me being whipped, although he was quickly shut up by both Esme and Alice.

The hours seemed to fly by like they were minutes, and around seven 'o clock in the morning my Bella woke up with a soft groan, and since I knew how much she wasn't a morning person, I couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, my love, did you sleep okay?" I asked softly.

"You of all people should know that I am not a morning person, but I slept better than I have done over the last few months." She said a little bit cranky.

I smiled and couldn't resist kissing her cheek. "There is some coffee waiting for you if you are ready to get out of bed.

To my expectations she perked up at the word coffee. I knew she had become quite addicted to the stuff over the last few months, which Alice was completely to blame for.

The very first time Bella saw her with a cup of the stuff was still a very fond memory of mine, and probably the first time she had a reason to doubt Edward's words, which in my mind back then was the first step to our relationship right now.

Bella slowly rolled out of bed and after putting on one of my robes, she made her way downstairs, probably following the smell of the coffee and the breakfast Esme had made for her.

I smiled at her as I got out of bed as well, putting on my own robe before following my love downstairs, and possibly stopping her from hurting herself. Her balance was sketchy at the best of times, and I figured the early hour would not help her equilibrium.

Unfortunately I was proven right when she almost face planted when coming down from the last step, and even with my vampire speed I could just barely hold her back. "You have to be careful baby, we wouldn't want your pretty face to get damaged." I said sweetly.

She smiled sleepily and shrugged as she padded into the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee attacking my nose.

"Seriously Alice, you've gotten her addicted to that stuff, she likes it even more than spending a bit more time in bed with me." I said with a teasing tone.

She smiled at that as she handed Bella her cup of coffee. "What can I say Rose, she does like her coffee, and I can't help but indulge her in the mornings, a happy Bella is a better friend than an unhappy one."

I had to smile at that as my mate took her seat at the counter, where Esme quickly put a freshly made breakfast in front of her, while Alice placed a steaming mug of coffee next to it.

"You two are the best. This will surely get me through the day." She muttered still sleepy.

The two vampires smiled at that. "How about you Rose, did you want some breakfast as well?" Esme asked with a smile.

Bella almost choked on her coffee as she looked at me. "Won't that taste horrible for you, since vampires can't really eat regular food."

I smiled and took a seat next to her. "Edward may have told you we can't eat, but we can, it gets broken down like the blood we drink, he just always whines about that fact. The reason we don't eat at school is because the food is rancid there. When we do eat at school we eat the lunch Esme prepares for us, but no thank you Esme, I'm okay for now, I would like some lunch though, sandwiches would be great."

Esme smiled and nodded at me. "Of course Rose, same as usual?"

I only nodded and watched as my mate devoured her breakfast, which worried me just a little bit. I hoped she wouldn't drown her sorrows of yesterday with food.

She noticed my stares and she blushed at me. "I know what you're thinking, and I just want to say that I'm just hungry, I didn't have dinner last night."

I smiled at that. "You should have told me, I would have loved to take you out for a nice dinner."

She quirked an eyebrow at that, and I immediately regretted my words. "Sorry baby, I wasn't thinking." I said softly.

She smiled and patted my knee. "It's okay Rose, I know you didn't mean it."

I only smiled at that, glad she wasn't angry with me for my ignorance.

As we ate I couldn't help stealing loving glances from her, and I could tell she noticed at the shy smiles from her. "Are you enjoying the view, Rose?" She asked once she was done with her breakfast.

I was sure if I could still blush, I would be beet red by now, instead I only smiled at her. "Very much so Bella. It soothes my nerves seeing you sitting here enjoying your breakfast."

She smiled at that. "Before I knew you guys could eat normal food it would have bothered me when all of you watching me eat, but now that I know that you guys can eat anything, I'm not really bothered by it."

I only smiled at her as I held out my hand to her, which she took with a similar smile. "Ready to face the masses, my sweet?" I asked softly.

She nodded and after getting dressed she followed me to my car, with Alice in tow, since we planned to go shopping later today, mostly to get Bella's mind off everything, even though we both knew how much Bella hated shopping.

"How are you feeling Bella? I can imagine what happened would have some lasting consequences." Alice asked softly.

Bella smiled at that. "I'm okay, I know this won't pass in a few days, or even a few weeks. But I know that with the help you two will undoubtedly shower me with, that I will be okay again, and I completely forgot to thank you, because I know you are the one that send Rose to me last night."

Alice smiled at that. "Of course I did, Edward couldn't be bothered and I saw that it could have ended badly if I hadn't sent Rose to you, that you two confessed your love for each other was something even I didn't even foresee."

Bella smiled at her. "We didn't actually confess our love for each other, we actually talked a lot before I went to sleep, since we both know our relationship is in too early a stage to say the words."

I smiled at her as I drove the car onto the school parking lot. "Are you sure you are ready for this Bella?"

She smiled at me. "Not really, but I can't hide from everyone forever. I have to face the masses eventually."

I only nodded at her, although I could see something else lingering behind her eyes.

Together with Alice we walked into the school as the boys quickly caught up with us, minus Edward of course, and I was glad for that.