Hello, Lovelies! I'm back finally! The muse took a vacation without my permission but returned this week. I am writing out plot notes for each chapter, so I should be able to update steadily. As always I love to hear your thoughts and opinions!

Thanks to the amazeballs MrBenzedrine and LaBelladonex for being my Betas and thedarklordherself for being my Alpha! Without these three, I would have backed out on this story.


Three cups of tea sat on the table, cold and half full. Hermione had apparated to Grimmauld place two hours ago, angry and needing her best mates. Harry rested his hand on her knee as she leaned on his shoulder, while Ron's arm was wrapped around her.

"They just tried to hide the box back under the bed. How did they not think I would notice?" Hermione sighed. After bringing her parents back from Australia and helping get their memory back, she felt guilty. Finding out they hid such a big secret from her cut deep. "I mean, I am a Pure-Blood and have a twin."

"Did you talk to them after you confronted them?" Ron asked as he pushed a loose curl off her shoulder. "It's just, what is the big deal?"

Harry shot Ron a look before watching Hermione stiffen up. "What he meant was, if it was important, you should have stayed when they asked you to." He picked up the paper on the table and looked it over. "So this is your true birth certificate?"

Proof of live birth


Mother's name: Camilla Jean Zabini

DOB: 24 May 1962

Place of Birth: St. Mungo's

Blood Status: Pure


Father's Name: Liam Patrick Zabini

DOB: 28 November 1961

Place of Birth: St. Mungo's

Blood Status: Pure

Twin One

Child's Name: Hermione Jean Zabini

DOB: 19 September 1979

Place of Birth: St. Mungo's

Blood Status: Pure

Twin Two

Child's Name: Blaise Patrick Zabini

DOB: 19 September 1979

Place of Birth: St. Mungo's

Blood Status: Pure

Hermione narrowed her eyes before biting her lip. "I wasn't very pleasant about it. I threw the box back at them and showed them the scar on my neck from Bellatrix. Mum cried, but dad looked off in another direction. Yes, it is my correct one; she gave me that copy to keep." The fight had started when Hermione walked into her parent's room and saw them looking through a box of pictures. She noticed they wore Slytherin robes - her first hint that something was wrong - and made them tell her the truth. She didn't expect to hear what they told her about her life before she was eight.

"I still can't believe you're related to all Slytherins. That would explain a lot about the trouble we got away with in school," Harry joked as Hermione snorted into his shoulder. "What did they tell you after you caught them? You didn't give us much detail when you first got here."

"Well, they told me they went to Hogwarts and finished school the same year as Lucius Malfoy. The Dark Lord was building his army and tried to recruit Dad, but he wasn't interested. That was when things got bad; they were watched, stalked, and threatened. After Blaise and I were born, mum knew we would be safer if we stayed hidden." Hermione picked up her icy cup of tea and took a sip, making a disgusted face.

Ron moved his arm from around Hermione and looked at the fireplace. "They associated with the Malfoys! That is the worst crowd to hang out with, and here I thought they were okay."

Hermione glared at Ron before sighing and continuing her story. "After the Dark Lord fell, they thought it was safe and left Malfoy Manor. Apparently, I shared a room with Blaise and Malfoy for six months." She stopped as she tried to remember anything before she was ten, but it physically hurt. "Blaise and I were inseparable from the womb, apparently, and even had nicknames. Life was normal until I was ten. Mum said that was when Lucius Malfoy heard rumours that the Death Eaters were looking for a way to bring him back. They didn't want to follow him, and soon the threats started again, and my parents knew we had to hide again. My aunt offered to take us in, but I refused to leave my parents. Blaise wanted to stay with her in the wizarding world. We were torn apart, and I was so upset about it. That's when they made the decision to lock away that part of my memory, so I didn't remember it."

"So Zabini didn't want to stay with you three? If I had a sibling, I wouldn't leave them." Harry shook his head and grabbed a biscuit off the table. "So what happened after he left?"

"Well, they bought the house we live in now under the name Granger. I only remember after that, and they were such good actors. I am disgusted at how they lied. Apparently, Blaise still talks to them on a daily basis and has since the day he left us." Grabbing a biscuit and crushing it in her fist, she allowed a tear to roll down her cheek. "He let those Slytherins pick on me, and Malfoy insulted me all the time. How could you do that to your twin?"

Ron pulled Hermione into a hug and sighed. It was obvious he wasn't sure what to say to make her feel better. "It kept you safe, and I don't see what the big deal is. Do you think maybe you're overreacting a bit?"

Harry shook his head before seeing an owl swoop in through the open window with a letter. He picked the letter up and grimaced. "Looks like your parents are writing you."

"No Ron, I don't think I am overreacting. They lied to me my whole life, and now I am just supposed to trust them?" She pulled out of the hug and glared at him. "My parents knew how people picked on me for being Muggleborn and never told me a thing." Hermione took the letter from Harry and opened it, tears filling in her eyes. "They want me to come home - Blaise is there too."

"You should go, Hermione. Find out if they can remove the block. Your parents love you; we will be here if you need to escape tonight." Harry smiled at her as he squeezed her hand.

She wiped her eyes before frowning. "How can I trust them anymore? If they loved me, they would have said something when I was being bullied. I should have been told about Blaise at least."

"'Mione, If you trust my opinion, you will go try to fix this. My parents are dead; I will never get to see them. You were lucky enough to be able to fix the obliviate you did to yours. Don't let your fears keep you from talking to them." Harry fixed his glasses as they slid down his nose before charming his tea to warm up.

Silence filled the room as Hermione thought about what Harry had said. She was thankful she still had her parents but upset they lied to her.

Looking over at Ron, Hermione sighed. They had decided to give a relationship a try after the kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. Truth be told, Hermione regretted it the last two months. All he wanted to do was snog and never took her seriously. "You're right Harry, and I should go talk to them. Ron, we might have to cancel for tonight. I'm not sure how long this will take."

Ron glared at Harry and crossed his arms over his chest. "I think you should stay here; we were supposed to go on a date. I am your boyfriend, after all. I think I should have a say."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and picked her shoes up along with her birth certificate. "You think snogging is more important than me resolving things with my family?"

"Well, you're overreacting a bit. You'll forgive them after you talk it out." Ron cupped her cheek and smiled at her. "I love you, Hermione."

"I am not overreacting! I find out my life is a lie, and you want to drop the L word on me. It's not like I had enough to worry about." She stood up abruptly and looked at Harry. "Thanks for the tea - I will come by tomorrow."

After Hermione Apparated back to her house, Harry glared at Ron. "I told you not to rush her; you've only been dating for a few months. She's going through a life-changing problem, and you act like she shouldn't care."

Ron shrugged before looking away. "I know I said the wrong thing, but I haven't seen Hermione is three days, and I missed her. I just wanted to spend time with her tonight."

"Well, now she probably won't come back over. I warned you about this when she went to the loo earlier." Harry picked up the cups and walked to the kitchen, annoyed at Ron's impulsive behaviour.

Hermione walked into the kitchen of her home and frowned. Blaise was sitting at the table with her parents. There was a sharp pain in her chest as she thought of being lied to. "Mum, Dad, I'm going to bed. We can talk in the morning about undoing my memory block." As she went to turn around, a sob caught her ear.

"Please sweetie, don't hide from us. We did it to keep you from being killed and the heartache of losing your brother." Camilla pleaded as she watched tears fill in her daughter's eyes. "Come sit down, please."

"You lied to me. You lied my whole life. My own 'brother' didn't even keep his housemates from bullying me." Hermione finally acknowledged Blaise as being in the room and narrowed her eyes. "Give me one reason to trust you."

Liam looked at his daughter, who was disappointed. "We tried to keep both you and your brother together. The Dark Lord was after us, not you two. You refused to leave our side, so we had to place a block on your memory."

Hermione leaned against the wall as Blaise stood up and walked over to her. "Grang...Hermione, please don't hold it against them." He watched as Hermione looked him over, noting the difference between their features.

"If we're twins, why don't we look more alike?" Hermione reached for his face and ran her fingers over his features. "I guess we do look similar: same nose, same chin. Does this mean...?" She froze and looked between her parents and Blaise. Images of the war flashed through her mind as she slid to the ground. Her hands were shaking, and heart racing. She tried to erase the flashback blaring the image of Blaise convulsing on the ground as Daphne cried, trying to get him to stop.

She blinked her eyes, and her heart was beating so loudly, it was drowning out Blaise's words. Hermione looked up and reached for her throat, and it felt like it was closing up. Her chest started to tighten, and panic spread, weighing her feet down. She couldn't move, and Blaise's touch was making it worse.

"Hermione?!" Blaise repeated one more time, and she finally let out the breath stuck in her chest.

"I can't do this," she finally managed to get out. Blaise frowned and watched her leave abruptly, looking to his parents for an explanation as to what just happened.

Camilla stood up but was unsure if she should follow Hermione. "Come sit, Blaise." When he returned to the table, she took a deep breath. "It started when Hermione saw us for the first time after the war ended. She gets panic attacks when those memories of the war are triggered."

Blaise looked at his parents, worried. He knew what he must have triggered and frowned. "Draco does too, but he lashes out in anger. I should go check on her; it is my fault she had an episode after all."

"First, we need to talk about what we are doing about you, son," Liam spoke up as he eyed Blaise. "What do you plan on doing after you're finished with school? Did you still want to move back here?"

"Yes, I missed you both. At least I was able to stay in touch all these years." They heard a door slam upstairs and sighed. "I already talked to Aunt Cara and told her I was moving in this week. Tomorrow I will move my stuff over; I need to get to know my sister again." Blaise stood up and walked towards the stairs.

Liam stood up and walked over to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Please be careful with her; she has been distant since we came back. Finding the box under our bed threw her further away from the family. She ran to Harry and Ron as soon as she found out and left the house."

Blaise looked up the stairs and sighed. "I will, Dad. come check on me in an hour to make sure I'm still alive." He smirked and walked up the stairs towards Hermione's room.

In the kitchen, Camilla and Liam glanced at each other, concerned. Hermione was still upset with them, and now Blaise was back in the picture. As much as they loved having their twins back together, Blaise and Hermione would have to get to know each other again.

"We failed as parents, Liam, and now our babies don't even know each other." She cried into his shoulder as he pulled Camilla into a tight hug.

Upstairs in the hallway, Blaise knocked on Hermione's door and held his breath. He needed Hermione to trust him, to let him back in her life. If he hadn't fucked up by allowing Draco to pick on her and just told him the truth...

Hermione heard the knock on the door but couldn't decide if she wanted to talk to anyone. This had been too much for her today - if only she had Harry here to talk to now. "What do you want?" She wrapped her hands around her chest.

"I wanted to talk to you, to see if you are okay," Blaise said softly, his forehead leaning on the door. "I want to be your brother again."

With a flick of her wand, Hermione's door opened, and she looked down at her feet. "If I tell you to leave, then leave."

Blaise walked cautiously into the room and sat at the foot of her bed. "Do you want to talk about what happened downstairs?"

"No, it was nothing to worry about. Why are you here? I thought you left the family a long time ago." Hermione wouldn't look up at him but kept her gaze hard.

"I came back as soon as Mum and Dad owled me. Did you tell them what happened during the war?" He looked over at her, unsure, before twirling his wand.

Hermione tilted her head up and glared at the wall. "You let everyone call me names, knowing I was your sister. How could I forgive you for that?" Rubbing her eyes with her palms, she felt her anger turning into guilt. "No, they don't need to know how bad it was. How everyone died, and you were cursed…"

He stayed silent as he remembered the pain he felt that night. Daphne still wouldn't let him go one night without checking on him. "I may have been cursed, but I am still alive - so is Potter and Weasley. I almost died, almost died without being able to be honest with you." Feeling self-conscious, Blaise tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. "I want to make it up to you, to make up for being a git."

"It's late, and I'm tired, I will talk to you about it tomorrow. How long are you staying here?" Hermione looked over at Blaise, seeing the guilt and hurt in his eyes.

"I'm moving back in tomorrow. I missed my family and for the past two years have wanted to come home." Blaise smiled at her before standing up. "I may not be Harry or Ron, but I would like to be up there one day. See you tomorrow, Hermione."

She watched as he left the room and shut the door. Of course, he would be moving back in and making her life difficult. A part of Hermione knew she should get to know him better before school started.

"Tomorrow…" Hermione laid back on her bed and curled up. She needed her friends but was still pissed at Ron. Sighing heavily, she closed her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks. Sleep came to her as the images of the war ran through her head, causing her to fall into another nightmare.