I was inspired to do this by Jsrashad's Snow White and the Seven Peanuts project.

Disclaimer: Snow White belongs to Disney, and Spectacular Spider-Man, and any other Marvel characters I use, belong to Sony, Disney, and their respective creators.

Mary Jane and the Seven Little X-Men

Chapter 1: I'm Wishing

Once upon a time, the queen of a humble but prosperous kingdom was knitting by the window. She was knitting an outfit for her expected second child.

"I cannot wait to tend to a baby." The queen said.

As the queen continued to knit, she pricked her finger, and a drop of red blood fell on a small white banister she was sitting near with emeralds encrusted in it. She liked how it looked together.

"How lovely my child would be if she had skin as perfectly colored as this banister, with blood-red hair… Like a rose… And eyes like emeralds."

Shortly after this wish, her daughter was born, but the queen used a good deal too much of her strength to bring the child into the world, so she only had enough strength to see that she was exactly how she dreamed she'd look, and she named her Mary Jane. Shortly afterwards, the king died as well, and Starfire was raised by her father's second wife, the new queen, Emma Frost.

Mary Jane was lovely and full of life and laughter and very in tune with her emotions. Emma, however, feared that one day, Mary Jane's beauty would surpass her own. Because of this, she usually dressed Mary Jane in rags except for very special occasions where she couldn't afford to without appearing weak to her allies. Despite this, Mary Jane still enjoyed life and dreamed of the day she'd find the man she would love.

Every day, Emma went to a magic mirror she'd bought after her husband's death and asked, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?" And as long as the mirror replied that she was the fairest, Mary Jane would live for another day, safe from her step-mother's jealousy…


Emma walked over to the mirror. It had been ten years since her husband's death when she ascended to the throne, and she enjoyed it immensely. It was time for her daily check to make sure she was still on top of the beauty game. She could tell fifteen years ago when she married Mary Jane's father that the girl could be a threat to her, and she could not afford to let her subjects come to see that happen. They might overthrow her… Or worse, take her off their money!

She arrived at the mirror and raised her hands as she recited the incantation.

"Tombstone, slave of the magic mirror, come from the farthest space." Emma recited as she crossed her arms. "Through wind and darkness, I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face."

In a burst of flames, the face of Tombstone appeared. Pale white with yellow eyes. The eyes stared blankly at her.

"What wouldst thou know, my queen?" Tombstone asked in his usual monotone voice.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall," Emma recited. "Who is the fairest of them all?"

"Famed is thy beauty, majesty." Tombstone responded as his eyes widened slightly. "But hold… A lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. Alas, she is more fair than thee."

"Alas for her!" Emma spat out as her eyes narrowed. "What's her name?!"

"Hair red as the rose." Tombstone responded calmly. "Eyes green as emeralds. Skin as fair as snow."

"Mary Jane!" Emma said through her teeth.


Mary Jane was washing the stairs of the palace as she hummed to herself. She was almost done, and she was happy for her good life. True she had to work every day, but it had helped keep her strong, and she knew that when she got married, she'd be able to have a family again. She had missed that part of her life when she had a father and a mother. She had made friends with all the other ambassadors that lived there.

She finished the stairs and sighed contentedly as she picked up the pail and prepared to put it back in the well as several Doves watched her. She put the pail in and looked at them.

"Wanna hear a secret?" Mary Jane asked.

The Doves nodded. Mary Jane had a way with animals. They were her closest friends here.

"Promise not to tell?" Mary Jane asked again, and the doves shook their heads.

"We are standing by a wishing well."

Mary Jane then pointed at the hole in the well.

Make a wish into the well,

That's all you have to do.

And if you hear it echoing,

Your wish will soon come true.

Mary Jane then put her head near the well.

I'm wishing… (I'm wishing…)

For the one I love,

To find me… (To find me…)

Today. (Today.)

I'm hoping… (I'm hoping…)

And I'm dreaming of,

The nice things… (The nice things…)

He'll say. (He'll say.)

Had Mary Jane known it, that day, a person from a place called America was passing by the palace when he heard Mary Jane singing. His name was Peter Parker, and he had been attending an academic retreat with his friends. Peter thought it was the nicest, sweetest voice he'd ever heard and hopped over the wall to see who it was and saw a girl, the prettiest one he'd ever seen, and her kind nature, which he could easily see on her face in the way her eyes looked in conjunction with her mouth's movements, only made her more beautiful.

Mary Jane continued singing as the well echoed back.

Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. (Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha.)

Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. (Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha.)

Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. (Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha.)


I'm wishing… (I'm wishing…)

For the one I love,

To find me… (To find me…)


"Today!" Peter sang out as he appeared next to Mary Jane.

"Oh!" Mary Jane exclaimed as she jumped back. The boy had caught her by surprise.

"Hello." The boy said. "My name is Peter. I didn't frighten you, did I?"

Mary Jane ran off as she didn't want someone she'd just met to see her in her work clothes.

"Wait." Peter called out. "Wait please! Don't run away."

Mary Jane ran into the castle, but Peter called out.

Now that I've found you,

Hear what I have to say!

Mary Jane then walked out against her first instinct and listened.

One song, I have but one song.

One song, only for you.

Mary Jane swooned and tidied herself up as best as she could.

One heart, steadily beating.

Constant and true!

Mary Jane looked down and found herself falling in love with him as he fell in love with her.

One love that has possessed me.

One love, brimming with truth.

One song, my hear keeps singing.

Of one love, only for you.

Mary Jane smiled and walked down as she kissed Peter gently on his cheek.

"I'm Mary Jane." Mary Jane said. "I hope I see you again."

"Me too." Peter said. He kissed her hand and went off.


Unknown to either lover, Emma watched from a high up window and scowled. Mary Jane would pay for putting her at number two.

Well… This idea just came with me, so I went with it. Please tell me what ya think.