A/N- Just a one-shot between Lily and Severus with Remus as well. Hope you all like it. Please read and review. It helps me a lot. Plus I love to hear what you'll have to say. Once again I own nothing. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

It was a clear night when Severus Snape entered the Leaky Cauldron. He was meeting an old friend here for the first time in a long time. Severus had said something awful to her which ruined their friendship, and now they were no longing speaking to each other. He sank into a chair at the bar. "What can I get you, Snape?" asked Tom.

Tom was an old man who had seen Severus in here on several occasions. He wondered what was going to go down tonight. Severus often came in here to get people to join or other business for the Dark Lord. It was the best place to meet, or he would come here after getting what he needed for a potion he was working on at the moment. "A firewhiskey please" Severus spoke in response to Tom's question.

Severus thought back to the letter he had sent Lily. It wasn't that long but, long enough to get the point across of how much he wanted to see her again.

Dear Lily,

I hope this letter finds you well. Right at this moment, things aren't fairing well for me. I am lost and need to see you one last time. I have to know, if it is over between us or if there is a way to fix this. I still want to be your friend, and I do love you, Lily. James can't give you what I can.



Lily had received the letter a few days after he had sent it. She replied back right away after she and James talked it over. He wouldn't let her go unless someone was with her.

Dear Severus,

I would love to see you again too. We have so much to talk about, Severus. I miss my friend but, I need to know if we can go back to being friends or if our friendship is over.


Severus had spent several days crying over the letter. She hadn't said that she loved him back or that they would become friends again. He was anxious, and Bellatrix laughed at him as she had seen the letter. "I told you the filthy mudblood did not love you at all."

It took all his power not to hex Bellatrix. "I am just going to go now Bellatrix and do not call Lily that again" Severus spoke in a low cold voice.

Severus already knew the night was not going to go well. Lily Evans now Potter had written that said she would not be coming alone. She would have someone with her. Lily said it was safer that way. Severus just wondered when it got to the point where she needed someone come with her to meet him. "Coming right up, Snape," said Tom.

As he went to get it from the back Lily walked, and she was right, she was not alone. No Potter was not with her nor was Black. Severus cursed under his breath. She had brought the werewolf Remus Lupin with her. They made their way over to him. Severus now knew why she had brought someone with her. She was pregnant and didn't want to come alone. "Hello, Snape," Lily said Coldly. "Your letter said that you wanted to talk to me."

"It did but, as it said, I wanted to talk to you alone," said Severus with a cold voice like Lily's. "I wanted to meet alone and why did you have to bring him of all people?" Severus asked.

Severus could not stand Remus Lupin at all. He had stood by or sit by while his friends bullied him to pieces so, Severus was not happy to see him. Remus moved closer to Lily. He gave Severus a look. Remus was not thrilled with being here either but, it was the only way James would let Lily come. Also, Sirius would have hexed Severus bad if he was the one to go and James was busy with some stuff plus he wasn't in the mood to see Severus at all. Peter was busy as well. "I will be waiting over there at that table" Remus spoke to Lily.

She hugged him then some money. "Ok great I should not be long and get yourself something to drink while you wait," said Lily with a smile on her face.

'She uses to look at me that way' thought Severus. He did miss the way Lily would smile, and her eyes would light up when she would talk to him. Lily sank onto the stood as Remus walked away. Tom came back with his drink. "Here you go and what can I get for you Mrs. Potter?" asked Tom smiling at her.

Severus let out a hiss. He hated hearing her be called that. It was not right. Lily could have been his. 'But you blow it, Severus. It is your fault. You are the reason she is with Potter. Had you not called her a mudblood than that would have been your child and not Potter's' Severus mind was saying to him. "A water please Tom and thank you," said Lily grinning at Tom.

She turned to look at Severus with the grin leaving her face. Lily stared at him a moment before Severus started to talk. "Lily I wanted us to meet so that I could say sorry for all the things that I had done. I am truly sorry for calling you a mudblood."

Tom sat down Lily's water, and she thanked him while she thought of what to say to that. On the one hand she wanted to forgive Severus but, on the other hand, she knew he called others that so what made her different. "Severus, I know that you are sorry, and I do want to forgive you but, I can't because you go around calling others that. As for why Remus is here, Sirius would have hexed you if he came. James had work to do, and Peter was busy. I was doing this to keep you safe. James was angry when he read the letter" said Lily.

She was doing this to keep him safe. Severus knew that he could take care of himself. He did not need Lily to do for him and what was she thinking letting James read the letter. He had told her it was for her eyes only. "Lily you are different than them. They deserve to be called that but, you do not. You do not need to protect me. I can take care of myself, and if he would have hexed me then I would have done much worse to him" said Severus.

He was waiting for the chance to hurt them as they had done to him. Severus wanted to beat them severely for what they had done to him. He felt it was in his right to do so. Severus had to get rid of the people who had stolen his Lily from him. "It doesn't matter Severus, we are all the same and what do you mean by they deserve to be called that and I do not? Severus, it is time to grow up and move on" said Lily.

Lily took a drink of water with one hand while the other moved to her stomach. She had to calm down a little. Lily could tell she was getting worked up. Remus was watching from his table with a book in his hand. He could see that Severus was getting a little worked up. "It is different for you Lily; you are the only real friend I have had. I need to grow up and move on. Did you not say that Sirius would have hexed me" said Severus getting angry.

Severus pulled out his wand. He would never use it on Lily but, he was half tempted to use it on her child to piss Potter off. Severus knew that Potter would come after him then but, Severus put his wand way. He knew he would never win Lily over that way. "Severus, I know that I was your only friend but, you hurt me when you called me that name. I was only trying to stand up for you" said Lily with tears in her eyes forgetting about the last part that Severus said.

Remus was up in a heartbeat and over to Lily in a second. "Are you alright?" Remus asked.

Severus looked up at him. "Stay out of this, Wolf. We are doing fine without you butting in" said Severus.

Lily looked up at Severus. She gave him a dirty look. "So you haven't changed much have you?" Lily asked.

Severus then turned away from Remus to look at Lily. He leaned in to hug her, but she pulled away. "Lily I am sorry but, you have to understand I had no choice," said Severus.

Lily did not believe that for one second at all. "Right, Severus you had no choice. You did. Look at Remus, his kind every day are joining You-Know-Who, but he isn't so what makes you different?" asked Lily.

Severus sank back into his chair taking a drink. "You are right Lily, I had a choice, and I made mine. Once I lost you I lost everything" said Severus.

"Don't you dare pin this on me. I am not the reason you joined up" said Lily getting angry. "You joined on your own free will," said Lily.

Severus got up. He put down the money on the table. He had to get out of here before he did something that he wouldn't be proud of later. "I have to go, Lily. It was good to see you again. Tom, I am paying for theirs" Severus said and with that, he walked away.

A/N- If you would like more to this story then let me know. I would be willing to write more if people want it.