Percy POV

I awoke with a groan, "Where am I?"

Almost as soon as I said it, the events from the day before came rushing back to me.

Styx smiled, "We are in my temple, of course. I have been keeping an eye on you for a while now, Perseus. After all, you were my Champion."

I looked at her confused, before it dawned on me, "When I swam in your river and received your blessing, I became your champion?"

She smiled and nodded in response.

My curiosity throwing caution to the wind, "What did you want me for? You needed to talk to me? On another note, where are we?"

She chuckled, "You certainly have become much more brash and curious. You are certainly powerful enough to get away with it. I'm truly surprised that Father hasn't come to visit you yet. We are in my Temple, in a place undocumented by the Gods or Titans. We are at the end of the Underworld. This is the home of the rivers, where they end. The five rivers of the Underworld, The Styx, The Acheron, The Cocytus, The Phlegethon, and The Lethe, all merge into one river, before falling into the void. You are here for a very simple reason. Us, the naiads of the Underworld, haven't received the respect we deserve. We wish for that to change. Will you become our Champion, and guardian of the rivers?"

Styx finished off, biting her lip in anticipation. She was clearly nervous, but I wasn't to sure.

"Could this, in any way, affect my ability to fulfill my duty as Champion of Orthys? As champion, it's my job to act as a guardian of sorts."

Styx smiled, "It most definitely would affect your ability to fulfill your duties. You would be more powerful, faster, stronger, a higher control of liquids, and a combination of powers from all of the rivers. From me, you'd get temporary invincibility, from the river Phlegethon, the ability to heal, up to a certain extent. The river Acheron would give you the ability to know how to inflict pain to someone's soul, and ease pain. The river Lethe will allow you to temporarily erase or alter the memory of any being of equal or lesser power. From Cocytus, you'll gain the ability to let out a wail that would kill all of the weaker monsters in your area."

I stood there, shell shocked, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Wh- wha- who- me?"

Styx just chuckled and nodded, quickly knocking me out of my stupor. I wore a determined expression and answered. "I accept your gracious offer, Lady Styx."

She smiled, and snapped her fingers. Suddenly those who I assume were the other rivers appeared. All wearing smiles, but it didn't reach their eyes, some even flickering.

I shot a confused look to Lady Styx, and she seemed to read my facial expression. "The rivers are about to fade, people have forgotten. The only reason I'm not in the same boat is because of my given power to uphold all oaths given upon this world. Contrary to popular belief, we aren't nymphs, but primordials. We are bound to our elements, but our elements are bound to us, due to their small nature. This is one of the reasons we need a champion so badly. We will siphon power from you, a small amount, just enough to preserve our life force, in order for us to survive. You'd also be a symbol of us, hopefully garnering us more respect, and possibly even offerings."

My mouth formed an 'O' and I nodded my head silently. The rivers raised their hands, and each put their fingers to my forehead. I glew black, before I fell unconscious again.

I'm sorry for not posting in a long time and for this being so short, I'm going through some really tough times. My mom lost her job, my parents got a divorce, and my brother crashed the car. My parents can't afford internet right now, so I'm doing this in the school library. I hope I'll be able to update more, see you next time.