Percy POV

swing. Duck. Slash. Parry. I'm caught in a loop as I let my instincts take over. After all, we won't be getting any help from the gods until they have to strike their bane.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a scream.


I take a second to look around and see Annabeth being picked up by a polybotes. He had a malicious grin as he ripped her knife and hand completely off her arm. He shakes her, letting blood hit the ground. He tossed her up, and she landed in his rotten flesh lined teeth. My distraction is rewarded with a cut on my arm, nearly splitting my right tricep. My blood hits the ground in slow motion. As soon as it happens I hear a laugh, coming from the earth itself. I didn't care, I only saw red. I remember running full force at polybotes. With a grunt, using all my strength I jumped up and grabbed his hand. I use my power over water to form a solid line to the ground, where I pulled his arm, where he fell. I didn't even blink as I threw my sword into his nose, hitting his brain. I waited for my father, but no one came.

"You see child, it is futile. Your gods haven't a care in the galaxy for you little heroes." came the melodic, yet sinister voice of Gaea from behind me. "I will give you one more chance to join me and all will be forgiven."

3rd person/Olympian throne room pov

The gods were bickering amongst themselves as usual, the only one not there being haphestus, as he was watching over camp half blood, helping them outfit armor. He decided that he would do what he felt was right, which is help the children who didn't ask for this life.

"if we help we'll all just be killed!" Yelled Poseidon. "After all, my son has outlived his usefulness if he dies, so be it."

The gods around him looked shocked until the ones who hated Percy, being Zeus,/ Ares, Artemis, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Persephone, Athena, and Dionysus started grinning.

"I knew you'd understand uncle P!" boasted Ares.

They looked back at the huge Iris message, facing the council and watched as Percy fought. They watched Annabeth die, and Athena could be heard muttering "good riddance, such a bug who would love a sea spawn deserves nothing less." most didn't hear, but Hestia could be seen shaking her head, near the hearth. They watched on, as Percy turned around and looked directly into Gaea's eyes. With a roar, the gods watched a green supernova explode around him. Pure unadulterated power. It was so massive the council felt it on the other side of the world. It's strength was sixfold the power of all Olympus. It scared the gods even more than Gaea. Said deity took a subconscious step back, as Percy ran at her faster than she could comprehend. He challenged the creator of the greek xiphos, in one on one combat.

Percy's POV

I didn't know what i was doing, only that I was gonna put Gaea in her place. I fought with ferocity I didn't know I had. I was scoring cuts on her every few swings. She got malicious glint in her eyes, and suddenly I was encased in a sphere of earth. If she was going to play dirty, two can play at that game. I focused all of my power into me, and used it as a barrier. I screamed as I felt my gut seem to tear in half. Suddenly all I saw was bright green, and the earth exploded. I looked up and saw pure fear in her eyes. I held my hand up, and I could feel the primordial black blood running through her veins. It still had a source of water within it. I grabbed hold of that water and bent it to my will. I watched as she became paralyzed, eyes wide with fear. She couldn't even scream. I tore her very body apart around her. I didn't let the blood fall. I shot it as deep into space as I could, where it was traveling hundreds of lightyears per minute. That wasn't just her blood, but her life blood. She was never to return to earth. I did the same with every giant until I fell to the ground in exhaustion, passing out.

I slowly felt the pitch black fade to grey, until it was a blinding white. I opened my eyes and it disappeared, Leaving me in a gold and white hospital room, floating in what looks like nectar and water.

After a few minutes, Apollo walked in. "hey bud! How're you feelin'?"

"great, I don't know what happened out there, but I feel better than I have since before the Second Titanomachy."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He finished unplugging wires from me, put me on crutches before un could even put on a shirt. He flashed us to the throne room, where surprisingly all the gods were waiting in full battle armor.

Zeus cleared his throat. "You have been brought before the council as the threat you face to Olympus outweighs the deeds you've done. For this reason we will be calling a vote to cast you into Tartarus for the foreseeable future."

I was shocked. I stared at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

"All in favor?" hands rose.

Poseidon. My father.

Zeus. I saved his weapon of power.

Hera. I saved her Roman champion countless times.

Artemis. I held the sky for her.

Demeter. I defeated the grain spirits.

Persephone. I never did anything against her. I even gave her sacrifices during the winter.

Dionysus. I lowered his camp sentence by 800 years.

Athena. I fell into Tartarus for her daughter.

Ares. I built a statue of him in the arena at camp.

My voice cracked. "why?" I whispered, holding back tears.

I got no response, other than my father chanting It felt like a part of me was getting ripped out. I lost my connection to the ocean.

"your powers are too strong, the sea no longer claims you."

Zeus threw his Master Bolt at me with a demonic look in his eyes. I didn't even get a chance to feel the pain. I didn't even fall into Tartarus, I just appeared in the heart. Where the Doors of Death previously were. I immediately got swamped by monsters. I fought for days. I kept a mental track of how many monsters I killed until I lost count around 730. Before I knew what was happening the Monsters around me froze in place. I didn't care, I used it to my advantage. I killed hundreds In a matter of minutes. I turned around and faced a man I had never seen before, yet I immediately knew who he was. His hair was so black it seemed to suck the light out of the air and went down to his shoulders, with tan skin, laced with scars. His eyes were what caught my attention. Gold. Bright Gold. Kronos. He picked up his oh so familiar scythe and hit me in the forehead with the but before I could even move.


I thought about ending it here but I'm not that mean

I woke up in a comfortable bed, ad saw riptide chained around the handle to a wall. I took a second to look around and notice I was in what seemed like a throne room, just very different. I realized all of my injuries from the fight were all gone. Just then, Kronos walked into the room. I leapt from the bed, but before I reached Riptide he froze time around me and sat me on the bed.

"I'm sorry." he looked me directly in the eyes before he started to cry. I noticed something different, his eyes were much softer gold than before.

"please let me explain before you try to kill me." he pleaded, his eyes misty with unshed tears.

He unfroze me and I hesitantly climbed back into the bed.

He took a deep breath and started, "I've been in this pit for hundreds of thousands of years, and I've had time to learn my lessons in humility and something even more important, there is no defying fate. I was supposed to pass my rulership to Zeus, and act as a mentor, but my greed and pride led me to do the unthinkable. I wanted to return and apologize to the gods before Gaea captured me here in the pit. She imbued her essence into me, forcing me to do her bidding, leading to the Titan war. I had planned on using Luke as a host before this ever happened, but I have done decades of research, until I found a way to take my true form without killing him. What killed him was Gaea's overwhelming power exploding at my death, which fragmented his very essence. I managed to use a drop of my lifeblood as a form of an apology to him and saved him from damnation of the Void, instead sending him to Elysium where he belongs. I have opened my heart to you, and I hope in return you're willing to tell me why you've been sent here, and by the smell, I'd say the Master Bolt."

I got up, reached over and did the unexpected. I gave the Titan Lord a hug. He stiffened before hugging me back, and sobbing into my shoulder. As I held him, I told him about my journeys and everything I did, including my fight with Gaea, to witch he was shocked to hear. He released me from the hug and grabbed his scythe, this one I noticed, was made out of a granular, luminescent gold with a cherrywood handle. He noticed my confusion and simply stated, " this is my true symbol of power. What I'm about to do could scare you, just know that my story is very similar to the others who will soon come." he struck his scythe into the center of the mosaic on the floor: a huge colored hourglass, the same colors as the scythe. Soon, the thrones glowed a gentle white, and people started to form. Once they were all formed, Kronos sat on his throne. Took a deep breath and bellowed, "ORDER OF THE COUNCIL!"

All of the other Deities unanimously spoke, "Order of the highest degree."

Kronos took a deep breath and spoke. "Introduce yourselves to our honored guest, someone we owe the safety of our late kingdom to."

(From left to right, in a semicircle)

"I am Theia, Titaness of sight, and the light of a clear blue sky, wife of Hyperion"

"I am Tethys, Titaness of fresh water, wife of Oceanus."

"I am Selene, Titaness of the Moon."

"I am Mnemosyne, Titaness of memory and remembrance."

"I am Themis, Titaness of divine law and order."

"I am Rhea, Titaness of female fertility, motherhood, and generations. Mother of the 12 true gods, Queen of the Titans, and husband of Kronos."

"I am Kronos, Titan of time and harvest, father of the 12 true gods, King of the Titans, and husband of Rhea."

"I am Koios, Titan of intellect."

"I am Iapetus, Titan of mortality. It is good to see you old friend."

"I am Oceanus, Titan of the Sea, husband of Tethys."

"I am Hyperion, Titan of heavenly light, husband of Theia."

"I am Helios, Titan of the Sun."

This time, only Kronos spoke. "If I may, I would like to share the memory of what you have been through, to end up here."

I nodded. I watched him glow a faint gold for a second, before it faded. The first thing that happened was Themis running at me and wrapping me up in a massive hug. She let me go after a bit and sat back in her throne. As soon as she sat, the Titans began speaking very quickly in a language that sounded older than the gods. After awhile of me standing there awkwardly, they stopped and looked at me.

Kronos spoke again, "We have come to the conclusion that you would be a perfect candidate, and we have never had one before. Would you become the champion of the golden age?"

I sat there, opening and closing my mouth, with no words coming out. I finally managed to bow and stutter, "I would be honored."

The council started chanting again in a language that I somehow knew was the first language, what Chaos spoke. I felt a power rush through my veins that felt pure,uncontrolled, and so random it made the ocean seem calm. It was amazing. I bowed, and the Council chanted as one, "All hail Guardian of the ancients, the power of the Orthys flows through you." The thrones shifted and a new throne, given smaller than theirs meant to house 45 foot tall people, appeared right next Kronos's. Solid black, with a scale at the head. Down the arms to the floor on the front were the symbols of pour of every Titan on the council. Everyone except Kronos left, in the same manner of glowing white light. Kronos ran a hand through his hair.

"I-I have a proposition for you. I have always wanted to have a child I could be proud of, one who would love me as much as I love them. You are still my blood, as my grandson, I would be honored if you would let me adopt you as my son."

I was shocked. I smiled quickly. If this was who he really was, then yes. I would happily be so. "Yes, dad. I would love that."

I have never seen such a wholesome, heartwarming smile in my life. He touched the insides of my wrists, and I felt a quick, sharp pain like a needle and suddenly, a scythe tattoo appeared on my left wrist, with the blade on my hand, and a small hourglass on my right. I immediately gave him a hug. Kronos flashed in his scythe, his symbol of power, and closed his eyes. Slowly but surely, an exact copy of it appeared in the air in front of me. I reached out and grabbed it. I felt a searing flash of pain shoot up my arm and into the rest of my body before I lost consciousness.


How'd I do? Comment and let me know!