"Hey, man scoot over." A vaguely familiar, male voice said. He hadn't realized it until he felt the crushing, sinking feeling in his chest that Derek had been hoping that Casey would be sliding into the booth next to him, and not an old classmate.

Especially not Truman.

Still, Derek budged over making barely enough room for Truman to make himself comfortable. "You're all dressed up." He commented, and Derek rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, just came from a wedding." Why hadn't he gone to a bar where he could order a drink, tip it back and ignore anyone trying to have a conversation with him?

"Oh, that's right. Casey was getting married today, right?"

Derek straightened, surprised that Truman knew this. "Yeah." Truman checked his watch. "How'd you know?" He didn't think that Casey, despite her penchant for remaining friends with ex-boyfriends, would have invited [i]Truman[/i] of all people to the wedding, but what did he know?

"Emily told me." Of course. "I thought the wedding was just starting, what are you doing here?"

Derek shook his head. "Weddings aren't really my thing. Too sappy for me." Truman looked like he was buying it, now if only he could convince himself. "I'm sure she only invited me out of courtesy, anyway, we're not exactly best friends, you know."

"Right," Truman said, and Derek thought maybe he wasn't buying it after all. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Why was he getting sympathetic looks from [i]Truman French[/i]? He'd really hit a low point in his life. Truman pursed his lips, shaking his head and Derek dropped his head back onto the table. Everyone but Casey knew. Except, she had to see because she could be a little oblivious sometimes, but Casey McDonald wasn't dumb.

"Huh." A hand landed on Derek's back in what, he supposed, would be a comforting gesture. "Think you need to come to terms with your feelings really quick."

Derek sat up to say something, anything that would make the other guy go away but he was already rising from the table, staring out the window. He turned, and Casey was standing in her wedding dress in the parking lot. She made eye contact with Derek and put a hand to her mouth. God, he hated tears. Still, he practically shoved Truman out of the way to go and meet her outside. "Casey..." What was he supposed to say? He didn't want to jump to any conclusions. His heart thudded in his chest, and his stomach felt like he was taking a freefall, so maybe he'd already jumped to a conclusion, but he didn't want to hear something else.

Somehow he'd forced his feet to move forward so that he was standing directly in front of her and she shoved his shoulder. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"What?" Definitely not how he had expected the conversation to go.

Casey shoved him again. "You didn't say anything. I was about to get married and you. Didn't. Say. Anything."

"Uh, Casey, it's hardly my fault that you were going to get married. You said yes."

"Derek, if I had known..." She stopped, took a deep breath and wiped at the tears on her face. "If I'd known there was a chance, that you would..." She couldn't say the words, either. Couldn't be entirely sure.

"Known what," he breathed, and she just shook her head. "If you didn't know, why didn't you get married?"

"Can we drive somewhere?" He hesitated, nodded, and walked with Casey to his car. She climbed into the passenger seat, and him into the driver's seat but he didn't make a move to start the car. "I couldn't do it, I couldn't go through with marrying him. I thought it's what I wanted, I convinced myself that it was what I wanted but when it was time to go, I just... I couldn't. They were waiting for me, and Liz, I think she volunteered to come get me, but she just said, 'there's a taxi waiting out front. Go.' like she'd expected it would happen." Casey shook her head. "And Edwin, he came with her, and he-well, they both did-said that you..." Again, she was stopping herself from finding out the truth.

He turned to look back at her. "I should have said something," he agreed. Her face broke out into a tentative smile. "Casey, I love you. I have for a long time, and if [i]I[/i] had thought that I had even half a chance with you, I would have said something a long time ago, you never would have been with whats-his-face."

"Abel," she supplied, automatically and he shook his head. "Sorry."

"You were blind." He replied.

"You were dumb."

Tentatively, Derek reached out and grabbed her hand. She let him and then intertwined their fingers together, looking at him out of the side of her eyes. "You love me," she said, gleefully.

"Yeah," he said, letting out a breath as his shoulders felt lighter than they had in years. "And you..." he hesitated, and Casey smiled.

"I love you, too."

So, yes, Casey has always wanted to get married and, maybe, she'd wanted to marry him after all.