Okay. Here's another one. This is one of my stories I actually have planned out. So hopefully it will turn out well

Chapter 3

Alec scowled and crumpled the peice of paper up in one hand. He couldn't let anyone see this. No one knew of Bane's... obsession with him and he wanted to keep it that way.

"Hey, man!" Jace ran up to him, then paused when he saw the look on his friend's face. "You found something?"

Alec cleared his throat and slipped the note in his pocket. "No. I was... just thinking."

Jace sighed and put a hand on the taller man's shoulder. "We're going to catch him. I promise."

That wasn't what Alec was worried about. Yeah, he wanted to catch Bane but... did he? If he did, this all stopped. No. He did. Of Course he did. It was his job. But then why did the thought of bringing him in... make him feel uneasy?


"Did he get it?" Ragnor asked, not looking up from his newspaper. Ragnor was an old soul. When he had come to Magnus' flat, he had immediately gone to sit in the red armchair.

Magnus smirked and dropped onto the chair opposite. Putting one leg over the other, he said. "Oh, he got it."

"How do you know?" His friend asked.

"Because I put it in a place only he would look." Magnus said, feeling proud of himself.

"How did you know he would look there?"

"Because I know him."

There was a pause and Ragnor slowly raised his head. "I'm beginning to think you're getting attached to his detective."

"Ridiculous." Magnus scoffed, waving a hand. "I was actually thinking about it and... I think we need to get rid of him."

"We?" Ragnor sneered, dropping the paper onto the side table.

"Well, yes." Magnus said, slightly annnoyed. "I won't be able to do it by myself."

Ragnor hid a laugh. "Oh." He sniggered. "Oh. And, uh, how are you planning to...get rid of him?"

Magnus paused. He had had a plan for a while now. He wasn't particularly fond of it but at least it meant he would get to talk to Alexander again. It was risky but worth it.

"I get arrested." He stated.

The look on Ragnor's face was pricless. "YOU WHAT?!"

Magnus laughed. "Calm down. Let me explain."

Ragnor raised an eyebrow, expectantly and Magnus glared at him.

"Here me out. I get arrested." Ragnor opened his mouth. "Bah bah bah bah." Magnus put his hand up. "And make sure it's by Alexander. It has to be him to interrogate me later on. Then, I say that I have infomation."

Ragnor frowned, knowing where this was going. "On what?"

"On 2nd best thief, Ragnor Fell."

"Are you out of you're mind?!" Ragnor yelled, standing up.

Magnus sighed calmly and stood up with him. "I pretend to be on their side. Give them infomation on your whereabouts, your plans. When we get to... where ever... to arrest you, you pounce."


"Yes. Pounce. I'm dramatic. You can get Morgenstern to help...help kill him."

"Why did you pause?" Ragnor whispered, crossing his arms.

Magnus looked at the floor, avoiding his accusing glare. "I didn't." He choked.

"You don't want Lightwood dead!" Ragnor accused.

"Of Course I do!" Magnus snapped. "He's a nuisance!"

Ragnor smirked slightly. "If he's such a nuisance, why go through all this. Why not turn up to his flat and shoot him in the head? You know where he lives."

"Because" Magnus started but Ragnor carried on.

"And why are you making me or Morgenstern kill him? Why can't you do it?"

Magnus swallowed and wrung his hands.

"You know I don't like killing people." He managed to say.

"That's a terrible excuse and you know it." Said Ragnor. "You've killed people before."

"Only when it's necessary." Magnus finally looked at his friend.

"This is necessary. Why are you dragging me into this? It would be so much easier if..."

"Because I want to get to know him!" Magnus yelled.

There was an awkward pause and Ragnor frowned.

"Why?" He hissed.

"I...I don't know." Was all the thief could say.

Ragnor shook his head and, sitting back on the chair, said "On your head be it. It's going to end badly."

And, deep down, Magnus knew he was right.


Alec turned the cumpled paper over in his hand. It was late and only Maia was with him. Everyone else had gone home.

"Alec." She called from her desk. "The night shift are going to get here soon. We need to leave."

Alec said nothing, staring intently at the curvy writing.


He heard Maia walking towards him an instantly stuffed the paper in his pocket.

"What are you looking at?"

"Uh, nothing." Alec smiled at her. She raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief.

"Well, come on then." She held a hand out and Alec took it. But he couldn't stop thinking about Bane.


Magnus sighed, flopped onto a chair and poured himself a drink. He was going to do it. He was going to get arrested. It was a bad idea. A terrible one. But he wanted to do it. Why? Why?! Magnus groaned and put his head in his hands. What was going on? This had never happened to him before. Something was happening to him. Something dangerous.


Alec raised his head from his hands. He was sitting upright in bed, wide awake. Bane was out there. Who knew what he was doing? What he was thinking about? Alec laughed to himself. Why was he so obsessed with this criminal? He had had hard cases before. This was no different.

Getting up, Alec took out a book. Maybe that would help. Sherlock Holmes. He loved old literature, it calmed him. Alec scoffed and got back into bed. He bet Holmes never got distracted by an attractive criminal. He was all logic, at least he tried to be. That was what Alec had to be. But something was making him lose focus. Something dangerous.