Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over '101 Dalmations' nor am I profiting from this.

Pairing(s): Anita/Cruella De Vil.

Warning(s): none.

Word Count: 100.


Cruella wipes her makeup off but never removes her newest fur creation. Her teeth and tongue taste like nicotine flavored gum and cigarettes despite her brushing them over and over again.

Anita accepts her kisses and Cruella pretends not to see her grimacing. Cruella pushes her hair from her face and clucks her tongue when she shivers.

"I could give you anything," she sighs. "I must insist that you sleep in a fur coat just once."

Cruella would give her an entire wardrobe, an entire store. But she prefers polyester and nightgowns that only smell slightly of smoke.

"I know."