This is my alternate take on my story, Shadow Of Kylo Ren. This one instead involves a certain Night Brothers clan member known as Savage Opress. I hope you guys like it. Just know that if this story gets ten reviews for this and the next chapter, I'll continue this one and put my other fic up for adoption. I'd rather avoid deleting either of these stories, if I can. Anyway, enjoy!

*I still own neither RWBY or Star Wars: The Clone Wars!*

"Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice. I'm not like you. I never was."

- Savage Opress's last words spoken to Darth Maul.

"May the Force be with you." = Normal Speech

'May the Force be with you.' = Thoughts

"May the Force be with you." = Force Apparition Speaking

"May the Force be with you." = Someone Yelling

An Arc Falls And A Sith Rises!

"Damn him…! Damn him to Hell…!" gasped Jaune.

The only son of the Arc family lay dying on the ground at the Forever Fall Forest where his team, JNPR (Juniper), and their sister team, RWBY (Ruby), had been tasked by Professor Goodwitch to collect special tree sap for another teacher at Beacon, Professor Peach. All was going well, with the exception of Nora drinking their whole supply of sap that they were supposed to be gathering, until the biggest bullies in all of Beacon Academy, team CRDL (Cardinal), threw jars of sap at them and unleashed a swarm of Rapier Wasps on them.

Jaune knew of his partner, Pyrrha, and her allergy to Rapier Wasp stings and did all in his power to distract the insects and divert their attention to himself. Unfortunately, that plan worked a little TOO WELL on the angry stinging insects.

The wasps had quickly turned their attention on Jaune and began to swarm him and sting him relentlessly. Try as he might to swat them away or slash them with his sword, there were just too many and they were too fast for him to hit. Eventually, all that venom being pumped into his system became far too much for him to handle, even with his Aura, and he fell to the ground as his muscles were fully paralyzed.

At first, he thought that he could chalk this incident up to yet another stroke of bad luck that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. But then he saw and overheard team CRDL laughing and talking about how their latest prank with the wasps was sure to show the 'loser teams' their place in the pecking order, as Cardin had said. With this knowledge, Jaune's anger began to peak through the roof as his normally ocean blue eyes began to have flecks of sickly yellow bleed in.

He cursed team CRDL. He cursed their racist beliefs, and their arrogance. He cursed their superiority complex and he just cursed their very existence in general. If he weren't about to die right now, Jaune would gladly show them just how much he's been holding back at Beacon Academy!

'Mark my words, Cardinal… Someday… You will all PAY!' Jaune mentally growled.

But as Jaune watched them leave before the wasps returned, he felt his vision blackening. His body went numb, and eventually, he lost consciousness.

*Unknown Void…*

Jaune opened his eyes and gasped as he saw that he was no longer in Forever Fall. He was in outer space! But that's impossible! Space Travel hasn't been attempted because they can't use Dust out in space!

He saw that news article. Several years ago, a few bigwig scientists for the Schnee family tried to see how Dust would affect the outer atmosphere and learned that Dust loses all of its power if it leaves the planet's atmosphere. He didn't understand any of the mumbo jumbo as to why this is, he just knows that it does.

He looked around, trying to figure out some things about this place. Like why one half of the place is black as night… why one half is bright and full of light… why in the middle, it's grey and more like twilight… and why there's a hooded apparition coming straight for him.

Wait, what was that last part?

Jaune tried to grasp his weapon to defend himself, but he found that his sword and shield were missing. He's entirely defenseless against the glowing yellow blade held by this individual.

"You've no need to fear me. Blood of my blood, it's time we met face to face." said the apparition.

"Blood of my blood? What are you talking about, and who are you?" Jaune asked.

The blade that the apparition was holding suddenly retracted back into the intricate looking hilt that he was holding. It looked kind of like a sword hilt, only it was far more cylindrical and made of wood.

"So you don't know me. How far has our family fallen that the son of my sons does not know the name of Kallig?" the apparition asked himself. "Listen and listen well, for I will not explain myself to you again. You are my descendant; by how many generations, I do not know. I am Kallig, Lord of the Sith and first of the Grey Sith."

Kallig began to pace about in front of Jaune as he explained further.

"I will explain what a Sith and a Grey Sith are when the time is right, but right now, I must tell you of our family's history. You see, before the time of the Old Republic, I was a powerful Sith Lord who practiced the use of both Light and Dark Side techniques. However, when my guard was down, I was struck down by a fellow Sith, Tulak Hord, whom I thought of as a friend. He buried me in an ancient tomb on the planet Dromund Kaas, and so I was left to be forgotten."

"Look, I don't know what a 'Sith' is or who this 'Tulak Hord' guy is, but I was never told anything about a Lord Kallig. My name is Jaune Arc, the only son of the Arc Family. We're a family of huntsmen and many great heroes were born from our bloodline." Jaune said to Kallig.

Kallig merely shrugged and chuckled at the blonde.

"I'm afraid the people who raised you have deceived you, child. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, know this: you are not an Arc. You are not even truly human. Your real bloodline was sealed; hidden away by a man who wanted to groom you into the perfect super weapon to use against his foes. But that too will be explained in due time. I must go now. When you awaken seek out the people known as the Jedi. They will teach you the ways of the Force, and open your mind to things you might not comprehend."

Having said his piece, the void began to blur and fizzle out until a bright light shone through in Jaune's vision, which meant only one thing.

He's waking up.

*Sometime Later…*

"Are you certain that this is a wise idea?" asked a man's voice.

"We can not simply leave him as he is, Obi-Wan, or he'll die from the way his body is decomposing rapidly!" said another voice.

This one sounded female, and definitely sounded mature like how Glynda sounds. Yet at the same time, the voice sounded wiser and more serene than how Glynda usually sounded. But that could just be from the stress of teaching so many rowdy teenagers and young adults.

"The venom itself was easy enough to make an antidote for, but we were unable to stop the venom's rapid breakdown of his body's flesh and organs. Right now, the kolto in that tank that's keeping him alive." said another man's voice.

This one, however, sounded far more distorted than the other two. Almost as if whoever was speaking was doing so over a radio transceiver.

"I understand this, master Windu, but I'm still slightly opposed to this idea. Going to the Nightsisters to ask for their assistance in restoring this boy is very risky. In doing so, we risk this young man falling prey to their dark magic and becoming an acolyte of the Dark Side." said the voice that was called Obi-Wan.

'Nightsisters…? Dark Side? What the heck are they talking about?' Jaune thought to himself.

He desperately wanted to understand what was going on. See who was talking, but his whole body felt numb and he couldn't open his eyes. Try as he might, his eyes just refused to open up. It almost felt like they were glued shut, if that's even possible. But then Jaune remembered what that apparition told him about his situation.

'That's right… The Jedi Republic sent some of their warriors to find me and bring me to Dathomir where I'll be reborn in a new body. But how do I know that?' Jaune mentally asked himself before mentally adding 'Those Rapier Wasps really did a number on me, and now their fatal toxin is destroying every cell in my body at an alarming rate. I'm just lucky enough that the Force is helping me to stay alive the way I am, even while I'm in this Kolto Tank.'

Jaune wanted to try and stretch out his senses with the Force, like that apparition said he could, but at this point he didn't know how to do so. So, he resolved to just listen in on their conversation while he still can.

"Can Mother Talzin really be trusted?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Whether or not she can be trusted doesn't matter right now. What matters is getting this young man healed so that we can see just how Force Sensitive he really is." Windu replied. "Shaak Ti, have you gotten any results from the blood test yet?"

"I'm afraid the results are still inconclusive right now, Mace. Until we get him fully healed, I doubt I'll be able to get a definitive count on his Midichlorians. For now, we should focus on getting to Dathomir and meeting with their healers." the now named Shaak Ti reported/suggested.

Jaune could feel the two nod in agreement before everything went silent. He felt himself slipping out of consciousness again and decided to sleep off the trip. Better to sleep than to remain awake and floating in a vat of who-knows-what.

And sleep he did.

*To Be Continued…*

So, what do you guys think of the chapter? Did you like it? What do you all think of the idea so far? Do you think I should modify Savage's original Lightsaber so that it can turn into two separate sabers, or should I keep it as a classic Saberstaff? Read on and leave reviews so I can make this story great. Remember, if each chapter that I post gets ten reviews, I'll continue this one and maybe put the other up for adoption. See you all next time! (I hope…)