Author Note:


Chapter 4:

Above the heavens of the Boston common. The sky is dimly orange, and the sun is setting down in the horizon while the moon is preparing to rise. Below, this sunset. The ranger, the moth girl, and the sole survivor strolling along the pathways of the park of Boston Common.

"Park street station is just ahead. Let's proceed with caution." Nora said with her stern eyes, and with her assault rifle ready.

As they proceed, the ranger can feel the moth girl is sticking too much against him, and making him feel uncomfortable.

"Yu Yan, you are sticking too much against me." Malik complain.

"What!? you want me to leave you so, you can ran away, and secretly flirt with other woman again" Yu Yan reply in annoyance while she pouted rosy her cheeks.

"So, Yu Yan. you are still angry of me. ha..." Malik said in bitter tone while he look down in the ground in downcast.

The moth girl glance on the ranger trouble face, and she giggle on her own amusement. Then, she slide her hand under his arm, and she affectionately cling into his arm.

"Malik, You silly~ . I am just joking, don't you remember what i said before?" Yu Yan said with a smile, and she rubbing her puffy cheeks against his arm while her feather antennae is fidgeting. "Remember, that i said i forgive you already~ "

"Oh, yeah i remember! You did forgive me" The ranger said, and smack his steel helmet.

"Shì(yes), good thing you remember. You Chóumì (Dense), but" The moth girl reply with a charming smile. Then, her red eyes suddenly turn darkly, and her charming smile suddenly change into sinister smile. "I do hope you remember not to leave me alone, and secretly flirt with other girls again, Malik."

"Yes, Madam. I-I will never forget that." The ranger quickly reply in fear, and he feel shiver run up through his spine.

Yu Yan lips bend up into sweet smile as she feel please to hear the ranger response. "Of course, you will~"

Malik glance up above the sky, and sigh in exhaustion, and from there he remember all the tiring things happened before it come to this troublesome situation.

'Dugout inn, the Past'

"you left me alone, so you can secretly flirt with this woman." Yu Yan said with grimly tone, and her flaming eyes glare at the guilty ranger.

"N-No." Malik said in panic while he is sweating nervously. "I am not here to flirt or anything. I am here to take the job she offered to me!"

"Well, If you are here for the job then why you have to leave me alone, and secretly meet with her. I thought we are partner" the moth girl reply, and she was not convince of his excuse.

"W-well, b-because you are too busy talking with your friends, and i think it's rude to bother you." Malik answer anxiously.

"zhēnde ma?(really?)" Yu Yan said, and she smashed her fist against her palm, and she start cracking her knuckles.

Malik shriek in fear when he hear the cracking sound coming from her knuckles.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Nora chimed in with her brow raise.

"I am his companion!" Yu Yan scowl at the vault woman while her red eyes flare up like scorching sun, and glare at her. "If you want to take him as your travelling companion. I am afraid to tell you that he is already taken, and he is travelling with me."

"Hmm. i think their is a misunderstanding here." Nora calmly reply as she understood the situation, and stroke her chin. "I am sorry, Malik. I did not know that you have a girlfriend travelling with you."

"Girlfriend!?" the moth girl, and the ranger said in unison with their jaw drop.

"What, you guys are not having a relationship?" Nora asked while she tilt her head to the side.

Yu Yan rosy cheeks heat up like a fire while she try to hide her blushing cheeks, and she mumble "W-well, we j-just m-met r-recently. So, i think it's-too early to become his Nǚ péngyǒu (girlfriend). A-Although i don't mind if he want me to b-become his Nǚ péngyǒu (girlfriend) this earl-"

"Nah, we don't have that kind of relationship. We are just friend." Malik answer honestly while he wave his hand in denial.

"S-Shì! (Y-Yes!), we are just friends!" Yu Yan reply while she glare at Malik, and pout her rosy cheek while there is a single tear slide down from her eyelid.

"Is that so….." Nora said while she raise her brow, and composed herself. "Anyway, i am really sorry for this misunderstanding development. I invited Malik because i am here to offer a job. If only i knew that Malik has companion i would also invite you too."

Malik chimed in. "see i told you th-"

Yu Yan shot a glare at Malik which made him shriek in fear, and shut himself up.

"Anyway, if you are here to offer a job why you have to invite him into such an seclusion place." Moth girl said, and she eyeing the vault woman with suspicion. "You could just said it in front of us."

"Yeah…about that" Nora said, and she sheepishly smile. "You see, i have a certain reputation in the commonwealth that can attract a lot of unwanted attention. And i am trying to avoid that. So, i decide to invite him into this seclusion place just to have a private conversation."

"Hmmm…..alright, i let it pass this time." the moth girl got convince, but she still doubt the sole survivor words.

Then, Yu Yan glare at Malik, and said with tone of authority. "Malik. Next time you decide to go on your own. Please tell it to me before you go. Remember we are partner, and we have to work together."

"Yes, you are right. I learned my lesson, Yu." Malik apologize as he look straight to her ruby eyes. "You see i used to travel, and work alone before, and going on my own is kinda a habit of me to do that, but now i am a travelling with a companion. Thus, i should be discouraged that habit, and i be more encourage the habit to cooperate with, i am Sorry, i should not leave you like that. Now, Yu will you forgive me?"

"Well, it's our first day of travelling together. So, i think it's normal for this to happen…" Yu Yan muttered while she twirling her white hair. Then, she glance at ranger, and her lips curved up into sweet smile, and she said. "Shì (yes), I forgive you."

"Really!?, oh God Thank yo-"

"buuut…." The moth girl reply in grimly tone while her sweet smile is still intact, and she cracking her knuckles. "You have to remember there will be no next time. Okay~ "

"Y-Yes, M-Madam. I won't do it again." Malik reply quickly in fear while he realize that how scary she is when she get pissed off. So, he remind himself not to do something stupid that will make her angry again in the future.

The vault woman cough to get their attention, and said with her one eye open. "so, are you guys is still interested to help me in my mission."

"Yes i do, if my partner is interested." Malik reply while he glance at his partner.

"Lǎo lǎoshí shí (Honestly), what is this job are you talking about?" Yu Yan asked in curiosity.

Nora gather her thoughts, and then she reply in a serious tone. "The job is to rescue the private detective name Nick Valentine."

"Nick Valentine….." Yu Yan said while her feathery antennae perk up, and recognize the name.

"Nora, where is this Nick Valentine of yours?" Ranger asked kindly. "Also, How he got kidnapped?"

"His assistant told me that Nick Valentine is tracking a certain woman that got kidnap by the gang leader name skinny Malone. Well, he track her down into their hideout in the park street station, and he never come back for weeks. The assistant led to believe that he got captured by the gangs, and held captive into that station. Also, their is an old vault there. So, I believe the vault is the place where we will found the detective." Nora explain while she steeple her hand together. "The problem is, I heard that place is heavily guarded by Triggermen, and that is why i am looking for someone who can help me to storm that place."

"Did you check how many men in there?" He asked.

"I tried, but i can't get a good look deeply inside because there are lot of men guarding the entrance. And it's too dangerous for me to go there alone."

"May I know why you are risking your life to save this stranger?" Yu Yan asked with her straightforward eyes

Nora glance at the moth girl with her bitter looks as she remember the reason why she desperately looking for this detective. "Y-you see, my love one is missing, and i am desperately looking for my… missing child. Which is why i am trying to save this detective because he is the only hope i have to find my…..missing child."

"Wǒ míngbái….. (I see…)." Yu Yan muttered, and she glance at Nora with her sympathetic eyes. "I will help you to rescue this man."

The ranger, and the sole survivor glance at the moth girl with their eye wide.

"I thought you dislike me before.." Nora said with his brow raise.

"Yěxǔ (maybe), but hearing that you have a missing child make it hard for me to turn away." Yu Yan reply with her doleful eyes while she felt ache in her chest "You see, I am also searching for my missing sisters. So, I know how it feel to lose someone you love. That is why i decide that if we help together we might be able to find our love ones."

"You too, huh." The sole survivor said, and she look away with a woeful eyes, and muttered in bitter tone. "I guess it's not just only me who are victim of this cruel world."

Then, Nora stood up, and smile in gratitude. "Thank you for deciding to help me."

"Thank us later, once we finish the job." Malik said with a smile on his lips.

"Also, i will help you in one condition.." The moth girl said while she walk towards Malik, and she pull him up from his couch, and she affectionately cling to his arm.

"You are not allowed to take him for yourself. He is mine!" Yu Yan said while she narrowed her ruby eyes, and pout her puffy cheeks.

"Well, for the record we are already a travelling partners so, i am not going nowhere, and i be always stick with you." the ranger reply, and raise his index finger up in the air.

"Méiyǒu! (No!), i was not talking about th-...Muuuuuuu" The moth girl reply in annoyance. Then, she look away in frustration, and pout her rosy cheeks. " Wǒ bùnéng xiāngxìn zhège rén de tóuxiàng yánshí yīyàng hòu. (I can't believe this guy's head is thick as a rock.)"

The sole survivor giggle in amusement, and said. "Don't worry i won't take your friend. Also, I don't think that i can move on that easily, and make a new relationship with other men."

"So, when do we go?" Malik asked

"We leave at Sunset" Nora reply with her stern eyes.



The ranger's party stood in front of the small cemented structure that lead to the subway entrance.

"The entrance will be heavily defended by skinny Malone gangs." Nora said while she pull out her assault rifle, and turn off its safety. "Malik, and Yu Yan are you all ready?"

Yu Yan, and Malik nod in agreement. Then, the ranger pull out his Chinese assault rifle, and the moth girl take out her dual plasma pistol.

"Mind i take the point?" the ranger requested while his red visor flare up like a blazing fire.

"Well, you asked for it. So, you take point." the vault dweller agreed.

"Alright let's do this" Malik reply while he pull up his weapon in the air.

The ranger gently push the door open, and they all step inside. Then, they all crouch down, and creep their way down through the subway escalator. Then, they all hide behind cover of the entrance of the first room. Strangely, they hear no sound from the other side of the room.

"It's sounds quiet, and feels empty." The ranger whisper as he try to listen carefully from any sound he can find from other side. "Are you sure it's heavily defended?"

"I am sure." Nora reply quickly while she narrowed her eyes. "Last time i was here hiding in this spot. I can hear several voices, and shadows from the other side of the room."

The ranger glance at the vault dweller with doubt. Then, he asked the moth girl. "You hear anything?"

"Méiyǒu (no), i don't hear anything." Yu Yan shook her head, but her feathery antennae fidget when she smell something familiar. "But, I can smell the blood, and gunpowder on the other side of the room."

"What?" the ranger reply in disbelief. Then, he quickly step out from his cover, and his jaw drop when he saw the room. "Christ, what happen here?"

The moth girl, and the vault dweller look each other in confusion. Then, they too step out from their cover, and both check the room.

"Jesus, it's a damn bloodbath!" Nora muttered, and she was surprise from the sight of the room.

Before them is the corpses of triggermen littered all over the room. Also, the wall, and the floor is covered of bullet holes, and shrapnels. After, they observed the room. They all went inside, and investigate the incident.

The moth girl went to check one of the corpse of the triggermen. Then, she see a familiar cut on the corpse chest. From what she observed it's not a cut from the blade. It's looks like a cut made from the claws.

"The body is still warm. This is just recent." The ranger said as he observed the corpse that covered in bullet holes. "Looks like we are not the only one who is searching for the detective."

"Damn it! Let's go find that detective before someone does" Nora clicked her tongue in frustration while she hurriedly went down to the stair that lead to the platform. Then, the ranger, and the moth girl also follow after her.

Once, they reach the subway platform. As expected the subway is already cleared out by someone, and the subway is nothing, but a littered of corpses. As they observed the platform they heard a faint sound of gunshot, and explosion just in the tunnel to their right.

"That's sound?" the ranger said while he glance around. "the sounds is just near from our position, and its coming from that tunnel. Let's go, we can still catch up with that culprit!"

The vault dweller, and the moth girl nod in agreement as they ready up their weapon. Then, they ran their way through the tunnel with caution.

Once, they reach the end of the tunnel. The sound of gunfight just fell into a silent. So, they crouch down, and creep their way through the yellow old excavator, and they take cover behind that vehicle. Then, as they hide behind the excavator they can hear a sound of single pistol echo throughout the tunnel. The ranger peek behind the cover, and their he can see the back of the strange person, and this single person is executing the last remaining of the bleeding triggermens.

"What do you see?" Nora asked in curiosity.

"I see a single person executing the last remaining strugglers." Malik reply.

"Wait, a single person manage to take out the whole gang by himself?" The sole survivor mumble in disbelief, and squinted her eyes.

"Anyway, the person does not know we are here. So, i think we can surprise the guy, surround him, and force him to surrender." The ranger said with confidence.

"Shì (yes), if we capture him we might be able to interrogate him, and find out what he is doing here." Yu Yan reply as she agreed to the ranger plan.

"Ok, are you guys ready?" Malik asked while he glance at the girls. The moth girl, and the vault dweller nod in confidence, and ready their weapons. Then, the ranger begun to count. "3...2..and 1!"

They burst out from their hiding spot, and surround the person, and aim their weapons to that person.

"YOU'RE SURROUNDED, DROP YOUR WEAPONS NOW!" the ranger shout in tone of authority as he aim his rifle to that strange person.

In response, the strange person got startle, and she turn around to face them with a panic linger on her face. Although, the ranger, and the vault dweller eyes wide up, and their jaw drop in surprise when they see the whole appearance of this strange creature standing in front of them

This strange creature is female. She has slender body, 'D' cup bust, and her skin color is peach. She has a long messy hair, and a side swept hair bang. Also, the color of her hair is golden-yellow, and her hair is marked by several black spots. Also, she wears a dark green chinese jumpsuit, an ammo chest rig, MKV11 dark green cape, an alcohol bottle gourd hang in her waist, and she has the famous hammer, and sickle communist armband. Plus, she wear a flat conic type hat called 'nirayama jingasa hat', and it has a red feather tail on the top of her hat. Also, she has marksman 50. cal sniper slung over her shoulder, and she is holding a automatic 10mm pistol. And what make this woman special is that she is not human. She has a physical trait of a Serval cat. She has a large feline ears that is exposed through her hat, and a long black-tipped tail. Also, she has an iris of a cat, and the color of her eyes is dark gold.

"S-Shifu!? (Master!?)" Yu Yan said in her surprise, and she lower her dual plasma pistol when she recognize the feline girl in front of her.

"Yú Yàn, shì nǐ ma? (Yu Yan, is that you?)" the feline girl said with her eye wide, and jaw drop as she recognize the moth girl.

To be continue~


Woohoo!, a break through chapter. I thought i be stuck at chapter 3 again, well i am glad i didn't. Anyway, I hope you guys still having fun reading this series of mine, and i be happy to release more. Also, Oracle14 thank you for your review, and i be honest your review made me smile, and laugh until my side hurts. Well, I am not ashamed to admit that this story is pretty weeb, and i aim to stay it like that. Also, looks like we have a new character that been introduce in this series. She is not only a mutant, but she is also a Chinese communist, what!?. Well let's see in the next chapter who are really is Yu Yan, and the feline girl truly are…..well, see you guys in the next chapters!