A Letter to Pastor Sherman
December 17, 1968
Dear Pastor Alex Sherman,
I know the last time we talked to each other, I said terrible things to you. I know I messed up and I just wanted to apologize to you. I've been in Vietnam for years now, and the things you told me about how the world can become a dark place when men have an excuse to sin; I've come to understand what you meant when you told me that.
I have seen men act like animals, atrocities beyond your worse nightmares, and suffering beyond my own comprehension. It's terrible, it truly is, and now I'm supposed to lead over a quarter of a hundred men through all of this. I need guidance, father, I need help.
Today, especially, I saw a terrible sight. It was a village, which had been burned to the ground by what I can only assume was the work Satan himself. There was all but one survivor, a young girl in a well amongst all the destruction and horror.
I know you probably don't care about me anymore, considering what I said to you, but please. I need you, I need faith, now more than ever. So please, write back to me as soon as you can.
Martin Marlowe