This is gonna be a Suits fanfic. It's a multi-chapter ABC challenge

Asphyxiation, Blunt Force, Cardiac Tamponade, Endocarditis, Gunshot, Head Injury, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Jaw Pain, Knee Cap Dislocation, Blue Lips, Myocardial Infarction, Nightmares, Olecranal, Perforated Eardrum, Quitting Smoking, Ribs, Scars, Toothbrushes, Vomiting, Wasp Sting, Xerostomia

Yelling, Zopiclone

Any of the letters I have left out are open for suggestions until I can come up with them

A is for Asphyxiation

Harvey Specter has a thing for ties. They're armor. Wrapped snugly around his neck, a constant reminder of his mortality and his invincibility, there is no room for the hands of an angered client or anyone else for that matter. Or at least, that's what Harvey had always thought because to put words to it would suggest that it was not a fact and if there's one thing that Harvey doesn't do it's put blind faith into things.

Too bad he's wrong. He's lost and he doesn't lose. Except as this big ogre, with his meaty fingers wrapped tight around Harvey's throat and a sickening joy in his eyes tightens his fist Harvey sees nothing but black and he knows that there is absolutely no way you could call this anything but losing.

As far back as he can remember, which isn't that far because his body is more focused on trying not to die than what Mike is doing, Mike had said he'd be right back after his phone cut Harvey off mid-lecture. Along with the overwhelming feeling of tiredness, Harvey feels a surge of anger. Mike never learns with that idiot Trevor. He just keeps pulling Mike back to him, making the kid run around all so that Trevor can just let him down all over again.

As the hand tightens again, which seemed impossible, Harvey feels himself slipping. As his vision starts to blacken, he sees the idiot that he calls- He'd called Mike kid. He's fond of him. Harvey shudders at the thought, he'll blame it on the lack of oxygen getting to his brain.

"Hey!" Mike rounds the corner, both of his skinny arms raised above his head as he holds a wooden crate. He brings it down on the ogre's head making him release Harvey's neck and thus resulting in Harvey falling to the ground, his legs unable to support his weight.

The ogre turns to face Mike but finds three police officers where he had been standing. They stand in a line, weapons drawn and shouting at the man to 'get on your knees'.

Mike falls to his mentor's side, gently tugging at Harvey's suit jacket. "Harvey? Harvey, can you hear me?"

Harvey wants to answer Mike, he really does. He wants to tell the kid to shove off, give him some space but he is just having trouble getting his lungs to work. It's like the air is getting stuck in his mouth and never getting to his lungs.

"Donna's gonna kill me," Mike mumbles, as takes in Harvey's face. The ogre had gotten a good couple of punches before pushing Harvey against the wall and judging from the red swell of Harvey's right hand, he had gotten in a few good shots of his own. If Mike had been here… Harvey wouldn't be like this.

The kid's bleeding heart was usually the source of Harvey's annoyance and amusement, as of now, it's the source of the burning feeling all over his body. "She is," his voice sounds like it's being squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste that's already been squeezed dry.

Mike waits for Harvey to do something, anything so that he knows that he can touch or comfort his mentor. Harvey never gives him anything.

Instead, Harvey flashes Mike a smile, the scar at the corner of his mouth drawing up even higher. He pushes his arms underneath himself and has his feet underneath himself as if nothing ever happened. "Pleasure doing business with you gentlemen," it's a good thing that the men who hired the ogre were getting into a pretty heated argument just outside the alley where Harvey was quite literally being held because it drove the police over. Thus saving everyone's ass'.

It's just at the end of the alley, only seven steps from the spot where the ogre is being cuffed that Harvey sways. Mike jumps at the sudden contact his mentor makes as Harvey puts a hand on Mike's shoulder.

"Harvey?" Mike returns the gesture by putting both of his own hands on his mentor's shoulders. Worry etched into every move he's making.

Harvey glances up at Mike and just as he passes out he makes sure Mike hears him mumble," Donna's gonna kick your ass." And that all he has left to fight with. So with that, all of Harvey Specter's' 175 pounds, six-foot-long body falls into Mike's smaller arms.

"What was that for?" The voice is hard, accusing and so very annoying. Definitely Mike.

"Oh, so you get to get him hurt, let him pass out, and now you just think you're gonna sleep?" This voice is mad, pissed is a better word for it. "If I have to sit here and freak out, then so do you." Donna. God, he loves this woman.

"So you had to smack me?" Harvey can only imagine the pouting look that Mike must be sporting.

Donna scoffs, Harvey feels his hand being moved," what do you think Harvey would tell you? Do you think he'd pity your sob story?"

Harvey cracks an eye open to that, going unseen by both his visitors. "He most certainly would not."

He wouldn't say that Donna and Mike are the only people he has to love left but they both know he wouldn't say it even if it wasn't true.

As both, his visitors rise to their feet Harvey chooses to ignore the warmth of Donna's hand being pulled away.

"Harvey." Mike's up from his visitor's chair, coming to the side of the bed. Harvey fears that Mike actually hug him.

"Where's my suit?" Harvey fingers the rough material of the gown and sends a disgusted look to Donna.

"They cut it off of you," Mike whispers, his blue eyes drifting to the ground in shame. "I managed to save your tie and suit jacket."

Harvey's eyes comically bug out of his head, but it's not that funny when you see the nasty bruise around his throat. "What? Mike, the jacket's no good to me without the vest and pants. They're a set, collect-"

"I know. I know," Mike puffs. "They're a three-piece and you can't break sets up."

Harvey shakes his head and glances to Donna still standing just to his right.

"But you're okay?" Mike asks, a kicked puppy look hidden in teary blue eyes. "Now at least?"

Harvey scuffs, his mouth always getting ahead of his brain," no thanks to you." That kicked puppy only gets worse and Harvey finds himself tripping over his own tongue. "I didn't mean it like that, kid. I'm-I'm.."

Mike looks at his mentor with surprise written across his head but guilt in his eyes. Is Harvey about to say he's sorry?

Harvey lets out a lung full of air and looks Mike square in the eyes," Mike, I didn't mean that and I'm...I'm sorry."

Mike grins wide, making Harvey's mood flat line," Harvey Specter just apologized. Donna, I thought they said that there was no brain damage. Je-"

Harvey shakes his head," no. No. No, done. We're done."

This kid is gonna be the death of him… in one sense or another.