Shit... Shit..

Natsu ran immediately to the bedroom where a blonde is asleep comfortably with only silk thin nightgown on her, making her pale skin shine inside the dim room.

"This is bad- real bad- Wake up." Natsu touched her arm and nudged it enough for her to wake from her slumber and she sat up at the head of the bed, confused. "You have to get out of here- fast." Saving time for explanations, Natsu took his robes and draped it around her, while taking the sheets covering the rest of her body away. "What- what time is it?" Natsu held both her arms and looked at her with eyes full of concern. He sighed and tried to remain calm so that he wouldn't scare her or cause any panic on her sleepy face, "Your guy's outside the door." But his calm words only caused her nothing and she stood up and walked in circles with her palms on her head, "Shit. What- what should I do? I'm dead as soon as he sees me." Lucy bit her lip and palmed her face, trying to cover her face full of regrets.

Natsu groaned and muttered fuck under his breath although he already had considered a way for them not to be caught in such an act. He turned to the window and slid the curtains to the side that the early morning sunrise spread its orange tinge inside the room- to Natsu's face. He signalled Lucy to come where he stood and she took light but fast steps to reach him.

"Okay. The windows has a sort of balcony in this building right? So listen- here's what you're going to do." Natsu mumbled away the plan he's thought of but Lucy couldn't help but notice the color on his face. She has never seen such a pretty sight. Then and there, she felt such shame not to notice the detailed looks of the man she's been "fucking"- Not just that but she's also pissed with herself that she dragged him into this trouble with her boyfriend because of her recklessness and even with the circumstances, he's still finding a way for her to get away with her sins scot free.

"Hey! Listen to me- jesus fuck. We don't have much time. Come here." Lucy's thoughts and observations are hindered when a pair of strong hands lifted her up her feet effortlessly- carrying her to the other side of the window where there's still concrete to place her feet on. Not much space and barricade that you could see the beautiful skyline and the little smog of the city and how perfect the sun rising beyond the horizon was or the colourings that was given off by it little by little- it's as if she just started feeling something inside of her that kindled a sort of childlike happiness when shown little details that feeds curiosity. She then looked at Natsu to hear what she will do next, "this window's the nearest to the fire escape that connects to the rooftop. You can either go there or straight down. I can get you up there by boosting you up now get your foot here." Natsu climbed beside her on the little makeshift of a balcony and went to his knees, putting his hands together to make a flat leverage. Lucy smiled, still with concern, and went down to his level. He got confused and was about to tell it otherwise but she didn't waste a split second for him to speak and just kissed him on the forehead that it took him by surprise. A surprise to him because never once in their interactions that she was the first to initiate a kiss. Let alone on the forehead that shows more of respectful reasons rather than just lust. "I'm sorry" Lucy smiled at him and Natsu knew of its honesty. The light from the sun rising shone on her eyes and the clumping tears laying just above her lower eyelids reflected to show her genuine feelings. She stepped on the leverage he offered and grabbed hold of the metal bar just above her head and pulled herself up with the help of Natsu's hands. Lucy successfully climbed upwards to get to the steps leading to the rooftop and Natsu climbed back to the door where the knocking pounded more violently than it did before, and without hesitation he opened it to show a pissed off looking guy in his 30s, wearing glasses and with hair of a ginger.

He looked at Natsu with menace and scanned the vicinity behind him. "Looking for something?" Natsu asked with provocation, "She's been coming here, hasn't she?" The stranger asked, crossing his arms while standing on Natsu's doorway, "I've had lots of 'she's' come in here, figuratively and literally. Don't go busting in here if you don't have anything to discuss with me aside that." The guy glared at Natsu and gritted his teeth to show that he's not buying the excuse he was making, "So what took you so long to open the goddamn door then?" Looking for an answer, movements of a furry creature rubbed on Natsu's right leg, purring itself to show affection to its owner, "I was feeding my cat." And everything went silent.

It seemed that it was a satisfactory reason enough for him to leave and as he was going to do so, Lucy walked from the end of the hall upto her boyfriend and Natsu tried his best not to look as if something ever happened- and it was a great pain in the ass since the rush of adrenaline was still there and is not going to go anytime soon.

She took him by his arm and led him away to the elevator, and as the couple went on their way, Natsu couldn't help but feel the slight pang in his chest when he's seeing the girl he's been in love with holding another man aside him. He groaned in annoyance and scratched the back of his neck and he slid inside his apartment once again and walked to the kitchen area to grab a packaged food for his cat who's been signalling non stop to him, wanting to be fed.

He poured the cat food on the bowl painted blue, with the name 'Happy' traced outside it in bad handwriting and Natsu smiled petting the head of his cat.

This morning was the most different one that's happened. He doesn't think that he'll be seeing any more of her soon for months or years on end. He walked back to his bed where his shirt still lay cold from the cool wind brought upon by the open window and he opened the little drawer beside his bed to get his tin of cigarettes.

He was about to light up a stick that promises to lessen any stress he was under when a soft hand came knocking on his door.

The familiar soft knocking he's grown accustomed of when a certain woman in need of sexual relief comes to his aide.

His heart skipped a beat and he threw aside the cigarette trying to make sense out of the sound that he'd just heard as it seemed unlikely to be real. Natsu stood up and tried to wait if the knocking will stop. He was sure enough that he needs proof that it was really happening and it went silent.

Natsu bit his lip and palmed his face. He's gone crazy for this woman that he wouldn't even doubt if his affection has started playing with his head.

Just moments before he was helping her get away from the trouble of cheating her man and eventhough Natsu's been aware of the act that they've been doing for months; how selfish it was- how selfish she was not to consider what he was feeling, it still felt righteous.

She's been in a toxic relationship for years that she needed an escape. Their first meeting when she was just moving in and needed a hand in carrying her items into her apartment- how Natsu was there in the nick of time to help. It didn't seem wrong at all if you fell in love right then and there.

She was different and Natsu couldn't blame himself if he did fell for her. It was only the circumstances the most difficult. Having sex in different nights after some fights with her boyfriend, or just plain lonely nights that only the two of them could withstand by being at each other's presence.

Thinking about this, Natsu was on the verge of tears, slowly placing one step after another leading to the door. He bit his lip and turned the knob to unlock it and he took a step backwards to allow the door to open.

He snivelled at the presence of the woman that took his heart and Lucy just smiled whilst covering the swelling part beside her pink lips, "I forgot to return this." Natsu noticed that she was still in his robes and he quickly flung to embrace her. Lucy whimpered silently and returned his embrace. The two of them went inside his apartment and closed the door behind them, "I'm really sorry. I'm sorry-" Her voice, shaky and in sobbing made Natsu place his hand on her hair and caress it softly.

He looked at her face and saw the uncovered swelling on her face. An obvious fact that she's done something that made her boyfriend hurt her minutes before.

"What happened?" Natsu gently placed his hand on her cheek, carefully stroking his thumb across it.

"I want to make things right." And Lucy held the hand stroking her cheek and laid her head on it. The two gazed in each other's eyes and Natsu knew what it meant. He smiled in joy and kissed her forehead.

"It means you're finally mine."

The space between them minimised until they felt their warmth and finally closing the gap to kiss. The long- awaited kiss, carrying with it passion from each other.

Their hands traced each other's bodies passionately.

It wasn't just for sex anymore. The pain he feels will finally be gone- so are her regrets.

And there won't be anymore cigarettes to be lit after.

A/N: lmao finally finished this. The whole time I've been writing I was just playing B.P Valenzuela's Minimize. It's such a pretty song that it inspired this last chapter. Hope you liked it and leave your comments to let me know what you think ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)( _ゝ)