Knightly Complex

-Chapter 1-

Lost in the Forest

Author's note: This fanfiction uses some of the characters and storyline from the original source, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright game, but may or may not strictly follow its formula. Depending on the author of this fanfiction's preference (that's me), there may or may not be characters or storyline that will show up here. Anyway, without any further ado, hope you will enjoy!

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*

A soothing and warm feeling draws onto my cheeks as the sunlight welcomes me into a familiar embrace. So warm and yet, also comfortable.

*chirp* *chiiiiiiiiiirp*

Ah yes, and the sound of mother nature's song continues its rhythm.

*clank klang*

*clank klang* *clank klang* *clank klang*

'clang klang'? The heavy metal sound jolts my eyelids wide open from my deep slumber. I look around to see nothing but only trees and grass. Panic starts to set in with the realization of being in an unfamiliar setting.

*clang klang*

The noise continues to echo from far away.

Hoping to find help, my legs begin to trail after the source of this noise. The grass underneath my feet gradually fades into its former dirt self and later turning into hard, solid stone.

As I draw closer, other noises start to form ahead of me. Laughter, chattering, and music. I begin to feel slightly more relieved of the idea that I wasn't just stranded in the middle of an unknown forest. But little did I know, this feeling of relief would soon pass away, when I finally took a closer look at the town in front of me. Something was amiss. Grabbing me by surprise, I realize that both the designs of the buildings and the clothes that the citizens wore were none other than that of a medieval European style. All of the women walking by wore long gowns that covered down to at least their knees. The men, on the other hand, varied from tunics and trousers to shiny metal armors.

A few people walking by had stopped to stare at me. Other than seeing my new and unfamiliar face, my turtleneck long sleeved top, high waisted jeans and blue jacket that I was wearing must have caught their attention.

*clang klank* One of the soldiers who were on surveillance duty, makes his way towards me. The medieval and steel armor he was wearing covered almost every inch of his body, producing an echoed metallic noise with each step forward.

"State your presence, Stranger!" he suddenly calls out to me.

Surprised by the tone of his voice, I respond, "W-whoa..? Look, I think there's some kind of mistake. I'm not looking for any trouble."

The man stares at me blankly, unsatisfied with my statement, he says, "Give me your name and address. A suspicious figure such as yourself should at least answer that."

"Suspicious?! How am I-?" I glance at the heavy blade that was tucked to his side and stop midway through my question before realizing that I might have been overstepping my boundaries. "...My name is Minah. Minah Lee. I just recently moved to London after living in America for awhile."

The metal armored soldier continues to stare at me suspiciously, "And where is this...London and America that you speak of, at?"

Now it was my turn to eye at him suspiciously, "What do you mean where? Aren't we in London?"

The stoic man finally drops his rigid tone and starts blasting an annoyingly loud laughter, "-HA-HAA-HAAAAAAAA! To think...I thought you were someone who would be suspicious. But...I see that you are just only a lost and crazed little kitten!"

Feeling agitated and annoyed, I continue to pester him, "If this isn't London, then where are we?!"

The man in front of me gradually tries to calm himself down, "Why, where else would this be other than Labyrinthia, Miss?"

Laby-, what?

Hi everyone, Author here!

I know its been awhile since the game came out, but I just recently bought it and started playing on it. As I was playing, I fell in love with the character, Inquisitor Barnham, and was hoping to find some stories about him on fanfiction. Unfortunately, to my disappointment, there was only a few on the list. And so, I decided to write a story about him, myself.

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. I finished chapter 2 already and I'm currently working on chapter 3 as of now.