Sup! I came up with this idea a while ago but someone beat me to it and got a chapter ahead...Oh well what can you do? I'm also working on a Dauntless Deku oneshot that is frustrating me because I know it'll be a long one and I have so many ideas that it's hard to choose which one to settle on. Oh well whatever. T for now, probably go M later for the freedom it allows. Read Enjoy review!
I don't own, MHA/BnHA
"Pretty cool, huh?" Mina Ashido, a pink skinned girl with pink hair, yellow horns, black eyes and gold like irises said spreading her arms out as she showed off her hero costume. It was basically a unitard with neon purple and turquoise camo patterns that's paired with a very short beige jacket with three black buttons on it and a white fur collar that in no way appears like it was ever meant to close or button up. She also wore matching beige boots with a dull purple center.
"Well I mean it's amazing but I don't know about that pattern," Kaminari said while rubbing the back of his head with a slight blush. He had blond hair with black bolt like streak running through his left side. He wore a black shiny jacket that wasn't zipped with white lighting patterns and paired it with an equally black and shiny pair of pants with a white stripe running through each leg, and he wore a headset with the antenna visible on the right side of his head
"It suits you!" Kirishima said with toothy smile that was as sharp as his red spiky hair and a thumbs up. His costume consisted of bright red shoulder pads that resembled gears, chest left bare with a bright red skinny torn up cloth running from his left shoulder pad, down diagonally to his torn-up-looking red skirt with a big R where a belt buckle would be. Beneath his skirt was a pair of dark grey pants and a pair of maroon boots that looked ribbed at the neck.
"Yeah, I agree with both of them," Jirou said with her arms crossed, she had short dark asymmetrical hair and her onyx eye were sorta triangle-ish and her earlobes looked like earphone jacks. "But the colors you picked looks like your trying to be a piece of candy or something." Jirou's costume was cool in a punk fashion rather than heroic one, she wore a black jacket open with a peach colored shirt underneath that draped a few inches below her waist. The shirt had fashionable tears near her collarbone and near her waist, the later revealing her black pants. She also wore boots that had stereos on them. Another thing about her is that for some reason she has a red triangle beneath each eye that she made with makeup.
These three, plus Asui, were pretty much the people Mina clicked with right away. Jirou just had this vibe of being a rocker, or at least an avid music enthusiast, and Kaminari was pretty much as outgoing as she was. Kirishima was someone she recognised from her middle school and she was both surprised at how he changed and overjoyed that she would at least know somebody in U.A.. Asui was a little weird to get to know at first, but Mina quickly found that the girl was simply blunt and said what was on her mind, she was actually pretty laid back and they got along pretty well! Thus Mina dubbed themselves "desk buddies."
At the moment they had a bit of free time before All Might's class began. Almost everyone was in "uniform," so to speak, and All Might was just standing around grinning and looking majestic. It was epic!
"Well, am I delectable," Mina asked with a cutesy smile while putting her right index finger to her bottom lip with a wink.
"You know if you phrase it like that-" Jirou began while the two boys blushed.
"Oh c'mon! I'm playing around!" Mina waved with a small laugh and a bright smile. "I mean look, we all look like heroes!"
"True, we're finally on the starting line, and I'm about ready to run wild!" Kirishima said pumping a hand in the air while Kaminari chuckled.
"Yeah I get what you mean," Kaminari said, "I mean we look the part," he said while flexing and showing off his costume.
"Some more than others," Jirou observed out loud as she and everyone in their little group surveyed everyone who was out so far. Aoyama, a blonde guy dressed up as a wierd steel knight with gold highlights and sparkling purple cape, paired with orange glasses she could swear she has seen before in some old anime, caught sight of her and posed with his cape making her cringe with disgust.
"Yeah, look at that guy in armor, so manly!" Kirishima said with an excited smile with his hands folded to fists by his sides. Jirou looked and saw a different guy in armor, only he was in a full-body armor that made him look like a cross between a knight and a car.
"Yeah, well forget the knight man, check out the chick who got in a recommendation," Kaminari said as he stared at said girl who only wore a leotard and a large utility belt as a really short skirt. Not only that, her leotard actually showed a lot of skin particularly around her chest. "she's really confident, eh?"
"Yaoyorozu? Well," Kirishima began while scratching his flushed cheek and trying very hard not to look at the black-haired beauties direction. "there's no shame with our kind of design, ya know. It's, ah, manly. Yeah manly."
"Alright, that's enough you pervs, All Might's starting," Jirou said with a smirk as she looked at the hero who smiled despite the fact that she heard him cough in a sputtering manner, almost like he was trying to hold back a laugh of some sorts. Both Kirishima and Kaminari let out their brief complaints before All Might spoke.
"All right, everyone gather around! Now that you are ready it's time for COMBAT TRAINING!" Everyone smiled. They were about to have a class with FREAKIN' ALL MIGHT! Who wouldn't be excited?
"Sensei!" The knight-car hybrid guy began, completely interrupting everyone's mood. "This battle center is like the one used for the entrance exam, does that mean that we will be conducting urban battles?"
"Oh, it was that stiff guy who was on everyone's case yesterday," Kaminari said in surprise
"I think his name is Iida," Jirou said.
"Not exactly!" All Might replied with gusto. "Today we'll be going two steps ahead! I'm sure for a lot of you, your experience between hero-villain altercations has been in public, no doubt in an area where various heroes converge at once and deal with a villain, right? Statistically speaking, however, most of the atrocious villains tend to appear indoors instead! You know, backroom deals, dark secluded alleys, home invasions and house arrest, evil lairs or even an underground bunker! In this day and age, you can find a hero at just about every corner of the city, truly wise villains survive in the shadows! For that reason, everyone here will be split into heroes and villains and fight each other in two-on-two indoor battles!"
"Eh," about half the class let out in surprise.
"Wait, without any combat training? Is that really fine?" Asui asked, she was a short girl with long black hair in a green frog outfit, she even wore eye-like goggles on her head and boots and gloves that were frog themed.
"HA HA HA!" All Might laughed. "Of course! In order to improve something you first have to know where it's faults lie! Today's class is to get a feel of what you can do and what you lack! And keep in mind, you are not fighting robots, but actual people! The very people around you!"
"I see," Iida said, "heroes have to take care not to mortally injure villains."
"I see, but if that's the case, how are the winners and losers decided?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"Can we keep beating them to death after it's decided?" Bakugo asked, he was a blond guy with messy hair that everyone more or less figured out he has a very nasty personality with a very strong quirk. His hero costume was pretty the incarnation of an explosion. He wore a black sleeveless shirt with a low v-cut that ended right where a giant orange X began, a metal neck brace with three holes on each side looking a like a gun a bit. On his arm he wore Large Grenade like gauntlets that left his palms orange, the gauntlets each had a hole that looked like it could fire something. He wore black baggy pants with metal knee pads and supported by green straps that hold grenade-like objects and a small green pouch on each thigh, right above the knee to the sides (looks more cool than practical). He wore a pair black boots with orange dot and highlights. His mask was basically a black cloth with an explosion behind his head.
"Um do we have to worry about getting expelled if we do poorly?" Uraraka asked. By now everyone in Class one 1A recognises the short haired brunette as the "infinity girl" who threw a ball to infinity. She wore a skin-tight bodysuit that was hot pink and a cross between navy blue and navy black. She had large knee high boots, puffy looking belt that was eye-catching, and puffy bracers that had handles and left her palms free. She also wore a helmet that was glass-like, more a full-face visor really.
"How are we split up?" Iida asked.
"Do we get any rewards," Kaminari asked.
"Isn't this cape dazzling~" Aoyama said posing while displaying how his cape glittered.
"Yes-yes I'll answer all your questions!" All Might said pulled out a tiny book while some guy dressed in green was sort of freaking out at the rapidly fired questions.
"Eh a script?" Mina asked.
"Well he can't memorize everything," Jirou reasoned with a shrug. They waited for a bit while All Might flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for.
"Ah hah!" Evidently he found it. "Now, the situation is this! The heroes have discovered the villain's hideout and the villains have a nuclear bomb! The heroes must invade the lair and recover the bomb or capture both villains before the timer runs out. Doing so results as a victory for the heroes. However if the villains manage to protect the weapon or capture the foolish heroes, the villains win!"
"Holy crap, that sounds like the plot of some cheesy movie," Kaminari said while the students around him nodded in agreement.
"AND THIS!" All Might pulled out a large box seemingly out of nowhere, "is how we will decide who's with who!"
"Eh, drawing lots?" Kirishima said in surprise.
"Is putting people together randomly really the best course of action?" Iida asked.
"Well a lot of the time pros from different agencies band together in various situations, so maybe it's because of that," the guy in green who was freaking out earlier said.
"Ah right," Iida said, "yes being able to work with others regardless of familiarity is good trait for a pro hero. What foresight! Please forgive my rudeness!" Iida said while bowing.
"It's fine, let gets this done quickly! And Team A iiisssssssssssss," he pulled out two name, "ASHIDO AND MIDORIYA!"
"Huh, Midoriya?" Mina said with confusion as she scratched her head while trying to remember who the name belonged to. Then she slightly jumped in place as she got a foreboding feeling. "Wait...isn't that the guy who-"
"-broke his finger using his quirk-" Kirishima continued.
"-Yesterday during Aizawa-sensei quirk apprehension test." Jirou finished.
"Yeah, and he placed last so...he was pretty much on the chopping block if it wasn't a smart ruse, sooo...," Kaminari trailed off.
"I think it's the green guy," Jirou said as they all turned to look at the guy dressed in bluish-green unitard jumpsuit with black elbow pads and black knee pads, a red utility belt, and red puffy looking boots, a hoodie/mask thing with long ear-like protrusions on his head and mask that looked like it was for paintball with a smile on it. Honestly, on the whole, he looked more like someone dressing up as a pokemon than a hero in training. Actually, compared to the rest of the class, his costume looked way too underwhelming.
"Ehhhhh," Mina let out, unsure of what to think of her teammate for the class. Kirishima placed a hand on her shoulder catching her attention and he took a deep breath.
"Good luck!" He finally said with a shaky thumbs up.
"G-good luck!" Kaminari said standing behind him with a forced smile and a thumbs up.
"Try your best," Jirou said with a thumbs up as she stood next to Kaminari, not even bothering to put up a fake smile.
"Mmmm," she groaned with a puffed cheek, miffed at her friends' lousy attempt to comfort her, which was not at all comforting.
"Well, that's all the groups," All Might said. Apparently Jirou and Kaminari were in the same group, and Kirishima was grouped up last with the guy who could shoot tape out his elbows.
While Mina didn't personally regret being paired up with someone like Midoriya, but if she was given a choice between Aoyama or Midoriya, she'd go with Aoyama. It'd be a tough call but at least she was familiar with Aoyama's quirk since he was pretty open and somehow boastful about it's drawbacks and so far he didn't seem to hurt himself with it. At least not to the degree Midoriya seems to thus far.
But this was reality and she got Midoriya, so she was going to make the most of it. However, before Mina could walk up to her partner and before Izuku could even try to find the person named Ashido, All Might Continued. "Alright for the match we have…." he put his hands into separate boxes, one labelled hero and another one labelled villains. "TEAM A AS THE VILLIANS AND TEAM D AS THE HEROES!"
Team D? Mina thought to herself before she flinched and blanched, and casted a fearful look at the group she was facing, or at least one of the people that was in the group.
"Crap," she said lightly to herself. Bakugo and Iida.
Kacchan Izuku thought himself as he glanced at the blonde before looking away.
From the very beginning, Bakugo was against Izuku even trying to get into UA. Yesterday, it became very clear how he felt about Izuku being in the same class as him.
"All right, everyone follow me!" All Might said as most of the class started following the hero.
Izuku wasn't one of them.
He turned to glance at Bakugo again...only to find said blond glaring back at him. Izuku flinched and looked away.
...No, Izuku thought to himself. One way or another, it was going to come to this. Kacchan and I are going to fight, that was always a certainty and now its reality, I can't back out!
Izuku tightened his gloved hands into a fist, adopted a determined look and displayed it to Bakugo.
Bakugo slightly flinched in surprise, and at the realization of what just happened, he glared again, grinding his teeth together as he trembled in pure rage.
"Alright, Heroes wait outside until I give the okay, everyone else inside!" Everyone in the class gave their version of "okay" as they all walked inside. Before Izuku walked inside, he glanced at both Iida and Bakugo, Bakugo looked like he was about to explode...he quickened his steps.
"Man this place looks rad," Kaminari said out loud as he observed the white wall.
"I don't know," Asui said with a finger to her bottom lip and her tongue out, "I feel like it would be easy to get lost in here, ribbit."
"Onecanonlyhope," the class' shortest male student muttered with a bit of drool as he eyed Yaoyorozu, said girl unaware of his gaze. He was dressed in a dark shade of purple that matched his ball-like hair, purple mask, white pants that look like it could be used as a flotation device, all contrasted by a yellow cape, yellow gloves, and a yellow pair of boots.
"Iamthedark," the bird guy quickly muttered. His name is Fumikage Tokoyami, he pretty much only wore a dark cloak that covered his body.
"This is where we part ways," All Might said as the class came upon a door labelled "Monitor Room," it looked like it was made of steel and had no handle but it did have a keyhole. Everyone waited and looked at All Might.
"Ah, right," the veteran hero said.
He walked up to the door, took out a very tiny key that looked even tinier in his hands and struggled to put it into the lock.
There is something is wrong with this picture... Everyone thought to themselves.
"There we go," All Might said as he opened the door, "Everyone in, Villains here you go," he said while pulling out a few sheets of paper.
Both Izuku and Mina walked up to him and received a map to the bomb while everyone else started heading down to what seemed to be the basement of the building.
"Ah," Izuku let out as he realised the pink girl was Ashido. However before he could say or do anything, All Might continued with the explanation.
"You two just have a way to get to the bomb, the heroes have the entire floor plan for the building, a drawing of what the bombs look like, and the only ones with communicators. Your only advantage is that you two have the whole building to yourselves for five minutes and the bomb. Both teams have capture tape. Oh! Right, here you go," he said handing rolled of tape to the two. "I'll start the timer when you get to the room with the bomb in it. However, if I feel that you two are taking your sweet time getting there, I'll start the five-minute countdown and give you a two-minute warning that time is up. Sounds fair?"
Both Izuku and Mina nodded.
"Good!" All Might said in a cheery tone. "Now remember, in this exercise you two are the villains, try to think like villains, it will serve you well in the future when you actually face one. Also, this is supposed to be close to actual combat. Go all out and don't be afraid to get hurt. That said, if I feel things are getting too excessive, I will stop the match, okay?"
"Okie Dokie!" Mina said with a solute and smile while Izuku just forced a smiled and nodded with a small "yes."
Mina..honestly wasn't feeling good about her chances, but she was going to make the most of it and try to impress All Might!
"Good to hear! Good luck!" All Might said loudly with a thumbs up.
"Good luck, Dekuuu!" Uraraka said with a cheery smile.
"MM," Izuku managed with a shaky smile and a slight wave. Uraraka just smiled and walked downstairs with All Might closing the door behind her.
Deku Midoriya, that's an odd name, Mina thought to herself. Then she shrugged to herself and smiled. Oh well! I'm gonna give it my best!
Mina looked at the map in her hands and attempted to decipher them with a small frown. She saw Izuku already moving and decided to follow him.
They made a few turns and quickly came upon a set of stairs.
"Man, I'm surprised you can read this," Mina said out loud to her partner. All Might wasn't lying, the pages only had a path and what they would see on the path, nothing else, everything else was blank.
"To be honest," she continued, "I don't think I could use a real map let alone this one." She look up to her left. "You must be pretty smaaarr-ooooOOLY CRAP!" She let out in surprise to find the poor boy trembling and sweating through his costume!
His paintball mask and hoodie/face-mask thing didn't really hide his mouth so she could see that he was muttering something in a way that made him look like a goldfish gulping water! To add to that, the way he gripped the paper, it was like he was gripping it for protection. He's not even looking at the map!
"Um...Midoriya, are you okay there?" Mina asked with a worried look. But the boy didn't answer.
Izuku himself was not having a good time. First of all he was up against Bakugo who seems hellbent on beating the life out of him and second he was paired with a stranger, and third, that stranger was a girl he had never talked to! At the moment his mind was split between trying to figure out how to talk to the girl and how to not get murdered by Bakugo.
"AHHH!" He jumped when he felt something touch his shoulder.
"Jeez, I wasn't trying to scare ya," Mina said with an astounded look on her face with the hand she tapped him with pulled close to her body.
"Sa-sa-Sorry!" He cried while jumping a good few feet away from her, facing away while covering his masked face with his arms, all the while trembling as he did so.
"Wow," she mouthed. Talk about a nervous wreck, she thought to herself before she shrugged and walked up to him and lightly tapped his shoulder causing him to flinch and slowly turn his head enough to look at her from the corner of his right eye.
"Hi, my name's Mina Ashido, naiz ta meetcha!" She beamed with a toothy smile. Gotta start somewhere, was her reasoning.
For a while Izuku didn't say anything, but he did stop trembling.
"I-Izu-Izu-Izuku Mi-Midoriya," Izuku finally managed even though he was still covering his face with his arm. "It-it's nice-ni-nice to meet you."
"Hm?" Mina let out in a confused manner and tilted her, "isn't it Deku?"
"Um...that's...That's just what Kacchan and Uraraka call me, da-though they mean different things."
"Hm? Different?"
"Ye-yeah," Izuku slowly lowered his arms. A mixture of dread and awkwardness was the only thing keeping Izuku from blushing at the fact that he was once again talking to a girl. That said he did feel his cheeks heat up a bit. "Ka-kacchan uses it as an insult while Uraraka ues-uses it as a, as an encouraging nickname. You know like a shortening of Deriku (in Japanese it means "able to/capable of/can do it")."
"Kacchan? Who dat?" Mina asked informally.
"Oh-oh um it's, ah, Ba-Bakugo"
"Rea-he-he-lly?" Mina chuckled out, "that's such a cute nickname!" She laughed out while Izuku shrugged, "By the way, are we going the right way?" Mina showed her copy of the map, "I honestly can't read this."
"Ah? Yes! We're going the right way. AAAAAAH! We should hurry before All Might decides to give us a two-minute warning!" He said in a sudden panic.
"Lead the way," Mina said as the boy nodded and started running up the stairs. Mina continued to follow him, not even bothering to check her map.
After a while, their sprint died down to moderate a jog up the building.
He's doesn't get winded easily, Mina noticed as she followed behind the boy while keeping her breathing in check. She really would have wanted to use her quirk but she decided against it.
"Huh!?" She let in surprise. She honestly didn't expect Izuku to initiate a conversation with her much less in their rush. "Y-yes?"
"My quirk," he began, it was a bit hard to talk and jog at fast pace. "It's, it's like, a glass cannon," he said in between breaths. "It's nah, it's not really, reliable." It unfortunate, but it's the reality, hopefully she'll understand and try to work with me, Izuku thought to himself.
"Glass Cannon," she muttered to herself, recalling how he threw ball at a distance around 600 the day before their quirk assessment, it was the only thing he got a decent score at compared to everyone else….actually now that she thought about it, Yaoyorozu got first place and her quirk was showy but it didn't have the same impact as Bakugo, Todoroki, or even Izuku when he threw the ball. She had no idea how Aizawa evaluated their quirks and physical abilities, she shook her head in an attempt to get her "head in the game," so to speak. "Um, I, can make acid and control how, how acidic it is," she replied as she paced herself in their little jog.
"Oh is it acid acid or a base acid?"
"Oh I-" Acid acid? Base? She questioned herself unsure of what to make of the question. However before she could say anything, Izuku continued.
"Can you make different types of acid? Or maybe it's like a single liquid she uses to control how many protons she can give to other objects so direct contact might be- ah or maybe she generates protons in her body then it goes into her acid and dissolves objects that way. Oh but if she could make different types of acid she could possibly create proteins or even explosives or ah but. Then could she dissolve things and get sugars or even turn milk to yogurt or cheese, or cure mea-ah but well it be weird-like drinking your own spit or mucus, but people used to chew rice and let it ferment that way to make Sake with their spit and then drink it, then shre lsjdg toudn ghtle… hkj… bmjji… hkjk..."
He's muttering, Mina thought to herself with her eyebrows raised as he's started muttering in a low voice at the point that she really couldn't tell if he was saying actual words. "I'm surprised he can talk like that and not run out of breath while jogging," she said out loud.
Then in a loud gasping motion, he sucked in air.
HE WAS SUFFOCATING! She thought to herself in surprise.
After Izuku controlled his breathing, he was filled with sudden dread. He glanced behind him to find Mina with a bewildered expression that was very apparent despite her domino mask. He blushed in embarrassment and looked ahead. I...I did it again….
...Okay then… Mina thought to herself as the duo settled into an uncomfortable silence.
"Paper maché?" Mina questioned as she rapped her knuckles against the "bomb." It was a giant lead-colored rocket-looking object with three red rings and between two of the red rings near the tip was a ring of panels that encircled the bomb.
The bomb was in a very wide room with four sides, it was brightly light and littered with rusted barrels, boxes, plywood and other miscellaneous items thrown about the room. The room had two wall that was just walls, one of the room's sides had some large windows that let in light, the last remaining side was a wall with a narrow entrance to the room with the stairs right in front of it. At a glance it looked as if the bomb wouldn't even fit through the door but it could if you carried it out on it's side.
On the whole….
"Isn't this lame for a villain's hideout?" Mina said out loud to her partner. "I mean I would fill this place wifff...aaah," she finished abruptly as she realised her partner was staring at the entrance muttering up a storm.
" and turn aru….blow threw theabjs,m...probably jsswjo..." he muttered with his back turned to Mina.
Mina felt confident in herself that she could strike up a conversation with just about anyone and end on good terms. Leave it to U.A. to mess that up.
First there was that Baka-splosion guy and now him, she thought to herself with a wry smile and an exasperated sigh. She tried to talk/flirt with Bakugo after they got their syllabus the day before but the guy was too much of hothead and was just plain rude and mean, it was like he was pissed at everything. And now she couldn't talk with Izuku because her personality clashed with his. This isn't the first time, she thought while recalling how her social nature made her intimidating to shy people in middle school. But none of them were to this extent….
Time was not on their side and their one advantage was slipping way. Mina wasn't really sure what they could do in less than five minutes but her gut told her she wasn't going to be able to do much on her own. So she decided to throw caution to the wind.
She quickly walked up behind Izuku, bent her knees forward into the back of his knees in order to trip him. It was just a harmless joke but….
"WAAAAAH!" He flailed his arms out in order to catch his balance as he fell forward.
"Holy crap," Mina said as she caught him with her arms under his, he turned his head enough to glance at her at the corner of his eyes. "I didn't actually think that would trip, well, anyone. My bad~" She apologised with a smile. She felt his body shiver before it went stiff. "Ah." She quickly let go of him and saw him visibly relax. "S-sorry," she apologized again. Slowly she walked around to face him. "You like to talk to yourself, huh, Midoriya?"
"W-well..." Izuku let out as he put his arms up in an X fashion to block his crimson face. He was still shocked at the fact that he made physical contact with a girl. "It-it's a habit," he sort of answered.
"...Was it by choice?"
"I...I dunno," he didn't really get the question, but he had a feeling of what she meant. Probably not, Izuku thought to himself.
"'re not alone."
"Mm? Ah!" He felt Mina grabbed his hand, pull them apart, somehow flatten his palms and forced them together in a loud clap! His eyes were wide open as he stared directly into Mina's black eyes with bright yellow pupils, practically gold colored.
"Hee hee!" She let out with a smile. "Don't talk to yourself, talk to me; fight your nature!"
"..." Izuku was stunned. He was holding hands with a girl! He was actually doing it (not really, she was just holding the back of his hands), and he was staring directly into her eyes at such a close proximity! Also, the words she said….
"C'mon don't be shy, you can talk to me."
"..." Izuku was still in a bit of stupor, but he honestly felt like talking, but he was still shy.
"I," Mina sighed, "look, I-I don't mean to pressure you but we got a lot less than five minutes to think of something."
"TWO MINUTE WARNING!" All Might's voice sounded off from a speaker somewhere causing both of them to flinch.
"Ur, see? I dunno about you but I think it'd be a good idea if I melt the stairs and the area around the room, whadoyou think?"
"...da...," Izuku was still blushing and he was far out his comfort zone but still, he fought on. He shook his head, "No, that, that won't work. Kacchan can get airborne with his quirk and Iida's too deligent to have not prepared for something like that to eventually happen in his career. That would only tell them where we are and corner us," by the end of his explanation he had calmed down somewhat, but he was avoiding making eye contact with her.
"Oh," Mina said as she blinked, "daaaang itttt," she deflated a bit, "I thought it was genius."
"Mmmm," Izuku looked down in thought...then looked right back up with heated cheeks. He did not mean to stare at her cleavage. Can't look down, can't look up, look to the side and…! He got an idea.
"Well I'm out, any ideas," Mina asked with sigh while she looked down, oblivious to the cause of his recent cause of redness.
"Um, we're supposed to be the villains right?"
"Well, yeah, obviously."
"Then…Ashido, I have plan, but you're gonna think I'm crazy." Mina looked at him with a bit of curious stare.
No I'm not mistaking it, Mina thought as she recalled when Izuku asked about her quirk earlier, he's really shy, but it looks like he can be brave when he has to be.
"Well don't keep me in suspense," she said with a bright toothy smile, "lay it on me, madman!"
"Hey, Deku has a quirk right," Katsuki Bakugo said as he tossed the floor plans for the building aside.
"Well yes, you yourself witnessed it yesterday," Tenya Iida, his armored partner replied while quadruple checking the floor plans he had as well as drawing of what the bomb looked like with estimated dimensions.
"That damn nerd," Katsuki gritted out. Bastard been lying to me this entire time! You think your better than me you piece of shit!
"We won't have a lot of time to search all the room, but I think if we stick to a search-"
"Fuck that, I know exactly where that shit-stain is."
"Really? Where?"
"Bomb dipshit."
"Bomb?" Tenya said in confusion and irritation as he looked at the plans and a drawing of what the bomb more or less looks like, then he gasped when he noticed it. "The Bomb! Not many doorways and entries could accommodate it's dimensions and only one set of stairs could actually be used to carry it. And you noticed this right away, bakugo?" He directed towards Katsuki, but he was moving away from Tenya, not even bothering to acknowledge him. "Well, where do you think the bomb is?" Again Bakugo ignored him.
"THE TIME IS HERE!" All Mights voice seemed to echo around the building, catching both designated heroes attention, "Let the battle between Team A and D COMMENCE!"
Right away Bakugo created an explosion and sent himself up to the sky!
"Wha-you can fly!" Iida said in shock. "Hey wait, where are you going! BAKUGO!" Iida yelled as Bakugo Launched himself around the building.
"Iida...too loud," All Might said. Iida then realised that he he could still talk to Bakugo through his communicator and that All Might was listening in on their conversation.
"Ah! My apologies," he said as he bowed to the nearest camera before running into the building. "Bakugo, I'll search from the ground floors up, can you search your way down?" He didn't get a reply. "Urg, how stubborn can you be?" he mumbled as he started searching the suspected rooms.
"He can fly?" Uraraka said in surprise as the outside camera captured Bakugo making his way all the way to the fifth floor, the top floor!
"How strong is that guy!" Mineta shouted.
"Truly not a person to take lightly," Fumikage said with sweat rolling down his face at the thouht of facing such a person.
"He quickly figured out where the bomb is," Yaoyorozu said as she and the rest of the class saw Bakugo smash through the window of the room that used to house the bomb.
Glass flew everywhere as he jumped into the room. Katsuki quickly scanned the room and found no sign of the soon-to-be-dead loser in green.
He walked towards the entrance of the room and stopped when he noticed a bunch junk in one corner. Just barrels, boxes and plywood covering the left corner of the room.
No matter how you looked at it, it was such an odd and crude arrangement that there was no way it could not be hiding something.
His eyes narrowed at it. He calmly walked forward and used a light explosion to blow the junk out of the place. He didn't find a bomb or anyone hiding, but he did find writing on the wall.
The writing was just melted into the wall, not that he actually noticed that. What he did notice was what was written. A single sentence that read as such:
Nice try kacChan~ (;P) (circle with a wink and a smile with a tongue out )
He blew a gasket.
"Eeek!" Both Mina and Izuku jumped at the sudden shouting coming from a couple floors above them.
"Ba-bakugo, volume," All Might pleaded from the speakers.
"You weren't kidding," Mina said in a mixture of amazement and horror. Izuku had predicted that Bakugo had more or less figured out where the bomb was and that he would blow himself up there. She didn't believe it but she went along with the hastily put together plan and now everything was going as he said it would. If she was being honest she was a bit surprise that neither of them had tripped down the stairs while carrying the bomb on it's length and running at full speed.
"He probably memorized the building's floor plans by now," Izuku said as he rushed down while watching his step. It'll have to be the next floor. I knew he would ditch Iida and come after me but I didn't think it'd be that fast. The reason Izuku had Mina write on the wall was to get a reaction from Bakugo so that he could get a good idea of where he was.
"Seriously," she asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, he may not look it, but his grades were always in the high 90s in middle school."
"A hothead like that? Really?"
"Ah, Ashido, can you melt this door?" Izuku asked as they came upon the door for the next floor.
"Ah r-right, I gotcha," She said as she gently put the bomb down while Izuku pushed forward and kept it from falling by keeping it balanced. She manoeuvred around him and got close enough to the door and had Acid gush out of her hands and melt the door and the surrounding wall from the top, letting the acid trickle down without it eating through the floor.
Mina was still off-put by how different and focused Izuku was, he was practically a different person. But at least it's better than how he was earlier, she thought to herself.
"You have really good control," Izuku commented.
"Thanks," she beamed with a smiled as she went back to the bomb, "but I don't know how good I'd do against an actual living person," she said as Izuku walked backwards letting the bomb slowly fall forward. She picked it up and they went on their way. "Hey so what are you looking for anyway?" Mina asked as the moved through the whole she melted.
"A room that has what we- Ah stop!" Mina stopped when he did regardless of what he said. When she felt him push the bomb back she got the hint and walked backwards. It was a room close to the hole mina made, it was also one of the few rooms that look like the bomb could fit through.
Izuku looked inside the room then he looked at the staircase mina made a hole so that they could fit the bomb through. I'm not mistaken, this room...we also don't have time, this will have to do! "Ashido in here!"
"Right!" She said.
Bakugo still hasn't found them, Tenya observed, or at least he assumed since he could hear his teammate grumbling and he has not at all responded to any of Iida's attempts to cooperate with him. Yet he tried regardless.
"The first two floors are clear now I'm-huh?" he said as he came upon the door for the third floor, or should he say melted door. "Wait...this is-AH! Bakugo third floor! It looks like they melted the east staircase in order to fit the bomb! It must be Ashido's quirk!"
Bakugo had blown a hole through the ceiling of the third floor and jumped down.
"Bakugo, please give a warning before you destroy-"
"Fuck offff!" he cut Tenya off as he entered the nearest room who's doorway would allow the bomb to pass through. It was a small room compared to the one he entered the building through and found and an odd assortment of junk in the middle part of the left wall.
Without hesitation, he used his quirk to blow the heap out of place to reveal a hole in the wall that looked like it was both melted and burned with acid. It seemed like it was just big enough to push the bomb through, but they'd have to crawl.
He quickly blew a hole into that wall!
"The adjacent room," Tenya said he followed Bakugo into the room, "clever but where's the-huh?" To their right was another odd heap but it was far away from the wall and very crude. "Why would-AH! They-they couldn't have!" The assortment was very crude, from the doorway it would probably hide a segment of the wall well, but from where Bakugo and Tenya were standing.
Bakugo quickly ran up and blew heap out of place to reveal the wall. Both designated heroes gasped.
"Are they allowed to do that!" Yaoyorozu quickly asked to All Might as her and all the students held shocked expressions.
"Of course," All Might said without turning his back to his shocked students. He was genuinely happy as he fiddled with the controls in front of him. That's the way Midoriya! "They're the villains after all!"
"I'm surprised they were able to get all that set up so fast," Asui said with finger to her chin, her tongue hanging out.
"Yeah but that was pretty close," Sero said, "Bakugo got there just as they got done."
"I'm surprised that was even an option," Kirishima said while scratching the back of his head.
"GO DEKU!" Uraraka shouted happily.
They were all looking at the monitor featuring Iida and Bakugo standing in front of a hole made into the wall of building they were in the hole that led into the adjacent building!
Authors Note:
originally I was going to have Izuku and Mina be heroes. I was a bit daunted when I read "Small Changes" but figured it would be all right since the author went mostly canon. I was going to have Mina motivate Izuku to stop trying to over complicate things and end with Izuku gut-punching Bakugo in their initial encounter then flip him over and Mina using her reflexes to put the capture tape around him before he could recover and use a cheezy line that would relate to the title, "pretty simple." I used Here Comes a Thought cause I like the song and felt it fit. Might change it though.
Then when I thought about it, I realised that pretty much everyone makes Izuku be the hero so I figured it'd be fun to make him the villain, it'd play to his strength and be different. When I decided that I had to rethink, rework a lot of my ideas, get new ideas and rewrite the story.
Also, I've been told I've had a habit of over-describing characters when there is no need to since everyone in the fandom has a good idea of what they look like, let me know if that annoys you.
Also one of the few things I've had trouble with here is first names and last names. In the past when I have mostly done fanfic of series where everyone was mostly on a first name basis, here I was struggling to find when it was the appropriate time to use them. I used first names to emphasise who's thoughts the readers would see and last names as a sign of how familiar or close the characters are to each other. Let me know what you guys think of that and if you have any suggestions.
Also tell me what you think of the characters! First impression are important and no one really thought much of Izuku until after his encounter with Bakugo so I made it that everyone had a low opinion of Izuku at the start.
Have a good day and a good earth day!