Posting this here as I know not all of you follow my tumblr:

No excuses, as I don't believe I have a sufficient one. The answer to why I wasn't posting was simple. I geaduated university, went through the deepest depression I've ever experienced as I realized I had no idea what I was doing with my life, and started a 9-5 job that I hate in a place where I don't feel at home. I post other fics, not under imaginelndn, but I want you to know you're not the only readers I have let down. Writing was no longer fun for me, instead, it became this goliath-sized source of anxiety. I felt like I lost all purpose for creating story and plot. Like I said that's not an excuse it's just a little bit of insight into what the past few months have been like for me. it doesn't excuse me going dark on this fic and I owe you all a massive apology.

I'm sorry.

Now for this update: I've started writing again. The fics I was working on across multiple fandoms came to a point where I was writing for other people. Not myself or the characters as I wanted to portray them. But I've picked my laptop back up, not for you guys, but for me. I hope that doesn't sound ungrateful as I truly do appreciate everyone who enjoys my stories. But writing for the approval of others really damaged my process so I'm back at it, no checking reviews, no looking for favorite or follow count. Of course I'll continue to respond to you guys on tumblr, but I'm not gonna read the reviews anymore, at least not for a while, until I feel confident in my writing abilities again. all this being said I won't promise an update within the next few days or even the next week or so I've only started rewriting this story in these past couple of days. My goal right now is to reconnect with my characters in a way that lets me purposefully execute the artists. Still, I thought I should come on here and write a little something to let you know where I'm at. This was one of my 2020 goals, and I will strive to fulfill it.