Harry has enough of the bullying after the first year (all but Twins, Neville & Susan) and after meeting Andromeda learns that the Dursleys left, she sends him to Brazil and the school Castelobruxo. He becomes a national Quiditch player. 5th year the two schools spend time with each other.
Harry sat on the Hoogwarts express on his way home after his first year, head leaning against the window. His first year at Hogwarts hadn't gone quite as expected. At first everything was great, he had two best friends, people seemed to like him, and he was doing good in most classes. That however didn't seem to last. After a while people started to distance themselves and started talking behind his back. Soon even Ron and Hermione distanced themselves. Around Christmas that's when the bullying became physical, he was often beaten, humiliated, hexed and had rumours spread about him. One weekend he was stunned and then locked in a cupboard for the entire weekend before he was released. The worst thing to Harry was that none of the professors really did anything to stop it. They seemed to not care. Harry could pretty much count on one hand the amount of people that didn't bully him.
As the train arrived at king's cross he waited until he was the last student left on the train before he left. As he exited the train he saw a woman seemingly waiting for him with a Hufflepuff seventh year with bubble-gum pink hair, one of the people that didn't bully him and actually defended him a few times.
"Are you Harry Potter?" The woman asked, concern filling her voice.
"Yes ma'am." Harry answered as he shied away looking at the ground.
The woman and the girl looked over the boy concern filling their eyes.
"Harry look at me please." Harry slowly looked up at the woman his body almost trembling with fear believing that he would be struck any moment. "You poor boy." The girl cried out dropping to her feet in front of Harry giving him a hug. Harrys entire body stiffened, and he didn't know what to do.
"My name is Andromeda Tonks, this is my daughter Nymphadora." She motioned towards the girl. "And, in a way, we are distantly related." Harry pulled himself away from the girl and looked suspiciously at Andromeda. "Your grandmother Dorea Potter was my aunt."
"Why are you concerning yourself with me, I'm just a big-headed, attention seeking freak." Harry said, anger burning in his green eyes. Nymphadora started crying, but Andromeda managed to keep her composure.
"Harry, we need to talk. Your aunt and uncle, during the year moved away to America and left you." She looked around and saw that the few stragglers that were left were looking at them.
"Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere. Why don't you join me at my home and we can talk undisturbed?" Harry looked into the eyes of Andromeda and felt that he could trust her. He nodded and was led to a car that drove to the house of Andromeda Tonks.
Two hours later Harry sat on a couch in Andromeda Tonks house. On another couch in front of him sat Andromeda.
"Like I said earlier Harry, your aunt and uncle left for America. Now where does that leave you?" Harry looked nervously at her. "Dora told me how much you had been mistreated at Hogwarts, and frankly, I was appalled." Harry cocked his head at her. "So much has been hidden from you that I think it's only fair that I help you."
"How can you help me?" Harry asked.
"If I were to be given guardianship of you I could send you to another school to get away from everybody. Specially away from the manipulative Albus to-many-names-to-bother Dumbledore. He was the one to send you to the Dursleys and sealed your parents will."
"I would say, the further away, the better. There is a school in Brazil called Castelobruxo. The language will be a difficulty but if you work hard all summer it could work. You would probably need to catch up to the others in your year, they are already ahead of you. Hogwarts isn't the best school no matter what Dumbledore and the ministry says." All Harry could really do while she was speaking was to nod furiously, if he could get away from Hogwarts and still study magic he would be ecstatic.
The following morning Andy (as Andromeda liked to be called) took Harry to Gringotts. They walked up to a goblin that Harry recognized. "Hello Griphook sir, I need to talk to about my family accounts." Griphook looked shocked that a wizard had recognized a goblin and used his name.
"I will lead you to Ripclaw, the Potter family account manager."
They followed Griphook through the corridors and through a set of ornate doors into a large room with a single desk.
"Welcome Mr. Potter, I see you finally decided to see me, seeing how you never answered any letters I am surprised to see you."
"Please, just Harry. I am a bit surprised by the last part, I have never received any letters." Ripclaws eyes changed immediately, they were filled with rage.
"Mr…Harry, are you telling me you have never gotten any letter from Gringotts?"
"Yes Ripclaw, I have never received a letter and the only time I have withdrawn any money was when I came here with Hagrid, purchasing my school equipment."
"Wait here a moment while I look into things." Ripclaw strode out of the room leaving Harry and Andromeda alone.
When he returned a short while later he looked like a man on a mission.
"I have looked into things and discovered several disturbing facts. First and foremost, Albus Dumbledore has stolen money from you over the years. He also paid the Dursleys to look after you. He also attempted to create a marriage contract between you and Ginevra Weasley."
"HE PAYED THOSE FUCKING CHILD ABUSERS?" Harry screamed out and both Andromeda and Ripclaw paled. Andromeda turned to Harry. "What do you mean child abusers?"
"The Dursleys, I was starved, beaten, whipped and lived in a cupboard under the stairs for ten years." Both Andromeda and Ripclaw saw red by this point. "Harry we at Gringotts will try our hardest to bring justice, we will return the money stolen from you by Albus Dumbledore, the marriage contract was never valid and if you return in three days we will give you a complete physical." At this point everybody started to calm down." Here is a copy of the will that you asked for."
Andromedas eyes went wide when she read the will. Harry was given everything, he was never supposed to go to the Dursleys, the order of custody went Sirius Black, Alice Longbottom, Andromeda Tonks. "It says here that Sirius Black wasn't the secret keeper. The wrong man was sent to prison."
"Here is a full disclosure of all assets and holdings for you." Ripclaw handed them a file with all the information that they need. When Harry saw the amount of money that he owned he almost fainted. Andromeda spoke to him from the side.
"It seems the Potters have a mansion in Brazil. Now you don't have to look for accommodations elsewhere." Looking at Ripclaw she continued. "Harry is looking to continue his education in Brazil, is it possible for him to transfer his vault to the Brazil branch of Gringotts?"
"Of course it is, just let us know when and it shall be done."
Harry and Andromeda wholeheartedly thanked Ripclaw and continued their journey to the ministry of magic. Once there they headed to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Once inside they were lead into the room of the head of the department.
"Hello Amelia, me and Harry here are here on urgent business." Amelia Bones looked first at Andromeda, then at Harry. Her eyes widened when she realised who she was looking at. "Andy." She nodded "Mr. Potter I am sorry at what you have gone through your first year at Hogwarts, my niece Susan told me much." Harry sat in one of the chairs by the desk. "Susan was one of perhaps five nice people at school." Harry replied.
"Amelia, I have here a copy of the Potters will." Amelia's eyes widened with shock, she reached over, grabbed it and continued to read it.
"My god, Sirius Black is innocent." Yes, he is Amelia I am also supposed to be Harrys legal and magical guardian. We were hoping to transfer his guardianship over to me."
"Of course, let me just fetch the papers for you to fill in." She reached into a drawer and fetched a piece of paper that they both signed. "There Andromeda Tonks, you are now the guardian of Harry James Potter."
Harry was joined by Nymphadora, Andromeda and her husband Ted Tonks, they were on their way for Harrys physical and wanted to be there as support. They were led by a goblin to a room with a hospital bed.
"If you could please strip down to your underwear and lay on the bed and the goblin healers will see what can be fixed." Ripclaw showed Harry the bed and called the healer over.
As Harry took his shirt of everybody went pale. Harrys entire upper body was littered with scars.
Ted was the first to recover. "Harry, where did you get all these scars?"
He thought for a moment. "Most were from my relatives I believe, some were from other bullies and other from Hogwarts, most however, I don't remember."
He felt somebody coming up behind him giving him a hug. He stiffened at the contact before realising it was Nymphadora and relaxed again.
Ripclaw discussed something with the healer in gobbledegook "Just lay on the bed and the healer will run a diagnostic."
Thirty minutes later the group sat in Ripclaws office waiting for the results. He appeared looking concerned.
"We've discovered many disturbing things. First, we will have to correctly heal multiple bones in your body and we will be able to correct your eyesight. Those are the easy fixes. It seems that when you were two years old someone put a block on your metamorphmagus abilities."
"Wait you're a metamorphmagus like me?" Tonks shouted.
"It would seem like that is the case." Ripclaw answered calmly. "Removing the block will be painful but over quick. The next two issues are the biggest problem. The reason why you don't remember a lot of your scars is because somebody has manipulated or removed those memories. Since they probably are quite traumatic, you will need to be there for him." The adults in the room nodded their heads. "The last problem concerns your scar, it seems that when Voldemort tried to kill you as a baby he left a piece of his soul in your scar. We will perform a ritual that will remove it."
Harry paled and felt sick, he had spent over a decade with a piece of Voldemort's soul in his scar.
"We will begin with the scar and fix your memory last. Shall we go."
Thirty minutes later Harry lay in the middle of a ritual room surrounded by chanting goblins. Suddenly a scream pierced the air. Harry had never before felt such pain. His scar started bleeding and what looked like black smoke spewed out of it. As suddenly as it began it stopped.
The healer spoke up. "Now we will do the rest of the work while he is unconscious. We will be done in about an hour or so."
When they entered Ripclaws office an hour later he greeted them. "He will wake up soon and you can go home. Since we don't know the nature of the memories affected, we don't know how they will affect him but just be there for him. Finally I ask you to wish him luck with his new life in Brazil.