Chapter 1: Aware

Pairing: Sesshōmaru X Kagome X Levi

A/N: See the end of chapter

Disclaimer: Uh...obviously I don't own shit lol, except the plot and any other characters not in both series I may add...

A pulse that echoed through the night was felt by everyone. Another pulse made them aware that something was happening. The third pulse, however, made everyone twitch in anticipation as the sound of hooves filled the streets, and the creaking gate was lifted up. Children that were awoken by the weird sensation watched in childish awe as the survey corps rode out, their eyes turning a glassy sheen.

Kagome opened her eyes revealing black, dripping, and sharp stalactites right above her. The ground beneath her was wet and uncomfortable. A drop of water fell on her face alerting her to the dampness of her clothes. She shivered as she breathed in the stale air of the cave before standing, albeit more carefully than usual and started assessing the situation. She learned from a very young age that panicking wasn't very efficient. It would only serve to hinder your chances of surviving, even more so if one lived in a home belonging to 'The killing perfection'.

She was in a cave, dressed in her normal attire; a black skin-tight bodysuit with dark Imperial Purple accents; one much like her hearth-sister Sango wore, and her leather custom fitted shoes. Her enchanted leather bag was strapped onto her back, weighing nothing. She looked at her body for any injuries and thankfully found none, which was a relief. Even a single cut right now could be dangerous seeing as she does not remember ever leaving Sesshoumaru's estate. Dropping on to her knees she relieved herself of her bag and checked its contents. She had always kept it fully stocked in case of emergencies such as the situation she was currently in now. She laid out her weapons in front of her and took inventory of her weapons and food stocks.

Her double ended scythe, which doubled as a chained two bladed Kusarigama, laid to her left. Raigekijin 'The lightning spear'; previously possessed by Hiten of the Thunder Brothers, rested horizontally above her scythe. Her beloved Raijinga 'The Lightning and Blade fang' was placed on her knees. As it was something of great importance to her, she couldn't allow it the be sullied by the ground that she was currently sitting upon. So'unga 'The Amassing Cloud Fang' was situated to her right. Her Shadow Daggers, senbon's, and other small expendable weapons were expertly concealed throughout her body; it was her last form of defence should she ever be without her main weapons, or should her powers be incapacitated in any way. And finally, she secured the Sacred Longbow she received at Mt. Azuza on her right shoulder. A few of her more potent powdered poisons and ointments were hidden under her shoulder plates. The leftover medicinal and poisonous herbs and ointments were carefully stacked and placed in her bag.

Regretfully, it seemed that her stash of food was dwindling onto the last few bundles of yokai meat and a few himono-yōkai pieces. But other than that small disappointment, it seemed that nothing was out of place. Fully facing the items in front of her, she gripped a special piece of jewellery that Sesshōmaru had gifted her. Her chants started off slow and steady before gaining volume and momentum, and as she touched each of the weapons consecutively, her voice grew in strength until abruptly stopping. The weapons that once laid on the ground; Raigekijin, So'unga, Kusarigama, and her Sacred Bow - disappeared and were instead hanging on her bracelet like ornamental charms, seemingly blunt and harmless.

She took deep breaths in, and out, dispelling any of her hesitations, and keeping her anxiety under closed lids before rising and walking in the direction where the wind was most prevalent, the heavy aura she was unknowingly leaking out went unnoticed by her.


Levi narrowed his eyes at the horizon, the darkness that surrounded them seemed to annoy him further. The unnatural silence in the wind. The lack of animals around them. This feeling of power pulsating through his chest. The abnormal heavy breathing of their resident titan shifter-that brat Eren. He grits his teeth in frustration. All of them were signs of something, something that doesn't bode well for any of them. Those pulses gave him goosebumps, those pulses were dangerous. Clenching and unclenching his hold on the reins, he rode on in the direction where his senses where telling him to go the opposite way, where the pulses emanated from.

Erwin's eyes held a slight glint as a strange breeze washed over them, the moon seemingly shining a path towards those mysterious pulses. He felt the power behind them, and he craved power. Whatever it may be, if it could help in the fight for humanity, he swore on his life, and the life of his people, that they will get to the source of those pulses.

Whatever this sensation was making Eren out of breath. With every wave of pulses, he couldn't help but feel giddy. It was as if he was being summoned, being enticed by the pure unadulterated power that surged within him with every pulse.

Mikasa watched as Eren shivered in delight when a wave of that ominous pulse washed over them once again. She saw as his lips twitched to form a slight smirk. His breathing becoming more ragged, and heavy. This feeling, this direction they were heading was surely leading them to something terrible. Whatever they were heading towards...whatever lay in her path, she would not allow Eren to be taken from her. Not now...and not ever.


A/N: Is it interesting? I'm planning on making Mikasa obsessed with Eren cause lol...she already is in the actual series. But...I am making her show it a 'little' bit more...Oooooh and if people are wondering why I wrote Kagome in a way that she doesn't seem to think that her initial introduction to the whole supernatural, demon world was insignificant compared to living with Sesshou is is. I'll expand and explain how and why more in detail in the following chapters.


No substantial change other than more information about her weapons and corrected grammar and punctuation issues.