Chuck and Eva were enjoying their first morning back in New York. Lounging on the roof terrace of The Empire

"Is everything alright?" Eva asked, turning to Chuck whose thoughts seemed to distract him

"Everything's perfect." He replied, smiling back at her.

"You didn't sleep well last night, and you've been awfully quiet this morning." She stated

"What's there to talk about after our little adventure up here this morning?" He smirked

"Chuck..." She urged

"Look, it was just a little hard to fall asleep last night because it's been months since I've been back here. New York and I just need to get reacquainted that's all."

"Don't you think we should talk about it? Last time you were here, something tragic happened... It can't be easy to face it all."

"Eva... don't worry, alright? I need to get downstairs, got a lot of meetings about the mess I made when I left. Just trust me, okay? I'm fine." He kissed her forehead before heading downstairs.

"Well, well... Isn't this romantic?" Juliet said, as she and Nate arrived for their double dinner date at The Empire with Chuck and Eva

"Hi." Nate greeted Eva, "I'll go help Chuck get drinks in the kitchen." He walked off, as Juliet sat beside Eva

"You okay? Seem a little on edge since the last time we spoke." Juliet asked

"I'm fine, I just... I'm just worried about Chuck."

"He seems great to me. I told you, you have turned him into a saint!" Juliet said ecstatically, as Eva's eyes wandered over to the top shelf

"Oh." Juliet nodded

"What?" Eva asked

"I think I get what's bothering you."

"You do?"

"He still has pictures of his ex in his house." Juliet shook her head in disapproval

"It's fine."

"Is it? If Nate had pictures of Serena at his bedside, I'd flip."

"I understand that Chuck has been through a trauma and isn't ready to let go of everything yet. I just worry that he is distracting himself from healing."

"How so?"

"I feel that he keeps leaving stuff out when we talk. He's not ready to dig up everything, it's like he wants to stay living in this happy bubble."

"Eva, please. He adores you and he's doing so much good with his philanthropy. It's not a bubble, you have made him genuinely happy."

"I can't take credit for that. Sometimes I think even he can't talk credit for that. It's Henry."

"His alter-ego?" Juliet couldn't help but chuckle

"I sometimes, get the feeling he is trying too hard to be Henry, that he may be using the wrong things to motivate him. He's in denial."

"You motivate him."

"On some level, yes. But is it for the right reasons? What if I'm here just because I'm the only person who knew Henry." Eva's voice was shaky as she finally uttered the words.

"Are you some sort of psychology major?" Juliet chuckled again

"Let's just say, I have a lot of experience with men coming to me to escape and forget."

Chuck was waiting for the elevator at Van Der Woodsen's. Once it opened Blair Waldorf stepped out

"Blair!" Chuck said, caught off guard

"Chuck." She uttered sternly before turning to walk out

"Wait." Chuck said, grabbing her arm. A spark of electricity rushed through both of them at the touch, causing them to not only be surprised by the occurrence but to quickly step away from each other.

"I'm going to let your comments to Eva the other night slide... because I owe you one."

"Try 50. But I'll play along. For what?"

"For what you said... at the train station... It may have stung but I'm grateful you didn't rip into me like I had imagined you would." He smiled, she made no attempt to smile back

"Blair..." He urged

"Chuck." She cut him off, "I'm glad you are trying to make amends with everyone, and I'm glad I made you realise you had to do it, but don't think for a second that it makes things alright between us... I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I can't be your friend anymore." Blair walked off

"Chuck" Eva called out from the bedroom as she heard the elevator doors open

"One moment." Chuck said, sitting down about to pour himself a drink

"What are you doing?" She asked. He looked at her, then down at the drink, and pushed it away.

"Sorry. Slight relapse... Could you get rid of the drink for me?" He asked

"Sure." She smiled.

Once she had returned, she sat beside him on the couch

"Chuck, talk to me..."

"About what?"

"About what's going on with you"

"Things are going great, haven't you seen the papers?" He smirked

"Yes, yes I have. But when no one's around, your smile fades. I don't want you to feel that you need to bottle things up."

"Eva... You have been amazing. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine, I'm great."

"Look..." Her hand rubbed his lap, "I am the most understanding and patient person, Chuck... And I would never push or rush you into anything, so please try to understand I am doing this to help you, and if you need more time I'll understand... But you have to talk to me." She insisted

"This isn't about the picture of me and Blair again is it?" He let out an exasperated sigh

"You tell me. Every time we bump into her you grow cold. Before every deal or donation you look at that picture... I'm not angry, I just want to know that your past isn't affecting your present... I just want to help you. I know you've been through such a trauma, but I can't help you if I feel there are things you don't admit, not even to yourself."

"Eva." He said, his voice now firm. "All I want to do is be the kind of man you approve of. If I'm having set backs it is only because I'm pushing myself to do right by you. By us. Blair has nothing to do with it, you don't need to worry. There's no chance of Blair and I getting back together, she will never forgive me."

"Is that why I'm here? Because she will never forgive you?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I just meant that there's nothing to worry about!"

"Okay... If you say so, then I trust you." She smiled and kissed his cheek, before going off to bed

Chuck remained sat on the couch. His smile fading the further away Eva got.

Trust He thought.


"Blair... I thought you didn't love me anymore... I didn't care if I lived or died! Jenny Humphrey was just-"

"Don't say her name! Or anything else to me, ever again!"

-End of flashback

"Eva." Chuck called as he made his way over to the bed


"I'm sorry. You've done nothing but support me and I, I don't want you to feel like it's not appreciated."

"I know it's appreciated, Chuck. I see it in your eyes every day." She smiled as he crawled into bed with her

"...I'm scared." He finally spoke after laying there

"Of what?" She asked

"Of New York. Of being around Chuck Bass' memories... In Paris it was so much easy, being Henry."

"Henry is inside of you, you just need to realise that? Look at all you've done this past month for this city. You are a good man, Chuck Bass."

"Henry never failed the people that loved him. I'm afraid that if I take a look around me, Henry will fade and I'll disappoint everyone."

"Yes, Henry would never fail the people that love him. But Chuck Bass won't do that anymore either. You think you need Henry to survive, but you have been Chuck again for a while now and you haven't failed anyone. You haven't failed me... And I love you."

Those three words. Chuck thought Was she expecting me to say them back? Should I? I should, shouldn't I? I can't afford to lose Eva. Not now. If she goes, what if Henry goes with her. She's the only one who knows him, who makes me believe I can be like him. But those three words. I must feel those three words, this past month has been surreal. Why can't I say it? Why can't my heart take it?

"Eva..." He turned to face her, but she had dozed off. He sighed, then turned on his side and fell asleep.