Hey guys. Now, I've been inspired by a few amazing stories on here about Peter and Tony and Infinity War is next week; no doubt gonna leave me in tears. So, I thought I'd get this underway.

And this is my second attempt at an Avengers story, so there's that.

This is Post Homecoming and there will no doubt be Tony/Peter bonding fluff and whatnot.

I don't own the cover but I do like it, though I may change the title later. I own nothing Marvel at all.

So to all those who love these two cutie boys as much as me, I hope you enjoy.

Swinging through the city gave quite a thrill for Peter was in a heightened mood. It had been 3 months since he was recruited by the Tony Stark to help capture Captain America and the rogue Avengers. And it was only last month since the whole debacle with Adrian Toomes; the Vulture, and proving himself as the hero Spider-Man really is. But after all that time, it finally struck him how far he's come. As Spider Man and Peter Parker. And he was actually given a chance to be an Avenger; a dream come true.

But, he turned it down.

Not just because he wasn't ready for the big leagues yet and wanting to help the little guy, but because he felt off.

His thoughts and feelings towards Tony were changing since then. Before, he couldn't stop admiring the genius billionaire hero for years and then the day he came to his apartment in Queens, he couldn't ignore his inner fanboy as he got the chance to hang out with his idol. Then, he messed up big time at the ferry and let Tony down. But he made it up by taking down Vulture, saving his life and earned back Tony's respect for him. But now, now he just wanted to drift off into carefree space; just him doing what's best.


Just Spider-Man.

No big time baddies.

No screw ups.

Just him.

Eventually, Peter knew he would need to get the hang of this hero business solo someday. True, Tony was still his mentor but he couldn't help but feel that Tony didn't want him around. He didn't before for two months straight. And with Vulture now locked up and him turning down the offer, what else would he be needed for? His constant texts to Happy went from many to few, he didn't talk about the "internship" that much with Ned, and he always kept a distance from the abandoned tower as it reminded him of what could have been.

Maybe it was for the best. Maybe getting too attached was a waste, especially since Tony only needed him to clean up his messes. Peter winced at the thought. Tony wouldn't use him like that … would he? The more he thought about it, he couldn't help feeling sad.

But, maybe he was right. Maybe Tony was done with him. If only things were different.

Peter shook his head, already sick of thinking too much on it and kept swinging, already spotting another crook to stop.


Watching on his big digital screen as he lounged in his chair while drinking his coffee, Tony lost track of time.

He was too caught up in watching the kid stopping another small robbery to webbing up some troublemakers and he cracked a small grin as he rescued a kitty from atop a tree and gently giving it to a little girl. Tony couldn't help but marvel at how far the web-slinger had come.

But then he frowned as he couldn't remember the last time he got to chat with the kid.

He racked his brain to remember it was when he invited him upstate to offer him a place with the Avengers, but Peter turned it down. That was,without a doubt, the most shocking yet mature thing he did in the time that Tony knew him. If he knew him that well. Tony leaned back in his chair as he thought of Peter Parker.

He was brought in to help stop Cap.

He took down the Vulture all on his own.

All was said and done and he couldn't be more proud of the kid.

But now, he couldn't help but miss him.

Yes, Tony Stark, reluctantly admits he misses Peter.

Even more so since Peter doesn't look like he misses Tony at all. That was definitely off.

Tony wasn't oblivious to Peter's hero worship of him and he smirked for the ego boost. But according to Happy, the kid's frequent texts to him have dropped to near none and he just now saw the web-slinger hesitate as he came near the former Avengers tower before swinging too far, too fast. Tony abruptly stood up, tired of feeling unease at this.

"Dammit kid, what is going through that head of yours now?" He muttered.

He chucked down the rest of his coffee, grabbed some shades and made his way down to the garage, impatient for some answers.


Peter climbed through his bedroom window and pulled off his mask, sighing as he got another day of hero saving done. It was around sunset and he was itching for some down time. And since Aunt May was still at work, he would have the place to himself for now.

Now that May knew about Peter's secret after catching him red-handed, of course she freaked out. Then, he freaked out. Just like he said. But then, came the next few hours explaining everything to her after feeling he lied to her far enough, apologies, hugs, tears and a quick smack on the head. May knew that being Spider-Man was part of his life now and it would take time to get used to it but she supported it.

Quickly changing out of his suit and into a shirt with molecule prints, jeans and sneakers, he went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. He walked out to the living room to watch some TV when he spotted Tony Stark, dressed in dark attire, lounging on the couch as he browsed on his phone. Peter froze.

"Mr. Parker," he spoke when he looked up, showing a wry grin but curious eyes, "Long time no see."

"Mr. Stark! W-What are you doing here?" Peter blushed, feeling so caught off guard.

"Well, Happy says you haven't been keeping in touch much as of late, and I don't get to see you that much either, so I thought I'd drop by and see for myself."

"Well, I – I've been busy. You know, school, decathlon, Spider-Man stuff. It's just – just a lot to do, you know? So, yeah …" Peter crossed his arms across his chest, trying his best to explain but feeling flustered and making it hard to keep a neutral face.

Tony raised a brow. "Really?"

Peter only had to twist his lips to confirm Tony's suspicions.

"Yeah, here's the problem with that." He stood up suddenly, keeping a neutral face but his eyes looked serious. "I don't buy it." Peter shrunk a bit, not liking where this was going. "Because my little spider-ling, I've come to know how you think just by looking at you. And from what I can see, I can tell that something's off with you. And when that's the case, you act distant and try to throw on a facade and act like all is good and pure but it's not," Tony spoke as he walked towards Peter, who was backing away around the couch. "I have to say, though, that you helping the little people again speaks volumes about yourself, and I'm impressed that you turned me down. A little bump in my pride, but I'm proud of you." Peter felt giddy from Tony's words until he said next. "However, it doesn't change the fact that you're not being yourself; your giddy, annoying fanboy self." Peter gaped, feeling flushed. He then realized that he was backing up to the front door and Tony inched closer. Peter's back hit the door as Tony leaned over him, concern flashing in his brown eyes. "What's going on, underoos?"

Peter knew Tony wasn't leaving anytime soon and if May came back to see them like this, things would escalate badly. He knew he would be found out sooner or later. Sooner being now. He sighed and clutched his water bottle to his chest, looking at it instead of Tony.

"I just thought you wanted to take a breather from me."

"So being distant and less talkative was suppose to make things right?"

"I … you brought me in to help you stop Captain America. You … you wanted me to stay away from the Vulture when nothing was done to stop him. And … I screwed up at the ferry and let you down. Even when I turned down your offer, I still felt like I wasn't ready. I'm still not. I've got a long way to go. And … one day I'll be fighting on my own … without you. I get that you didn't want me around before but – but I know now that being clingy to you isn't going to make things better. I'm just your 'intern', after all." Peter spoke, managing to get all his thoughts out. He closed his eyes and waited for Tony to confirm it. He was ready to take the blow.

"Seriously?" Tony asked, skeptically.

Peter's eyes shot open and looked up to see Tony, looking stunned. Then, Tony leaned away as he shook his head, chuckling lightly. "Kid, I don't want that."

"You don't?" Peter's voice pitched, making him kick himself.

"Just like I know how your mind works, I know how my mind works. And mine's saying that I don't want you thinking I don't enjoy having you around because I do. I really do. And, not having your energetic self close by … I," Tony rubbed the back of his neck, mumbling but Peter's enhanced senses picked up his words. "I missed you."

Peter's cheeks went pink as he repeated him. "You ... missed me?"

Tony cursed inwardly, forgotten about Peter's enhanced hearing, but shoved his hands in his jacket pockets as he faced Peter. "Guilty as charged."

Peter's blush darkened and a shy smile adored his face as he hugged himself. "Wow."

That's when Tony's hand reached out to squeeze his shoulder and Peter was pulled out of his daze.

"I think we need a redo. This relationship of ours has to be in sync, so best effort on both our parts. From now on, no more of these bad thoughts. I'm still your mentor so I'm now making sure that you don't end up alone in the fight. Iron Man has got your back, Spider-Man. One day, you will be better than the Avengers, better than me … I can see it. Also, you will not only text me and or Happy on a daily basis, but I request that you see me every day after school to see what else is cooped up in that head of yours. And lastly, I will do my part in being there for you every step of the way. No distance, no excuses, no secrets. I almost lost you, Peter, and I'm not gonna screw that up again."

Peter felt so light-headed at Tony's declaration, even more when he finally said his name; his own name, and he said it again.

"Peter ... deal?"

Peter smiled brightly and, for the first time in what felt like a long time, felt right being in this new limelight with his idol.

"Deal!" They shook on it.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal May walking in with some Chinese takeout in hand. She gaped at seeing Tony there beside her nephew but she still smiled. "Mr. Stark, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, what can I say? Your impressionable little nephew just can't stray far from my mind." Tony teased, ruffling Peter's hair who chuckled at the action.

"Since you're here, maybe you could stay for dinner? Just some takeout, nothing fancy or anything." May offered as she moved to the kitchen, prepping everything up.

Peter was about to say Tony may not be able to due to work or avenging business when said Avenger plopped his hand in Peter's hair again when he replied, "Why Mrs. Parker, I'd be glad to. After all, me and Peter have some catching up to do."

Tony smirked down at Peter, who felt torn between being shy in the spotlight or floating on cloud nine.

I did my best to keep them in character.

This will be five chapters total and I've made it my goal to get this done before Infinity War. I will succeed!

I have planned the rest out so I will work on them. To all those reading this, thanks.

And until next time, bye guys! ;)