Good Witch: A New York Minute

The New York City skyline sparkled outside the window. Voices, laughter, music, and general good cheer could be heard in the distance. It was New Year's Eve and Nick Radford found himself in a position he never wanted to be in—alone.

For someone who had grown up in this city until he was a teenager, Nick looked upon the place he once ached to return with different eyes. A knock at his door and his mother's voice interrupted his introspection. "Nicky, honey, please come out. Talk to me," Linda Wallace pleaded with her son.

Nick could barely recall a time in his life when his mother and father were together, much less happy. They had divorced by the time he was eight years old and he had been raised by his father, with occasional visits to his mother, ever since. The only time he recalled all three of them together with minimal fighting was when his mother had come to Middleton. Looking back, Nick now realised that his father must have made a great effort to ensure he had the opportunity to be with his mother. No wonder his dad had spent so much time next door, he thought with a smile, he was grateful that Cassie had entered their lives and made Sam happy.

"Nicky," his mother knocked again. He reluctantly opened the door, "What?"

"What has gotten into you?!" she asked incredulously. "You've always enjoyed my New Year's Eve parties, but now you are rude to my guests—my friends—, cause a scene and take off to your room without an explanation or apology! I thought your father would have taught you better manners."

Nick shook his head. "I'm sorry Mom, I can't stay here anymore. I'm packed. I'm going home."

"Home. To Middleton. To your father and his wife," she said, the jealousy evident on her face.

"Yes, home," he simply answered. Sliding past her as he headed towards the door, Linda's motherly instincts kicked in. "But it's 10 at night and a nine hour drive to Middleton!"

"I won't be able to sleep tonight and I need to get out of here." Nick could see the change in demeanour in his mother's eyes as they began to water. "I'm sorry Mom," was all he could say as opened the door of the condo. "But why? Why won't you explain this to me?"

"You don't know? Your friend's didn't tell you what they said?!" The look on her face had given them his answer. "Ah, I see how it is." And, with that he left his mother behind, without saying another word.

Grey House was buzzing with activity and looking as festive as ever for the upcoming New Year. Guests, townspeople, friends and family had gathered for the first New Year party Cassie—and Grey House—had ever hosted, and as with all her events it was going off without a hitch.

With two hours left in the current year, Dr. Sam Radford returned downstairs after checking on their one year old twins, Alexander Samuel and Elizabeth Marie, in his wife's sitting-room. It was the only private, family area left in the B&B after Cassie and Grace, much to his surprise, moved into his house after their marriage. He looked around hoping to spot his wife, but just as their eyes met his phone rang. Grace appeared next to her mother's side and asked her, "Mom, has Sam heard from Nick?" Cassie noted Grace's face was full of concern at the mention of her step-brother, "I have a feeling we need to contact him." Returning her gaze to Sam she said, "No, he hasn't heard from him, but I have a feeling you're right."

Sam's caller ID had come up 'Linda' and, for him that was never good news. He answered the phone sounding as cheerful as possible despite his gritting teeth, "Linda, how can I how help you?

"Sam," she said answered anxiety and worry in her voice. "I'm sorry to interrupt your New Year activities, but I had to tell you…" She paused for a moment and Sam could hear her take a deep breath. "Nick has left New York. He said he wanted to go home, he had his bags packed, and walked out of the condo. I have tried to call him, but he is not answering his phone." As Linda shared the news, Sam's knees buckled and he stumbled to sit on the stairs. The next thing he knew Cassie and Grace, as if out of nowhere, were at his side. They watched as concern and worry took over Sam's face.

"What? Left?" he asked, trying to grasp the news. "Why? What happened? He loves spending New Year's with you in New York."

"I know and I don't know what happened," she explained. "I was in the kitchen talking with the caterers—they had messed up royally on the hors d'oeurves…"

"Linda…our son…" Sam brought her back.

"Of course, yes. I was talking with them and all of the sudden I heard Nick's voice booming from the living room. He was cursing at my guests. I heard him mention you and Cassie in his loud rant as well. By the time I got out there to see what the matter was, he had already gone to his room. I don't know what's come over him, Sam."

Cassie could tell by the lines forming on his forehead and look in his eyes that her husband was having trouble believing and processing the information he was receiving from his ex-wife. "You're telling me Nick went on some kind of rant, was swearing loudly and mentioned me and Cassie? And, now he has left?!"

"Yes," Linda replied simply and emphatically.

"OK, do you think he is headed back here?" There was a pause before Linda answered. "Yes, he said he was returning to Middleton." Sam had doubted most of Linda's version of events, up until now. Something in her voice told him this bit of information was the truth. "Well, I am sorry he left," Sam consoled. "I will have a talk with him and have him call you."

"Ok," she replied. "Bye." With those final words, he hung up and put down his phone, immediately comforted by his wife and step-daughter.

Nick sat at a red light in his father's Jeep trying to get a hold of his emotions. He phone had rung several times, but he didn't answer. His Mom. Later, Grace. They had both left messages; his mother still slightly pleading for him to return yet also scolding him for 'yelling' at her guests. His step-sister, on the other hand, was clearly worried about him: "Are you alright? Nick, please call me. I have a feeling something's up." Ever since he had met Grace she always had her 'feelings' and usually they were, unbelievably, spot on like knowing he didn't want to go to Hong Kong or New York when his mother first came to Middleton, his backing out of London, knowing he was going to ask out Courtney and she was right again. No doubt he would soon be hearing from his Dad.

Cars honked. The light had turned green while he was lost in thought. He shook his head. "I have to get home," he said out loud to himself. He turned on the radio and a country tune belted out of the speakers; Nick made a face, changed the station and focused on the road ahead.

Cassie knew Sam wasn't in the mood for celebration anymore. "Why don't we go home," she suggested. "George and Abigail handle Grey House, and Martha can preside over any other aspects that pop up."

"No, no," Sam insisted. "You stay, but I will go home. This is the first New Year party at Grey House. The hostess should be here." Sam looked at her and she knew he would not give in. He wanted it his way; she would let him have it, for now, she decided. "Ok, if that's what you want," she said, speaking to her daughter with just a look and letting her know she wasn't staying much longer. "Why don't we all take Alex and Lizzie back to the house, so they can sleep in their own room" Cassie began. "And," Grace continued. "I will stay with you, Sam, and wait for Nick to call." Sam nodded, agreeing with his Merriwick women's plan.